
Community Service

“Mr Johnson? It’s your time,” called the receptionist in surprisingly good English. The two police officers accompanying the foreign man were the first to stand and gestured for him to follow. Unfortunately, their English was not as good as the receptionist’s; in fact, it was non-existent.

That foreigner’s name was Charles Johnson. He was working in the finance industry in Japan until recently. That was until he was found guilty of the largest embezzlement scandal the country had ever seen. After that, the prosecutors gave him a choice: either suffer prison time with a maximum sentence of 30 years or take a plea deal which would consist of some special ‘service to the nation.’ What that service was, they did not specify. Charles went with the latter; how could he choose anything else?

Charles followed the two police officers through the door on the other side of the room. They then started walking through some indistinct corridor, the kind you would see in a hospital in any country because that is where they were, a hospital. Charles was not sure how exactly he would provide a ‘service to the nation’ in a hospital, but he had no choice but to find out himself.

The two policemen led him to one of the doors. It looked exactly like all the other doors in the corridor. The policemen gestured for Charles to enter the room, which he did. The policemen did not follow.

Inside, the room was large and had a strange duality to it. On one side was a medical area, like you’d expect with a desk, a couple of chairs, some equipment and a sterile color and feel. On the other side was what was basically a hotel room with moody lighting, a plush carpet and a large, comfortable-looking bed.

Sitting at the desk on the medical side was a woman, presumably a doctor. She was middle-aged, but her beauty was still quite prominent. She had dark hair and eyes. She wore a white lab coat over what seemed to be a red dress. A set of red heels completed her outfit. She looked like a woman ready to go clubbing who had been surprised by an extra shift and hastily pulled on a lab coat. She looked up at Charles.

“Hello, my name is Dr Yasuko Chiba,” said the woman while smiling at him. She spoke in excellent English too, much like the receptionist from earlier. Charles guessed this hospital got a lot of foreign patients. “I will be your doctor during this procedure. Please sit down next to me.”

Charles sat on the chair opposite the desk. “Can I finally know what I am doing?” Asked Charles.

Dr Chiba smiled again. “Later, first, I must give you three injections. One into your right arm, one into your left and one into your lower abdomen. After I administer them, then we can talk about everything.”

Charles nodded at the doctor, who immediately started getting the needles ready. Charles didn’t much like the idea of getting injected, but he thought it still beats prison by a long shot. As soon as the needle slid home, Charles felt a sharp pain in his arm. He winced, but the doctor continued without pause. The doctor gave the other two shots just as quickly. Charles felt a warm sensation spreading through his body.

“Now, we wait to see if they have been effective. Should take only minutes,” said Dr Chiba.

Charles had no idea what to expect but obediently sat there, waiting for something to happen. After about five minutes, he could swear he felt a slight tingling sensation across his body but couldn’t rule out this just being hypersensitivity caused by the anticipation and boredom of just sitting there. While all this was happening, the doctor was just staring at him. Charles tried hard not to stare back.

The doctor finally broke the silence after another five minutes or so. “Looks like the injections are beginning to work.” While saying this, she looked up a little, like she was staring at Charles’s hair.

“What do you mean?” Asked Charles, now a bit more concerned than before.

“Well, your hair has become longer and is turning black.”

Charles reached up and tugged at his fringe. It felt different, although he could not tell precisely why without a mirror. The doctor, however, was nodding sagely.

“The injections always start with the hair. It’s due to the nature of how they interact with the body. Next comes the skin, then the limbs, then the core, then the face, then the genitals and finally the brain.”

Did Charles hear right? His brain? Or even worse, his genitals? “Can I finally know what I am doing? What did you do to me!?” He asked, a dry panic spreading up his body. Or was that the medicine?

“Yes, you may now know,” said the doctor, smiling wide.

Charles waited for an answer, but she didn’t give it. “So, what is it!?” Charles asked impatiently.

“You must give birth to ten Japanese babies. You will be their birthing mother, but there is no need for you to worry about them after they are born.”

Charles was stunned. “What!?” He exclaimed while thinking that the doctor must be insane.

“It is completely natural,” she replied. “Japan has a meager birth rate, so your service to the nation will be to do your part to improve it.”

“But…but I’m a fucking man! How can I have babies!”

“That is not a problem,” said the doctor. “The injections I gave you will fix that soon enough.”

“No,” insisted Charles, looking at the needle in his arm. “You’re lying. You can’t make me…” he paused, trying to think of a good word but came up blank. “…do this.”

“We have your agreement in writing.” Replied the doctor, calmly ignoring Charles’s protests.

“I would never have agreed to this if I knew. I’d rather go to prison for the rest of my life! What you are doing is ridiculous. You can’t do this to people!”

“It’s too late now,” stated the doctor, “you are already well on your way to being a woman. Have you not noticed the black hair around your eyes? Have you not noticed how nice your skin looks? Your voice is starting to sound higher, a sign of your new femininity developing. Don’t worry. You will be fine. Once the injections reach your brain, you will become a perfect Japanese housewife for the rest of your days.”

Charles, in his panic, had not noticed these things, but now he did. There was black hair around his vision, and his skin was smooth and flawless, with a distinct yellow tone. His voice was also slightly higher, but he could still recognize his voice when speaking.

“Let me out of here!” Screamed Charles, standing up and knocking over his chair in the process. “This needs to stop!”

“If you don’t calm down, we will restrain you. I will have you tied to that bed in moments.” She paused for a moment, looking sympathetic. “Just let it happen. It’s too late. It really isn’t that bad being a Japanese woman, you know. I personally quite enjoy it.”

Charles took a deep breath. He was panicking, but he was slowly starting to think about it more clearly. He pulled the chair back up and sat back down. He didn’t want the policemen outside restraining him and guessed whatever they were doing to him must be reversible later. If he resisted now, it would do nothing but make it worse.

“Excellent,” said the doctor, looking pleased. “You hair, then your skin… so next your limbs.”

Charles now noticed the tingling feeling in his body once more. It felt concentrated on his limbs now. He felt a kind of pinching sensation on his hands and feet. He looked up at his hands and watched them shrink before his eyes. His whole arm seemed to shrink down, leaving his arm actually looking longer, but this was an illusion caused by how much thinner it was. His fingers were slender and pale looking, while his arm was shorter and very slender.

Charles felt the same sensation in his legs at the same, so after he was done looking at his new hand, he pulled up a pant leg to reveal a slender and shapely leg below. He lifted his fresh, delicate legs, and his shoes and socks fell away, revealing tiny little Asian feet. His toes had become feminine, dainty little things.

“Good, your progress is excellent. Do you feel pain?”

“Not now,” replied Charles, still staring at his tiny toes.

“Excellent,” repeated the doctor. “Now, onto your core…”

Charles felt an intense pressure as his stomach shrank down while his waist expanded outwards. His shoulders also pulled inwards, matching the proportions of his new arms. Then, his whole torso contracted inwards with a crunching sound as he became significantly smaller. Charles felt the air being pushed out of his lungs as this happened, but otherwise, this more violent part of the transformation was not painful.

“You are looking great so far,” said the doctor. “Everything is progressing nicely. Now, onto your face, and then your genitals.”

Charles looked up at the doctor. She was smiling at him again. He was just about the talk when he felt his eyes and mouth snap shut. Charles felt a sharp pinching feeling in his head as his face contorted. A strange sensation spread through his skull as it reformed. He felt his jaw move and heard a click, the noise coming from inside his head. His nose shrank while his eyes went through a dramatic transformation. Epicanthal folds developed while his eyes became less deep set into his skull. This part of the transformation gave him a near instant Asian appearance. Finally, he felt his lips stretch and reshape, becoming soft and plump, following his new facial structure. The different shape of his jaw even gave his teeth and ear a different appearance.

“Very good,” praised the doctor.

Charles took a deep breath and opened his eyes, looking through his new brown Asian eyes for the first time. He then opened his pretty new lips and sounded words in his new tone.

“Do I dare ask how I look?” He whispered, not quite ready to move his new face.

“You look like a perfect example of Japanese beauty,” said the doctor. “And now for your final step.”

Charles felt a gentle pressure on his crotch. “You don’t mean my… Oh!” Charles gasped in surprise as his balls shrunk down, much as his arms had. “My…”

“Your genitals,” said the doctor. “Will change to match your new body.”

Charles could feel a throbbing, aching feeling down below. It wasn’t far off having an incredible hard-on. Instead of feeling like his cock was bigger due to the throbbing, it felt smaller. He felt a reverse erection as the throbbing sensation accompanied his cock shrinking and his balls pulling inwards. A growing extreme pleasure accompanied this feeling.

“Oh god, the… the kimochi!” He didn’t even notice the Japanese word slip out as his penis fully retracted, losing its hole as it melted into a new clitoris. The pleasure was incredible for him.

“Ah, mental changes are happening a little out of order this time. Nothing to worry about.” The doctor said calmly.

Kimochi!” Called our Charles again as the skin pulled apart, revealing a pair of vaginal lips. Charles pulled his pants down to see what was happening and showed a pretty little pussy. He felt and watched it become wet for the first time in front of him. His hand went down to his new clitoris. He started playing with it compulsively.

Kimochi! I need sekusu!” Charles exclaimed, unable to hold back. In his mind, his thoughts were also being affected. Japanese words invaded his mind and replaced English as quickly as the need to cum filled his consciousness, making him blind to all else.

The doctor smiled knowingly. “Of course. Let it all out.”

“I need cum. I need cum!” He cried out as he played faster and harder with his clit.

“Just let go of everything. And you will cum. Let yourself become a proper Japanese woman!”

Charles screamed. “Yes! Hai! I am… Watashi wa! Watashi wa nihonjin josei desu!” He yelled out, meaning ‘I am a Japanese woman’ in Japanese. He screamed it again in Japanese: “I am a Japanese woman!” He orgasmed hard, the pleasure being almost unbearable. He cried out loudly as a wave of pleasure washed over him, a wave that washed all the last of English from his mind. He began to shake and tremble uncontrollably in his chair, causing him to slip off the chair and land on the ground.

“You have done great.” Said the woman, switching to Japanese. “But we are not quite done here.”

Charles pulled himself back up onto the chair and, still shaking, replied in Japanese also. “What else do you need me to do?”

“You need to start making babies.” She said flatly before calling loudly to the door. “It’s your turn!”

In came one of the police officers from earlier. He entered the room and glanced at Charles before nodding at the doctor and lying on the bed. Charles watched him do this and then turned back to the doctor.

“What is he doing?” Asked Charles.

“He is going to help you make your first baby.” Said the doctor. “Now, let’s get to work.”

“You don’t mean…” Said Charles as he turned to look at the police officer. He had now slipped his pants and underwear off, revealing a giant cock standing straight up.

“Yes, that is exactly what I mean,” said the doctor. “Don’t mind me being here.”

Charles found himself staring at the officer’s cock. “Do you really think I am going to…” He found himself trailing off as the cock seemed to mesmerize him.

The doctor smiled. “Of course you will, and you will be happy to do it.” She stated simply.

Charles felt his heart start beating faster as he stared at the cock, still hard. “But…but how can I…” He trailed off again as an unbearable need stirred below.

“Just let it happen,” said the doctor, watching him intently.

Charles found himself standing up, kicking his feet to discard the male clothing still attached to him. He then felt himself walking towards the bed. As he did this, he also tossed his old shirt, revealing just how lovely and perky his new tits were. Charles suddenly felt incredibly hot. He could feel his chest and neck getting hotter and hotter. Sweat rolled down his brow, and his cheeks flushed red. Finally, he reached the bed and stopped. The officer was still lying there but looking up at him now and waiting for what was coming. Charles felt his mind being washed away by waves of heat and lust.

“Ughh…” Charles groaned. “I just can’t resist…” He climbed onto the bed and straddled the policeman. He found himself pushing against the man’s, feeling the tip of his cock touch the tip of his vagina. His mind was racing, and his body was responding without his control. “It feels so good to be touched.”

Suddenly the police officer pushed forwards, and Charles felt a shudder run through his body as the tip of the cock went past her labia. Charles couldn’t stop himself from pushing back, forcing the cock in deeper until the entire thing finally disappeared inside him.

“Oh god…” Charles moaned in pleasure as the cock filled his body. It felt so good to be penetrated, something he had never experienced. The policemen then flipped Charles over onto the bed so his back was against the mattress. It was amazing how easy it was for the policemen, Charles felt so powerless under his strength, and he loved it. Is this what it felt like to be fucked by a man? The policemen then entered Charles once again. This time he was able to watch the cock slide into his body. The muscles in the policemen’s arms flexed, and the cock slid deep inside Charles, filling him.

“Oh…ohhhhhhh…” Charles moaned as he felt the policeman force his way in and out of his body. It felt so good being penetrated. The feeling grew stronger each time the policeman pushed his cock back in, seemingly never-ending in how far the pleasure could go.

“Damn, this is a tight one,” the policeman above him said. “Looks like someone is enjoying herself.”

Charles could not speak, but he nodded his head. He loved the feeling of being filled with the cop’s cock. The pleasure was unlike anything he had ever felt before. He couldn’t stop himself from moaning and gasping in pleasure. The policeman pulled out again and pushed in deeper, once more taking Charles’s breath away. He kept on fucking, pulling out and then pushing back in with every thrust.

“Mmph!” Charles grunted out. “I feel so fucking good!”

“You’re a good little slut”, Said the man above him as he started moving faster, his hips grinding into Charles’s.

Charles felt an intense heat rush through his body as the pleasure grew even more intense. He loved it. He loved it so much.! He loved this feeling so much that he never wanted it to end!

“Fuck! Fuck meeeeee!” Charles cried out as he felt the pleasure continue. He could feel his body continuing to shake as he was given release by the policeman’s cock. The sensation was overwhelming and lasting, making him unable to think straight or move. He was a woman. How could he want ever to be anything else? Being a woman was the most fantastic feeling on earth. It was so good. He became she as the pleasure destroyed any last vestige of resistance. She was a woman, a Japanese woman who wanted more. She wanted to never not have a cock inside her again!

“I’m going to cum! Cum with me!” Charles cried out as the pleasure continued to sweep over them both. Charles felt the cop’s cock pulse inside of her.

“AHHHHH!” Charles screamed in ecstasy as the orgasm swept over her. The policeman also cried out as he shot his load inside her.

Charles felt her own orgasm wash over her as they both came together. A wave of heat washed over Charles as their two orgasms collided in their bodies. Charles felt like he was flying high as he felt the cum flood through his body, filling him with warmth. Her muscles spasmed, and her eyes squeezed shut, her mind unable to process the sensations anymore.

The policeman slowly pulled his cock out of the small Japanese girl and helped her sit up. They looked at one another, not saying a word, simply basking in the afterglow of their mutual orgasm.

“Right, back to work.” Said the policeman, pulling his pants back up. “I’ll tell my partner it’s his turn.”

Charles watched the man leave, leaving him alone on the bed. She sat there, panting for air, unable to comprehend his situation. Charles was a woman now. They had really made her into a Japanese woman, and she loved it. She shut her eyes, trying to hold onto the warm afterglow of the orgasm as she felt the cum drip out of her vagina.

When she opened her eyes, the other policeman was by the bed watching her lustfully.


Marie Togawa, a legal name given to Charles by the Japanese government, now prowls the streets, seeking cocks to fill her and impregnate her. The programming made her love Japan and the government of Japan, even if she felt as though they were torturing her. She barely remembered being Charles now and had no desire to learn English or leave Japan. So far managed to have four babies. All of which were healthy and being raised elsewhere. She felt the Japanese government was torturing her due to the programming given to her, as it both made her desire to be a perfect housewife and also made her a cum-addicted slut. It both made her desire to be a mother while also not allowing her to keep any of her babies. Her case worker told her that she would be allowed to settle down and raise her tenth child, but who knows how long it will be or what state her body will be in by the time that little boy or girl comes along. She doubted any man would want her at that point anymore.

Right now, however, Marie Togawa is pregnant with her fifth baby. While she is pregnant, she controls her urges due to not wanting to risk the baby by seeking out unknown men as she usually does. So, right now, she is just trying to relax and follow the doctor’s instructions to make sure it’s a successful pregnancy. Eat well, sleep well, drink enough water and avoid stressful situations.

Using prisoners to perform this ‘special service to the nation’ was a raring success. But the success grew greater when Japan realized it could get volunteers worldwide to become Japanese women and produce babies. In recognition of being willing participants, they only need to have three children to finish the programme as a volunteer. They are rewarded with Japanese citizenship and a good income to raise their kids once they have the third baby. They are also allowed to keep their children if they don’t try to leave Japan.

Maybe you, dear reader, want to volunteer?

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