

‘Please, just let me go! I promise I won’t tell anyone.’

They always beg like this. Every single one of the women you have kidnapped begged for you to let them go and begged you not to harm them. It has long since become just a tired nuisance. You buried the last of your empathy for your victims years ago.

‘Please… I just want go home…’

She is pulling at the restraints now, likely more out of discomfort than an actual belief she can break her bonds. Her accent is already changing as her blonde hair grows strands of black. At this point, the begging doesn’t matter anymore, as there is no stopping the nanobots once they have started their program. You watch as her skin tone changes to Asian, as her hair changes to entirely black, and her eyes become brown.

When you developed the gene-altering nanobots, you didn’t expect your biggest customer to be the Chinese military. You expected medical applications, but pharmaceuticals always seemed uninterested. Instead, it was a visionary general of the PLA who wanted perfect wives as rewards for his men and appeared to take a particular interest in making those wives out of foreign women.

Please, tíng xià. Qing tíng xià!’ Cried the women, Chinese rapidly replacing English.

She was already utterly unrecognizable as her changes started finalizing. Her face and body were now firmly from the Orient. The general had requested that the women should be beautiful, sexy and extremely fertile. His last request and you can still remember the grin on the general’s face as he said this, was extremely motivated to take advantage of this fertility.

No, Wǒ de… My head… I feel strange… Wǒ shì shéi?’

Your captive’s words are slurred and barely understandable. As her mind is now forcibly transitioned into its new form. Not only is she now fluent in Mandarin. Not only will she never speak English again. But she will not remember ever being anything other than a Chinese wife.

The woman slumps forwards, held in the chair only by her restraints. The limp state means the process is done, and soon she will reboot. She will awaken as her new self.

Suddenly her eyes snap open, and she sits up straight in her chair. You walk over and undo the restraints as she sits there waiting. Finally, she is ready for the final imprinting of her new husband and life. But before that, she is docile and ready for anything you suggest. So you decide to have fun with her before sending her to her new home…

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