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Operation Samsara 02

Operation Samsara Field Report

Report #:UK00007
To:Special Operations High Command
From:Indian Operational Command (IOC) UK
Subject:Field Test of MHCA

We are pleased that you found our previous report to be so satisfactory. I am also happy to see your appreciation for the choice of target for that test, it was certainly personally pleasing to see white nationalists made into such conservative Indian beauties.

This report is regarding our first field test of our mass-hypnosis cultural adjusters (MHCA). We decided to use the MHCA on a small settlement in the South-West of England. We chose one with a low Indian population and a high population of white English. This allowed us to test the MHCA without prior influence of Indian culture affecting the results. (You can see all relevant maps and data of the settlement in the appendix of this report).

The first MHCA chosen consisted of a Bollywood-single with a duration of 4 minutes and 27 seconds. The song was not made for this purpose and was taken from a Hindi-movie released a few years ago (please see the appendix for the details of the music, I believe it is a favorite of the prime minister). The song was modified at Indian High Command to function as a MHCA. This was a specially made MHCA with included additional hypnotic instructions to not leave the settlement to isolate their community.

We then paid a local radio station to play the song every hour for 2 days. The radio station first objected, believing it would annoy their listeners, although they quickly changed their mind, they saw how much money we were offering. In the future we will use other means to convince local elements to assist us, but money was best as this early stage of the operation.

When the residents of this settlement heard the music, they reacted much like we had seen in laboratory testing. First, they showed the expected confusion and annoyance at a song so different to what they were used to. However, as the song continued, they began to enjoy it. Some began humming the song or seeking out the song to add to their playlists. Others even danced along to the tune of the song. We paid careful attention to make sure the special instructions were being followed and that the people now felt no desire to leave the settlement.

We then used our resources to provide the settlement with supplies, alongside using operatives in the field to prevent people from entering. We are pleased to say we successfully provided isolation throughout the test period. We also found the five members of the Indian diaspora in the settlement. 4 of which we indoctrinated to assist us, the other was left in the settlement as a test subject for the MHCA. The second listen saw more dramatic affects. Many residents had begun to feel strange emotions towards the song. They felt a desire to dance, a desire to sing along and a desire to share the song with others. This was especially true if they thought someone else might not know about the song. The longer the song played the stronger these feelings became.

By the end of the 2 days on the radio, the majority of people in the settlement had succumbed to the MHCA. By this point they were seeking out similar songs and demanding that the radio station played more music like it. We provided the radio station with more songs, all of which were MHCAs. The effect was that they enjoyed the songs even more than the first ones we gave them. By the end of day 7, the radio only played Indian music, in fact all the music that was heard in the settlement was music from India. It was as though all other kinds of music had disappeared.

On day 12, we observed the effects of the MHRA expanding out from music. It started to affect all parts of the daily life of the residents. We observed the first saris being worn by the women and saw more signs of Indian food being sold or prepared. We saw a greater interest in Indian movies and TV shows.

We also confirmed that the MHCA also affected the member of the Indian diaspora we did not indoctrinate. He lost the ability to speak English and became completely Indian in outlook. This didn’t matter as his ability to speak Hindi made him very popular with the local population. At day 20 of the test, we noticed even the men had began dressing in typical Indian clothes. Nearly all women observed wore saris alongside bhindis and other Indian jewelry. The only TV or movies we observed being watched were Indian.

At a full month of operation, we found the people were adding words from Indian languages into their daily speech and that many Hindu temples or icons were being adding to people’s homes or outside in new shrines. Even the local churches had converted to Hindu shrines.

On day 45, the community was entirely Hindu, all the people had added more Indian language to their speech and even the children were learning to speak Hindi at school. All local television and radio stations broadcast in both England and Hindi. We deemed the MHCAs had been completely successful at this stage and ended the test. Some of the settlement will be transported back to India and subject to testing, after which they will be converted fully into Indians and released. The rest of the settlement will be put through a reversal MHCA and allowed to return to normal. Although some of our mental enhancements will remain if deemed conspicuous and useful.

We are pleased to say that from this report and the previous report, you can see that both HPTFs and MHCAs are ready for use. We look forward for you orders to begin Operation Samsara in earnest. On the back of this report, however, we suggest that careful consideration of both the speed and power of MHCAs be considered in all future uses. The effects need to be both more subtle and slow to avoid detection, especially as we apply MHCAs at a national level in the future.

White Girls look cute in their Saris! Especially when they are trying so hard to speak Hindi and be good Hindus!
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