
Curse of the Wereslut: Part One

Come on, where are we going?” You ask, growing flustered. You have been walking for almost an hour now, and your friend, John, has yet to elaborate on where you are heading.

“Almost there,” John replies. “Trust me, dude, it’s gonna be worth the walk.” He adds.

“It better be!” You reply curtly. John had so far led you through field after field, with seemingly no end. As you walked, you watched the sun vanish into the horizon as the surroundings got darker and darker. You know there is nothing to fear out here, but you still don’t want to walk around the countryside in the dark. You are just getting to the point of balking and heading back when, suddenly, John stops.

“We’re here!” He cries out happily.

You look around expectantly but only see the same surroundings you had seen for the previous hour. As you peer into the darkening surroundings, all you can see are fields stretching in all directions. You can’t see anything worth the journey.

“So we came all this way… for a field?” You ask, not even attempting to mask your annoyance. John, however, didn’t appear to be listening to you. Instead, he seemed to be looking around excitedly; his eyes opened as wide as they would go. Was he expecting Santa Claus to appear on the horizon?

“She’ll come. I know it!” John said while still carefully observing the surrounding area. Woman? What woman? He saying this was the first time you had heard about meeting a woman.

“Who?” You ask, but seemingly on deaf ears.

“I just know it! I can feel it! She will come!” He added, ignoring you.

“WHO!?” You shout, your frustration finally getting the best of you.

John just blinked at you in response to your outburst. Had he forgotten that you were here? “Oh…” He replied, looking a little embarrassed. “You don’t know, do you?”

“No.” You reply curtly. “You didn’t tell me a thing about why you brought me out here.”

“Well, okay. I guess I can tell you now.” He said, looking around carefully as though he was worried about eavesdroppers. “You know how I like to go on walks, right?”

You didn’t really, but nodded anyway.

“Well, I was walking this way. This was about a month ago. Usually, I don’t walk so far, but a bright full moon in the sky made me want to walk towards it. So I did, the bright silvery glow of the moon covering me as I did.” John told this story while staring into the distance, as though he relived the experience as he spoke. ‘Eventually, I got to this exact spot. There was nothing special about this spot itself, but for some reason, I felt, like deep in my heart, that something special was around, so I stopped. I looked around for a bit, and then I found something here. Something incredible…”

“Okay, I’ll bite. What did you find?”

“A woman!”

“A… woman?”

“Yes, the most beautiful woman I had ever seen. She was not like the women we get ’round her… She was Black, with dark skin and curly black hair. Her body was incredible: large-yet-perky tits, wide hips, and a prominent ass.” His eyes moved rapidly as he said this, as though he was drawing the woman with his eyes.

“You’re describing her like she was…”

“Naked? She was! 100% butt-naked. I could see every inch of her, and every inch was flawless. I expected her to scream when she saw me, but instead, she just locked eyes with mine. There was something about how she looked at me; it made me…”

“Made you…?”

“Hard. So fucking hard!” He answered proudly. You grimace as you hear this, not expecting to learn about your friend’s private parts. However, he didn’t seem to notice your discomfort and continued his story. “She waved her hand to me, inviting me to her, and I obliged. As soon as I got to her, she pushed her body into mine. I felt her hard nipples stab into my torso as her soft body rub against mine. My rock-hard cock stabbing into her body.”

“You didn’t!” You asked, realizing where this story was going.

“How could I not!?” He erupted. “The passion took control, and my clothes came off. Soon, we both fell to the soft ground, and I was on top of her, kissing and licking every part of her perfect body. It wasn’t long before I felt the warm wetness of her pussy as I entered her!”

“Oh my god…”

“It was the most passionate sex of my life. She was insatiable and knew exactly how to please a man. I must have cummed five times before falling asleep beside her on the ground.”

“And when you woke up?”

“She was gone.” He replied, looking rueful. “And I was alone, naked, laying on the ground around this spot. My clothes were thrown around me. There was no sign of the woman.”

For a moment, you and John both just stood there in silence. The story you just heard was incredible. Too incredible. There was no way it was true! You thought to yourself: indeed, you could never believe a story like this. “Surely this was just a dream, John.” You finally say.

“After getting dressed and walking home, I came to the same conclusion. I thought it must have been a dream and pushed the experience out of my mind. My dreams only encouraged this conclusion: every night after, I either dreamed of full moons or the same woman. But as the month went on, I started to feel more and more that it was real. I felt it in my heart. I felt it in my soul.”

“And you started to feel that she would come again?”

“Yes. I started like… You know, just feel that if I came here again… That she would be here. On the full moon, like tonight.”

“But why bring me?”

“Do you know what it is like to experience something like that and not be sure it’s true? I needed someone to witness and tell me I am not crazy.”

“So that is me?” You ask, feeling that you ought to tell your friend that he is definitely crazy.

“Yes.” He replied simply.

“But where is she then?” You ask, looking around you for the ghost woman. You notice at this point that a silverly full moon was starting to become visible as the sun reached the end of its descent into the horizon.

“She’ll be here. I know it!” Replied John, an almost wild look in his eyes now. “The full moon is almost here. I know she will come when it shines!”

“Okay, John, I’ll wait.” You reply calmly, now growing worried for your friend’s mental health.

You both stood there, waiting. John was scanning the environment excitedly, his eyes again open wide, while you stood there expecting nothing to happen and just thinking about what you should do about your friend’s madness. The sun had now completely vanished, revealing a bright full moon, albeit covered by some clouds in the sky.

Both you and John stare up at the moon and watch as the wind pushes the clouds away, revealing the full moon in its entirety. Its silver light brightly covering the whole area where you are standing.

“Okay, John, it’s a full moon now. If the woman doesn’t show now, she never will.” You say, your tone firm.

John didn’t reply and just continued to stare at the moon.

“John? Did you hear me? It’s the full moon now, and she’s not here. Let’s go home!” You say, raising your voice.

But he still didn’t seem to hear you.

“John?” You say, getting worried. “John!” You cry as you walk to him and grab his arm. You feel his body is hot and covered in sweat as you do. You try to pull him away, but he doesn’t budge.

“What is wrong with you!” You cry, panic now setting in as you continue to fail to move him.

Suddenly, he flails his arms, elbowing you in the head as he does so. The pain is overwhelming, and before you know it, you are falling backward. Your back hits the ground with a thud. As you try to shake off the pain, he pulls his t-shirt over his head, discarding it to the floor.

“What the fuck are you doing!” You scream, feeling disoriented and sick. You can only lay on the ground as you watch him step out of his shoes and slip his socks off, dropping them to the floor.

“Stop!” You cry, but he seems not to hear you. Soon, he is pulling his pants and underwear off in one go, throwing them to the ground and leaving him completely naked.

You can only see him from behind from your position, laying on the ground behind him. Which you are thankful for, as you can only see his hairy ass and back. The whole time John had been undressing, he had been staring at the moon, and now, naked, he continued to do the same. He just stood there, completely nude, staring into the sky.

You push on the ground and sit up. You intend to stand up, but what you see next stops you dead.

Every hair on John’s body suddenly fell out, leaving every part below his head completely hairless. No, not just hairless but smooth: his skin becoming softer and smoother as its complexion shifts, going from the tone of a white man who spent too long in the sun to something much lighter. You feel your heartbeat grow faster and louder as you watch his skin become as fair and flawless as porcelain.

“What is happening!?” You scream. You just lay there in silence for a moment, your panicked question hanging in the air. That is until suddenly you hear a slight cracking sound. And another… And then more and more until you hear a series of cracks and pops that pierce the silent night air. You quickly realize this unsettling sound is coming from John’s bones and joints. It makes you feel sick, but you can’t help but lay there transfixed.

You watch as it happens fast, a frantic shift of flesh and bone. His pelvis thrusts and expands with a shocking jolt, broadening dramatically, hinting at the formation of curvier hips. This causes his behind to round out significantly, the muscles and fat redistributing to create a fuller, more pronounced shape that contrasts sharply with what was there before. You watch as his ass becomes prominent and shapely. You watch as he develops a sexy big ass.

John’s knees then buckle slightly, snapping into a new, more inward angle, creating a more defined curve from his hips down to his knees. His new hips and knees changing the alignment of his legs into a much more pleasing form.

While you stare at the new angle of his legs, you see them continue to reshape, developing new curves as they both swell and retract: muscle and fat changing ratios, causing softer, rounder flesh to become prominent. The cracking and popping, retracting and swelling causing the length of his legs to shrink: your friend losing inches of height in the process.

His calves then twitch and reshape from hard muscular lines into curves that are soft yet well-defined, forming a pleasing line that flows from his newly rounded thighs down to his now slender ankles. Your eyes follow this pleasing line down to his feet, which are now undergoing a change of their own. You hear yet more bones crunching and reforming as his feet develop a more delicate and arched shape. Standing from behind, it’s his heels that are most noticeable as they become narrow, soft, and smooth.

Your eyes, forced open by the spectacular you had just witnessed, now allow themselves to blink. When you open them, you finally see that John’s legs are incredible. From his prominent ass to his rounded thighs, down to his slender calves and delicate heels. Every aspect of his legs was now perfect… for a woman. You also notice the skin on his legs had grown a slight yellow hue that was just noticeable over his perfect porcelain skin.

You just stay that way for a moment, staring in awe before suddenly…


John’s waist cinches inwards suddenly, matching his new hips and creating a more pronounced hourglass figure that flows naturally from his new ass.

Now, a new series of snaps and crackles begins, and you witness his back crush inwards as his rib cage narrows while his spine realigns with a loud series of pops. At the same time, his previously muscular back reshapes to match as muscles melt, his form yielding to a smoother shape that flows naturally from his newly narrowed waist.

You hear a muffled grunt from John as his shoulders roll forward and inward, becoming less broad, the hard lines giving way to softer, rounded edges that fit perfectly with the rest of his new body. At the same time, his arms rapidly shift, muscle vanishing as the clicking and popping sounds follow every part of each arm from finger to forearm, rapidly slender down. His fingers were now slender, and his hands tiny compared to what was there before.

John’s height loss is now even more apparent, his entire frame having compacted, bringing a newfound proportion to his changing form. John now turns slightly, allowing you to see the edge of now see, like a pair of balloons being inflated, the edge of new boobs being developed, his once flat and muscular expanse rounding and filling out. You even get to watch his nipple, once small, plump out to match the size of his new boobs. His new tits suit his new ass in size and shape.

You hear more strange cracking sounds as your gaze moves to his neck, witnessing the muscles and tendons there shifting, elongating, and creating a graceful line that complements his new rounded shoulder and pleasing back. Finally, only again, you see the yellow hue spread over his body.

You think John must be a foot shorter now as he stands there still facing the moon. Every part of his body below his head has become completely unrecognizable. His skin was perfect, porcelain with that slight yellow hue. His heels were dainty, his calves and thighs shapely, his ass big and sexy. His hands were tiny, his arms slender, his waist tiny, his shoulders narrow, and on his chest hung a large pair with big, suckable nipples. Even his neck, now slender, was shapely and inviting. You can’t help but feel a pang below as you admire each part of his new sexy body.

You know it can’t be over yet, and sure enough, you soon notice a sudden burst of growth at the back of his head as his hair starts to grow rapidly. Instead of his usual light color, however, you notice it is growing out both thick and black. The strands multiply at an astonishing rate, falling heavily down his back and reaching his lower back in a matter of moments.

As John has already turned slightly, you are able to glimpse the side of his face, which is now undergoing its own transformation. You can just about hear the bones grind and shift as his previously square jawline softens and becomes more refined. This change is happening quickly, his skin pulling taut, then relaxing as the structure beneath it changes violently, giving his face a rapid, flickering transition between the old and the new.

His ears reshape, tugging slightly upward in a quick, sharp motion that looks both painful and exhilarating. From your angle, you can barely catch the reshaping of his nose, the bridge narrowing, and the tip lifting ever so slightly in an abrupt yet fluid movement.

And just like that, you can tell the transformation is. Every part of John has now changed, and you are staring at the lovely smooth naked back of a woman, with long black hair reaching the lower back and a lovely yellow hue covering porcelain skin. In any other circumstance, you’d be extremely aroused to be in such a woman’s presence. But knowing this friend is John is just about stopping you from getting aroused.

You continue to stare for a moment before finally finding your voice, a shaky whisper that breaks the silence. “John?” you call out, unsure. And then the new woman behind to turn around.

The new woman’s front is as incredible as the back. You first notice her face, unrecognizable from before, with beautiful Asian features that look like the perfect women you see in Chinese cinema. You find your eyes then travel down to her tits, which are large and perfectly shaped, and then further down to her pussy which is hairless and tight. Finally, your eyes catch a glimpse of her perfect toes, which lift up as she begins to walk towards you.

She has already closed the gap by the time you realize what was happening. Before you could react, she put her bare foot on your chest, pushing you to the ground. You lay there, her foot pushing down on you, looking up at her in a daze. Her eyes lock onto yours. You see a smile form on her lips.

“John?” you ask in a whisper.

No reply.

“John is that-” You are cut off as she pushes her toes against your mouth. You wince as her warm toes dig into your lips painfully. You try to push the fact that these were John’s toes out of your mind. You try not to feel sick.

But you don’t have much time to think as she pushes her toes harder into your lips until, finally, she forces them in. They enter your mouth, and you gag as her toenails dig into your tongue.

“Shhh…” She whispers, her voice sweet. You feel her other foot, still bare, touch the front of your pants.

She then rubs that foot over your crotch. You can’t stop your cock growing. You don’t like feet, but having a woman with such a sexy Asian body acting this way toward you causes arousal to erupt through you.

She feels your cock and giggles. “Good…” she says quietly. The voice is nothing like John’s. It’s not just the pitch of the voice but also the way that she speaks. The tone is… Colder? And even the way she formed the word feels different.

She then presses her foot into your crotch, the pressure forcing your cock to grow bigger. She rubs her foot back and forth over your groin, massaging your cock with her big toe. You try not to enjoy the feeling, but it starts to feel pleasurable.

“We fuck. We fuck now.” She says, her voice commanding, a kind of Asian accent definitely present. You want to reply but can only mumble into her toes.

She removes her foot from your mouth.

“John, stop this!” You cry.

“John? Me no John,” She says, the look in her eyes turning to confusion. “Me no name, me no need name. Only need fuck. We fuck. Now!” She adds her voice firm, the look in her eyes turning cold and demanding.

You stare up at her.

She steps away, her bare feet now on the ground. With your cock aching in your pants, you can’t take your eyes off her naked body. Her large breasts, her smooth legs, her sexy big ass, her inviting pussy. In normal circumstances, you’d already be inside of her, but this was John. You must remember this is John. Your cock is so hard and aching unbearably in your pants.

“You think you no want fuck! You want fuck! We fuck!” She cries out.

“Oh God!” You cry. The ache is so strong now. Your cock is begging you to let it go. To fuck the woman in front of you. Your head is spinning. You try to keep calm, to remember who this woman really is. But a desire is growing within you; your sense is starting to leave you. You feel drunk.

“Me make you fuck. We fuck. We fuck now!” She says.

“Please… John… I can’t… Do this… To you,” You whimper, struggling to keep a hold on yourself. But the woman seems to know that you are losing control. She squats down next to you and puts her hand on your cock, rubbing it through your pants. It feels so good. So fucking good.

“Oh God! Stop,” You moan.

She keeps rubbing her hand over your cock, through your pants. You feel like your cock is about to explode. She then starts to unzip your pants. You know you should resist, but you can’t bring yourself to. She effortlessly pulls your pants and underwear off, causing your throbbing hard cock to spring out and feel the fresh air.

She then climbs on top of you. “Me make you fuck” she says, the look in her eyes cold and commanding. You stare into her beautiful eyes, unable to say no. She then reaches between your legs and grabs hold of your cock.

“Fuck me,” She says, her voice filled with authority. The ache in your cock is unbearable as it throbs and twitches. Your head swims as a drunk feeling fills your senses. Your will to resist crumbles as she rubs you masterfully.

How could you not give in?

Suddenly, like a man possessed, you grab hold of her hips and yank her towards you. She allows herself to fall on top of you, her position perfect for the tip of your cock to press against the entrance to her pussy.

“Oh God!” You gasp as you feel her warm wetness as you force her down onto your cock, slamming the whole length into her in one go. She lets out a high-pitched squeal, her pussy tight and hot around your cock.

You can’t stop yourself from slamming your hips into her, the pleasure overwhelming you as you begin to thrust into her with abandon.

“FUCK!” You cry out, her pussy squeezing your cock so tightly, the heat and friction causing you to lose control.

“Yes! Yes!” She cries out, her body shaking.

You tighten your ass and slam your hips into her over and over, her pussy tightening and relaxing with each thrust, the sensation driving you mad. You’ve never felt anything like it before.

You keep pushing your cock upwards into her, her pussy clamping down on you, the sensation almost unbearable. You feel yourself approaching orgasm, the pressure building inside of you, threatening to explode at any moment.

“I’m going to cum!” You shout.

“Yes! Cum! Cum!” She cries out, her words driving you wild, your cock throbbing inside of her.

“FUUUUUCK!” You scream as you explode, pumping her full of your cum, your entire body shuddering with ecstasy.

“OH GOD!! YES!” She screams, her pussy spasming around you, her body shaking violently.

You keep thrusting, the pleasure coursing through your body, your orgasm seemingly endless.

“Fuck! Fuck!” You cry out, your voice hoarse.

She keeps thrusting her hips into you, her pussy squeezing your cock, her body shuddering with each movement.

You can’t take it anymore, the pleasure too intense, the pressure too great. You finally collapse, your body limp, the only sound being your labored breathing.

She rolls off of you and lays beside you.

You look over at her, her naked body glistening with sweat, her pussy swollen and dripping.

You are panting, gasping for air.

She looks back at you, a wicked grin on her face. As you meet her eyes, glowing with a strange malevolence, a strong fatigue fills you. Her grin turns to darkness as you fall asleep.

It’s morning when you wake. The light blinding as you lay there, still exhausted from last night, every muscle in your body aching.

“What happened last night?” You think to yourself. It takes a moment for the memories to come flooding back and for you to remember what happened to you and John.

“Oh shit!” You exclaim, shooting to your feet. You are still in the middle of the field that John brought you to, your pants and underwear around your ankles but otherwise fully dressed. You look around, and there is no John. There is no sign of a sexy Asian woman, either. You are completely alone.

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