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Bollywood Calling

One of the biggest surprises in recent years has been the explosion in the popularity of Bollywood worldwide. No one knows how, but it went from a less-than-prestigious industry to the most significant cultural powerhouse globally. Bollywood actors were famous worldwide, and people were obsessed with the celebrity culture of India.

Old Hollywood suffered the fate of either being bought or giving in and producing Bollywood content itself. Even the Various Indian languages were becoming popular across the world. It was now common to see young Europeans trying to use Hindi in their daily speech.

However, the biggest surprise was that there wasn’t any backlash against the change. Instead, people just loved Bollywood movies, music and television shows too much. And they didn’t seem to mind the Indian influence on their lives.

It seemed like people treated Indians with a lot more respect than before. There was an air of superiority about them which hadn’t existed before. And this attitude made many Westerners love the country even more.

John Masters was down on his luck and desperately needed new work. He’d been working as an actor for a long time, but he had run out. His last few films had bombed at the box office, and the big studios wouldn’t hire him anymore. Unfortunately, he wasn’t one to save or plan, so he was now broke and desperate.

He was sitting in a cafe when he got a call from his agent. “I’ve got a job for you, John,” she said. “It’s a Bollywood movie.”

“A Bollywood movie?” asked Masters.

“Yes, a Bollywood film,” said his agent.

Masters looked around. Everyone else in the cafe was staring at him. “Are you sure?” he asked.

“Of course I’m sure,” said his agent. “This is a great opportunity for you. You’ll be playing the lead role in a major Bollywood production.”

“But I haven’t done anything in Bollywood yet,” said Masters.

“That’s fine,” said his agent. “They said they could work with whatever you gave them. But it would be good if you came prepared. They’re going to want to meet you soon.”

“How soon?” asked Masters.

“Tomorrow,” said his agent. “They are producing the film in London, and I will send you the address. So we can talk more tomorrow.”

“Okay,” said Masters. “I’ll be there.”


When John Masters arrived at the studio, he found himself surrounded by hundreds of people. The place was a complete madhouse.

There were men and women everywhere. Some were wearing traditional Indian clothing, while others wore Western clothes.

Most of them talked to each other, and some were shouting. It was hard to tell what was happening because of all the noise.

Finally, someone pointed him toward the director who was waiting for him.

“Mr Masters,” said the director. “Thank you for coming.”

“Hello,” said Masters.

“You must be tired after your journey,” said the director.

“No, not really,” said Masters. “I’m looking forward to this.”

“Great,” said the director. “Let me introduce myself. My name is Ashok Dhanak. I am the director of this film, and I’m also a big fan of your acting.”

“Oh, thank you,” said Masters. “I’m glad you liked my performance in my last movie.”

“That’s why we wanted you for this project,” said the director. “This is our first English-language Bollywood movie. We hope it will be a hit.”

“I’m very excited to do this,” said Masters.

“Good,” said the director. “Then let’s get started. Let’s go inside.”

Masters followed the director into a large room that looked like a dance studio. There were mirrors all around the walls and lights hanging from the ceiling.

Ashok Dhanak turned to Masters. “We are going to start auditioning right away,” he said. “I know you have never acted in a Bollywood film before, so I want you to be comfortable. So I am going to ask you to follow my instructions exactly.”

Masters nodded. “Okay,” he said. He was nervous and didn’t want to do Bollywood roles. But he was also desperate and knew that the real money was now in Indian movies.

“First, I want you to look in the mirror,” said Dhanak.

Masters looked in the mirror and saw himself. He was a little overweight, and he had a receding hairline. He was still a handsome man, but he had seen better days. He had light brown hair, and his eyes were a vibrant blue.

Dhanak smiled. “Don’t worry,” he said. “That’s what we’re going to fix.”

“Fix?” asked Masters.

“Yes,” said Dhanak. “You see, the character you are going to play is a widow, an heiress to a vast fortune from her late husband. She is a beautiful woman who has suffered greatly in life. Now, she is trying to rebuild her life and move on with her future.”

“Is this some kind of joke? I don’t understand,” said Masters feeling like he might it was a big prank.

“Of course, it isn’t a joke,” said Dhanak. “We need great actors just like you, but we need to make a few adjustments to your appearance first. We want to make you look perfect for this role.”

“Perfect?” asked Masters. “But I’m a white man, and you seem to think I could play an Indian widow. How can that be?”

“Our digital effects can easily manage it. Let me show you,” said Dhanak. He stood up and walked over to a large machine. He pressed a button, and music played Bollywood music with a distinct beat and lots of traditional instruments.

“Now, look into the mirror again. Do you see yourself?” asked Dhanak.

Masters looked in the mirror. Sure enough, he saw himself—the same slightly overweight man with the receding hairline.

“Keep staring,” said Dhanak. “You will see the image change before your eyes. Do not fear. What we are calling a mirror is really a high-resolution display.

Masters stared into the mirror. Then suddenly, he saw his reflection start to change. First, his hair grew longer and thicker. Next, it became wavy and darker.

“What’s happening?” asked Masters.

“It’s called a digital makeover,” said Dhanak. “We use special software to transform your image. It’s just a special effect done in real-time. Just keep looking.”

Masters kept staring. He watched as his face changed. Suddenly, he looked much younger. He had a clean-shaven jaw and a strong chin.

He also looked much thinner, with flawless skin and a youthful glow.

“Wow,” said Masters. “These effects look so lifelike.”

“It’s even more amazing than it looks,” said Dhanak. “This is just the beginning. We will do a lot more to your image. Your digital image will be perfect for our purposes. Just keep watching the mirror.”

Masters found himself transfixed by the mirror. He couldn’t take his eyes off it. He watched as the image in the mirror image changed further and further. His skin darkened, and his hair grew longer and stronger, becoming completely black.

The music playing in the background was also getting louder. It was an upbeat song that had a heavy beat. It was one of those songs where everyone wanted to start dancing. The image in the mirror suddenly became naked. He had no issue being naked. He had done nude scenes before. But he was not used to seeing himself with such dark skin. He also noticed that they were now rendering him completely hairless other than his head.

“The technology can even make you nude, huh?”

“Oh yes, anything we want you to look like.”

Next, he saw his neck seemingly lengthen as his shoulders pushed inwards. Then, he watched his arms thin, and his hands became small and delicate. Fat then appeared to develop, and muscle faded away. Meanwhile, he watched his face soften, his eyes turning brown as features started to shift.

This is such a fantastic effect, thought Masters, as he watched the aureoles of his nipples become more prominent and darker and mass develop on his chest. He saw his belly tighten and his waist narrow while his chest became fully endowed with two shapely brown boobs. He observed his waist narrow further and his stomach develop that little bit-fat look that many Bollywood dancers have.

Next, he saw his hips wide, and his thighs increase in size. He wanted to turn around to look at how the image rendered his new behind but couldn’t bring himself to look away from the mirror. His legs now looked slender and smooth but strong like a dancer’s. Finally, he watched his feet and toes become smaller.

“It renders genitals so clearly, but do we really need that in our movie?” He asked as he watched his genitals reform before his eyes. His sex sucking inwards and his skin pulling apart to reveal a pair of shiny dark labia.

“No,” said Dhanak. “We don’t need to show that. But we can if we want. It’s all up to us.”

Masters brought his eyes back to his face and observed his digital face. It was a beautiful Indian face with large brown eyes and a very straight, prominent nose. His eyebrows were thick and well-shaped, while his lips were full and his teeth white and perfect.

“I think they have finished rendering my new digital body.” He said.

“Yes, and it looks like they did a fantastic job too,” said Dhanak, who turned the music off. He continued with a laugh. “But there is nothing digital about it. Look at your ass.”

Masters turned away from the mirror and peered down. He expected to see his usual self, still wearing his regular clothes. But he didn’t see this. Instead, he felt his mouth drop open as he saw his new, round, dark brown ass. There was nothing digital about what he saw and nothing digital about his new perfectly round Indian ass. He could feel his heart beating faster.

“This is impossible!” He screamed, his new little brown hands travelling around his body, feeling his smooth skin and curves. His hands brushed over his new pussy, and he felt his new sex. She felt a jolt of pleasure from her new pussy.

“This is real!” She screamed, only now registering her new voice.

Dhanak laughed again. “You’re right. It is real. What good is a digital actress when we need your to do press circuits? So, of course, we need someone real. Someone who could sell tickets and merchandise. And now you are real.”

Masters was speechless. She couldn’t believe her eyes as she stared at herself in the mirror. “Change me back!” She screamed.

“No, no, no!” Dhanak laughed. “We’ve already gone too far. You can’t go back now. Besides, it’s too late for that. Your new body is here to stay. You are a Bollywood star now. You’ll be in movies and TV, doing interviews and singing songs. You’ll be famous.”

“I will sue you for this,” she said, “and I will win. I will never work for you. Change me back!”

“No,” said Dhanak, “We won’t change you back. Bollywood is your life now.”

Suddenly Masters had had enough. “I’m going to kill you,” Masters screamed, running at the Dhanak.

She had only taken a few steps towards Dhanak when suddenly she stopped in her tracks. Her feet stuck to the floor: Dhanak had started playing another song, a fast-paced Bollywood song, with a very distinct beat. It seems to fill Master’s senses, and she feels his brown Indian foot begin to tap in time.

“No, I have a better idea.” He says. “How about you dance for me instead!”

Masters then felt herself start moving in time with the music. She moved her arms in time with the beat and swayed her hips, her feet hitting the floor in time with the music at the same time. She had no idea how to do that, but she did it anyway. Her body moved without her command, perfectly in time with the music.

“That’s it!” Dhanak said, watching her. “Now you’re looking like a real Bollywood girl.”

Masters watched herself in the mirror, her perfect brown Indian body moving in time to the beat. She didn’t know how she knew what to do, but she was dancing perfectly, her belly now loving in time with the music.

“Use your tits too, dear; you don’t get to dance naked often, right?” Dhanak said.

Masters felt her new breasts jiggle as they moved with the music. She leaned forward and swayed her chest back and forth, smiling at the Dhanak as she shook her boobs. She squeezed them together and moved her hands over them. She could feel the weight of her new breasts while her nipples hardened as she danced. She started to feel a wetness between her legs for the first time. It was both a shocking and pleasant feeling.

“Good girl,” Dhanak said. “Keep going.”

Masters felt the wetness between her legs grow as she danced. She felt like she was getting aroused by just dancing. It made her pussy tingle. She kept dancing. The music seemed to hypnotize her, and she couldn’t stop. She began to feel a thrill inside her. She felt her new body move and shake as she moved to the beat. She felt something inside her begin to stir and grow.

“There, that’s it. Keep going. Don’t stop now. You’re almost there.”

The music was still playing, and Masters started to see images in front of her. Her on the covers of magazines; her on the red carpet. She saw herself at the top of the Bollywood game, much more successful than she was as a male actor in Hollywood. She saw herself with all the money and fame she could ever want. She felt her hand brush against her pussy again.

“That’s it! That’s it!” Dhanak said, smiling. “Now you’re getting ready to make your big debut.”

Her pussy was getting wetter and wetter. She felt a wave of heat rush through her body. She couldn’t stop dancing, and dancing made the orgasm build inside her. The feeling was like nothing she had ever experienced before.

“That’s it!” Dhanak said, “You’re cumming! Cum for me, baby. Cum for me.”

Masters felt a massive orgasm course through her body. Her body shook as she moaned loudly, her whole body shaking. Her dancing finally stopped as she fell to the ground, the feeling of the orgasm exploding through her body.

“That’s right, my sweet little girl,” Dhanak said. “That’s what I wanted. Now you’re ready to be a star. A real Bollywood Star. You’ll be famous forever.”

Masters felt her new body twitch and tremble. She couldn’t believe she had done that. She felt her face blush as she realized what she had just done. She felt happy, so unbelievably happy.

Dhanak smiled at her and rubbed his hands together. “So, I guess you’ll take the role?”

Masters looked at him, surprised. She had never thought she would say yes. But, now that she was a woman, she wanted to be a Bollywood star. She wanted to be famous.

“Oh god, yes!” Masters said.


Shriya Chawla, a tall and thin Indian beauty, stood just outside the BBC’s most extensive TV talk show set: waiting for her cue. She wore a modern-patterned Sari, and her long hair flowed down her body eloquently. It had been three years since Shriya had debuted as an actress in Britain’s native Bollywood industry. She had already made quite a name for herself in the UK and America. Now she was looking to transition to the glistening market of India itself.

She stood there, alone, until she heard her name called. The audience applauded as she entered the set. She smiled and waved at them. Little did they know that she was a man called John Miller only a few years ago. She intended that they’d never find out and even wished she could forget her old self entirely. She was happy as Shriya, a beautiful young Bollywood star.

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