The humid night air clung to Ryan’s skin as he sat at a rickety plastic table outside a small warung in Jakarta. The faint hum of motorbikes and the chatter of locals filled the background, but his attention was fixed on the half-empty bottle of Bintang in front of him. Across the table, Mark leaned back in his chair, a smirk playing on his lips as he swirled his own beer.
“So, you’re telling me you got a new gig?” Mark asked, raising an eyebrow. His nasally Australian accent cutting through the noise. “What is it this time? Another dodgy tutoring job?”
Ryan shook his head and took a swig from his bottle before answering. “Nah, mate. This one’s different. It’s called VCS. Some kind of online chat thing. Pays way better than teaching.”
Mark’s smirk widened into a grin, and he let out a short laugh. “VCS? Seriously? You sure you know what you’re signing up for?”
Ryan frowned and set his bottle down with a clink. “What’s that supposed to mean? It’s just chatting with people online, right? Customer service or something.”
Mark leaned forward, resting his elbows on the table. His expression was equal parts amused and incredulous. “Mate, VCS isn’t customer service. It’s… well, let’s just say it’s not exactly PG-rated.”
Ryan blinked, confusion flickering across his face. “What are you on about? They said it was just talking to people. Easy money.”
Mark chuckled again and shook his head. “If you say so. Good luck with that.” He raised his bottle in a mock toast before taking another sip.
Ryan stared at him for a moment, trying to decipher the meaning behind Mark’s words. But before he could press further, Mark changed the subject, launching into a story about some wild night out in Bali. Ryan listened half-heartedly as he pondered exactly what his friend meant.
Later that night, Ryan sat alone in his small apartment, the glow of his laptop screen casting harsh shadows across the room. He had spent the last hour setting up for his first shift on the VCS platform: downloading software, creating an account, and testing his webcam and microphone. Everything seemed straightforward enough. The job promised to pay by the hour, with no finishing time specified. As far as he could make out, they’d pay him for as long as he was online.
As he waited for the clock to hit 8:00 PM, the start of his shift, he couldn’t shake the conversation that he had had with Mark earlier. What had he meant by “not exactly PG-rated”? Was this some kind of scam? A porn site? Ryan shook his head, trying to push the thoughts away. He needed the money, and if it turned out to be something sketchy, he could always quit.
When the clock finally struck eight, Ryan clicked the button to start his shift. The screen flickered for a moment before displaying a simple interface: a chatlog on one side and a large video feed in the center. His own face stared back at him from the feed: pasty British skin slightly flushed from nerves.
Words appeared on the chat log.
Chat Log:
JakartaDreamer has entered your chat.
Ryan took a deep breath before speaking into the camera, forcing a smile: “Hi there, how can I help you today?”
Chat Log:
JakartaDreamer: You’re new, right?
“Yeah,” Ryan replied nervously, scratching the back of his neck. Ryan wasn’t exactly sure what he was supposed to say. It was only now that he was live that he realised that he had no idea what he was supposed to be talking about. Ryan was just preparing some small talk when a tingling sensation began in his fingertips before spreading rapidly throughout his entire frame. It didn’t take long until every nerve ending felt like it was on fire, causing his muscles to tense.
People were joining the chat. Not that Ryan could really notice as the sensations overcame his senses. “What… what’s going on?” Ryan gasped, clutching his chest where his heart raced uncontrollably beneath his ribcage, threatening to burst free any second now…
Chat Log:
[JakartaDreamer]: Relax, sayang. Just let it happen. You’re doing great. 😉
[BaliLover69]: LOL looks like the new girl’s freaking. Calm down, sweetheart, you’re gonna love it.
[CuriousCat]: Is this her first time? She looks so confused.
[SassyQueen]: OMG she’s so awkward. Can’t wait to see how this turns out. 💅
[BigBoss88]: Stop whining and let the process work. You signed up for this.
Ryan stared at the screen, his confusion deepening. The chat was moving too fast, the messages overlapping as the dings became nearly constant. “What are you talking about? What’s happening to me?”
Chat Log:
[JakartaDreamer]: You’ll see. Trust me, you’re going to love it.
[BaliLover69]: Yeah, just sit back and enjoy the ride, babe. 😘
Ryan gasped and tried to stand up from his desk chair, desperate to escape the unbearable sensation. But his legs gave out beneath him, and he collapsed onto his desk in a heap. Panic rose in his throat as he realized he couldn’t control his own body. His muscles began to twitch and spasm uncontrollably, the involuntary movements growing more violent by the second.
“Fuck, fuck, what the hell…” Ryan panted, his voice sounding strained and foreign to his own ears. He held his trembling hands up in front of his face and watched in abject horror as his pale white skin began to change before his very eyes.
A warm, caramel tone crept over his flesh, starting at his fingertips and spreading towards his core like some kind of disease. His freckles and blemishes faded away, erased as his complexion became smooth and flawless. The skin itself felt different too: softer, more delicate and sensitive.
Ryan’s breath came in ragged gasps as he felt his skeleton shifting and reforming beneath his skin, his bones creaking audibly as did so. His broad, masculine shoulders caved inward, narrowing down into a delicate slope. At the same time, his waist crunched inwards sharply, tightening as his midsection pulled inwards.
His hips then jutted outwards, widening dramatically until they strained against the confines of his shorts. The dramatic curves of his new pelvic bone forced Ryan into an awkward, unmistakably feminine posture. He could no longer sit or stand the way he used to: is center of gravity had shifted dramatically.
Whimpering in confusion and distress, Ryan clutched at his chest as a deep ache began to emanate from behind his pectoral muscles. At first, he thought it was his racing heart, pounding against his rib cage. But the pressure continued to build at an alarming rate. His pecs started to push outward, swelling with new tissue that definitely hadn’t been there before.
Ryan watched in mute shock as the flesh softened and rounded, transforming into pert, jiggling tits that strained against his rapidly tightening t-shirt. They bounced with every shuddering breath he took, the sensitive skin already beading with sweat. He felt his nipples, now enlarged, harden involuntarily into stiff peaks which chafed almost painfully against the rough cotton fabric of his t-shirt.
He couldn’t stop himself from reaching up to touch them, just to confirm that this was really happening. But the moment his trembling fingers brushed over the jutting nubs, a jolt of intense sensation shot straight to his groin. Ryan jerked his hands away with a startled yelp, his face flushing with humiliation and unwanted arousal.
This couldn’t be real. It had to be some kind of fucked up dream or hallucination. But no matter how many times he blinked or shook his head; his body didn’t return to normal. Instead, tears of panic and confusion welled up in Ryan’s eyes, blurring his vision. He tried to call out for help, but all that emerged was a strangled whimper.
As Ryan struggled to process the nightmarish scenario, he dimly registered that the video call was still connected. He wanted to get away, to hide himself before anyone else witnessed his horrifying transformation. Ryan tried to push himself up off the desk, his movements clumsy and uncoordinated in his panic. But his new body refused to cooperate, the proportions all wrong and the weight distribution completely thrown off.
He managed to raise himself up before another change wracked through him, accompanied by a sickening crunch of bone and cartilage. Ryan’s arms gave out, and he collapsed back into his desk chair, too overwhelmed by pain and fear to even scream.
As he sat back in his chair, sweat beading down his face, the sensation zeroed in on his groin. A sharp, electric pressure surged through his crotch, like a thousand tiny needles pricking at the most sensitive of flesh. Ryan gasped, his trembling hands instinctively reaching down to cup himself. But instead of the familiar weight of his cock, he felt it shrinking… Retreating…
“No, no, no!” he tried to shout, but his voice cracked into a high-pitched whimper. The sound was alien, girlish, and it sent a shiver of dread down his spine. His cock was disappearing faster now, the flesh melting away into nothingness, leaving behind a hollow ache that made his stomach churn.
Then, the pressure shifted, morphing into a searing heat that radiated outward from his core. Ryan’s breath hitched as he felt something new forming between his legs: a tight, wet slit opened, pulsing with rhythm of his heartbeat. His balls were gone, replaced by a soft, hairless mound that felt complete alien under his trembling fingers.
Chat Log:
[BaliLover69]: HOLY SHIT look at that! I bet she’s already wet! 😍
[SassyQueen]: Ugh, of course she’s a natural. Some girls have all the luck. 🙄
[CuriousCat]: Is that normal? Should she be, you know, wet already?
[JakartaDreamer]: Perfect. Just perfect. You’re doing so well, sayang.
[BigBoss88]: Focus, girl. You’re here to perform, not to gawk at yourself.
Ryan’s face flushed with humiliation as he caught the messages from the chat. How did they know what was happening to him? Had they seen this before? “Stop it! What the hell is this?!” Ryan cried out, trying to ignore how strange his voice sounded.
Chat Log:
BaliLover69]: Oh, she’s feisty. I like that. 😏
[SassyQueen]: Feisty or clueless? Either way, she’s cute.
[JakartaDreamer]: Don’t fight it. You’re perfect now. Just accept it.
He forced himself to look down, his heart pounding in his chest. His shorts looked oddly empty; the material soaked with a strange moisture. His new cunt clenched involuntarily, a wave of wet heat spilling from between the delicate folds.
“This can’t be real… this isn’t happening…” Ryan thought, his mind racing as he tried to make sense of the impossible. But his body betrayed him, responding to the changes with a hunger he couldn’t ignore. His pussy throbbed, the sensation sharp and insistent, like a gnawing need that demanded to be filled.
The slickness between his legs grew, soaking further into the fabric of his shorts, and Ryan let out a strangled moan. His hips bucked involuntarily, his new cunt clenching around nothing, desperate for something, anything, to fill the aching void.
“No, no, no! Stop! This isn’t real!” Ryan tried to shout, but it came out as a breathy whimper. The sound of his own voice, so high and girlish, only added to his distress. How could this be happening to him? What kind of sick nightmare had he stumbled into?
Tears streamed down Ryan’s face as he struggled to cope with the onslaught of alien sensations. But when he reached up to wipe them away, he froze. His fingers brushed against skin that was far too soft and smooth to be his own. Slowly, dreading what he would find, Ryan traced his fingertips over his facial features.
His strong, angular jawline had vanished, replaced by a delicate curve that tapered into a small, pointed chin. His thin lips had plumped up into a lush, bee-stung pout. As he ran his tongue over them and felt the plump softness.
Ryan’s nose, once broad and slightly crooked from a teenage football injury, had straightened while also shrinking and widening. But the most drastic change was to his eyes. He could feel them straining wide in their sockets, the shape unmistakably altered. When he blinked, he could feel the brush of long, thick lashes against his cheeks.
Desperate to see what had happened, Ryan looked at his computer screen to see the feed of his video camera. Looking back at him was not his own face. Instead, it looked just like a local Indonesian woman… And a beautiful one at that.

Overwhelming panic now rose in Ryan’s throat, but when he opened his mouth, all that came out was a giggle. The sound was like nails on a chalkboard to his own ears: a ditzy, airheaded laugh. Where had that come from? Meanwhile, the chat kept going?
Chat Log:
[SassyQueen]: OMG her voice is so cute! I’m lowkey jealous. 😫
[BaliLover69]: Yeah, but I bet she sounds even better when she’s moaning. 😈
[CuriousCat]: Is this… normal? Like, is she supposed to sound like that now?
[JakartaDreamer]: Suara kamu manis sekali. Coba lagi, sayang. Biarkan aku dengar. Your voice is so sweet. Try again, darling. Let me hear it.
[BigBoss88]: Enough chatter. Let her finish the transformation.
Ryan tried to protest, but all that came out was another high-pitched giggle. His face burned with shame as the chat erupted with messages.
Chat Log:
[BaliLover69]: LOL she’s blushing! Adorable. 😍
[SassyQueen]: Ugh, stop simping. She’s just doing her job.
[JakartaDreamer]: Sempurna. You’re exactly what I was hoping for.
As if the facial changes weren’t enough, Ryan suddenly felt a new weight swaying against his back. He reached behind him with a shaking hand and gasped when his fingers tangled in a thick mass of hair. Silky black hair now tumbled past his shoulders, the texture glossy and fine. This new hair brushed against his bare arms as he moved, sending shivers down his spine. His skin felt electrified, every nerve ending raw and exposed.

Ryan fought through waves of dizziness and nausea as he struggled to his feet, his legs trembling beneath him. The muscles felt weak and unsteady, as if they belonged to someone else entirely. He felt something drop and, looking down, he saw that his legs were now slender and hairless. He was surprised that his soaked shorts didn’t fall but then he realised his ass had grown so big as to hold his shorts in place.
He fell back down into his chair, now noticing the cushioning that his new ass was providing against the seat. He once again looked at the video feed, while trying his best to ignore the chat. He once again saw the face of a beautiful Indonesian woman, her features perfectly balanced and symmetrical. Ryan reached up with a trembling hand to touch his own face, half-expecting the illusion to shatter. But his fingers met warm, supple skin, and the feed matched his movements perfectly.
“Is… Is this really… me?” Ryan said in a breathless, feminine lilt. The sound of his voice sent shivers down his spine, resonating through his body in unfamiliar ways. He could feel an answering throb between his legs, his new pussy clenching suddenly.
“Kamu cantik, sayang,” a voice purred in his mind, the words foreign yet somehow familiar. You’re beautiful, darling. Ryan recognised the words as being in Indonesian but he had never bothered to actually learn the language. Yet he had no problem understanding the voice in his head.
His face in the feed smirked back at him, the expression sly and knowing. Ryan’s hand drifted down to his chest, his fingers brushing over his new tits. The touch sent a jolt of pleasure straight to his core, and he let out a soft, involuntary moan.
“Jangan takut,” the voice whispered, the tone soothing yet teasing. Don’t be afraid. “Ini yang kamu inginkan, kan?” This is what you wanted, right?
Ryan shook his head. But his body was betraying him, responding to the voice with a hunger he couldn’t control. His pussy ached even more, the slickness between his thighs growing with every passing second.
“No… I don’t want…” he murmured, but the words came out in a breathy, feminine whisper that only made his cunt throb harder. The voice in his mind laughed, a low, sultry sound that sent another wave of heat through his body.
“Ya, ini kamu, sayang,” it replied, the words curling around his thoughts like smoke. Yes, this is you, darling. “Rina. Cantik. Seksi. Sempurna.” Rina. Beautiful. Sexy. Perfect.
Rina. The name echoed through his head. Somehow significant. Ryan shook his head, trying to clear the intrusive thoughts. But they only grew stronger, echoing inside his skull until they drowned out everything else.
Relax, this is what you wanted, the voice purred in Indonesian. But Ryan was horrified to find that this time the voice came out from his mouth. You’re so beautiful like this. So perfect for the job.

“No!” Ryan tried to shout, but his lips didn’t move. Now his voice was the one inside his mind. Images flashed behind his eyes: glimpses of Rina’s persona, her seductive mannerisms, her coy flirtations. He saw her posing provocatively in lacy lingerie, her perky tits barely contained by the sheer fabric. He felt the phantom sensation of eyes raking over her body, the viewers captivated by her every move.
Ryan’s hips bucked involuntarily, his weeping cunt clenching around emptiness as Rina’s arousal flooded through him. It was like molten lava in his veins. He could only watch in mounting horror as his reflection in the video feed began to move of its own accord. Rina smirked back at him from the computer screen, her eyes filled with lust. She cocked her hip to the side and ran her hands slowly up her curves, highlighting the swell of her tits and the deep valley of her cleavage.
Ryan tried to look away, but he was frozen in place, a prisoner in his own body. He could feel every touch like it was his own hands roaming his flesh. When Rina’s fingers brushed over her stiff, aching nipples, he whimpered internally, the sensation sparking directly to his core.
You can’t fight it, Rina whispered through his lips, her voice a seductive purr. I’m part of you now. Your perfect little VCS persona.

With a last, desperate surge of willpower, Ryan tried with some effort to move his body. But it didn’t move an inch. It was all being overridden by Rina’s raw sexual energy. His… Her plump lips curled into a wicked, triumphant smile as she surveyed her lush curves in the camera feed. Rina ran her hands possessively over her supple skin, she could feel Ryan’s presence receding into the depths of her mind. He was still aware, still watching… but he was little more than a passenger now.
Rina giggled, the sound musical and carefree. “Jangan khawatir, sayang,” Rina said out loud, her voice dripping with honeyed promise. Don’t worry, darling. “Aku akan jaga kita baik-baik. Kamu akan belajar mencintainya, selama ini berlangsung. Lagi pula, ini pekerjaan yang kamu pilih.” I’ll take good care of us. You’ll learn to love it, for as long as this lasts. After all, this is the job you signed up for. She then looked at the chat. It was time to get to work.
Chat Log:
[BaliLover69]: DAMN she’s hot. Look at those curves! 😍🔥
[SassyQueen]: Okay, I take it back. She’s stunning. I hate her. 😤
[CuriousCat]: She’s switched to Indonesian… should we do the same?
[JakartaDreamer]: That’s it, sayang. Show us more. Let us see what we paid for.
[BigBoss88]: Enough teasing. Get to work, thot.
Rina smirked and ran her hands over her body, her touch lingering on her curves. “Kamu suka, ya?” You like it, don’t you? she teased, her voice sultry.
Chat Log:
[BaliLover69]: HELL YES we like it! 😘
[SassyQueen]: Ugh, stop showing off. Some of us have to work for attention.
[JakartaDreamer]: Sangat suka. You’re even better than I imagined. Very much.
With that, she was ready to begin her first session as a VCS girl. She could feel Ryan’s presence flickering in the back of her mind, and it only made her smile wider, her hips swaying hypnotically as she moved. Having him experience this made it even hotter.
“Kamu lihat, Ryan?” she murmured, her tone teasing. Do you see, Ryan? “Ini bukan begitu buruk, kan? Kamu cantik. Kamu seksi. Kamu… sempurna.” It’s not so bad, is it? You’re beautiful. You’re sexy. You’re… perfect.
Ryan’s presence stirred weakly, a flicker of resistance that was quickly drowned out by the flood of Rina’s confidence and desire. She could feel his confusion, his fear, but also the faintest hint of curiosity. Curiosity that she knew would grow into addiction.
“Ayo, sayang,” she whispered, her voice low and sultry. Come on, darling. “Mari kita mulai.” Let’s begin.
The glow of the screen cast a soft light on her flawless skin, highlighting every curve of her new body. She ran her hands over her thighs, her touch lingering on the smooth, caramel-toned flesh. The sensation sent a shiver through her… and through him. Ryan could feel every brush of her fingers, every spark of pleasure that danced across her skin. It was maddening, the way her body responded so eagerly, so differently than his ever had.
Chat Log:
[BaliLover69]: DAMN, look at her! She’s a natural. 😍🔥
[SassyQueen]: Ugh, of course she is. Some girls just have it easy. 🙄
[CuriousCat]: Is this her first time? She doesn’t have any outfits or toys, right?
[JakartaDreamer]: First time or not, she’s perfect. Just look at her.
Rina smirked at the chat, her plump lips curling into a sly smile. “Pertama kali, ya,” she purred, her voice dripping with honeyed sweetness. First time, right. “Tapi aku tidak butuh bantuan.” But I don’t need any help.
Her hands drifted up to the hem of her too-tight t-shirt, fingers teasing the fabric as she glanced at the chat. “Kamu mau lihat?” she asked, her tone playful. Do you want to see?
Ryan tried to scream, to protest but he could only watch, helpless, as her fingers gripped the hem of the shirt and pulled it over her head. The fabric caught on her breasts for a moment, the friction sending a jolt of pleasure through her and him. Her nipples were already stiff, the sensitive peaks begging for attention. She cupped them in her hands, her fingers brushing over the hardened nubs, and let out a soft, breathy moan.
The sensation was unlike anything Ryan had ever felt. As a man, pleasure had been straightforward, localized. But this… this was everywhere. It radiated from her nipples, spreading through her chest, down her stomach, pooling between her legs. Her body was a live wire, every touch sending sparks through her nervous system. Ryan could feel it all, the warmth of her skin, the electric jolt of pleasure as her fingers teased her nipples, the ache between her legs that grew with every touch.
Chat Log:
[BaliLover69]: FUCK, she’s perfect. Look at those tits! 😍
[SassyQueen]: Ugh, I hate how good she looks. 🙄
[JakartaDreamer]: Sempurna. You’re doing so well, sayang.
Rina’s hands drifted lower, her fingers tracing the curve of her waist before slipping beneath the waistband of her shorts. She bit her lip, her eyes fluttering shut as she explored the slick, wet heat between her legs.
“Aku basah sekali,” she murmured, her voice trembling with arousal. I’m so wet.
Ryan felt it too: the slickness, the heat, the unbearable need that throbbed in time with her heartbeat. It was overwhelming, the way her body responded, the way he responded. He had never felt anything like this. As a man, arousal had been a slow burn, a buildup that could be ignored or pushed aside. But this… this was all-consuming. It was as if her entire body had been designed for pleasure, every nerve ending tuned to a frequency he had never known existed.
She kicked off Ryan’s soaked shorts and underwear, revealing her glistening pussy. Her fingers slipped inside her, and Ryan gasped. Or rather, Rina did. The sound was high-pitched and breathy, so unlike anything he had ever made before. Her walls clenched around her fingers, the sensation so intense it made her, made him, shudder. It wasn’t just physical; it was emotional, a deep, primal need that seemed to come from the very core of her being.
Chat Log:
[BaliLover69]: HOLY SHIT, she’s dripping! 😍🔥
[CuriousCat]: Is that… normal? Like, is she supposed to be that wet already?
[SassyQueen]: Ugh, of course she is. Some girls just have all the luck. 🙄
Rina’s fingers moved faster, her body arching as she let out a low, throaty moan. Ryan felt every sensation: the tightness of her walls, the slickness of her arousal, the overwhelming pleasure that threatened to consume him. He tried to resist, to somehow pull away, but he was trapped, a passenger in his own body.
The pleasure built, wave after wave crashing over her… over him. It was so much more intense than anything he had ever experienced as a man. As a man, orgasm had been a release, a moment of relief. This was a crashing crescendo, a scorching symphony of sensation that seemed to go on forever. Her body trembled, her breath coming in ragged gasps as the pleasure peaked, and then…
She came, her body convulsing as waves of ecstasy washed over her. Ryan felt it all, the way her muscles clenched, the way her breath caught in her throat, the way her entire being seemed to dissolve into pure, unadulterated pleasure. It was overwhelming, all-consuming, and for a moment, he forgot who he was, forgot that this wasn’t his body, forgot everything except the pleasure.
Chat Log:
[JakartaDreamer]: That’s it, sayang. Show us how much you love it.
[BaliLover69]: FUCK, she’s amazing. I can’t wait to see more. 😘
[SassyQueen]: Ugh, fine. She’s good. But I’m still the queen of this platform. 💅
Rina leaned back in the chair, her chest rising and falling with each ragged breath. Her fingers were still inside her, moving slowly, lazily, as if savoring the aftershocks of her orgasm. Ryan could feel it too, the lingering pleasure, the way her body still radiated with pleasure.
“Sudah cukup untuk malam ini,” she murmured, her voice soft and sated. Enough for tonight.

Chat Log:
[BaliLover69]: NOOOO! Don’t stop! 😭
[SassyQueen]: Ugh, finally. Some of us have work in the morning. 💅
[JakartaDreamer]: Sampai jumpa lagi, sayang. Until next time, darling. You were perfect.
Rina smiled at the screen; her eyes heavy with satisfaction. She reached out to end the call, her fingers hovering over the mouse.
“Selamat malam,” she whispered, her voice a sultry purr. Goodnight.
She pressed the power button on the laptop and the screen went dark. Rina leaned back in the chair, her body still humming with pleasure. Ryan, trapped in the depths of her mind, could only watch as she stretched and sighed, a contented smile playing on her lips. Her eyelids grew heavy, the intensity of her climax finally catching up to her. She yawned, a soft, delicate sound that felt so alien to Ryan, and let her head rest against the back of the chair.
“Aku lelah,” she murmured, her voice barely above a whisper. I’m tired. Her fingers trailed lazily over her body, brushing against her still-sensitive skin, and Ryan felt every touch as if it were his own. The pleasure was fading now, replaced by a deep, bone-weary satisfaction that seeped into every inch of her… of him.
As Rina’s breathing slowed, her body relaxed, and her mind began to drift. Ryan felt himself being pulled along with her, his thoughts growing fuzzy and indistinct. The last thing he saw before the darkness claimed him was her face, serene and beautiful, reflected in the black of the dormant laptop screen.
Ryan woke with a start, his heart pounding in his chest. For a moment, he didn’t know where he was. The room was dark, the only light coming from gaps between his curtains. He blinked, trying to remember what he had done the previous night. His body felt strange, heavy and unfamiliar, as if he’d been asleep for days.
Then he remembered.
He jerked his head down and froze. He was naked, his skin pale and pasty. There was no trace of smooth caramel skin, of soft curves, of silky black hair. He was Ryan, just Ryan. Relief flooded through him, so intense it made his chest ache. It had been a dream. A horrible, vivid, impossibly real dream.
But as he sat there, the memories began to trickle back. The tingling in his fingertips, the searing heat that had consumed him, the way his body had shifted and changed. And then there was Rina—her voice, her laughter, her pleasure. He shuddered, his cock twitching at the memory of her, of his, orgasm. The sensation had been overwhelming, unlike anything he’d ever experienced as a man. It had been… incredible.
“No,” he muttered, shaking his head as if to dislodge the thoughts. “It wasn’t real. It couldn’t have been real.”
But the memories were too vivid, too detailed to be just a dream. He glanced at the laptop and pressed the power button. The laptop had only been on sleep mode and it came back on instantly. The VCS interface was still open, the chat logs still visible. His stomach churned as he read the messages, the vulgar comments, the objectification, the way they’d all watched him… her, fall apart.
He slammed the laptop shut, his hands trembling. “I’m done,” he said aloud, his voice firm despite the fear gnawing at the edges of his mind. “I’m quitting. I’m never doing that again. I should sue!”
He stood up, his legs shaky, and grabbed a pair of boxers from the floor. As he dressed, he caught a glimpse of something in the mirror. He turned to face it and saw himself… just himself. The same old pasty white man that he had always been.
But as he turned away, he felt something deep inside himself stir. A flicker of desie, faint but insistent. He tried to ignore it, to push it down, but it was there, lingering in the back of his mind. The memory of Rina’s pleasure, the way her body had responded, the way it had felt to be so completely consumed by pleasure. His cock twitched slightly in his fresh boxer shorts.
“No,” he said again, more forcefully this time. “It’s over. I’m done.”
He grabbed his phone and checked the time. He had work in a few hours, a normal job, a normal life. He’d go to work, he’d forget about VCS, and he’d never look back. But as he left the apartment, the humid Indonesian air brushing against his skin, the memory of Rina’s smile, her voice, her pleasure, flashed in his mind.

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