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Indo Airways 01: Welcome to Indo Airways

Johnathan was sad as he boarded his Indo Airways flight from Makassar to Jakarta. It was the beginning of the end of his time in Indonesia, as after landing in Jakarta, he was to change flights and go home to Sydney. The past two weeks had been some of the best of his life. He’d met wonderful people, eaten excellent food, seen incredible sights, and participated in an experience he would never forget. There were so many things he wanted to tell his mates about when he got back home.

After finding his seat in business class, he sat waiting for the flight to begin. It seemed to be taking a lot of time, and as he looked at his watch, it was already ten past three! The flight was due to leave at three, and they hadn’t even begun taxiing yet. What the hell? Johnathan thought. He was on a tight schedule for getting his connecting flight back to Sydney. He needed to be at work as soon as possible and couldn’t deal with spending another night in Indonesia.

It was then that he noticed three flight attendants together at the end of the plane, seemingly trying to settle on some plan. They were speaking in lowish voices, not that Johnathan could understand what they were talking about anyway. Nevertheless, Johnathan found himself gawking at them.

The attendants on Indo Airways flights were all beautiful young women. They all wore a white blouse and sandal heels alongside a vibrant purple skirt adorned with the traditional pattern of a Batik sarong. None wore tights alongside the skirt, which had a split down one leg, revealing their perfectly toned brown legs.

As the women talked, Johnathan suddenly noticed one of them glance towards him. Then more seemed to follow her lead. Within seconds, all three attendants were looking at him. His face flushed as he realized how awkward he must have appeared staring at them. Johnathan tore his eyes away from them to look out the window. He felt tempted to look at them again and so had to force himself to keep staring at the movement of staff outside the plane.

“Excuse me, sir?” A strongly accented voice said directly next to him.

“Yes,” Johnathan replied automatically, turning to face the flight attendant who initially glanced at him. When he caught her eye, he swallowed hard. She was much more beautiful up close. Her skin looked incredibly soft, and her eyes sparkled with intelligence and humour. She had a distinctly Malay face and wore her hair in a tight black bun. Her lips were full and pouty, and she smiled broadly at him.

“I’m sorry to bother you, but we are having problems with our departure.” She spoke English fluently and had a good command of the language.

“Yes, I notice we are a little late… Is there something wrong?”

She nodded, “There is a staffing issue…” she then paused to gather her thoughts before continuing.

“We’ve only got three flight attendants working for this flight instead of the required four. We could probably make do, but it would be so much easier with just one more attendant.”

“Oh really?” Johnathan asked, wondering why they didn’t just hire more staff or reschedule the flight.

“Well, it shouldn’t be a problem, but due to some regulations, we need one less person on this side of the plane.’ She moved her arms wide to draw an imaginary line dividing this section of the plane. “And one more person on that side of the plane.” She gestured to where the flight attendants were talking before.

Johnathan was confused. Why did they need more people on the other side of the plane? “So, you need more people on that side of the plane and fewer people on this side?”

“Correct, sir, I know it sounds strange, but there are strict laws regarding passenger numbers and flight attendant numbers,” She said, again smiling at him. “And because you are flying alone, we’d thought you’d be a good choice to move. We will even give you a partial refund of your ticket.”

“Will this get our flight moving?” Johnathan asked. He was eager to get moving.

The attendant nodded, “Yes, sir, we will begin taxing immediately. If you care to come with us?”

“Then, of course, I will. I don’t even care about the refund!” Johnathan replied, standing up to follow the woman.

He followed her through the plane, taking note of the other two attendants as he went. Each one of them gave him a quick smile and nod as he passed. Eventually, she led him to a fold-down seat on the crew side of the plane. It was nestled in its own little corner, sandwiched between a couple of storage areas. There was little there but the seat and a telephone. Johnathan knew these were called jump seats, but he wasn’t sure about the purpose of the phone. Finally, she opened the seat and gestured for him to sit.

“I’m sorry it’s not very comfortable, but you are doing us such a big favor. Thank you so much for your help. We at Indo Airways appreciate it.”

“It’s really no problem,” Johnathan replied, sitting down in the seat. The woman smiled and helped him put his seatbelt on.

“My name is Yulia. I will come back to check up on you, and don’t worry, and you will still get the same level of service as usual. I hope you enjoy your flight.”

With that, she turned on her heel and walked back to the main cabin area of the plane. Leaving Johnathan alone. True to her word, the airplane began taxing and took off a few minutes later.

Johnathan was weirdly alone during this time. He didn’t even see any flight attendants enter his little cubby. The other flight attendants presumably used seats found elsewhere on the airplane and were now busy providing service to other customers.

It was an unusual feeling to be alone on a flight. You are usually crammed like sardines unless you pay for first class. And even then, you are not alone. So there was nothing for Johnathan to do but sit and wait. But he was happy to do so as he revelled in the seclusion. He was looking forward to having some private time to think about everything that had happened over the last two weeks.

Soon enough, however, he wondered when Yulia would return. He felt awkward calling out to her, so instead, he just waited. After a while, he finally started to get bored and found his eyes wandering around his environment. Unfortunately, there wasn’t much to see put grey and white plastic, alongside colourful warning labels and little compartments he didn’t dare open.

But then he noticed something on the floor right in front of him. It was a pair of shoes.

The same sandal heels worn by all the flight attendants. They were black with a white sole, alongside two crossed straps bearing the same purple pattern found on their skirts. How he didn’t notice them before, he had no idea. They were directly in front of him, like he had just dropped them on the floor, ready to be put on. In fact, he had a sudden feeling that he should put them on. However, they were clearly much too small for him. And besides, why would he wear such a feminine pair of shoes?

‘Wait, what am I thinking?” He said to himself, after realizing he was thinking about whether he should put on a random pair of lady’s heels. ‘ I must be really bored!’ The shoes were clearly used, as they were scuffed at the back. He imagined if any of the pretty flight attendants he had seen wore them.

He moved his focus onto other things but couldn’t stop glancing at the shoes for some reason. He kept imagining which flight attendant might have been wearing them and imagined their smooth brown legs walking around in them. Then he wondered what it would be like to walk behind her, admiring the view of her sexy ass cheeks. Then in his mind, he looked down at his own legs. They saw them in his mind as brown and slender… he looked all the way down to his little brown toes inside those heels. The exact same heels with the exact same scuffs as the ones in front of him now.

Eventually, he came to his senses. He forced himself to stop and, in doing so, became aware of his heavy breathing. He also realized his hands were gripping the armrests tightly.

‘This is crazy!’ He thought. ‘I can’t be getting horny like this. That’s not normal.’ He almost managed to force himself to think about other things for a moment, but the fantasy retook its hold. He pictured himself putting the sandal heels on and walking around in front of all those beautiful ladies. He felt his cock growing harder and harder inside his pants.

Finally, his heart racing and his breath shallow, he could resist no longer. He took a quick look around. There was no one around. So he teased his shoes off. Then his socks off too. Finally, after one last glance around, and without getting out of the seat or even unbuckling his seatbelt, he reached out with his foot and shuffled both heels closer.

His heart pounding, he slid his feet into the shoes. First, his left foot and then his right. They were much too small and far too narrow. His toes rubbed painfully against the two straps. He looked down at his two massive white man-feet sitting awkwardly on top of the heels, the straps stretched wide by his broad soles. It looked ridiculous, especially as his heels hung over the back of the shoe and his toes protruded out the front.

But he enjoyed the smooth, cool leather material and the feel of the air on his bare toes. He sat there for a minute, admiring how different they felt from the sneakers he was used to wearing. He couldn’t believe he was sitting in a plane, wearing a pair of women’s much-too-small heels. But he also couldn’t deny that he liked it.

He was so hard that he wanted to jerk it right there. But he wouldn’t dare do so. So instead, he just sat there in a state of extreme arousal. That is, he just sat there until he felt it.

It was a kind of pinching feeling across his feet. As though both of his feet were in some sort of vice. He looked down and saw what was happening, transfixed.

He watched as the mass seemed to be sucked out of his feet, like air being sucked out of a balloon. His feet were shrinking before his eyes. No longer did his heel hover out the back of the shoe, nor did his toes protrude out the front. His feet even seemed to narrow to fit the width of the shoe. It only took moments for his feet to now fit the shoes perfectly.

‘What the fuck?! This isn’t possible!’ Johnathan thought. It was like the shoes were wearing him, breaking him into a form that suited them. His impulse was to kick the heels off, but he felt stuck to the ground. In fact, he couldn’t seem to move at all; instead, he could only watch what was happening. It was like he was watching a video on YouTube late at night or catching a movie halfway through in the dead of night. He was just an observer of his own changing body. The only thing that could move was his cock, which was still twitching and straining against his pants as he watched.

He noticed that his feet didn’t just change in size but also in shape. His toes seemed to part, if only a little, which, alongside a slight widening at the ball of his feet, meant that his feet now resembled the people he saw in Indonesia. He now had the broader spread of someone who spent most of their life barefoot or in sandals. His toes also seemed to be longer in proportion to the rest of his feet. Again much like the women he saw walking about across Indonesia.

As he watched, his feet also began darkening. They became darker and darker, first looking like he had just spent too long in the sun, to then taking on a rich brown color more akin to a local. He also noticed now that his new brown skin was now both flawless and hairless.

Finally, the pinching sensation in his feet stopped. Johnathan was left with feet that were small and slender, with brown skin and a distinct ‘south-east Asian’ shape. A pair of feet that would complement all the flight attendants of the flight.

He wanted to move but still couldn’t. He wanted to cry out but also couldn’t. Instead, he could only sit there, trying to make sense of what had happened. He could only stare at his new shapely toes, wondering if he was dreaming. Or not…

It was then that the pinching started again.

It started at his ankles and spread up his legs, and soon he felt the familiar pinching sensation in his knees and thighs. Rapidly the same sensation he experienced in his feet had spread across his legs. Johnathan then felt his legs transform. The feeling starting at his ankle and spreading up across his calves and up through his thighs. This time, however, he couldn’t see it as his pants obscured it. That was until his pants began changing too.

The bottom of his pants fused, and the material also changed at the place of fusion. The material became shiny, or even silky, and took on a bright purple color with a distinct pattern. This remaking spread up the length of his pants until, finally, his pants had become a purple skirt with a Batik sarong pattern. A split then developed down the left side of the skirt, revealing his legs, which were now a perfect match for his feet. Long and slender. Toned and shapely. And with the same brown skin tone. John was now wearing the same sandals as the flight attendants and the same skirt too. With a lower body that fit them perfectly. Complete with a fine ass, he could feel pushing against the chair.

All the while this was happening, his cock continued to be rock hard. Now it strained against his new skirt. The material of which made his protruding arousal obvious to the world. As Johnathan’s cock strained, he realized he must be wearing panties too as his cock now rubbed against a smooth, silky material.

The pinching feeling didn’t stop there but continued to spread. It spread up his torso, along his arms and shoulders. Slowly but surely, stretching across his limbs. Soon it was over everything below his head. He watched his hands begin to change, becoming smaller and thinner alongside his arms which became leaner. It had the effect of making his arms look longer, even though he was sure they were shorter. The dark skin spread up the arms, presumably to meet the dark skin spreading up from below.


He felt a powerful crunch as his waist pulled inwards. Afterwhich intense pressure on his chest appeared against his chest as mass pushed outwards. He felt breasts grow, becoming more prominent and rounder, with a fullness to them. The nipples grew as well, sticking out much further than they had before against his shirt—a shirt which was also now changing. The material became like lace as the cut was reproportioned. Rapidly his shirt became a white blouse. One that hugged him tight around the waist and revealed his new hourglass figure. A figure which looked far nicer than he could have ever expected as his new boobs pushed into the material of the blouse. It felt pleasant as his nipples pressed into the fabric—his long-suffering dick straining harder against his panties. However, the nipples’ sensations didn’t last long as a new material seemed to cover them. Johnathan realized it must be a bra forming over his chest.

Johnathan now peered down at a completely new body. He was dressed in the outfit of the flight attendants he saw earlier and had a body to match. Flawless, dark Asian skin flashed wherever the clothes were not: showing shapely arms and legs with delicate hands and feet. Where the clothes were, his body shape was immaculate. With big breasts and a large ass nicely framed by the material and creating a perfect hourglass shape with his tiny waist. The only thing that seemed unchanged was his hard cock straining against the skirt. He wanted to rub his cock and soothe his urges, but he still couldn’t move. Instead, the pinching feeling moved once more.

Now it was across his head. He felt every part of his face bubble and, with the proximity to his ears, could even hear the changes. It sounded like water bubbling inside a glass bottle. He felt twitches around his eyes and his lips as his vision became obscured with rapidly growing black hair. He couldn’t see what was happening, yet he knew all too well what was happening. His face was becoming less his and more theirs. He knew his face was to become just like the flight attendants.


Pain hit his jaw as his skull changed shape. He felt his teeth become completely different in his mouth. Johnathan hadn’t even realized he could feel his teeth until his whole jawline had become alien to him. It was an odd feeling. Soon the hair stopped growing, and the sound of bubbling died down. The feelings slowed and eventually stopped. It had nowhere else to go now. The strange sensation slowly vanished from him.

Soon he could feel his toes and fingers twitch. Then he could lift his foot or manipulate his hand. He could move. Soon he could even stand up. It was awkward standing in his heels, and his new delicate body felt alien to him as he moved. He was going to call for help when the arousal seemed to explode through him.

Suddenly, his cock made itself known to him. Like before, it was still straining against the front of his panties and making an obvious ‘tent’ out of his purple skirt. But, somehow, the arousal grew to heights he did not know possible. In his mind, he was no longer a man. He was no longer even a person. He was just a cock attached to a body that no longer mattered. Nothing mattered but the arousal that quickly dominated his mind. His hands shot down through his skirt and panties. He grabbed his cock harshly and began rubbing himself frantically.

There he was, for all intents and purposes, a woman, standing in heels while rubbing a cock that should not be there. In his mind, he saw himself fucking a beautiful woman. A brown, dainty woman in heels and a purple skirt. He rubbed his cock to the image of himself fucking one of the flight attendants. Except, no, he wasn’t fucking the woman. He was being fucked. He was the woman. His cock became somehow even harder as the image of him being fucked became more explicit in his mind. He was on the plane, and a strong man had pushed him against the wall, spread his skirt and panties and forced himself into…

Into his pussy.

Of course, he should have a pussy. It just felt natural. As he rubbed his cock the copious pre-cum acted as a lubricant. He pressed his head back and looked up at the ceiling—the pressure in his balls building up. The images in his mind becoming more and more intense. He was now lying down, with his legs wide apart, the lips of his pussy spreading. The wetness prepared for a strong man to enter. His juices flowing out of him. Ready to take the large, thick cock of a man. A white cock, a black cock or even a yellow cock. He took it all because he was a…

He was a flight attendant. Of course, he was. Why else did he wear these clothes?

His cock began to shrink in his hands. His balls began to deflate. However, Johnathan didn’t let go of his cock, instead squeezing its dwindling form as hard as he could in his fist. His dick remained rock hard but no longer protruding from his panties and no longer standing proud between his legs. Instead, the fabric loosened as his cock shrunk away. He was seeing the white man or black man or even yellow man he was fucking complementing his slender body, his golden brown complexion. Of course, they did because he was a…

He was a beautiful Indonesian woman.

Her balls had vanished now as a slit developed where they used to be. A slit that grew to reveal deep, pink flesh. Lips developing as her vagina formed. Her penis vanished into it, becoming a sensitive nub. Her fingers naturally transitioning from rubbing cock to playing with this nub as wet juices began to coat her new sex. She moaned as she imagined himself gesturing for the men to do their work. Of course, she was gesturing, as English was never her strong suit. Her language was…

Her language was Indonesian. She had only learnt basic English in school and then only basic English training when she became a flight attendant. So she spoke just enough to get by and serve passengers. Not nearly enough to participate in conversations. As a flight attendant, though, she learned a lot about the culture of other nations. Or should she say the culture of every kind of man? Every kind of man that wanted a little piece of the exotic. Soon the feeling in her pussy was growing too strong. She needed to cum. But she couldn’t; something was holding her back…

Her old self was holding her back.

So she began instinctively putting everything about her old self into her pussy. Her old memories, ideas and values. Her old preferences and likes or dislikes. All of it went into her sex. Far away from her mind so that it would no longer hold her back. And also in place to be evacuated from her. Finally, she felt herself coming to a cruscendo. Finally, she was ready to release. To let go of herself completely. It felt so fucking good, almost impossible to pair as she began to scream.


She screamed out as her orgasm hit, causing her whole body to convulse, her mouth open wide as pleasure washed over her. All of her old self being released and vanishing into the air as the waves of intense feeling convulsed from her pussy. Her left leg buckled against her heel as her pussy began to release its juices all over herself. It didn’t stop there, either! A second later, she orgasmed again and a third time before finally relaxing. She slumped back on the chair. Panting. Dripping with sweat from head to toe. The exhaustion clear on her face from the multiple climaxes. She just sat there, trying to collect her thoughts.


The telephone nearby began to ring. A phone that she now knew was for the back of the plane to communicate with the front. She forced herself to stand up and pick up the receiver.

‘Wani?’ Came the voice of Yulia from the other side. She paused in confusion before remembering that her name was indeed Wani. She felt a little silly being confused by this simple fact.

‘Iya? (Yes?)’ Wani replied.

‘Ini adalah awal dari shift mu? Kamu lupa lagi kah? (It’s the start of your shift? Did you forget again?)’ said Yulia, with an air of frustration.

‘Aku datang sekerang! (I’m coming now!)’ replied Wani, who began rushing to do her job. A job she knew very well. Of course, she did, as she was a proud crewmember of Indo Airways.

She just hoped they didn’t notice the smell of sex on her…

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