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The Gadis Desa Spring (01): Rebirth

Andrew hadn’t been given many restrictions by his guide while exploring the traditional villages of large jungle areas of Indonesia except for one. During their first-day hiking, they had just begun travelling through a nearby jungle to reach their next village. They came across a large spring of water, which glistened with an inviting sheen in the tropical heat of the area. The guide was very stern when talking about this spring. He had told Andrew never to drink from it; don’t even touch it. It is sacred to the villagers nearby, and disturbing it would not be tolerated. The guide explained that local myths told how the land’s original inhabitants were born from this water and that all the local people descended from those ancient people. That’s why it was sacred, and that’s why the locals did not tolerate disturbing the precious spring. Andrew didn’t believe such stories, but he knew he was a guest in the area and didn’t want to upset anyone. So he took the advice and left the spring alone.

That was easy to agree to when Andrew was safe and secure a few weeks ago. But now, he hadn’t seen clean water for days; he hadn’t seen that guide or his backpack for days either after falling down a steep hill while hiking. Andrew had lost nearly everything. So now he stood there, injured, tired and desperately thirsty, being presented with that large spring of water. He was desperate. Surely the villagers would understand a small drink? Surely they would understand that it was a matter of life and death? How could they deny him something so simple? He was dying here! He was going to die if he didn’t get some water soon. He would have to drink that water. He couldn’t survive another day without it. He needed it more than anything else in the world right now.

He kneeled at the end of the spring and hesitantly scooped some of the surprisingly cool water Into his mouth. Maybe It was his thirst affecting his mind, but at that moment, it tasted like the best thing he had ever had in his life. It wasn’t sweet, and it wasn’t bitter; it was simply perfect. The water was pure and clean, and he felt renewed after drinking it. He started drinking more and more, going into somewhat of a frenzy. He drank until his stomach hurt and his head was spinning. But that wasn’t enough for Andrew. He wanted more. He took a handful of water and rubbed it on his sun-scorched face. It felt amazingly soothing and cool against his skin. So he started rubbing the water over his wounds and sunburns, and he felt an amazing feeling as the water soothed his injuries. Andrew didn’t notice that where the water touched, his hair fell out; his skin softened and began to darken

Eventually, he decided to go ahead and jump in the water. He kicked off his boots and started stripping out of his clothes. Once naked, he quickly jumped in and swam in the refreshingly cool water. It felt so good. It was almost like heaven. That was when he started to change rapidly. His pale skin already softened and hairless, continued to darken until it was a tanned brown tone. The hair on his head also darkened until it was black while growing long and becoming silky. His proportions then began to shift. He became much short and more slender, his muscle to fat ratio changing dramatically to cause his body to develop a certain roundness and curviness. His brown feet shrunk, as did his brown hands. His eyes grew darker, turning from blue to brown, while his lips plumped out and became much fuller. Every part of his face changed but most notably his eyes, with which his face cemented its transition from a hardened European male’s face to a softened South-Asian female’s face. His smile was now that of exotic beauty.

The water and its effects clouded his mind. He could feel something dramatic was happening to his body but didn’t know what it was. But he knew he liked it, so he kept swimming around in the amazing feeling water, enjoying how it felt on his body. The relaxing feeling caused him to become rigid. He looked down and saw his cock, which looked strange compared to his body. He grabbed it in with his small brown hand and started stroking it. It was so different from the way he was used to, as his hand was smaller, so his cock seemed much more prominent than he was used to it being. But it felt amazing, and he was starting to enjoy himself. As he stroked his cock with one hand, his other hand grab as his chest. As he did this, his chest grew out to meet his hand. His areolas expanded, and he teased them with his fingers. He couldn’t believe how sensitive they were. His nipples were so erect and hard. He was starting to get into it now. He began to stroke faster and faster as he felt like he would cum. But instead, nothing seemed to happen, that was until his cock began to shrink. His cock shrank until it was just a tiny little pea-sized thing. In his lust for his orgasm, he started playing with his nub. It felt amazing to touch it, so he pinched it, twisted it, and played with it. He couldn’t stop touching it. He kept playing with it as his balls went up inside him. He kept pinching it as a new pair of labia separated from each other. He developed a space inside him. He felt wet for the first time. He didn’t know what was happening, but he liked it. He liked it so much that he could help keep touching himself.

Andrew kept playing with herself as she kept getting wetter and wetter. She felt the need to cum again. She would do anything to cum. Her pussy was so hot, and she needed to cum. Images began to fill his mind. Images of home, family, life and culture. But not the culture he knew. It was an alien culture, a local culture. He was being taken away from his world and put into another, a world that was foreign to him. It was like he was being born all over again. He thought of his mother, father, sister, and friends. They changed before his eyes, changing into local faces, local bodies, local minds. All his old memories became the past. He was being reborn into a new life.

The images filled her mind as she began to cum. Finally, she couldn’t hold back anymore. One hand was playing with her clit and teasing her labia, and the other was yanking hard at her giant brown tits. Her orgasm was so powerful that she could feel it coursing through her body, consuming her mind, with the intense pleasure making her unable to control herself.

She screamed out as she came. Her voice echoed across the jungle. It was a beautiful sound, the sound of a woman free from the chains of life: the sound of a woman who had found her true self.

Afterwards, she lay there in the water few moments, recovering from her orgasm. It was then that some villagers began to come to the spring to see what the commotion was. None of them dared get too close to the spring, but they were close enough to hear them talking amongst themselves in their local tongue.

“Who is that in the sacred spring?”

“I don’t know.”

“She looks like one of us.”

One older villager, who looked as though he was the group’s elder, walked to the edge of the spring and opened his arms wide.

“Welcome!” He called out warmly. “Welcome, gift of the spring!”

He turned to the other villagers. “We must accept any gift from the spring.” He then looked at a boy who had come along with the group. “Go back and grab her something to wear.” He told the boy, who instantly dashed away on his mission.

“What is your name?” He asked the woman in the spring.

“I’m Bunga!” She replied without a shred of hesitation, the local language flowing easily from her pretty lips.

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