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The Real (Chinese) You

You have been working in Beijing for two years now, immersed in a vastly different culture. Despite your fondness for the city, you feel like an outsider, a foreigner in a land rich in traditions and customs that often seem unpenetrable. Yet, you can’t stop yourself fascinated with the local culture, its vibrant streets, the tantalizing aromas of the amazing variety of restaurants, and the blend of ancient architecture and modern skyscrapers. There is, of course, another reason why you find yourself loving Beijing.

You don’t want to admit it. You don’t want to be yet another creepy sexpat. But you cannot deny that the other reason you like Beijing is the women. There is something incredible about them: their grace, style, and the way they carry themselves that captivates you. You often observe them from a distance, fascinated and somehow obsessing over their beauty. Today, as you sit in an empty Line 10 carriage, your gaze inadvertently falls upon a woman sitting nearby. She embodies both contemporary fashion and elegance. She wears a form-fitting dress that complements her figure perfectly. The dress, a deep shade of midnight blue, hugs her slender frame, ending just above her knees. The dress is paired with black high heels, the color of which matches her hair, long and sleek.

Her facial features are distinctly East Asian, with almond-shaped eyes that are both exotic and intelligent. Her skin is flawless, the color of porcelain, with that subtle yellow hue that drives you wild. There is a faint hint of makeup enhancing her natural beauty. Her lips curve into a gentle smile as she scrolls through her phone. As you observe her, you realize that her beauty is not just in her appearance but in her aura of confidence and self-assuredness. She seems at ease in her surroundings, a natural part of the city.

You feel a stirring within you as you observe her. It’s not the first time you have felt this stir. You don’t just want to touch or feel her beauty. You want to experience it. To be inside of it. To be it. To understand what it feels like to embody such beauty and confidence. To experience what it is like to exist in Beijing as one of the locals. To have the culture open to and accepting to you, and to embody it perfectly. For a moment, just for a moment, you think to yourself: I want to be her.


Suddenly, the whole world freezes. The steady hum of the subway, the quiet chatter around you, even the rhythmic clacking of the train against the tracks — all come to a sudden, eerie standstill. Time seems to have paused, leaving you in a bubble of motionless silence. The color, too, seems to have bled away, with everything turning gray.

Confused and slightly panicked, you look around the motionless carriage. Your eyes fall back on the woman in the midnight blue dress, now a statue of elegance, frozen mid-motion as she scrolls through her phone. Her once lively eyes are now still, her smile suspended in time.


In front of you materializes a figure. A woman. She wears a striking red dress, its vibrant color a stark contrast against the grayscale world around you. The dress is elegant, hugging her figure to accentuate her poise and grace. Her beauty is commanding, with sharp, intelligent eyes and a stern expression that demands attention. On her lips is a matching red lipstick, adding to the contrast.

“You are a Chinese woman.” The red lips state. Her voice fills your head as she speaks, filling your senses.

“What?” You reply, confused.

“You are a Chinese woman.” She repeats, looking you up and down. “I felt it inside you. I heard your admission.”

“What are you talking about? Am I dreaming?” You ask, still confused.

The woman rolls her eyes. “Let’s just get started.” She says sternly before clicking her fingers.


You feel a rush of wind and feel cold against your skin. You look down to see yourself sitting in the same seat, although something is missing. You are now completely naked. “What the fuck?” You cry out. The woman smiles.

“Don’t worry. I will give you new clothes once you are good and ready.” She says with a smirk. “But first, look at that woman over there. The one you were staring at earlier.”

You do so, looking at the woman in the blue dress again. She is still frozen in the same position.

“Now imagine you are fucking her.” The woman commands.

You do so, as something about this woman’s voice makes you obey. You see yourself throwing her onto a bed. You see yourself strip her, revealing her perk body. You see yourself testing her wet pussy before entering her. You see yourself pumping into her again and again.


These words bring you out of your fantasy. You focus on the woman in the red dress who is looking down intently at your cock. You feel embarrassed and self-conscious as she stares, especially as she is right. You are flaccid.

“Now imagine you are her.”

With this new command, you see yourself waking up, your smooth legs rubbing against each other as you get out of bed. You see your tight pussy as you put on your panties. You see your delicate yellow porcelain feet slip on those black high heels. You apply makeup to your pretty Asian face in the mirror, admiring your lovely blue dress as you do so.

“There it is.”

Once again, her words bring you out of your dreams. The woman is still looking down intently at your cock, and you feel embarrassed again. But this time, because you are rock hard: pre-cum dribbling from the tip.

“There is your true desire. You are a Chinese woman.”

“No!” You shout. “It’s not true. You’ve done something to me. I don’t want…” You cock twitches uncontrollably. “I don’t want to be…” It jumps from your words. “I don’t want to be a Chinese woman.” As you say these words, you see yourself as the woman once more… being fucked. You cock aches so bad. “I don’t…” You say weakly. “Do I?”

“It’s okay. I am here to help. I will make you who you truly are.” The woman says with sympathy in her eyes. “It won’t take long.”

“Oh god… This can’t be true…” You whimper.

“Let’s start with your feet. Imagine your perfect feet,” the woman commands.

You close your eyes, conjuring the image of a small, size 5 feet with a delicate structure. You envision the smooth, Asian skin tone, flawless and unblemished. As the image floats in your mind, a sensation begins at your toes, gradually spreading across your feet. It’s a gentle, tingling feeling, both painful and pleasurable. It feels like your feet are being kneaded like clay. Soon, the sensation stops and with a tentative breath, you open your eyes and look down. The sight that greets you is astounding. Tiny Asian feet! Porceline and delicate feet! And they are yours! You have perfect little Chinese feet! You wiggle your toes. They feel strange but also… right. You cock spasms, you’ve never felt so excited. It feels like a single tap would make you cum. You want to reach down and grasp your hard cock, but the woman’s gaze prevents you.

The woman’s voice guides you once more. “Now, your legs. Picture them.”

You close your eyes again and see your legs’ smooth, silky texture. You imagine the skin being flawless and evenly toned, a beautiful continuation of the porcelain-like feet you now possess. The sensation begins anew, a mixture of tingling and warmth that starts at your feet and travels upward. As the feeling envelops your calves, you picture them taking on a slender, graceful shape. You sense the muscles there tightening and reshaping, becoming more defined yet retaining a soft, feminine curve.

Moving up to your thighs, you see them as slender and well-proportioned, fitting the aesthetic of your new identity. The tingling intensifies, reshaping your thighs. The skin there becomes as smooth and flawless as the rest of your legs, a perfect match to your new feet and calves. At the same time, you see your hips and pelvis. You see the feminine shape and feel them shift, realigning with a more feminine posture. Your pelvis tilts slightly, adjusting your knees’ angle refining how you will stand and move. The change in your hips is more noticeable as they widen, adopting a more traditionally feminine shape that balances your transformed body. You imagine your ass next, big and shapely. You feel your backside inflate and feel it push into your seat as fat grows and develops.

As you feel the changes subside, you open your eyes and glance down at your new legs. They are exactly as you pictured: smooth, flawlessly toned, with beautifully shaped calves and thighs leading up to wide hips and a thick ass. You move slightly, testing this new part of you, feeling how different yet how right it feels. Your cock looks out of place at the top of these sexy Chinese legs. Your sexy Chinese legs. You wonder if it is possible to cum without touching your cock as your member twitches and pulses and covers itself in pre-cum. x

Still firm yet gentle, the woman’s voice directs you next: “Now, imagine your torso!”

With a deep breath, you close your eyes, concentrating on your waist first. You see how narrow it is. As you do so, you feel it crush inwards, becoming more defined and sculpted into a delicate, feminine curve. Next, your thoughts drift to your belly. You imagine it flat and smooth, the skin there as flawless as the rest of your body. The tingling returns, lighter this time, as if gently smoothing out any imperfections, leaving behind a flat, toned abdomen while your organs gently compact inwards to allow your form to become so much smaller. Then, you focus on your chest. You picture large boobs, full and natural, with thick brown nipples. A warm, burgeoning sensation begins as this image solidifies in your mind. It’s intense, almost overwhelming, as your chest swells, flesh forming where there was none before.

Moving on to your shoulders, arms, and hands, you picture them becoming slender, more refined. Your shoulders narrow, aligning gracefully with your new frame. The arms transform next, muscles subtly reshaping to be leaner, more elegant. Your hands follow, fingers becoming daintier, nails growing slightly, adopting a natural, manicured look. Finally, you imagine your neck, slender and graceful, supporting your transformed head with newfound poise. The sensation is like a gentle caress, reshaping your neck and enhancing its elegance.

As you open your eyes, your perspective is now blocked by two mounds of flesh and pointed, thick brown nipples. You see, obscured by your big Chinese tits, that your waist is narrow, your belly flat, and your breasts full. Your shoulders, arms, and hands have become more delicate, and your neck more graceful, all contributing to your new, feminine silhouette. Once again, your cock twitches, desperate for release.

“Now, picture your perfect face,” the woman gently prompts. You close your eyes, focusing on each feature, envisioning a face with distinct Chinese characteristics. You start with the shape of your face, imagining a delicate oval contour, a hallmark of classic beauty. The transformation begins gently, your facial bones and muscles subtly shifting under the skin, reshaping into the desired form. Next, you focus on your eyes, picturing them as dark, almond-shaped, expressive and intelligent. You see them complete with epicanthal folds. The sensation around your eyes is peculiar, like a soft twitch, as they reshape and redefine. You feel the skin develop, creating epicanthal folds, while your eyelashes grow fuller, framing your transformed eyes, and enhancing their allure. At the same time, you see your nose, envisioning it as small and well-defined, perfectly complementing your new facial structure. You feel a tickling sensation as your nose molds to your thoughts. Your lips come next, fuller and softly curved, a subtle yet striking feature of your new face. You feel them plumping, taking on a natural, rosy hue. Finally, you imagine your hair, long, lustrous, and black, cascading down your back like a waterfall of silk. You sense it growing rapidly, each strand thickening and darkening until it reaches the perfect length and texture.

As you feel the transformation conclude, you open your eyes and are met with the gaze of a beautiful naked Chinese woman staring back at you in the window of the carriage. This gaze is your own. You have met your own eyes. You now have Asian-shaped almond eyes, complete with epicanthal folds. You are a beautiful Chinese woman, except in one place: a place that wants to explode.

“Now, to finish you off.” Says the woman, walking close to you. She licks her finger and gently brushes it against the edge of your cock.

“Oh God!” You moan out, a little surprised by your gentle new voice. That single touch was enough, and you feel yourself begin to cum. But nothing comes out.

Instead, you feel what can only be described as a reverse orgasm. Instead of something being pushed out, you feel something being pulled in. You instinctively close your eyes and picture your perfect tight little Asian pussy. As you do so, you feel your cock and balls pull into yourself. You feel your balls enter into yourself, and you feel your cock shrink down, its hole fusing as it becomes a tiny nub. At the same time, you gasp as you feel the skin split and a pair of new lips develop. You feel a feeling of something inflating inside of you as new wetness appears over your fresh pussy.

You open your eyes to be met by the sight of a tight, wet, Chinese pussy.

“Your body is done. You are a beautiful Chinese woman.” Says the woman, looking you up and down once more. “At least in body.”

“Yes…” You gasp in your new voice.

“But not in your mind.” She adds.

“You don’t mean?”

“Yes, imagine your life.” She commands.

And you do. You see yourself working in China. You see yourself talking with your colleagues. You see yourself spending time with your friends. You see yourself speaking… in Mandarin. As you imagine this, the words you hear begin to shift.

“I see myself…” You say in your standard English. “I see myself…” You say with a thick Chinese accent. “Wo kandao ziji…” You say in Chinese with a foreign accent. “Wo kan dao zi ji zuo wei yi ge zi hao de Zhongguo nv ren shuo Zhongwen.” You finish in Chinese with a perfect Beijing accent. (I see myself speaking Chinese as a proud Chinese woman).

“Hao!” Says the woman. (Good).


The rhythmic swaying of the carriage fills your senses as time moves again. You glance down at yourself and marvel at the elegant floral dress that now clings to your tight Chinese body, accentuating your feminine curves. Your tiny Chinese feet are now clad in high-heeled sandals that match the dress perfectly.

Your thoughts flow effortlessly in Mandarin, now the only language you know. Across the train, you spot the woman once more. This time, you only admire her dress and how it would look if you wore it. You feel a sense of camaraderie, as she is a Chinese woman just like you. You are both the same. A warm sense of happiness envelops you. For the first time, you are your true self, and as the subway car continues its journey, you revel in the freedom of being who you’ve always wanted to be.

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