
A Day at the Spa

Sarah Lawson was finally at the end of her three-month placement as a project manager in a large American corporation’s Jakarta office. Having worked nearly nonstop for this time, she was exhausted. You would think she would be granted some rest before returning to work, but her company had scheduled her to return ASAP. Not that Sarah complained; she was much too busy thinking of herself as a powerful and important woman. She couldn’t wait to get back to it.

Her boss in Jakarta, Ali, had a different idea. Firstly, he didn’t think much of women who worked rather than did the natural thing and produced children. Particularly those sent from America to manage a project his team could do easily without her. Not that he ever let Sarah know how he felt. And secondly, there was no way he would let a woman leave his company after being run into the ground. Ali had insisted that Sarah take a couple of extra days to relax and accept his gift of a “transformative experience” at a nearby spa on Macan Island. All business, Sarah pushed back against this indulgence, but after finally admitting how tired she truly was, she accepted his offer.

So it was for this reason that she woke up after a long lie-in in a luxurious spa. Her room was decorated simply but included rich, expensive furniture. A simplicity that Sarah assumed was part of the relaxation process. After finally getting out of bed at about midday, she carefully washed in an ornate bathtub and ate fruit from a platter left outside her room. Finally ready, she called the front desk to let them know she was prepared, sat down, and waited for someone to fetch her for her treatments.

A full body massage was the first thing planned for Sarah, a treatment promising to refresh every inch of her completely.


She had only waited for a few moments when there came a knock at the door. Sarah walked over and opened the door to find a middle-aged Indonesian woman, wearing a uniform and balancing a tray with little glass bottles of oils on one of her hands.

“Sarah Lawson for the transformative experience?” asked the masseuse, her English labored under a thick accent.

“Yes, that’s right.” Replied Sarah with a smile.

‘’You have VIP room, as you have premium treatment. It need much hard work. Much preparation, so we begin many day before.”

“Wow. All that for me?” Replied Sarah, wondering how much work preparing for a massage could be. Don’t they just need a table?

“Yes. Now follow me!” Said the masseuse who turned and begin walking down the corridor.

Sarah nodded in agreement and followed her. The masseuse led Sarah only a short distance before pushing open a heavy mahogany door that had three words, incomprehensible to Sarah who did not speak Indonesian, painted in large black letters:

Perawatan Khusus Aja! (Special Treatments Only)

After pushing open the door, the masseuse gestured for Sarah to enter before following her in and shutting the door behind her and locking it.

The room was nothing special. It consisted of white walls, white curtains and various wooden pieces of furniture like Sarah’s room. In the middle of the room was the massage table, which had already had a couple towels placed on it. Around the room were various bottles of oils and additional towels. The room was surprisingly well-lit.

“Please remove your clothes and give them to me, I send them to cleaning for you. Then lay on your back.” Said the masseuse politely, gesturing to the table.

Sarah did so, delicately stripping off until naked. As the door was locked, she didn’t feel worried about exposing herself as she handed her clothes to the masseuse who gently put them in the basket. Sarah then lay on the table, breathing out deeply and preparing herself mentally for what was to come.

The masseuse first put down the tray of oils nearby, before putting some towels over Sarah. Finally, she took one of the bottles, pouring sweet-smelling oil on her hands: “this special oil… it can reach you down to your soul with its energy. Now close your eyes and relax. I shall begin at your very top.”

Sarah allowed her eyed to slowly close as the woman placed her lightly oiled hands on the top of Sarah’s head and began to rub. Sarah felt the effects of the oil straight away. A relaxing warmth pushing its way through her skull and radiated down her body.

“Ahhhhh…” Exhaled Sarah as her face relaxed under the movement of the masseuse’s hands, who were masterfully massaging the oil over every inch of Sarah’s head.

Sarah, eyes closed, did not catch sight of the evil grin that appeared on the masseuse’s face as she watched the oil’s true effects manifest. Sarah’s face and head began to give way under the force of her hands. Features shifted, rapidly becoming unrecognisable as Sarah’s.  Her jaw changed shape, her nose widened and became flatter, her eyes developed an almond shape. The masseuse loved the feeling of molding Sarah’s features, like putty in her hands. She loved the feeling of gently massaging all traces of Europe out of her features, leaving only a distinctly Asian look. After the face was close to what she wanted, she then pulled the oil through her hair, causing it to thin and blacken. Sarah new lips opened and closed as she breathed deeply in relief from the tingly, warm and pleasant sensation that now permeated throughout every inch of head.

“How it feel?” asked the masseuse.

“Wonderful!” replied Sarah.

Now to deal with that ghastly language, thought the masseuse to herself as she applied a different sweet oil to index and middle fingers.

This fingers, now slick with oil, made their way to Sarah’s temples and began to rub in circular motions, pushing the new oil in deeply with her fingertips. Sarah’s newly Asian face initially responded in shock from this sensation but quickly calmed down as a feeling of bliss spread through her mind. She couldn’t help but let the sensation take over.

“How does that feel?” asked the masseuse, the evil grin spreading once more of her face. “It… merasa (feel) wonderful” replied Sarah, pronunciation, grammar and vocabulary all suddenly in flux.

“Bagus (good)” replied the masseuse as she intensified the rubbing. She loved this part of her job the most, forcing the Bule’s old sense of self out for a new, better Indonesian one. She rubbed for a few more minutes before asking again: “how that feel now?”

“feel… luar biasa (amazing)…” the first English word came out forced with the following Indonesian words naturally slipping from her lips. The masseuse thought she was almost there, just a little bit more rubbing. She intensified the massage even more to help the final changes to take hold. Finally, after a few moments of intense rubbing, she asked “how that feeling to you?”

There was a long pause before “apa? (what?)” came from Sarah’s lips. The masseuse had to stop herself laughing: this woman had gone from native English speaker to not speaking a word of English in minutes.

“Maksud saya, Bagaimana perasaan ini? (I mean, how does this feel?)”

“O gitu… Bagus! (Oh I see… Great!)” replied the Asian face.

“Minta maaf, saya belum menanyakan… Siapa nama Anda? (Sorry, I haven’t asked yet… What is your name?)” Asked the masseuse, still rubbing her temples intensely.

“Saya… (I…)” Started Sarah before pausing as the oil took complete hold. “Saya Ika. (I am Ika.)” replied the woman formally known as Sarah. Her head is done thought the masseuse after hearing this.

“Ika, I am done with your head, now for the rest of your body.” said the masseuse kindly, English now abandoned. Not just for this moment, but for the rest of Ika’s life.

“Okay,” replied Ika as awaited what was coming next.

The masseuse then poured a lot of the first oil directly onto Ika’s belly and rubbed it lightly to cover the whole front of her body. She then began to carefully massage using her masterful skills and forcing Ika into a further state of bliss and pleasure as the oil took hold and continued to change her body. Right now, with an Asian face and White body, she looked closer to a Chinese woman. A lot more work was to be made until Ika had the body that the masseuse and her client would be happy with.

Darkening skin and changing proportions ripped through her body as she rubbed down the front of her body. At this point the front was done but now the face didn’t quite match, so the masseuse when back to it.

“Now, please lay on your stomach.” Said the masseuse.

“It feels so good!” Replied Ika, before turning over.

After some finishing touches on the back of her body, Ika was now a distinctly Indonesian looking beauty and the masseuse finally felt that she was done.

“You are finished, please choose some clothes from the closet over there and then make your way to out beachfront. Relaxing by the sea is the next part of your treatment!” said the masseuse and Ika complied. Walking to a closet to find a variety of clothes that all seemed to fit her perfectly. After slipping on a summer outfit, she made her way to spa’s private beach.

Ika found an interesting book and began to read, enjoying the fresh sea air as she did so. Eventually, a man walked up with some drinks. Ika couldn’t help feel he was pretty handsome… and somehow familiar.

“Ika! There you are…” Called the man as he walked up to her.

“Do I know you?” Ika replied.

“What? You don’t remember your fiancé?”

“My… fiancé?” Replied Ika, who felt a weird recognition as she heard this words and peered into Ali’s face.

“I think the sun must be getting to you Ika!” Said the man, handing her a drink and kissing her on the lips. A kiss that she couldn’t help but return. She remembered now. She remembered her love for this man. She remembered how they met and the moment he proposed. She also remembered the first time they fucked and she felt a slight flutter down below as she imagined wrapping her brown legs around his strong body.

“Must be dear, now how about we skip the drinks and get back to our room?”

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2 responses to “A Day at the Spa”

  1. Great story, just as the good as the original, but I love the extra details u did.

  2. Love the lil details u added to an already great story.

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