The Lab’s Game

“Alright, boys, here’s how it’s going to work,” said the hot Asian woman leading the orientation. You’re in a crowd of a hundred grubby-looking men, all paying close attention to the woman. You feel a sense of unease emanating from around the room. Everyone here must be desperate. “There’s one hundred of you, of which we will transform seventy-five into hot Asian girls.” But, of course, you are only half-listening, as you already know everything she is telling you. How could you not? You’ve already agreed to it all, after all. Only out of desperation did you sign that consent form, however. You know that debtors’ prison awaits you if you can’t get cash fast, and you also know that there is little work in today’s automated economy.

Of those seventy-five, fifty will become the property of the Lab to pay for the costs, while the twenty-five boys who didn’t get transformed will each get to pick a sex slave from the remaining twenty-five hot Asian girls.” She says this with a smile. If you were not in such a stressful situation, you’d probably be attracted to her tight Asian body.

“Please be me! Please, God, let me be one of the lucky ones! ” You pray to yourself as you continue to listen to the orientation.

“It’s all random, and, from my personal experience, life as the Lab’s property isn’t bad at all.” She paused here for a moment. “Now, let’s assign you your role. We are going to do it in an old-fashioned kind of way.” She picks up a medium-sized black box from the table; the box is designed so you can reach it and pull something out while not being able to see inside. “Inside this box are one hundred colored stones.” Twenty-five blue and seventy-five pink. I’m sure you can guess what each stone means. ” She smiles at everyone while saying this. “Each man must reach in and pull out a stone.” Make sure only to take one. If you take more than that, you will be made into an Asian woman no matter what. ” She added this last part sternly. And after we have assigned you your roles, we can begin the real fun! “She giggles when saying this very last part. She pauses for a moment, smiling before continuing. “If you get a pink stone, you must go through the pink door to my left.” She points at a pink door near her. “Blues can just wait here; you will be able to choose your prize once the pinks are all ready for you!” She says this last bit with a wicked smile.

Soon, she starts walking around the room, handing the box to each man as she goes. You can almost taste the anxiousness from each man as they place their hand in and take out the stone. The first man she handed the box to pulled a pink stone and cried “No fucking way!” before trying to run. An armored security team armed with assault rifles quickly subdued him and forcibly made to go through the pink door. It is foolish to fight the Lab. Even major governments have failed against it before. After the security guards took him away, you watched as the next man pulled a blue stone and happily exclaimed, “Fuck yeah!”

More and more men get their chance with the box. No one dared try to run after the first attempt, and instead, they all made their way to the pink door willingly. You count the blue stones as you watch, counting how many must be left. There are twenty-four, then twenty-three, and so on and so on. “Can’t I choose sooner!?” you think desperately as the blue stones dwindle. Soon, after ninety of the men have already chosen, you know that only one blue stone remains. It was almost your turn. Your heart rate picks up significantly.

“Yes!” You think to yourself as more men choose pink stones, and they dejectedly make their way through the pink door. Your excitement continues as there are finally just two stones left, one pink and one blue. You look at the other guy, your competitor, for your freedom. He was a reasonably normal-looking guy with a big belly and a bald head, probably in his forties.

It’s finally your choice. The woman presents you with the box, and you reach into it slowly. You feel the two stones at the bottom of the box, trying to find a clue to which one is pink and which one is blue. But as your fingers brush against them, you must conclude that there is no way of knowing either way. You finally choose one and pull the stone out slowly. You look away and shut your eyes tight, unable to look as your heart races unbearably. Will it be blue or pink? Which will it be?

“Pink!” “Shouts the lady.” You open your eyes and see, sure enough, a pink stone in your hand. You have lost and can only watch as the final guy, with a big grin, confidently reaches in and pulls out the remaining blue stone. He looks over at you, smiling. “Looks like I won.” You say nothing, as your mind is spinning with what this means for you. You walk towards the pink door, defeated.


You are now in a large empty room. It is cold, and the air feels stale. The only light comes from a single dim bulb hanging above you. The room is entirely white, with no furniture or decorations. The floor is concrete, and the walls are smooth and featureless. There is only one door, which is the one you entered through. The door audibly sealed behind you as you entered. You feel utterly alone and abandoned. You can’t help but think that you are trapped.

The room is silent, aside from the sound of your breathing. You look around, taking in every detail. You only notice two things: first, there is an x marked in the center of the room with black tape, and second, there is a speaker on the far wall. You hear a crackle as the speaker comes to life and a male voice speaks. “Stand on the x!” The voice is deep and authoritative.

“Why?” You ask aloud, not expecting an answer.

“Just do it!” Repeats the voice.

You stand in the center of the room, waiting for what will come next. The voice speaks again. “Take off your clothes!” You hesitate, unsure if you heard correctly. “Do it now!” The voice demands. You begin to undress, discarding your clothes into a pile on the floor. You now stand there in the middle of this empty white room, completely naked. You feel vulnerable and exposed.

The voice speaks again. “Good. Now we can begin. “

There is a loud click, and the lights in the room flicker and go out. You are plunged into darkness for a moment before they come back on. This time the lights are red. You squint, trying to adjust to the new light. Again, there is a loud click, and the room fills with noise. There is a rumbling electronic buzz that seems to fill the room. You try to cover your ears, but the noise persists.

“What is going on?” You think to yourself. You try to listen to the buzzing, but it is too loud, and you cannot hear anything. You begin to panic. You can’t tell where the sound is coming from, and you can’t get it to stop. You feel helpless and alone. Then you hear a loud cracking sound, causing you to double over. You feel your waist and pelvis immediately restructure. You are full to your knees as your whole lower body permeates with more loud cracking sounds. Your leg bones shorten while your pelvis widens. You also feel the bones in your feet shrink with a crunch as they become several sizes smaller. As this happens, you also feel a bubbling sensation, almost as if you are boiling. Fat redistributes around your legs, collecting rapidly onto your thighs as your ass pushes outwards into a much more pleasing shape.

“Oh god, no!” You cry out, sweat pouring down your face and body. You end up on all fours as another loud cracking sound reverberates out of you. This time your torso is the focus, and you see drops of sweat hit the ground as you feel your entire torso crunch inwards. Your upper body becomes smaller as your whole frame reduces inwards, with your shoulders crunching into a narrower plane. You can see your hands on the ground shrink as the bones along your arm crack into a smaller shape. You feel that bubbling sensation again as fat rapidly redistributes, most obviously on your chest as you feel the weight grow and grow as the bubbling focuses on your chest, with fat pooling into a growing pair of boobs. Your nipples swell as your areolae expand.

“Ahh!” You moan out as you feel a sensation around your sex. You feel a sucking and pulling as both your cock and balls get pulled inwards. You hear audible squelching noises as your genitals disappear inside you, and a slit begins to open up near where they used to be. You feel a soft, warm sensation as you feel the new labia stretch outwards and open. You hear a loud pop as they open entirely, and fresh juices flow out. Pressure builds as your vaginal walls stretch and compress. You can’t help but put your small new hand to your ass and feel about it. You rub Yourub against your pussy lips, and you feel great pleasure as you begin rubbing your new clit.

The pressure builds and grows, and you feel a climax building within you. You close your eyes as your face reforms, long black hair falling down your shoulders. The pressure grows more and more, and you can’t contain it anymore. You moan out of your new mouth, your eyes opening again to reveal brown almond eyes. Your transformation finishes up as you begin to come.

You feel a wave of pleasure wash over you as your body shudders and shakes. You pant and gasp as you come. You are surprised at how much you enjoy the feeling; it is pleasurable and intense. It feels like you have never felt such pleasure before.

You collapse to the ground, your vision blurring as you continue to come. You feel the sensations fading away, leaving you exhausted. You lay there, spent and relaxed.

“Oh god… That was amazing. ” You say it aloud, still catching your breath. Another loud click causes the buzzing to stop and the lights to change to white. You sit up, feeling your new breasts bounce and jiggle. You reach up to them, touching your new sensitive nipples. They feel so good. You pull one of your new tits into your hand and squeeze it, feeling the hard nipple underneath. You lean forward, taking a breast into your mouth and sucking on it. You begin to suckle, letting your tongue swirl around your sensitive nipple. You start to feel a flutter in your new pussy once again.

“No, stop!” You say to yourself, forcing yourself to cease. “This is wrong. I am a man.” I need to control myself. ” You stand up, looking around. You look down at yourself, your new body, your new curves. You take a deep breath and let it out. You begin to walk towards the door, feeling your new ass sway as you move. You can feel the fat shifting and moving as you walk. You can’t believe how much your hips have changed. The speaker crackles back into life.

“Go back to the orientation room.” There is no reason to put on clothes. “

You go through the door.


You enter through the pink door, back into the room you had orientation. You find the same woman who gave the orientation and seventy-four naked Asian beauties inside the room. You haven’t seen your new self yet, but you know you must look like them. They all have big asses and large tits, with long black hair and cute Asian faces. When you realize all of them are sexy as hell, you know you must be sexy as hell too. The thought doesn’t comfort you much; the woman who gave the orientation smiles at you.

“Ah, here is the last girl.” She says, turning to the crowd of twenty-five pleased men at the other side of the room. “Now, I have already randomly given you men a number.” Number one may be chosen first, through to number twenty-five. Once you have selected your slave, you may take them through this blue door. She points to a blue door on her right. “There, you will find comfortable rooms to have your fun in and…”

“What if they try to fight us?” asks one of the men in the crowd, interrupting her.

“The transformation included neural programming, so I can guarantee that they cannot fight you. After you have sex for the first time, the slaves will be imprinted as your property. She explains. You realize now that you do have no desire to run and fight anymore at all.

“Alright then.” One of the men answers, stepping forward. He looks at you, and his eyes widen. “I’m number one.” He steps forward and points at one of the women. “I’ll have her!” He says, walking up and grabbing the woman by the arm, directing her through the blue door. She doesn’t resist at all.

“Good choice, now number two may choose!” She says, and another man steps forward. This process continues in much the same way, with more and more men selecting their new slaves, although no one has chosen you so far. You start to wonder if it is better to be chosen now or become the Lab’s property. Eventually, number fourteen steps forward. You notice it is the man in his forties who beat you for the final blue stone. He steps forward and points right at you.

“You’re mine!” He says before grabbing you and leading you through the blue door.


You are led through the blue door and into a small room. The walls are bare, and there is nothing else in the room except for a bed and a mirror. You catch a glimpse of yourself for the first time in the mirror. You are a well-endowed Asian woman with tanned Asian skin. Your breasts are huge, and your ass is round and plump. You feel a surge of excitement as you see your new body. The man who grabbed you leads you over to the bed, and you sit down. Something inside you compels you to sit and wait. He pulls down his pants and underwear, his rock-hard cock springing outwards. You didn’t think he wasn’t an impressive man, with his bald head and big belly, but his cock is impressive. It is easily nine inches long, thick and veiny. You feel your pussy twitch at the sight of it. You feel a sudden desire to suck it.

 He starts to kiss you violently, pushing you down onto the bed. His hands roughly grab your tits, and you feel his rough beard against your soft face. He kisses you hard, his tongue swirling around your lips. You moan softly as he pushes his tongue into your mouth. He begins to push himself between your legs, and his cock rubs along your pussy lips. You don’t try to fight it, and you just accept it. You moan as you feel his cock rubbing against your clit. You want him inside of you. You need him inside of you.

He finally pushes his dick into your pussy, forcing himself inside you. He thrusts in and out of you, your juices flowing freely as you accept him. He continues to push in and out of you, his breathing heavy and labored. He moans in pleasure as he pumps his hips into yours. His balls slap against your ass each time he drives his cock deep inside you. He continues to pound you, his face red and sweaty. He pounds you harder and faster, grunting in pleasure as he fucks you.

You can’t help but cry out as he pounds you. He grabs your arms and pins them above your head, fucking you harder and deeper. As he does this, the programming in your mind kicks into gear, and you stop seeing him as a bald, fat, middle-aged man. Instead, you start to see him as your master; you feel that you are his property. You feel a strange sense of pride swell within you, knowing that you belong to him. You feel your pussy throbbing around his cock, feeling him pump his come inside of you.

You feel him pull out of you, and you whimper, your pussy throbbing from being empty. He stands back up and says, “Finish me off with your mouth, my slave!” You nod eagerly and lean forward. You now feel so happy to serve your master. You slide your lips over his shaft and begin sucking his cock. You bob your head up and down his shaft, slurping and licking at his cock. He groans and thrusts into your mouth, his hands gripping your head tightly. You love it. You love it so much. You start to gulp down his cock, taking every inch of him into your throat. He grunts and thrusts into your mouth, moaning loudly. He feels so good. You never knew sucking a cock could feel like this. But it’s your master’s cock. How could you not love it?

You keep sucking on his cock, your tongue swirling around his shaft. He continues to thrust it into your mouth, grunting and moaning. You can tell he is getting close to coming when he pulls your hair roughly and forces his cock deeper into your throat. You gag slightly as his cock fills your mouth. He grunts and thrusts his hips, filling your mouth with his hot seed. You swallow all of it eagerly, eager to please your master.

After he finishes coming in your mouth, you pull away and stand up. He smiles at you and says, “That was amazing, my slave.” You smile happily back at him and say, “Yes, master, thank you for using me.” He laughs and says, “Don’t mention it. I’m sure you’ll do very well.” Now let’s take you home!”

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