
Learning to be a Pinay Girlfriend

You arrive at one of Manila’s many English language training centers, ready for another day of teaching English to adults. You think being an ESL teacher is rewarding work, but you’ve been doing it long enough to become dull and repetitive. It doesn’t help that your company provides the lessons plans and doesn’t tolerate you deviating from them. As you open the door of the teacher’s office, you feel a wave of cool air hit you, causing you to shiver a little due to the sweat already clinging to you after walking outside in the Manila sun. No one else is in the office when you arrive.

You yawn as you sit down, throwing your bag on the floor beside your chair. As you log in to your workstation, you pull at your tight white collar to allow trapped sweat to slide down your neck. You go straight to checking your schedule for the rest of the day. It isn’t a pretty sight. “Four beginner lessons!?” You say to yourself, thinking how dull that will be. But it’s not all bad, as you also notice your first lesson for the day: one-on-one, advanced. Now, that sounds more like it. You click on the lesson details and see no lesson plan; in its place, there is just a request to practice conversational skills with the student. You also check the student’s details and see she is female and only 22.

Only 22!? You wonder what she will be like… You see a shy young woman with a slender figure politely greeting you with downcast eyes and a softly murmured “Good morning po, Teacher.” But then, as the lesson progresses, she starts to come out of her shell in more ways than one… Flashes of tanned skin as her conservative blouse slips off one shoulder. Seductive glances through long, fluttering lashes. That musical Filipino lilt in her voice as she repeats words after you, pink lips parting invitingly. The subtle scent of her perfume as she leans in closer to hear you, you think of jasmine and sandalwood. She hangs on to your every word, gazing at you with rapt admiration… “Shit!” You exclaim as your cock grows rock hard, straining against your slacks. “What the fuck am I doing?” You glance at the clock on the wall. Still fifteen minutes until the lesson. You breathe out deeply and try to calm down, willing your cock to soften before the lesson begins.

It’s not long until it’s time to head to the classroom. You straighten your collar, attempting to look professional despite the sweat already soaking your shirt. Gathering your teaching tools, you stride out of the office, wondering if the student will be anything like you imagined. As you get to the classroom, your earlier arousal has mercifully subsided, though your mind still buzzes with images of the mysterious student. Opening the door, you step inside the small room, glancing around. Empty.

Your shoulders slump slightly as your hopes for the student already waiting for you with a shy, beguiling smile are dashed. Ah well. You busy yourself setting up for the lesson, trying not to let your mind wander to impure thoughts again. As the slow classroom computer finishes logging in and you lay out your colored board markers, you hear the door opening behind you.

“Good morning, teacher. Sorry, I’m a little late.”

That voice… It is even sweeter than you imagined. You turn around slowly to face her. The gorgeous young Filipina standing in the doorway takes your breath away. She’s far better than even your fantasy. Petite and slender, with smooth caramel skin and delicate true Pinay. A waterfall of silky black hair frames her lovely facial features: captivating dark eyes, a small yet flat nose, and lush, kissable lips.

Your gaze travels hungrily over her body, drinking in every detail. She’s wearing a shiny pink dress that clings to her shapely chest and narrow waist. It has thin straps that show off her smooth shoulders and ends midthigh to show off her legs. You follow her body down, eyes lingering on her dainty bare feet in strappy sandals. God, even her feet are perfect. Slim and graceful, with a delicate bone structure. Realizing you’re staring, you tear your eyes away from her feet and clear your throat.

“It’s no problem… Can I just check your name?” You say as you extend your hand, trying to act natural.

“I’m Gabriela, and It’s a pleasure to meet you… in person.” Her eyes have a knowing twinkle as if she can guess the dirty thoughts that have been running through your head. She clasps your hand warmly in both of hers, her soft and delicate skin against yours. A jolt of electricity seems to pulse through you at her touch: a sensation that spreads up your arm and body, making you shiver with a strange delight. The feeling makes you wonder for a moment, am I so horny that a touch of her hand can excite me? You wonder. Or am I just too hot?

She releases your hand and gives you a coy smile before turning around and sitting delicately in a chair. The bottom of her dress rides up as she sits, revealing all her smooth thighs, if for just a moment. You struggle to tear your gaze away from those legs, feeling your cheeks and ears begin to flush red. Even when you do manage to look away, as you are standing over her, you can easily see down her dress. You must fight not to stare as you try to catch a glimpse of her nipples through her black bra.

“So, teacher, what are we covering in today’s lesson?” She crosses her legs, swinging her foot a little, grinning at you as you fail to answer her question. “Teacher?” She adds. You blink hard and force yourself to enter teacher mode.

“You asked for conversational practice.” You say, trying to sound authoritative. “So, what would you like to talk about?”

Gabriela smiles widely before leaning forward, resting her elbows on the table as she gazes at you with sparkling eyes. “So, tell me, teacher, do you have a girlfriend?” Her tone is light and casual, while her English is perfect. Her accent, while there, is slight: she sounds almost American.

You’re a bit taken aback by the personal question, but try to maintain a friendly smile. “Ah, no, I’m single at the moment. Just focused on work, you know.” You give a little self-deprecating chuckle.

“Really? I’m surprised a handsome guy like you doesn’t have a special someone.” She tilts her head, silky hair sliding over her shoulder. “How could this be?”

“Oh, uhh, well…” You fumble for an answer, caught off guard by her forwardness. “I guess I just haven’t met the right person yet.”

“Mmm, I see.” Gabriela nods slowly, eyeing you with a thoughtful expression. “And what type of girl would be right for you? What qualities are you looking for in an ideal partner?” She crosses her legs, her skirt riding up a little to expose more smooth thigh.

You tug at your collar as sweat starts to bead down your brow. “I, uh… I’m not sure.” You say, unconvincingly, an image of Gabriela flashing through your mind. “Someone smart, attractive, easy to talk to…” You hear yourself say.

The corners of her mouth turn up in a knowing smirk as if reading your thoughts. “I see, attractive and easy to talk to… Like me, perhaps?” She purrs, seemingly enjoying making you uncomfortable.

Your ears burn red, and you look away, clearing your throat. “Oh no, I didn’t mean… That would be inappropriate, of course.”

“Of course, of course.” She giggles, touching your hand lightly and causing you to feel that same electric energy as she does. “I’m just teasing, teacher. But you know…” Gabriela leans in closer, her fragrance enveloping you. “I think the real reason you’re single is that you haven’t yet embraced your authentic self.” Her tone turns earnest, eyes boring into yours.

“M-my authentic self?” You stammer, heart pounding at her proximity. “What do you mean?”

Gabriela winks and squeezes your hand. “There’s a different person hidden inside you, yearning to break free and experience life… and love. Your true self.” Her gaze is intense, almost hypnotic. “I want to help you find it.”

You feel hot and cold all at once, dizzy with confusion and a strange exhilaration. As you stare into Gabriela’s captivating eyes, the room seems to spin around you. “Gabriela, I don’t understand… My true self? What are you talking about?”

She shakes her head and chuckles lowly, a secretive glint in her eye. “Don’t worry, teacher. By the end of our lesson, you will understand perfectly…” Gabriela’s playful expression suddenly shifts to one of intense focus as she suddenly grips both your hands tightly in hers, her gaze boring into your eyes with a certain power. You can’t look away. You can’t even move.

“Just relax, teacher. Let it happen,” she murmurs soothingly. “I’m going to reveal your true self now…”

As she speaks, the room around you subtly moves, desks and chairs rising while you remain still. It is slow, but you notice that the angle you are staring at to meet Gabriela’s eyes slowly shifts towards being horizontal.

The tingling warmth from her hands changes to a searing heat that races through your hands and spreads up your arms. You try desperately to move, but you can’t: your body refuses to do anything. In the corner of your eye, you see the skin on your hands begin to change color, shifting from your current pale complexion to a warm, light brown hue that matches Gabriela’s beautiful Filipino skin tone. The change advances past your wrists, moving steadily up your forearms. A flicker of recognition sparks in your mind as this rich caramel hue. You recall countless moments spent admiring the sun-kissed complexions of your Filipina students, a secret yearning to have such a warm, inviting skin tone for yourself. A strange euphoria hits you for a moment as you imagine your pale flesh melts away, replaced by the shade you’ve secretly envied for so long.

Gabriela’s plump lips kiss the air. “You’re starting to become your true, authentic self,” she purrs. “How does it feel?”

Unable to move, you can’t respond, but as you try once more to will yourself to move, you are assaulted by a series of vivid images flashing in your mind. You see yourself penetrating Gabriela, her mouth opening wide as she moans in pleasure while you push your cock in and out of her tight pussy.

“Ah, we’ll get to that part later,” Gabriela chuckles, seemingly knowing your aroused thoughts. “You have a long way to go before you are ready for me…” Her eyes gleam with anticipation.

The desk in front of you has grown quite a bit larger, its surface still rising gradually as the seconds tick by. Gabriela’s chair across from you likewise appears to be inflating in size. Some distant part of your mind registers that you must be shrinking, your body diminishing inch by inch under Gabriela’s transformative power. The awareness hovers at the periphery as you stare transfixed at her beautiful face, the angle getting closer to horizontal.

The searing heat has now spread throughout your body, and it feels like molten lava is flowing through your veins, every nerve ending igniting with a prickling, electric sensation. In your peripheral vision, brown pigment has now taken over your entire arms, the golden complexion spreading beyond them and appearing across your body.

Gabriela’s eyes have not left yours once, and you can see in them that she is enjoying the changes immensely. “You’re doing so well, teacher. Just keep focusing on me and breathe…” Her melodic voice is soothing and reassuring, even as reality warps around you.

Without warning, a jolt of intense arousal surges through your body, causing your cock to swell and stiffen to an almost painful degree. It strains against your pants, throbbing and twitching as pre-cum coats your underwear. You gasp at the abrupt spike of pleasure, face flushing red, as another intense vision flashes in your mind. This time you are not fucking Gabriela but are instead eating her out, her wet folds pushing into your mouth as she responds to the careful movements of your tongue.

“Oh God!” You manage to cry out, the intense pleasure cutting through you. As you scream, you notice your words sound a little… strange. Gabriela chuckles a little after hearing your voice.

You wish you could move. You want to you could grasp your cock and ease your raging erection. But you can’t and are forced to stay still as arousal is mixed with other foreign sensations that assault you from head to toe. At your feet, a tingling warmth is followed by an intense pinching sensation. CRUNCH! You grit your teeth as sickening sounds ring out from across your body. It feels like every bone is splintering and compacting. You feel your feet shrink down into dainty, little things. They feel loose in your shoes. A similar feeling then travels up your legs: muscles and bones shifting and realigning. POP! SNAP! Searing pain gives way to a dull, pulsing ache as your legs reshape themselves, excess fat moving to allow feminine curves to bubble up in all the right places. Slender calves and dainty ankles, smoothly tapering into soft, rounded thighs straining against your pants.

POP! CRACK! You nearly bite through your lip as your pelvis shatters and reforms, hips ballooning outwards to create a curvy hourglass shape. The waistband of your pants becomes loose over a suddenly narrow waist before tightening again as a bubble butt blossoms behind you. RIP! The seams of your slacks split to reveal an expanse of golden-brown flesh. Under your shirt, the skin of your stomach ripples and pulls taut, excess flab melting away to leave a smooth, flat expanse of caramel perfection. A moan bursts from your lips as two heavyweights surge outward from your chest, swelling into massive, your tits now much closer to Gabriela’s beautiful face. PING! PING! Buttons fly off your shirt as your swollen tits push into the shirt, causing the material burst. RIP! Each luscious globe jiggles lewdly with your panting, large areolae hardening as your nipples stiffen into what remains of your shirt.

CRUNCH! Something grinds in your shoulders as your collarbone collapses inward and ball joints pop from their sockets, agony fading into a dull ache as they settle higher up, leaving you with a more petite, feminine frame. SNAP! Muscles and tendons shift beneath your tightening skin as arms slim further into delicate limbs, your hands shrinking in Gabriela’s grasp, her elegant fingers now larger than yours. As these adjustments are underway, you suddenly feel like you are falling as the slow shrinking changes to a sudden and rapid fall in stature as your whole body compresses, Gabriela looming even larger before you. Three, four, five… Half a foot of height vanishes as you dwindle into an adorable pocket-sized form. The desk rises past your navel, the chair back reaching your shoulders. You are now level with Gabriela’s eyes. You realize that you cannot be more than four feet tall!

Even as your whole body burns, you can’t stop another vision from overtaking you. You see Gabriela settling between your slender brown thighs, her tongue sucking your cock… No. Not your cock. Instead, her tongue is darting out of your… pussy. A pussy that reacts strongly to her tongue, causing you to moan out in pleasure. “Ohhhh…” A throaty moan forces its way from your lips in the real world as phantom pleasure jolts through your cock: a pleasure that shouldn’t be impossible with your current equipment. The obscene mental image shoves you over the edge. “Oh god! Am I cumming!?” you scream in your head as ecstasy detonates in your core. Your cock twitches violently, convulsing in a way that would normally follow with strings of cum firing outwards. But instead, the feeling inverts as your member suddenly sucks into your body with a wet SHLURRRRP! Your balls follow your cock inwards in one big lurch. In the place of your cock, a pretty pussy now sits among rapidly reforming ebony curls that can be seen through the tears in your slacks. Panting and moaning, you writhe a little in Gabriela’s grip as she smiles at your new pussy and black bush through your ruined clothes.

As a new ache appears between your legs, a new desperation for something to fill the new void, you feel like a missing piece of yourself has finally clicked into place: a hidden desire buried deep within you for longer than you can recall. This is right. You have craved this on some primal level: completion at last.

“So close… You are so close to being done!” Says Gabriela, excitement brewing.

Your head pounds in time with your racing heartbeat as the molten heat rushes up your neck and floods into your skull. A sharp CRACK echoes from your jawbone as the joint grinds and pops, restructuring into a rounder shape. The feeling moves higher, pressure building in your cheekbones and brow. You feel your cartilage snap and fuse, causing your features to change. Wide, almond-shaped eyes fringed with lush lashes develop alongside a small, flat nose. Your lips become plump, glistening invitingly, as your whole skill finishes reforming.

Gabriela grins hungrily as she admires your lovely new self. “I think you’re done, teacher!” She says, finally letting go of your hands. You feel the energy subside, and your body unfreezes. The first thing you do is look down, seeing destroyed clothes amongst flashes of rich caramel skin. You take in your radically transformed body with wide eyes as your vision drifts downward. The remains of your masculine attire hang off your petite frame in tatters, smooth brown peeking through the torn fabric. You see bountiful torpedo breasts strain against ragged pieces of your shirt. You see cute, doll-like hands emerge from too-long sleeves. Further down, you see exposed brown legs as your torn pants must have slipped down your shapely thighs and pooled around your shoes. You notice your new mounds and black bush and feel an urge to touch it.

Tentatively, you lift your slender right leg. As you lift it free on your slacks, your oversized sock and shoe dangle comically from your foot before slipping right off, revealing cute little brown toes with a delicate bone structure. Perfect feet like Gabriela’s, albeit even smaller.

“Gabriela, w-what happen me? I am change back, please!” Your melodic voice has a distinct accent now, the quirks of a new native tongue coloring your speech. A native language that you can’t keep from switching to in your head.

Gabriela smirks and waves her finger. “Tsk tsk, teacher. You mean, please change me back! I think we will have to work on your English!” She says with a laugh.

Desperation rising, you try again, hands gesturing at your body. “Please, Gabriela! Make I back to normal! This wrong!”

Gabriela’s lips curve into a wicked grin as she rises from her chair, sauntering towards you with a sway of her hips. “Oh, but you look so much better this way, teacher. So cute and sexy!” She stands up and reaches down to caress your cheek. “Why would you ever want to change back?”

You notice she is about a head taller than you now.

You tremble under her touch, a confusing mix of arousal and anxiety swirling inside you. Gabriela takes your hand and helps you step out of your ill-fitting pants, your other shoe and sock falling away as you do so. Gabriela then helps you remove your tattered shirt, leaving you completely nude.

“Much better,” purrs Gabriela, drinking in your body with hungry eyes. She pulls you into a kiss, her plush lips moving against yours. A whimper escapes you as her tongue boldly explores your mouth. You feel your new delicate hands begin to explore her body, rubbing against smooth skin, instinctively grabbing her ass. Your new pussy throbs with need, growing slick with arousal as her tongues continue to probe you.

Breaking the kiss, Gabriela guides you to perch on the edge of one of the desks, your bubble butt cushioning you against the rigid wood. She looks you up and down, biting her bottom lip before lifting the straps of her dress over her head and shaking her hips to let it fall down her body. Your pussy aches even more as you see more of her body. She then releases the clasp of her bra, chucking it across the room to reveal her perfectly shaped boobs. “Please… I need feel good!” You cry out as your hips start moving by themselves, the need growing unbearable. Gabriela sinks to her knees, pushing your thighs apart, her face level with your new pussy. You barely have time to gasp before she leans in to run the flat of her tongue along your slit.

“Yes! Yes!” You moan, back arching as electric pleasure courses through your body. Your dainty toes curl, and your hand grasps her hair as she eats you out, lapping and sucking at your sensitive folds and clit. Tension builds rapidly in your core, your pussy clenching and fluttering against her talented mouth. She does this without stopping, masterfully teasing your clit. But, as you get closer and closer, she suddenly stops.

“Admit this is who you really are!” She says, your pussy juices on her lips.

“What?” You ask, your pussy burning.

“You heard me!” Gabriela adds.

“Okay… okay!” You scream, half desperate to cum, half telling the truth. “This real me!”

Gabriela maneuvers her legs to allow her to slip off her panties. “Who are you!? Tell me!”

“I Pinay girl!” You cry out, the words increasing your arousal. It just feels so good and so right.

“More!” Commands Gabriela.

“I Pinay slut! I Pinay lesbian! I Pinay Lesbian slut who needs to cum!” You scream, the words making you near orgasm on their own. You’ve never felt so good in your life before, nor so authentic.

“Good girl…” says Gabriela, licking her lips before going back to eating you out.

The feeling is incredible, with nothing ever coming close as a man. You feel something building inside you, getting bigger and bigger and bigger before… “Oh! Oh! I… I c-cum! I CUUUUUUUUM!” You cry out brokenly in ecstasy as the climax hits, your pussy spasming against Gabriela’s tongue, which continues to lap at you until the last aftershocks fade.

“Look at you, trembling in the aftershocks of bliss,” Gabriela purrs, rising to her feet. She cups your face tenderly, thumbs stroking your caramel cheeks. “So beautiful. So perfect. Tell me… is this who you truly are? The self you’ve denied for so long?”

Gazing up at her with eyes glassy from pleasure, you nod slowly, the truth of her words sinking deep inside. “Yes,” you whisper hoarsely. “Yes, I… I think is. I no before feel so happy, so real. Like I who I should be.” Grateful tears glisten on your lashes as you kiss her hand. “Thank you po, Gabriela. Thank you make me free.”

Gabriela beams in triumph, twining her fingers with yours. “I knew it, teacher! Or should I say… girlfriend? I knew it the moment I first saw you teaching a classroom.” She winks, sending a flutter through your heart. Gabriela helps you dress in your ruined clothing as best you can, tying the shirt in a cute crop top style.

Hand in hand, you walk out of the classroom together, ready to embark on a brand-new life: no longer a foreign teacher and Filipina student but two Filipina Girlfriends. Your true self, at last.


Being a woman was not easy, this you had quickly learned after you had become one. Particularly one of a different culture. There were so many little actions you had to master: the sway of hips, the elegant cross of legs, the precise flick of silky hair over a bare shoulder. Let alone how you were expected to act towards to others and especially the way you were expected to deal with brutish men and their dirty minds. Luckily, you had Gabriela to guide you. She was endlessly patient for her new girlfriend and always willing to help you do things just right.

“There, hold still Diwata,” Gabriela murmurs as she straightens your hair. Your eyes meet in the mirror, and you bite your lip against the flutter in your stomach at hearing that name, your new name. The old one belonged to a different person, a distant memory now. He is officially missing, but you can’t bring yourself to miss him. Not when the woman smiling shyly back at you is such an obvious upgrade.

“I like your blonde hair but it I think you should try letting your natural color come through,” Gabriela adds and you agree. You want to see everything your body naturally has to offer.

Staring in the mirror, you can scarcely believe the alluring woman you have become, all soft curves and graceful lines. Nor can you believe the clothes that you can wear now. Dresses and heels mostly, something that you had always secretly wanted to wear when you were a man. Today, you have donned a white dress that skims your figure, cut high on caramel thighs and clinging to the contours of your perky ass. The head straightening now done, you shift experimentally, admiring the defined calves and dainty ankles afforded by a truly killer pair of pink strappy heels. Even your toes are so perfect compared to what you had before.

“Perfection,” Gabriela declares proudly and you glow under her praise, spine straightening. “I’ll see you outside when you are ready!” She says with a parting wink, gliding out of the room and leaving you to contemplate your reflection a moment longer.

Squaring your shoulders, you turn and follow her out, pink heels clicking against the floor. As you leave your apartment and walk across the garden, you feel that the world is more at peace than ever before.

As you walk across the garden, you feel each step take you further from your past and deeper into the future. Your future.

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