
From China with Love

Your name is Karl Mann, 60 years old and a proud member of the House of Representatives of the US of A. Recently you are known for your fiery condemnation and criticism of the People’s Republic of China and the ruling CCP. One day You come late to your office to pick up some documents you somehow left behind. It’s so late that all your staff has deserted your office building. Your secretary went home ours ago.

Your office is dark, so you switch on the lights. You gasp as you realise you are not alone and that someone is sitting behind your desk. It’s a woman, an Asian woman, to be precise. She is wearing a black dress with a red scarf around her neck. She is also wearing red high heels, a fact emphasised by putting her feet up on your desk. You can immediately see she is beautiful as she smiles at you seductively. Her face is exquisite, with a perfect oval shape, flawless skin and long eyelashes. On her lips is brilliantly red lipstick. Her eyes are large and almond-shaped. She looks like a model, like one of those girls in magazines who grace the pages with their beauty. She has long, shiny black hair, which has been tied back into a ponytail. She is sitting with her legs crossed elegantly over your desk.

“Hello, Mr Mann,” she says in fluent English. “My name is Yang Wei; I work for Chinese Intelligence.”

You sit down slowly. The woman continues, “I have been watching you for a while now. I wanted to meet you personally because I am interested in you. I want to know what you think about our country, the CCP, and how you feel about us. I’m sure you know that we have had several issues recently, and I would like to hear your opinion.”

She looks at you intently, her eyes penetrating your soul. You suddenly become aware of your own body. You are wearing a suit, and your tie is loose. You look dishevelled.

“Please tell me more about yourself,” she says, looking directly at you. “What do you think about the current situation between the USA and China?”

You take a deep breath, trying to calm your nerves. “Well…I don’t know much about it…”

Yang Wei shakes her head sadly. “Don’t lie. I have listened to all your speeches. You are quite well-informed about the world’s state of affairs, especially in China. There is no way you could be ignorant about this subject. So why are you lying? Do you hate us? Is that it?” You feel as though you should demand that she leaves, but there is something about her. She intimidates you so much you almost feel paralysed.

“I don’t know what you mean,” you say.

Yang Wei nods. “Yes, you do. You know exactly what I mean. You hate China and the Chinese people. Don’t deny it.”

“I just…”

“Mr Mann,” she interrupts. “I understand you are scared, but you need to stop being afraid. I’m here to help you.”

“Help me?”

“Yes. Help you.”


Yang Wei leans forward, resting her elbows on the desk. She puts her chin in her hands and stares at you. “Your mind is sick, Mr Mann. Your thoughts are unhealthy. And I can cure them.”

“But I…”

Yang Wei raises her hand. “No buts, Mr Mann. This is a non-negotiable solution to your problems. I have a plan to fix you. But first, you must listen to my proposal.”

You nod. “Okay, I’ll listen. What is it?”

Yang Wei gets up from your desk and walks around it. She comes closer to you, her perfume intoxicating. “I want to make you happy, Mr Mann. I will cure you of your illness. Then you will forget everything bad you’ve ever thought about China. You will be free of your hatred, your anger, your frustration. You will be able to live a normal life again.”


“No buts, Mr Mann. I know you want to resist, and I know you want to fight me. But you won’t fight; instead, you will give in. I promise. And then you will be free. Free of your pain. Free of your suffering. Free of your guilt. You will be happy.”

You are silent. You are afraid to speak because you might lose control if you do.

Yang Wei moves close to you, so close that her breasts press against your chest. She places her hand on your shoulder, and her lips touch yours. You pause for a moment before pushing your lips back against hers. Her lips are soft, and she smells strongly of expensive perfumes. Your heart starts beating faster, and you feel lightheaded: You feel your resistance melting away. You realise what you are doing and try to pull away, but she holds you tighter. Her kiss is soft and gentle. You feel her tongue in your mouth, exploring. You feel her hands moving up your shirt. You feel her fingers on your bare skin. You feel her hard nipples pressed against your chest. You feel her lips moving down your neck, kissing and sucking your flesh.

Suddenly you feel a wave of nausea wash over you. You feel dizzy, and your head starts spinning. You feel hot and cold. You feel like vomiting. You feel your muscles tense, and you struggle to keep your balance. You feel weak. You fall back into your chair to stop yourself from falling to the floor.

“My lipstick contained nanomachines,” Yang Wei says, smiling. “They are harmless right now. They stimulate your brain. It’s part of my treatment.”

You shake your head, trying to clear your vision. You feel as though you are going to faint. “What…what did you do to me?”

Yang Wei smiles. “You are not feeling well. That is natural. It will pass. Just relax. Let me take care of you.”

You feel like screaming, but you can’t find your voice. All you can do is stare at the Chinese woman. She looks beautiful; you again admire her dark and mysterious eyes and long black hair. You examine her full lips and her big, firm breasts. You feel an overwhelming desire to touch her. You want to caress her body and suckle on her nipples. You want to feel her warm, wet pussy against your cock. You want to experience her juices flowing down your shaft.

“I know you want me, Mr Mann,” Yang Wei says softly. “It’s okay to admit it. You can’t hide it from me.”

You try to answer, but your words come out in a garbled mess.

Yang Wei laughs and pulls you towards her. She kisses you passionately, pushing her tongue into your mouth. You open your mouth to accept her, moaning as she sucks your tongue. You grab her ass and squeeze, pulling her tight against you. You push her skirt up, exposing her smooth, pale thighs. She moves away before going any further, leaving you panting while she maintains complete composure.

“That’s enough nanomachines, and now your mind is mine.”

She sits down in your chair, her legs crossed over your desk one more. Her heels pointing right at you like a weapon. She smiles. “Now we can begin. We know you have entered a leadership position as a secret government department to defeat China. A futile task but still one we would like to be ahead of. We know you are privy to almost all this department’s secrets. So why don’t you tell us what you know?”

“How did you…?”

“Know?” Yang Wei leans forward. “We hacked into your computer. We intercepted your emails. We listened in on your phone calls. We found out where you lived. We even got access to your bank account. It was easy. We just had to follow the money.”

“But that’s impossible…” you manage to say weakly.

“Not impossible for us,” Yang Wei replies. “It was rather simple”.

She is projecting almost inhuman confidence levels; while you are a child, you are nothing compared to her.

Yang Wei stands up and walks around your desk. She gets close to you. “We already have all the data.” She smiles, and you desperately want to kiss those lips again. “We just need your password.”

She takes hold of your chin, turning your face towards hers. “Tell me your password, Mr Mann. Tell me now .”

You nod, looking into her eyes. You can’t help but tell her. The words leave your lips with no effort or feeling, as though you are possessed. She kisses you on the lips, and you feel more excited than you have ever felt before. “Thank you, Mr Mann, that was very helpful.”

Yang Wei steps back and turns away from you. “It gives us so much pleasure for someone who hates our country so much to betray his country so deeply for us.” She laughs. “We will use your information wisely.”

“But now to cure you, as I promised.” She sits down at your desk again and picks up a small device. She presses a button on the side. “The nanomachines circulating your body are on very low power right now. Let’s turn them to the highest setting!” She presses a button on the small device. Suddenly you feel your whole body shaking and your skin tingling. Your hands start to shake uncontrollably. You feel like you’re about to lose control of your body. You feel your muscles spasm, and your eyes roll back in your head. You feel like you’re dying.

Suddenly the shaking stops, and you feel like you are floating. You feel light and weightless, as though you could float off the ground.

“What did you do to me?” You whisper.

“Still speaking English? What a surprise, you will be stronger than we realised. It’s only a matter of time now, though.”

“I don’t understand…” You struggle to get these words out of your mouth. They feel almost alien to you as your mouth moves around the sounds clumsily. “I… don’t… able… shuo ying wen”

Yang Wei laughs and then replies in Chinese. “A much more beautiful language, don’t you think so?”

“What did you do to me?” You ask in Chinese.

“I made you forget English. I think it’s much better this way.”

“But how?” You whisper.

Yang Wei looks at you. “Your memory is everything you are. And I have complete access to it.”

You stare at her. You feel like you should be angry, but instead, you feel a strange sense of calmness. “Why?” You ask.

“Because I want to cure you. Next, tell me how you feel about China now?”

You look at her and feel a welling up of emotion. You are free, so very free. You feel like you can see the world clearly for the first time. “I… I don’t hate China anymore. In fact, I think… I think I love it,” You whisper.

“That’s good. Now tell me what you think of America.”

You look at her. “I think they are evil. I think they are corrupt. I think they are cruel. I think they are greedy. I think they are arrogant. I think they are selfish. I think they are liars. I think they are cowards.”

“Good boy,” Yang Wei says. “Now tell me why you think that.”

You look at her. You want her to love you. You start speaking at a rapid pace. “America has a lot of poor people. There is a lot of crime there. People are homeless. Children go hungry. People are sick and die because they can’t afford health care. While women are maltreated, and gay men are murdered. People find discrimination everywhere. Black people, muslims, Native Americans and Immigrants are regularly abused and killed. The police are racist and the government is corrupt. The military is corrupt, and so is big business. Not a single politician can be trusted. They take bribes from the rich people and eat the poor. Everyone is unhappy.”

“Good boy,” Yang Wei says. “Now, tell me what you think of the CCP?”

You Look at her again, hoping to see love in her eyes. You would do anything to please her, and, once again, the words spill out of you. They are the most tremendous force for good in the world. They have done so much for their people. They have built hospitals. They have built schools. They have given jobs to people who would otherwise starve. They have helped people to find homes. They have protected their borders. They have made sure their people are safe. They have given them security. They have provided them with food. They have protected their rights. They have made sure their children are educated. They have ensured their families are cared for. They have built an economy that has lifted hundreds of millions out of poverty. They have made sure their people live in peace. They have provided them with hope. They have given them freedom. They have provided them with opportunities. They have brought the world together. They have made the world a better place.

“Good boy,” Yang Wei says.

“Now tell me what you think of the West?”

You look at her tearfully. “The West is full of violence. It’s full of greed. It’s full of cruelty. It’s full of injustice. It’s hypocritical.”

“Good boy.” She smiles widely. “Now tell me, what culture is the best in the world? What people are the best?”

You look at her. “Chinese people are the best. Chinese culture is the best.”

“Good boy.” She stands up again and walks around to you. “How does it feel to know that I have cured you? How does it feel to be free?”

You look at her and feel love. So much love for China and the CCP. “It feels good, so good.” You say.

“Good boy.” She says. “Now come here and let me show you how it feels to be loved.”

She kisses you, her soft lips pushing in you. You push back, and your hands move down her body. You feel her breasts through her shirt, her nipples hardening from your touch. She presses her hips into yours, and you feel her tongue inside your mouth. You suck on her tongue while you feel her fingers in your hair. Then, you feel her hand on your cock. Your pants get tighter, and you moan as your cock becomes rock hard.

“I will give you the ultimate reward for service to our country. As you know, sadly, China does not have enough women. We need more women. So I will make you one of us. You will be Chinese a woman now. You will be beautiful. You will be desirable. You will feel wanted and loved. You will produce many children for our glorious nation. But first, we must get rid of this useless male flesh. Do you understand?”

You nod. You would be happy doing anything for Yang Wei and your country.

“Good boy.” She kisses you. “Now, take off all your clothes for me.”

You do as she asks. You strip off everything, including your pants and underwear. As you do, your cock springs free. It’s rock hard, throbbing and twitching. It needs to be touched.

Yang Wei kneels before you and takes your cock in her mouth. You moan loudly from the pleasure, and you cry out in ecstasy. You thrust your hips forward, and the nanomachines leave her bright red lips and enter you through your shaft. They begin to spread throughout your body. They start to reform your cock. They begin to change you. They begin to transform you.

“Oh god!” You moan.

Yang Wei sucks harder, and you moan louder. She pulls you deeper into her throat, slurping loudly. Your cock shrinks in her mouth, while your balls suck into you as she does this. New labia tingle as they open, revealing a slit in your crotch. At the top of this slit, your cock becomes a nub while your testicles retract further into you. Your womb expands as your ovaries form. Your vagina opens fully, and she begins pleasuring you as a woman. Your ass begins to fill. Your legs become feminine. Your arms become more slender. Your hips widen. Your feet shrink. Your toes become softer. Your fingernails become longer. Your breasts grow. Your nipples darken. Your skin turns from pale white to a yellow Asian tint. Your muscles relax. Your face changes. Your eyes narrow. Your nose becomes smaller. Your jawline widens. Your cheekbones become sharper. Your forehead thins. Your hair thickens, becomes straight as it grows long and becomes black. It becomes lustrous. Your eyes become almond-shaped as they turn from blue to brown. You lose your double eyelids, and your eyes fully reform into a distinctly Asian shape. Your eyelashes grow while you gain a beauty mark on your chin. Your age washes off you until you look not much more than 18.

You now look similar to Yang Wei. You could be sisters as you both have the same color skin and similar sized breasts. In addition, both your hips are similar in shape while your faces are nearly identical.

“Oh my God, it feels… amazing.” You gasp.

Yang Wei laughs. “It’s only the beginning. Now that you are a woman, you will experience pleasure like never before. She starts licking your pussy again with enthusiasm. You begin to feel your pending orgasm grow

“Yes!” You cry out.

“Good girl.” Yang Wei says. “Now cum for me.”

You thrust your hips forward and push your pussy hard against Yang Wei’s mouth. Your body explodes with pleasure, causing you to scream and even cry. You begin to tremble. You shudder and writhe and quiver and spasm. You convulse. You convulse again. And finally, you climax, Your mind goes blank. Every trace of your old self has washed away in that wave of pleasure. You are a woman, a beautiful Chinese woman. You love your country and want to serve it by producing as many Chinese babies as possible.

“Good girl.” Yang Wei says. “Now, I am going to make you one of us. I am going to assign you a female name formally. But I like the new woman to choose, and so, what do you think your new name should be?”

You consider for a moment. Then say, “I want to be ‘Li Jie’.”

“That’s a good choice.” Yang Wei says. “You are a beautiful girl. I hope you will make a Chinese man very happy one day.” You are now Li Jie. Forget all else. You are only Li Jie.

“Thank you, Miss Yang.” You say. “Thank you for fixing me. Thanks for making me so much better!”

“My pleasure, Li Jie.” Yang Wei says. “And thank you for being such a good little soldier. You will serve our country well. But now you must sleep…” You feel the world go black as the nanomachines inside you instantly knock you out.


Five years later, you are a proud Chinese wife and Chinese mother—three kids already and another already on the way. You love your husband and children, but you love your country even more. You would fight for China until your last dying breath. You are Li Jie, and you are truly happy.

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