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The Gadis Desa Spring 02: Spreading the Gift

Bunga knew little of her life before she had fallen deep into the pool of the sacred water and came up again as a beautiful gadis desa. All she knew was how beautiful and happy her life was as a member of a traditional Indonesian village. She had since learned much about the sacred water and its power. While the water did not impact locals, any stranger who came in contact with it would be altered. A small level of exposure to the skin might lead to slight changes. Blue eyes made brown, white skin darkened or even a sudden obsession with Indonesia. Bunga found the story of an American English teacher the most amusing. After accidentally swallowing just two drops of the water, he had forgotten how to speak English; she often thought about the white man speaking nothing but perfect Indonesian and laughed every time. Significant exposure to the sacred water would lead to a complete transformation into a beautiful local female. It was said that the water was once used to increase the village’s numbers by a sudden increase of beautiful fertile women (usually made from captured men in war). That was long ago, and today the water was a closely guarded secret of their people, only to be drunk by the locals who were immune to its power.

Bunga had been given this gift of the sacred water, and she was determined to share it with the rest of the world. But the village was very secretive about the water and did not want outsiders to know about its power. Due to this, her village had shut itself off to visitors entirely since Bunga had been created. No one from the village was even allowed to leave the area. Nevertheless, Bunga was determined to share the gift of the sacred water with the rest of the world and so had formulated a plan to allow her to do so without leaving the village. She knew that the water was still potent even if heavily diluted, so Bunga started filling large pots with the sacred water at night, secretly pouring it into the nearby river at night. The sacred water would travel down the river and hopefully find someone to bless. It was a long shot, but she prayed daily for the water to find its way to a stranger down steam.

Joseph was tall and sturdy, with blonde hair and blue eyes. He was also a bored office worker who had come to the area from the USA to find himself in the beautiful nature of the area. Against all the local advice, Joseph decided to hike through the dense forests, as he had heard stories of the area’s beauty and wanted to see it for himself. So far, all had gone well until he came across a river too wide to cross. Joseph was forced to search for a ford to allow himself to cross, a search that took a long time and took him far away from the trail. In his stubbornness to cross, he had gotten too far from the path and started to get desperate. He started praying to himself, asking for help.

“God, please help me. I’m stuck at the river and need help,” he said aloud, hoping someone would hear him.

Little did he know that at the exact same time, Bunga was praying much further up the river. “God, please let this water find and bless someone in need.” While praying, she also poured the sacred water she had collected into the river.

Joseph suddenly found himself coming across a narrower part of the river with rocks cutting out of the water. These rocks were close enough for him to use as a stepping bridge. He crossed, carefully placing each step to ensure he didn’t fall. Joseph wasn’t the most athletic person, but he managed to keep his footing as he slowly made his way across.

Meanwhile, Bunga continued to pray up the river. “God, please allow this water to find its way to someone in need. God give us a new vessel to spread the gifts of the sacred water.”

Joseph had now made it halfway across the river. He put his foot on the next rock and pushed his weight onto it, but with a loud crunching sound, the rock crumbled under his foot. Before he had time to react, Joseph found himself plunging into the river’s cold water. The American wasn’t a strong swimmer and began madly thrashing against the water, the current gently tugging him away downstream.

Joseph struggled madly against the water as he sunk deep into the river. He was completely submerged and desperate to orient himself and bring himself out of the water and to safety. Then suddenly, he found himself calming down. Soon this calm filled his body from head to toe, and he entered a state of blissful relaxation. He had no idea what was causing it, but he just let his body go limp. His whole body and mind seemed to disappear, and he merely floated in ecstasy as the water remade him. He lost height, going from tall to small while the muscle across his body melted away. His limbs were now short and slender as fat rapidly redistributed across his body. Hips widened as fat filled his ass, and shoulders narrowed as breast tissue quickly developed. Soon Joseph had a petite body with pleasing feminine curves.

Next, his skin darkened rapidly, becoming a deep brown color, while his hair also darkened to a black while increasing in length. His eyes lost their blue color, becoming a beautiful brown, while his face reshaped into something that could only be described as stunning. His nose became smaller while wider as his lips plumped up, giving him a pouty look. His face now was a perfect fit for the local area. This face now shifted into a look of pleasure, and Joseph’s left him and mixed with the water. His cock and balls, currently empty, receded inside him as a new set of labia opened for the first time leading to a brand new vagina. His balls went deep inside him to form her new ovaries while a uterus and cervix inflated and got ready for future baby-making. His cock also created her new clitoris. She was now a perfect example of a beautiful local woman, another gadis desa. As the transformation slowed, Joseph finally managed to orient herself and push her head back above the water.

Looking around, she saw that she was surrounded by her old clothes, as her tiny new body, alongside the river’s current, had forced them off her. She grabbed at them, but they were quickly floating away. It was too risky to try and swim after them, so she accepted the loss. Then, noticing some rocks nearby, she paddled over and used them to pull herself out of the water. With great effort, she pulled her wet body out of the water and climbed onto the rocks. Sitting there, she looked in shock at the new body she now had.

“What happened to tubuhku?” she asked herself.

The new gadis desa turned to look at her reflection in a nearby rock and found her face was now that of a beautiful local. Her body had become a perfect fit for the area, with the right amount of breasts, hips and ass.

“I perlu get help. I perlu get help from…” she said to herself, not noticing the words changing as she spoke. She thought for a moment about where she needed to go to get help. She first thought of America and of great cities, but these were quickly replaced in her mind. “Aku perlu bantuan from desa me.” The images of her village invaded her mind and conquered all, nothing was left of the cities, and nothing was left of America. She had never gone more than a mile from the village. How could she think of anything else? She repeated the words in perfect Indonesian as English disappeared. “Aku perlu bantuan dari desa ku!”

She suddenly looked around in recognition. She knew this place. She had grown up here. Why was she worried? She could go back and get some new clothes in an instant. She began to walk along the familiar trees and paths toward her village. As she walked towards her home, she remembered more and more clearly about her life and her mission.


Bunga was still praying when she saw the naked woman walking along the river towards her. She knew instantly who it was and that her prayers had been answered. She was so excited that she couldn’t contain herself and immediately shouted in Indonesian. “Hello, Sister!”

“Hello, Sister!” Replied the woman.

They embraced each other tightly, both of them not wanting to let go.

“My God! You are beautiful, a perfect gadis desa for our village!” Bunga cried out.

“Thank you, my name is Rezkhy,” She replied.

Bunga pulled away and looked into the Rezkhy’s eyes. “I am so glad that you are here. We have a lot of work to do.”

Rezkhy smiled at Bunga, “We must spread the gift of the sacred water, right?”

“Yes, and we must work together to spread our gift far and wide”, said Bunga.

“Where do we start?” Rezkhy asked without hesitation.

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