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Operation Samsara 04

Operation Samsara Field Report

Report #:UK00043
To:Special Operations High Command
From:Indian Operational Command (IOC) UK
Subject:Neutralization of Threats

This report details a recent field operation to neutralize a journalist named Brian Thompson who had been investigating reports of our activities in the UK. Thompson was proving quite difficult to get close to through conventional means, as he was cautious and rarely let his guard down. He had even developed enough knowledge of our operations to counter it, and he rejected anything that he wasn’t sure was free from our influence. It was determined that the best approach would be to utilize his secretary, Amanda Nichols. We did not require her cooperation for this process.

Just like in our previous reports, we used an anonymous delivery method utilizing a combination of a localized Mass Hypnosis Cultural Adjuster (MHCA) and a localized High-Powered Transformation Field (HPTF), integrated within a Sari. The Sari was delivered to Ms. Nichol’s house, and upon receiving it, she experienced an immediate and profound desire to wear it. A desire originating from the MHCA hidden within the garment. As she put on the Sari, she went through a remarkable mental transformation. Her personality completely shifted, adopting Hindi as her native language, and developing a deep sense of pride and loyalty towards India and our operation. She emerged as Swara and developed the necessary training and expertise to implement our plans effectively.

Just as with our other field operatives, Swara could compartmentalize her old personality with the new and returned to her role as Thompson’s secretary, who was none the wiser as she played the part of the dutiful assistant perfectly. All while gathering intelligence on her boss’s investigation and secretly sabotaging his efforts. Most importantly, she relayed every person he had contact with, allowing our agents to get to work to silence all who had learnt about us. Thompson never came close to knowing that his trusted secretary was now a devoted agent of Operation Samsara, who was putting the place the necessary equipment for the next stage of our plan.

Finally, the order was given to activate Swara and initiate the final phase of the operation. A coded message was broadcast on BBC Radio 4, triggering Swara programming. Switching to an Indian accent, she told Thompson that his time was up and to embrace what was happening next. Thompson, immediately understanding the implications, tried to escape but she had locked the office doors and activated a compact high-powered transformation field (HPTF) that she had smuggled in earlier, cleverly disguised as an ordinary desk lamp.

The journalist cried out in shock as the intense energies washed over him, but his protests were quickly silenced as the transformative process began to take hold. Swara watched with a serene smile as Thompson’s body began to change before her eyes. His pale skin started to darken, taking on the rich hue of a native Indian. Jet-black hair sprouted from his scalp, growing longer and silkier by the second until it spilled down past his shoulders in a glossy curtain. His facial features began to shift, nose becoming more curved, cheekbones rearranging themselves into a distinctly South Asian shape.

As the physical transformation progressed, Thompson’s frame became smaller and more delicate. His hips widened and his waist narrowed, while his modest chest swelled outward into a pair of rounds, pert breasts. The HPTF worked its way down his body, sculpting his figure into a curvy and feminine form.

Simultaneously, a mass-hypnosis cultural adjuster (MHCA), installed inside of the radio, activated its energies rewriting Thompson’s mind just as thoroughly as they reshaped his flesh. Memories were erased and overwritten, thoughts and priorities realigned to better serve the cause. Thompson cried out in pain, English fading in favor of Hindi, but it was far too late to resist. Soon. he vanished inside of Indira: a plain Indian housewife to be. The MHCA was also targeted towards Swara, who lost her status as a field operative and went through retirement as she became Indira’s younger sister. Also, a housewife to be.

The entire process took only 6.5 minutes from start to finish. When it was done, Indira and Swara stood side by side, two beautiful Indian women ready for transport and distribution back in India.

The two women were swiftly recovered by our extraction team and brought in for debriefing. Initial assessments confirm that their conversions were total and complete – neither Indira nor Swara have any remaining traces of their former identities, and both were happy to be transported back home to meet their new husbands.

With the information acquired, we now have a list of journalists, politicians, and other influential figures who have learnt of our plans and are now top-priority candidates for conversion. We will have more to report on our progress soon.

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