
The Acupuncture Whore

Joshua Wilson had been a journalist in England for nearly a decade, and in that time, he had broken some of the most scandalous stories in recent memory. Corruption, embezzlement, and sexual scandals had been his bread and butter for years, and he had made more enemies than he could count. It was fair to say that Joshua wasn’t easily scared of a story. Yet, his most recent line of inquiry was giving him pause for thought.

Joshua had decided to take a break from the politics of the realm and had instead decided to dedicate himself to a criminal organization that had grown powerful in London. This organization was a secretive group originating from China: nothing unusual there. But this group was not the usual Tongs or CCP-affiliated groups that were common across all international cities. In fact, this group was so secret that even the police seemed to have not heard of it. It was only due to Joshua’s deep connections that he had stumbled upon its existence, and what he heard were just whispers of rumors.

The little that Joshua had heard was enough to intrigue him, however. It wasn’t that every single crime you can think of had been associated with the group; in truth, that didn’t much interest Joshua. Instead, it was that many people whom Joshua trusted and had given him priceless information in the past were claiming in all seriousness that the group used magic and mysticism to get ahead. Magic and mysticism! It sounded preposterous, but Joshua had learned early on in his career never to pass up a good tip, even if far-fetched. In this initial investigation, Joshua had also managed to learn the name of the group: the Lingyun Brotherhood. Lingyun meant something like spirit cloud, which sounded as preposterous as the claims the organization could do magic. Still, once again, he knew better than to pass it up.

It was for this reason that Joshua was sitting in a bubble tea cafe in the heart of Chinatown in London. It was late on a Thursday evening and absolutely tipping it down, causing the cafe to be much quieter than usual. Joshua sat next to the window and watched as crowds of tourists battled the wind and rain as they rushed to find shelter. Tourists often neglect to bring umbrellas and raincoats when visiting the city and get caught out by a sudden turn in the British weather. Always come prepared, Joshua thought to himself with self-deprecation. He had brought nothing but a notepad and a pen to the meeting where he was supposedly going to learn about one of the most secretive crime organizations in existence today. He looked at his watch and saw it was five o’clock; the woman was already twenty minutes late.

Her name was Wenlu Li, and she had been introduced to Joshua by one of his sources. Well, maybe introduced was the wrong word, as he had so far only messaged her on Signal. She was a call girl who was working across London, usually with high-value clients whom her employers would then blackmail for money or favors. What is the name of these employers? The Lingyun Brotherhood. Not that she wanted to be a call girl. She had been plucked from her village in Shandong province on the promise of good work in Britain and had only learned of what exactly that work was after she had arrived and was in no position to argue. In short, it is a fairly typical case of trafficking. What wasn’t typical was Wenlu Li’s willingness to talk, and it was for this very reason that she was going to meet him today.

Joshua scanned the people moving across the downpour outside the cafe and wondered which one would turn out to be Wenlu. Obviously, it was going to be a woman and, obviously, a Chinese one. His eyes ended up snapping at every Chinese woman who walked by, but few matched the profile of Wenlu. A kind of suit and heels was the usual garb for a high-class escort and a look he would expect for a call girl. As he watched the world go by, he started to worry that she wasn’t going to come after all. Was she in trouble?


With a jolt, Joshua’s attention snapped back to the cafe, and his eyes rested on a petite Asian woman with dark, straight hair and a long face. She wore a navy blue dress and had a cream raincoat over the top, while on her feet were a pair of Onitsuka Tiger sneakers.

“Wenlu?” Asked Joshua, forcing back his composure. She dressed nothing like he expected and had managed to enter the cafe without him noticing. She clearly wasn’t as naive or helpless as he had assumed.

She nodded and sat down opposite Joshua, who took a long, hard look at the woman. She was quite young, in her mid-twenties, and her features were small and delicate. Her makeup was flawless, and her nails were perfectly manicured, a common feature of all escorts. She was certainly a beauty, and Joshua could see why they had wanted her as a call girl.

“Can I buy you a drink?” Joshua offered.

“I order already,” Wenlu replied, her accent thick and heavy.

Joshua glanced at the counter where a server was putting the finishing touches on a couple of large cups of bubble tea. “I didn’t notice you doing so.”

Wenlu gave a slight shrug. “I know.”

Before Joshua could reply, the server had approached the table and put the drinks down, the ice and straws clinking in the glass as the liquid settled. “Thanks,” Joshua muttered, not taking his eyes off the woman before him. She stared back, ignoring her drink.

“So, you want know about Lingyun?”

Joshua gave her a wry smile. “Yes, I do.”


“I am a journalist. I seek out information.”

“I recommend you stop now.”

Joshua leaned back in his chair. “Why would you say that?”

“The Lingyun are more dangerous than you can think.”

“Let me worry about myself, Wenlu.” Replied Joshua with a wide smirk. “Just tell me all you know, and I’ll do the rest.”

Wenlu took a sip from her bubble tea and sighed. She then gestured for Joshua to do the same, which he did. The tea was a little too sweet, but otherwise, it was quite refreshing. “What to say? Lingyun everywhere. Just hear the name, and suddenly you in big trouble. They know everyone. They control everything. Politicians, businessmen, even police. They know where you live and who your family are. If they want, they can kill. No one is safe.”

Joshua sucked up another mouthful of the sweat tea and chewed on one of the tapioca bubbles. “I just need a name. Just one name. You give me that, and I can help you.”

“No. I cannot do,” Replied Wenlu, shaking her head.

“I can protect you.”

“Impossible. No one is protected.”

“Come on, Wenlu. Please give me something. I have resources, you don’t.”

Wenlu stared at him for a moment, then said: “You can’t even protect yourself.”

Joshua frowned. “What?”

“You just drink poison.”

Joshua paused, the straw of his bubble tea cup touching his lips. “Did you say poison?”

Wenlu sighed. “I tell you already. You cannot protect yourself.”

Joshua pushed the tea away from himself and stared at it for a second, his mouth suddenly dry. He didn’t feel ill or weak. How could he have drunk poison? He glanced back at Wenlu and saw the look of sorrow in her eyes.

“What was it?”

“Sleeping drug, you no have long time.”

Joshua shot up onto his feet, but his legs buckled, and he fell back into his seat. His vision started to blur. He could make out the vague shape of a waitress walking toward the table, and he felt Wenlu’s hand on his.

“Why?” Joshua whispered.

“I sorry. I so sorry. They make me. I no choice.”

Joshua tried to speak, but no words came. The world became hazy, then black, and soon he was lost in a dark void.

“Please forgive me…” was the last thing he heard as he lost consciousness.


The first thing Joshua Wilson saw was his own body, as he seemed to be floating above himself. He was lying on a large, steel table in a sterile, brightly lit room. Other than leather straps on his wrists and ankles, he was completely naked, and the bright white light made his skin seem pale and sickly. Joshua blinked multiple times, trying to clear the drowsiness from his mind. After a while of just staring at himself, he realized that he wasn’t floating above himself but was instead staring directly into a mirrored ceiling. He then remembered what happened, with the cafe and the call girl and the poison flashing through his mind. As he saw Wenlu’s sorrowful face in his mind, he wrenched the restraints, but they didn’t move an inch. He tried again to move but couldn’t, as his body was firmly tied down. He couldn’t move an inch.

“Fuck!” He cursed as he tried to break free once more, causing him to pant from his exertions. After a couple more attempts to move, he stopped and just laid still, staring up at his naked reflection in the ceiling. He had never felt more powerless.

Joshua took a look around the room. It was almost completely empty, except for the steel table he lay on and another smaller table next to him, which was empty. The walls were painted a sterile white, and the floor was tiled white too. There was one door directly in front of him, which was also white. There were no windows in the room. He had never been in such a barren place before.

“Let me out of here!” He yelled. “I’m not supposed to be here!”

But nobody answered.

“What the hell is this place?!”

Again, he was met with silence.

He realized he had no choice but to wait… Wait for the bastards who had captured him to do whatever it was they had planned for him. He just hoped whatever it was would be quick.

It must have been hours before someone entered the room, not that it was easy to tell time when there were no clocks or natural light. Finally, the door swung open, and a single figure stepped into the room. It was an older Asian woman with a deeply wrinkled face. She wore a lab coat and black pants with a pair of black heels that click-clacked on the titled ground as she walked in. In her hand was a metal tray with various thin needles inside.

“Who are you!? Why am I here!?” Joshua demanded, trying to hide the fear in his voice.

The woman didn’t answer, instead just placing the tray on the smaller table next to Joshua. She then walked around Joshua, seemingly inspecting his body. Joshua watched her, feeling extremely exposed and powerless, and this woman peered at each part of his naked male body.

“What are you doing!? Let me go!”

“You are very strong, Mr. Wilson. Good, good.” The woman spoke in perfect English with just a trace of a Chinese accent.

“How do you know my name?!”

“Oh, I know a lot more than just your name, I assure you. Now, please relax, Mr. Wilson. I will start soon.”

“Start what?”

“Your procedure, of course. Don’t worry; you are in good hands with me.”

Joshua stared at the woman, fear and confusion spreading through his mind. He had no idea what this woman was talking about, but it couldn’t be good. His mind raced as to what a procedure could mean. Organ theft? Mutilation?

“What are you going to do to me?”

The woman chuckled, grabbing one of the needles from the tray as she did so. Joshua noticed the needle was made of silver with an extremely sharp tip and a handle for manipulation. It was significantly thinner than the needles used to give injections and resembled a fine strand of hair with a metallic sheen. It was also much longer.

He had seen needles like this before… but where?

“I do enjoy conversation as I work.” The woman said as she examined the needle. “But I’m afraid I need to concentrate so…” she continued as she expertly forced the needle into his neck. She did this so quickly that Joshua didn’t even have time to react to what she was doing. The needle went into the midline of the neck, in the area above the Adam’s apple and below the chin, and sat there in his flesh.

“What th-” Joshua began before he felt his voice constrict and then stop. It was like a switch had been flicked, and he was unable to make a sound. He could only move his lips uselessly as a strange numbness spread around where the needle lay in his flesh.

“Yes, silence is what I need…” Said the woman as she watched him try to speak. “So, I inserted a needle into the Lianquan point of your body. Your ability to speak will be restricted until I remove it.”

Joshua felt a sense of panic as his speaking attempts failed. It was at this point he realized where he recognized the needles: they were acupuncture needles. But wasn’t acupuncture just nonsense that did nothing more than part fools from their cash? How was it actually stopping him from speaking this way?

“Now we can begin the procedure.” Said the woman.

Joshua could only watch as the woman moved to a position at the foot end of the table. He tried once again to move his body, but the straps still refused to budge, so all he could do was lamely strain against his bonds as he watched the woman pick up another couple of needles.

“Let’s begin with the Yongquan point.’ She said as she gently felt the bottom of his soles, seemingly searching for something. She did this for a while, her warm, slender fingers probing carefully. Joshua could only lay there in anticipation as he felt and watched her work at the end of the table. This continued for a few moments. And then a few more as the anticipation in him grew. Before suddenly…

He grimaced as he felt a sharp stabbing feeling at the bottom of his right foot. He found himself staring at himself in the mirror above as he opened his mouth to cry out, but no sound came. Instead, his mouth opened even wider as he felt another sharp pain as a needle pierced his left foot, too. For a moment, all Joshua could feel was the pain of the two needles that had been forced deep into his soles. But this quickly evolved into a pulsating warmth that radiated from where the needles were inserted. The sensation felt like warm water being poured onto the sole, spreading and enveloping it. Despite his terrible situation, he couldn’t help it feeling good.

“A precise insertion. I can feel the Qi from the needle harmonizing with yours.” Said the woman as she began feeling Joshua’s soles again.

And so, Joshua lay still, a needle embedded in each foot and one in his neck. The room seemed to fall silent around him, every sensation heightened as if time itself was holding its breath. Then…


A sudden onslaught of cracks and crunches echoed through him as he felt his feet contract and his toes constrict. He tried to scream, but no sound came, and instead, he could only grimace in silence as the bones, muscles, and skin of the feet began to tingle and itch painfully. His gaze, drawn by the intense sensations, darted down his body and to his feet, but nothing could have prepared him for what he saw. He watched in horror as the contours of his feet shifted before his eyes, with his toes reshaping and the whole profile of his feet shrinking. At the same time, he felt his arches accentuate, creating a more pronounced curve, while his heels tapered, becoming daintier. He also noticed his skin, once textured and tanned, became smooth, hairless, and changing hue.

It was a painful yet mesmerizing sight to behold. He wanted desperately to scream out, and yet, the needle in his neck prevented that. At the same time, he felt something flow into his mind. It was a memory, or maybe a kind of flashback, of walking. But not in a place he had never been before. He saw rice paddies and lush green fields stretching up to tall mountains, unlike anything that Joshua had ever seen before. It was like he was remembering someone else’s life in a land he had never seen before. It was the most surreal experience of his life, yet he could not say a word.

“Hmmm…” The woman said as she watched alongside him. “Looks like your body is responding well to the Qi.”

Joshua thought his feet must have almost halved in size, from a size eleven down to a size five at best. They looked truly tiny at the end of his large body, and his ankles connected awkwardly to his new appendages. He desperately wanted to demand she stop. To demand that she change his feet back to how they were before and let her go. But he could only open his mouth and close it again. He could not make a sound.

She must have seen the desperation in his eyes, though, and guessed what he was thinking as she responded to him. “There is no going back, but don’t worry, it gets easier as your Qi harmonizes more and more with my needles.”

He had no idea what this meant and couldn’t ask, even if he wanted to. So, he just watched helplessly as the woman walked around him and took more needles from the tray, her heels clicking and clacking as she carried these needles and walked back to the foot-end of the table. He saw that this time she had six needles in her hand this time. The woman peered at his leg before once again beginning to probe his flesh, although this time, it was along both his legs.

She started at his ankles, probing firmly with her slender fingers before moving up to the area just below the knees. She then continued up to his inner thighs, pressing her fingers in between his legs. He couldn’t help but squirm as she touched such a sensitive and private area of his body. He tried to meet her eyes, to plead for her to stop, but she just ignored him as she carefully inspected his legs.

“Good.” She said as her probing continued. “We can continue with the Taixi, Zusanli, and Henggu points.”

Once again, Joshua was forced to let the anticipation grow as he watched and felt the woman probe his legs, seemingly searching for something. As her fingers explored, her other hand held the needles, ready for action. His eyes were drawn to them, the silver glistening brightly under the strong clinical lighting. And then…

Joshua clenched his teeth as, in a quick and fluid motion, she inserted a needle into each ankle. This was a particularly painful place to be stabbed, and his chin snapped upwards as his mouth opened wide in pain. But he didn’t have long to dwell on this as she deftly inserted another couple of needles just below each kneecap. Joshua’s eyes closed tightly from the pain of this, but she continued without hesitation, forcing a needle into the inner thigh of both legs.

He could only lay there, his chin as high as it would go, his eyes scrunched shut, and his mouth stretched wide. It must have been minutes before the pain began to subside, and he could relax his head and neck once more. Joshua’s heavy breaths now filled the room as he tried to regulate the surges of discomfort. As the initial shock of the needle insertion began to wane, another sensation replaced it: a hum of energy coursing through his legs, emanating from each of the needles’ insertion points.

The sensations were unlike anything he’d ever felt before. At his ankles, he felt a cool, grounding sensation reminiscent of the way one’s feet feel after stepping into a calm stream. At his knees, the sensation was more dynamic, like ripples upon a pond, expanding outwards from the needles. This energy pulsed rhythmically, not unlike his own heartbeat. At his inner thighs, the sensation was warm and intimate, as though warm oil was being rubbed into his skin. Once again, despite himself, he couldn’t help these sensations feeling good. But this time, he knew what to expect and was waiting for it.

“Excellent.” The woman said. “I can feel the harmony between your Qi and my needles increasing.”

Joshua lay there, waiting for it to come. Waiting for it to start, just like what happened at his feet. But it took a while, and he lay there, mentally bracing himself for quite a while. So long that he almost began to doubt it would come. Almost…


A sharp jolt shot through his legs, making his entire body jump and his teeth clench. His muscular legs began to shift. The crunch of bones and the slither of muscles rearranging were almost unbearable. The muscles first contracted, making them visibly smaller. Then, an unfamiliar softness began to form around his thighs and calves as fat redistributed itself, giving his legs a curvier and more feminine contour. The once-taut sinews and veins softened under a layer of this new fat, making them less pronounced. The hair on his legs receded, becoming finer and lighter until they bore a smooth, porcelain-like finish. Joshua once again noticed the hue of his skin shifting, matching his new feet: was the color slightly… yellow?


Another set of CRUNCHES echoed through the room, louder than before, and Joshua could feel his legs slowly retracting, becoming shorter inch by inch. It was as if they were being compacted, bones compressing and condensing. From the mirror on the ceiling, he could observe a surreal sight: his feet seemed to move closer to his torso as his legs shortened. Meanwhile, his thigh bones gently rotated inward due to subtle alterations to the structure of his pelvis and hips. With this rotation and the added shortening, there was an undeniable change in his posture and stance, with even the angle of his knees appearing more acute, giving his legs a more feminine silhouette.

Meanwhile, his ankles reshaped themselves. Their once robust strength became refined and delicate as they changed to match his new feet perfectly. With this change, the leather restraints became loose, but the woman, carefully watching, just tightened them back up to match his much thinner ankles.

The transformation was agonizingly surreal, with the sensation of bones compacting, muscles adjusting, fat redistributing, and joints reforming being overwhelming. As the last wave of change washed over him, the room went silent, save for the sounds of Joshua’s labored breathing and the soft hum of the ambient lights.

The woman brushed her down his left leg, seemingly enjoying the smooth feeling of his new skin. “Very good, Mr. Wilson. Your body seems to be very sensitive to the needle’s Qi. I am truly glad.”

Joshua wasn’t really listening to her, however, as he felt something flow into his mind just like before. He saw himself walking on an ancient cobblestone street in an unknown village. The stones felt cool beneath his bare feet while distant melodies from traditional instruments echoed hauntingly in the distance. Once again, it was like flashbacks of someone else’s memories, with fleeting glimpses of women in silk dresses passing by and evoking a nostalgic ache for a place he’d never been.

Joshua, still reeling from the transformation of his leg, heard the now-familiar sound of her heels clicking against the hard floor. He followed her with his gaze as she walked to the tray and picked out more needles before retreating once again. This time, she stood by his side, and he could feel her presence right next to his groin. First, he saw the two needles in her hand, but his focus quickly changed as he noticed that she was looking at his genitals. This fact made his heart race and his cheeks flush with embarrassment.

Her fingers began probing and checking the sensitive area with care. The touch was clinical, yet the nature of it, so close to his most private parts, made Joshua’s skin prickle with discomfort. He could feel her fingers mapping out areas, pressing here and tracing there, each touch making the anticipation grow. He also felt his cock shift slightly, and he began praying that he would not grow erect. His cock didn’t grow hard, and that was likely because he knew what was going to happen next: the weight of the impending needles causing an unbearable tension to grow within him.

Suddenly, she broke the tense silence. “The Zhongji and Qugu points,” she murmured.

Joshua didn’t even have time to process her words before he felt a sharp, precise puncture just below his navel, followed by another slightly lower. The suddenness of the stabbing took him by surprise, causing his body to jerk and a gasp to escape his lips. The feeling of those needles in such an intimate area was intensely disconcerting and painful. His teeth clenched hard as the pain washed through him.

Soon, though, the pain gave way to the energy from the needles, which began to course through Joshua’s lower body in waves, starting from the sites of their insertion. It felt like a gentle at first, building in intensity and then ebbing away, only to build up again. Each pulse reshaped him a little bit more.

His ass felt it first, with the muscles there contracting and then relaxing, reshaping themselves with each wave. He could feel the fat redistributing, enhancing the curve of his lower back and giving his rear a rounder, more pronounced shape, which pushed into the steel table and forced his groin to move upwards. He could now feel fat pushing into the metal below, as he felt a fullness down below like nothing before.

Joshua then felt the sensation in his cock and balls. It was a kind of intense throbbing and aching feeling down below. It felt good, as it wasn’t much different from having a powerful, aching erection, but Instead of feeling like his cock was bigger due to the throbbing, it felt like it was smaller. It was like he had a reverse erection as his cock shrunk and his balls pulled inwards. Joshua couldn’t process this change, however, as an extreme pleasure grew to accompany the waves of sensation that were radiating from the needles.

“Oh god!” Joshua wanted to shout, but instead, he just mouthed these words as his heart rate accelerated and his breathing grew deep and breathy.

His penis now retracted fully, losing its hole as it melted into a new clitoris, while the skin pulled apart, revealing a pair of vaginal lips. Joshua watched in the mirror as he watched a pretty little pussy developed on his crotch. He felt and watched it become wet for the first time in front of him. He desperately wanted his hand to go down to his new clitoris. He strained against the restraint as he desperately wanted to play with his new clit. But he could only lay there helpless, curling his new dainty toes as the feeling washed over him before finally starting to calm down. Leaving his mind to clear and realize what had happened. Leaving him to feel more exposed and helpless than ever as he stared at his new, glistening vagina.

“Excellent!” Said the woman, who gently brushed her hand over the new pussy. Causing Joshua to squirm as a brand new feeling flashed through him. “It has been a while since I had such a responsive subject.” She added.

Joshua was left to acclimatize to the feelings in his newly transformed lower body as flashes of memories not his own began to play in his mind. He found himself wandering through an ancient village, where women in flowing silks moved gracefully, their movements accentuated by the structure of their attire. There were glimpses of intimate moments—soft conversations whispered in the dead of night, lessons on sitting elegantly, and the nuanced ways women carried themselves in that bygone era. The memories felt deep and resonant, as if they were guiding him on how to navigate the world with his new form. Just as quickly as they had appeared, the memories faded, leaving behind an imprint of experiences and emotions that were not originally his own.

The sound of heels clicking and clacking against the sterile floor echoed in the otherwise silent room, pulling Joshua from his post-transformation daze. He watched, with a mounting sense of dread, as the woman walked over to her table of needles, the soft but unnerving noise of her steps making the seconds feel like hours. His eyes followed her every move as she carefully selected four needles, their slender silver bodies almost menacing in the overhead light. She returned to stand beside him, her gaze coldly clinical as it fell upon his vulnerable arms.

She began to probe the soft inner side of his wrist, just above the restraint, the pressure increasing steadily. Joshua’s skin twitched at the touch, his mind racing with anticipation of what was to come. The sensation intensified as her fingers trailed to the center of his palm, searching, always searching. His strong arms now felt exposed and vulnerable under her gaze.

“Neiguan and Laogong points,” she intoned slowly, making each syllable a chilling promise. Joshua’s entire being tightened in apprehension.

Without warning, a needle penetrated his left wrist, causing a sharp pang of pain to radiate up his arm. Without hesitation, she continued, driving the second needle into his palm. This pain was deeper, colder, and numbing. Before Joshua could process this feeling, his right arm was subjected to the same insertions.

He then felt a sensation radiate up both his arms, with a feeling like hot oil was being poured down them. He concentrated on this feeling for a moment, trying to understand it, as he waited for what he knew must be coming. Once again, it felt pleasant, and he almost entered a sense of calm before.


The transformation commenced with an intensity that left him gasping. His bones creaked and groaned, adjusting in shape rapidly. It was as though his bones were being crushed and then reassembled. He felt his wrists compact, and once again, the woman was ready to tighten the constraints to match their new proportions. Muscles convulsed and began to reduce in size, retracting from their previously prominent positions. Simultaneously, the fat started to distribute in new patterns, padding certain areas and giving his arms a softer, more rounded shape.

His hands were also being forced into a new shape: bones compacting as his fingers grew daintier and more refined. Knuckles, once pronounced, shrunk back, leaving behind a smooth expanse. The transformation was underscored by endless cracks and pops that echoed throughout his entire body. Meanwhile, the rugged texture of his skin began to shift, becoming smoother and more delicate: the hair on his arms retreating, leaving behind pristine skin that gleamed in the same yellow hue of his new legs and feet.

As the transformation of his hands came to an end, Joshua was left with light and soft-feeling hands. He looked down and saw his thin, smooth arms, which culminated with narrow wrists and tiny hands. He moved his new delicate fingers, rubbing them together as he felt his new palm, which was smooth and soft.

“Very good, Mr. Wilson. We are almost finished with your body!” She said.

He then felt her hands sliding up and down his arms as she inspected his hands and arms. It felt pleasant for her soft palms to rub against the new soft skin. Meanwhile, more memories seem to flood into his mind. He saw his newly refined hands expertly wielding chopsticks in a bustling room, releasing paper lanterns into the twilight and delicately plucking the strings of a guzheng. These memories, once against not his own, left him with a strange familiarity, tying him to a distant past he’d never known.

Joshua was snapped to reality once more as the woman began moving, his eyes following the woman’s every movement, tracing her path as she went to select even more needles. Without a moment’s hesitation, she approached him, her confidence evident in every step. He expected her to begin inspecting him like before, but this time, before he could mentally brace himself, the needles penetrated his skin. One needle was inserted just below the center of his ribcage and the other near his heart.

“Shimen and Dan Zhong,” she declared. “Such points are clear to those who know where to look.”

An electric feeling flowed from the needles and quickly embued his entire torso. Joshua expected a pleasant break before the next transformation, just like before, but no such thing came as…


Suddenly, a shockwave thundered through his torso. His entire upper body went rigid as the unmistakable CRUNCH of bones blasted through him, his ribcage and spine contracting and reshaping violently as his whole torso shifted in proportions.

“You Qi is now so much in harmony that it takes little time to do its work,” said the woman, seemingly knowing that Joshua was shocked by the timings of this change,

Internally, there was a sensation of his organs shifting position. His lungs, stomach, and other visceral parts felt like they were being gently nudged and squeezed into new alignments. The entire cavity of his abdomen seemed to contract inward, adjusting to its newly configured space.

His pectoral muscles then began to twitch violently, their previous firmness starting to wane. The muscles shrunk and reformed, sculpting themselves as pressure grew within his chest. It built up slowly but steadily, like an inflating balloon. There was a muffled gurgle sound that grew louder as fat cells multiplied and converged, causing his chest to expand more and more as new boobs rapidly developed. Skin tightened, then loosened, adjusting and readjusting, ensuring every inch was perfectly molded. The nipples, sensitive to these alterations, tingled and transformed, expanding in size to match his new breasts.

Amidst the chaos of his changing torso, Joshua felt an intense pressure at the base of his neck, as if two hands were squeezing his shoulders inward. A series of deep, agonizing CRUNCHES reverberated down each arm, resonating from the joints and tendons. The sensation was powerful, with every fiber in the upper muscles tightening and recoiling. His broad, strong shoulders smashing inwards as the bone structure reformed, condensing to create a more slender and delicate profile. With each successive snap and pop, the pain was sharp and concentrated, but the result was a set of slender shoulders that were in harmony with his new arms and new torso.

The woman admired his new torso and carefully rubbed her finger against one of his new nipples, causing his breath to catch in his throat. She then cupped his breast, her palm rubbing against his nipple. It felt good, too good. While she did this, his mind became filled with more memories. He saw images of a woman with an elegant posture and clad in a qipao as she played the guzheng. He saw them undress in front of the mirror, their eyes carefully scrutinizing their new bodies. He looked down and saw his own body in a beautiful qipao. He saw himself begin to undress… As these memories of another life came and went, Joshua looked up, gazing at the mirror on the ceiling. The sight that greeted him was truly shocking.

Everything below the neck was female. Beautiful female. A slim feminine waist that curved gently, full thighs, long legs, a cute little pussy, and now, a set of large, soft breasts that were complimented by slender arms and narrow shoulders. Alongside all of this was his skin, which had become smooth and covered in that yellowish hue. The only part of him that was male was his head, which had not been changed. Yet…

“The last part of your body is next, and then we can work on what’s inside,” Said the woman.

Joshua had already gone through so much, and his body was no longer his own. It wasn’t just the physical changes, although they were drastic enough, but the memories he had experienced during his transformations had made him feel like a different person.

After a moment’s rest, Joshua heard the woman move back to the other table, gathering a larger collection of needles than ever before. Joshua looked at the mirror, expecting to see the tray now empty, but although she took a significant number, there were some still left behind. What are those for? He wondered.

He tried counting the needles in her hand as she approached. Twelve, maybe thirteen? It was the most he had seen her carry thus far. He gulped, realizing this would probably be the most intense transformation yet. She bent down, her eyes scanning his face meticulously, each feature under her scrutiny. Her fingers softly probed his skin, first at his neck and then at various points of his face and head. She also seemed to be inspecting his face, perhaps the details.

“You have a good foundation,” she mused, her fingers still dancing on his face. “But soon you’ll be breathtaking.”

Without another word, she began the procedure. One by one, the needles pierced his skin. Each insertion sent a pulse of pain and anticipation coursing through him. “Fengchi… Yingxiang… Baihui…,” she murmured, naming the points as she went, moving methodically.

Unlike before, the transformation began almost the moment the needles were inserted. It was as if the harmony between the needles’s Qi and his body was so great now that it responded immediately: his body was seemingly eager to make the change. A series of sharp CRACKS rang out, sounding amplified due to their proximity to his ears. It was a mass of restructuring with the unmistakable sensation of his facial bones shifting and molding.

His jawline began to soften and retract, creating a more delicate chin. Cheekbones elevated, creating a more contoured appearance. The bridge of his nose refined itself, becoming slimmer as his nose widened and became a little less pronounced.

A tingling sensation began around his eyes. They felt as though they were being gently reshaped from the inside out. As they closed involuntarily from the sensation, upon reopening, they revealed a change in shape and hue, now more almond-shaped with a dark brown hue, distinctively Asian in appearance. His lips plumped, taking on a fuller, softer appearance. The arch of his eyebrows shifted upwards, giving them a subtle yet graceful curve. Even his ears felt a pull, tugging slightly upward, reshaping to a more petite and oval form. Then came the peculiar sensation on his scalp, almost like a light tickling. His hair follicles felt alive, each producing strands at an unprecedented rate. What was once short and stubbly grew rapidly, turning jet black and extending past his shoulders in a cascade of glossy waves.

As the transformation progressed, a torrent of memories flooded Joshua’s mind: He’s a young girl laughing in a traditional Chinese courtyard, chasing silk butterflies. He’s older, practicing delicate calligraphy by candlelight, fingers deftly forming intricate characters.

Every feature, every contour, every strand was changing, morphing him into someone else. And when the tumult subsided, he was left with a face that was undeniably beautiful, bearing the distinctive features of classical Chinese beauty. He felt the weight of his new, long hair as it flowed past his shoulders and the soft contour of his new face, every inch transformed in exquisite detail.

Meanwhile, in his mind, he is amidst the hustle of a Chinese market, haggling in fluent Mandarin, and later, at a family gathering, learning to wield chopsticks under a relative’s watchful eye. Finally, beside a tranquil lake, a gentle hand guides his, releasing a lantern onto the water, its glow mirroring the rich cultural heritage now intertwined with his own essence.

Soon, these memories leave Joshua once more, and he is back in the room, and he can see himself in the mirror. His eyes meet his new eyes in the mirror above, and he sees a beautiful and elegant Asian woman. The eyes were exotic and alluring, and his face was now more delicate and feminine, with the soft and elegant features common among Asian women. However, his features were in common with the most beautiful of them.

“Your body is finally finished. We can now move on to the next part of the process.” As she said this, she pulled the needle out of his neck, and Joshua felt a warm sensation spread through his now tiny Adam’s apple. He felt he could finally speak once more.

“The next-” Joshua stopped after he heard his new voice.

“Yes, we have tackled all the points relating to your physical body. But now I must work with your spiritual body.” Replied the woman.

“What does that mean?” Asked Joshua, still surprised at his voice.

“You have been seeing memories throughout the process, right?” Asked the woman.

Joshua nodded in reply.

“These were from the needles grounding you to the Qi of my people…” She paused with a big smile. “Or should I say our people?”

Joshua said nothing, as he didn’t quite understand what the woman meant.

“Through the points of your body, these memories have little effect…” She said, beginning to grin maliciously. “But through the points of your spiritual self, the effect will be much more amplified.”

“Spiritual self? You mean my personality?” Asked Joshua, concerned.

“Yes,” she responded, her eyes piercing into his, “your personality, your emotions, your very essence. The core of who you are, your desires, and your fears. The next set of acupuncture points will target and change these very aspects of your being.”

Joshua swallowed hard. The thought of having his very soul altered was more terrifying than any of the physical changes he had just endured. “But… why? Why change who I am?”

The woman tilted her head, her smile unwavering. “This is the punishment for those who go against the Lingyun. You are to become useful for us, and to do this, you must not only look like us but also think, feel, and behave like us.” She leaned in closer, her voice a soft whisper. “You’re already so far down this path, Joshua. Embrace it. Let the final transformation make you whole. After all, what’s an external change without the internal one to complement it?”

Joshua watched as the woman went to the tray and pulled out six gleaming needles. He noticed that the tray was now finally empty. She then walked back to Joshua, this time standing at the head of the table. Delicately, her fingers probed the sides of his head, mapping out the first point of transformation. The anticipation was palpable, filling the room with tension. Breaking the silence, she whispered with evident admiration, “I have changed your body for the better, but now it is time to make you truly beautiful.”

Without any further words, she inserted the first four needles into his scalp. “Sishencong,” she whispered. The instant they made contact, a floodgate of feeling washed over Joshua. He felt memories and emotions flooding into him. It didn’t feel the same as before, though, as this time, it felt as though it was flowing directly into his soul. “What’s… shenme happening? Why do I… wo ganjue feel so… guai?”

Her movements didn’t falter. She moved swiftly across the table and stabbed a needle into each wrist before crying out, “Shenmen!” As these needles entered his flesh, Joshua’s linguistic disorientation intensified. “Wo… I don’t… bu zhidao what… shenme is… shi happening,” he stammered, his sentences now a tapestry of English and Mandarin.

Each word, each syllable now carried a weight, a history, an understanding. The bustling markets of Beijing, the serenity of ancient temples, the rich tapestry of Chinese folklore – all seemed to root within him, reshaping not just his voice but his very soul. Subtle shifts in his demeanor started to emerge. A newfound gentleness in his posture, a gracefulness in his movements, a softening of his gaze, all indicating a change in his attitude. His Western male assertiveness began to be overshadowed by the deep-rooted Chinese ethos of feminine harmony, modesty, and submission.

As these transformations continued, unexpected thoughts began to course through his mind. Images of strong, handsome Chinese men, traditionally garbed or in modern attire, flickered in his consciousness. These weren’t simply neutral images; they were accompanied by feelings of attraction, warmth, and a yearning.

“Your essence is transitioning,” she intoned softly, watching the shift in his demeanor with satisfaction. “The core of your being, molded by a rich legacy of thousands of years. Can you feel it? The ancient wisdom settling within?”

He struggled to understand her English as he tried to comprehend the whirlwind of emotions, memories, and perspectives rushing within him. “Wo… wo ganjue… everything… suoyou is… shi blending. I’m… wo shi losing… shiqu myself… wo,” he responded, feeling both lost and found in this new tapestry of existence.

The woman’s eyes sparkled with a mix of pride and mischief. “Huan ying lai dao women de shijie,” she declared. (Welcome to our world.)

This was the last thing that Joshua heard, as once again, his world went black, and he passed out.


Joshua woke up in a bed this time, a double bed. It took him a moment to remember what had happened, but once he did, he sat up with a jolt. Had it been a dream?

“Where am I?” He asked… in Chinese. The sound of Chinese in his feminine voice startled him for a moment and led him to feel his body. He was naked in the bed, so he felt the skin of soft boobs and perky nipples. It hadn’t been a dream after all.

“You’re in a hotel room in Dalian.” Answered a voice from across the room. Joshua’s eyes shot to the source of the voice, revealing Wenlu Li. She was now dressed more like you’d expect for a call girl. She wore a black suit jacket, a white shirt, and a black skirt with her legs covered in hose. On her feet were a pair of black stilettos.

“YOU!” Exclaimed Joshua. “You did this to me!”

“You did this to yourself.” Responded Wenlu, looking at Joshua. “When you went against the Lingyun, you signed up for the consequences.”

Joshua just sat there in silence for a moment, thinking about what she had just said. “I can’t go back, can I?” He finally asked.

“You can never go back… Rong Chen.” Said Wenlu.

“Rong Chen? What are you talking about?” Asked Joshua.

“Your Chinese name… Can’t you feel it… deep inside of you?” Said Wenlu.

“Rong… Chen.” Said Joshua, his hands caressing his own body as he spoke. “Why does It feel… right.”

“Good, Rong Chen. That’s who you are now.”

“Rong Chen.” Repeated Rong Chen. “Why do I feel… whole?”

“That’s the work of the procedure. You will accept everything in time. And I have a way to help you.”

“Help me how?” Asked Rong Chen.

“You are now a call girl, just like me. You will have a client tonight, a wealthy Chinese businessman, and you will pleasure him. This is how you will learn to be the call girl you are destined to be.” Said Wenlu.

It took a while for Rong Chen to process what she had heard. The thought disgusted her… or did it?

“No… I would never…” She stammered, feeling disgusted but also feeling something stir within her.

“Let’s see, shall we.” Wenlu then stood and opened the door. “You can come in now,” she said into the corridor. A moment later, a Chinese man walked in, dressed in a suit and tie. He was middle-aged and clearly wealthy.

Rong Chen’s first thought was to fight, but when she saw the man, her heart pounded as she took the details of him in. She couldn’t help but feel an attraction towards him as if drawn to his masculinity.

“So that the new girl?” He asked.

“Yes, her name is Rong Chen.”

“Well, let’s see if she is any good. Get out of that duvet, and let me see that body!” Commanded the man.

Rong Chen froze.

“Do it! I’m paying good money.”

Wenlu just smiled at her, seemingly having no concern for whether Rong Chen would do as she was told.

Rong Chen found herself climbing out of the bed. For some reason, doing what the man commanded made her heart race. She felt a flutter below as she followed her orders.

“Oh god, you do have a nice body, don’t ya? Turn around for me.” Ordered the man.

“Yes,” she replied, any desire to resist vanishing.

“Look at her ass, perfect. How old is she anyway?”

“She’s 19, just a babe, really,” replied Wenlu

“Excellent.” Said the man. “Get over here slut, it’s time to service my cock.”

Rong Chen couldn’t believe she was going to do this, but her feet were already walking her towards the man. He stood waiting, a grin on his face and his bulge visible.

“That’s a good girl. Now get down on your knees.”

Rong Chen obeyed, lowering herself to her knees and looking up at the man.

“Such a good girl. I’m gonna enjoy this. Now pull my dick out.”

Rong Chen couldn’t believe how excited the idea made her feel. She had never wanted a cock before, but now she felt almost desperate for it.

As her hand reached up to undo the man’s belt, her body shivered with desire. She fumbled a little, her delicate fingers trembling as they worked on the buckle. Then, slowly, she unzipped the man’s trousers and eased them down. Causing his cock to spring outwards, causing her to gasp as it did so.

“Wow,” she murmured. It looked so big and… inviting.

“Now take my cock in your mouth and pleasure me.”

Rong Chen didn’t hesitate. First, she wrapped her tiny hand around it, marveling at how big it seemed compared to her slender fingers. She then took his cock and wrapped her lips around its shaft. She began to suck gently, feeling its warm thickness slide into her mouth.

“Oh yeah, that’s the way, you filthy little whore.”

The man’s words turned her on, making her feel even more aroused than she already was. Her pussy throbbed with need. She needed this.

As she sucked on his cock, she could feel him getting bigger, harder, and thicker. She loved the feeling, she loved the taste… she even loved the smell.

“Keep going, bitch. Suck it harder.”

She did as he asked, taking his whole cock deep inside her mouth and sliding her lips all the way up and down the length of it.

“Fuck yeah, you’re a natural whore. I bet you love sucking cock, don’t you?”

“Mm-hmm,” she replied. She did love it. She loved sucking this man’s cock. She loved sucking any man’s cock. She loved feeling his cock in her mouth, tasting his precum.

“Such a filthy little slut. You love being a filthy whore, don’t you? Well, if you love it so much, why don’t you swallow my cum when I blow my load into your dirty little mouth?”

She knew that was what she wanted. She wanted him to shoot his cum down her throat, to fill her mouth with his seed. For a moment, Rong Chen saw a flash of a man in her mind. A man called Joshua Wilson. A British man. A journalist who loved to write stories. But as she bobbed on the man’s cock, she forced the image out of her mind. She was Rong Chen, a little dirty Chinese slut who loved nothing more than being fucked.

A little Chinese slut that had no interest in writing or the world. A little Chinese slut who knew nothing about the world outside China. And why would she? She had all the cock she needed at home. Wenlu Li smiled as she watched her new asset finish her work effortlessly: another income source for the Lingyun and nothing more.

The man’s breathing quickened, and his thrusting became more intense. Rong Chen could tell that he was close. She was going to make him cum.

“You want my cum, don’t you, bitch? You want me to fill your dirty mouth with my hot seed?”

“Mm-hmm,” Rong Chen said, her mouth filled with his cock.

“Then get ready, cuz here it comes!”

Rong Chen moaned loudly as he exploded into her mouth. Wave after wave of hot sticky cum flowed into her mouth and down her throat. And as it went down, it washed away the last of Joshua, leaving only Rong Chen.

From then on, only the dirty little Chinese whore remained.

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