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Suntan (MOTC24)

Jake swaggered onto the women-only sundeck, his pale, doughy body a sacrilege in this female-only space. He smirked at the glaring Balinese beauties, secure in his white male privilege. “Chill, ladies, just here to catch some rays,” he drawled, plopping down on a lounger. Slathering himself in sunblock, he settled in to bake. But Bali’s ancient magic, steeped in the island’s Hindu roots, took great offense to this entitled interloper. The sun god, Surya, glowered down at the fool who dared to defile his sacred feminine sanctuary. Divine punishment was in order.

At first, Jake just felt a pleasant tingle suffusing his body, like a full-contact massage. He grinned dopily, thinking he’d stumbled on some primo UV real estate. But then it started. First it was at his core, his beer belly deflating as the fatty tissue migrated. Jake gasped as his love handles plumped into womanly hips, his bony ass rounding into a juicy peach. Higher up, his hairy man-boobs began to swell and firm, coalescing into perky, mouth-watering tits.

“The fuck…?” he slurred, pawing at his chest. But instead of the familiar scratch of wiry hair, he found only smooth, hypersensitive skin. His new nipples hardened beneath his touch, sending electric jolts straight to his groin. Except his groin wasn’t his anymore. Jake howled as a searing ache blossomed behind his balls, his flesh folding like origami. He could feel his innards rearranging themselves, his abdominal wall collapsing inward to form a tight new form. As what was outwards, became inwards, phantom pain changed into liquid bliss. Pleasure impaled his virgin cunt, molding his insides to its shape.

But he cock remained, unseemly above his newly glistening slit. Sweat poured from Jake as he writhed on the lounger, cunt twitching with sympathetic spasms. With each clench, his hips swiveled a bit more saucily, his thighs gapped a bit wider. A heavy pressure swelled as the erectile tissue of his cock cannibalized itself, building a fat, juicy clit to cap his newly-minted pussy. Jake’s skin, already glistening, began to darken. Like a time-lapse of tea seeping into hot water, rich shades spread from his extremities inward, leaving him first the smooth, tawny bronze of a native Balinese. And darkening further beyond, to give him very dark skin even by the locals’ standards.

Panicking, Jake tried to stand on wobbly legs, only to topple back as his shifting skeleton sabotaged his balance. He wailed in a voice that grew in pitch as his skull compressed, his jawline narrowed, his brow smoothed. The angular planes of his face blurred into exotic femininity. His ginger crewcut lengthened into a tumbling black mane that spilled over his shoulders and curtained his new cleavage. In a final burst of solar sadism, Surya’s power tweaked Jake’s very DNA, erasing any trace of Celtic heritage and branding him with a pure Balinese genome. It even edited his swimwear, his baggy trunks dissolving into a white two-piece with an accentuating black belt.

Tears of horrified awe trickled from Jake’s now almond eyes. Where once there had been a soft, schlubby white man, now there lounged a island goddess, with high, bountiful breasts, a supplely muscular hourglass frame, and legs that went on forever. He, SHE, was a man’s wet dream made chocolate flesh. But inside, Jake was still Jake. His mind was intact. The surrounding women pointedly ignored his distress, as if his transformation into brown fuckmeat was simply the natural order. He had violated the sanctity of their space, and now he would forever wear a form they approved.

Reeling, Jake minced back to his cheap hotel on dainty brown feet, desperately hoping this was all some heat stroke hallucination. But deep in his gut, he knew the truth: he was now just another Bali beach bunny. One whose pussy was already starting to ache and scream with need.

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