

If you ever need to cross a river or valley but seem to find no way nearby, then you must be careful. If, all of a sudden, a bridge seems to appear before your eyes, then you must check it is on the map before you use it. If not, it may not just be too good to be true. It may be something truly malicious. It may be the Bridge of Beginnings.

No one knows precisely how or why this bridge appears, but we know it only appears to weary and desperate travelers trying to get across an otherwise unpassable space. When you go to cross this bridge, you will not be carried across the river or valley that you expect. Instead, you will find yourself crossing to somewhere completely different. You might start in England and end up in China or start in Japan and end up in Brazil.

Your change in destination is not the worse that the bridge offers, as you will begin to feel a strong and uncomfortable sensation as you step across the long bridge. Your clothes will slither and shift around you, and an unpleasant pinching and pulling sensation will spread across your body. You will want to stop at this point but cannot control your legs as you walk across the bridge. A bridge that has now extended to an impossible length.

As you finally approach the end of the bridge, your clothes and body will now resemble the people of your destination. The end will be bright, as though you are walking directly into the sun. As you stare at this bright light, you will find that the language and skills that had served you so well up to this point in your life will melt away. Instead, you will discover your brain filled with a new language and a new set of skills that will suit you in your destination unknown. When you finally finish your journey, you will step into the bright light, which will then vanish.

You will be at the end of a bridge, just not the one you first started walking across. This bridge will be a real bridge, one that is on the map. If you turn around at this point, you will see yourself on the other side of a valley or river, albeit a very different one that you had tried to cross earlier. You will breathe in the air and take in the sights of a new place, which you will soon realize is your new home. A new home that your clothes and language, maybe even your race, will now be a perfect fit.

How do I know so much about this? Look into my deep brown eyes and imagine they were once blue. Look at my flawless brown skin and imagine it was once pale white. Hear the accent of a woman who spent three years learning English and imagine that accent was once native. See my curly black hair and imagine it was once straight and blonde. I was once a White woman from Australia. That was until I crossed a bridge in New South Wales and found myself in Nigeria as a local woman.

It took me years to meet up with other people who had experienced the same thing as me, and it took me years more to get other people to listen. But listen, you must, or end up transformed like me.

Beware of the Bridge of New Beginnings!

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