
Hotel Indonesia

Your name is Marcus Bing. A 29-year-old British man. You are overweight and a little bit ugly. You have been teaching for years now but hate your job. So you decided to have a vacation in Jakarta, Indonesia. You wake up in your hotel room late at night. It’s dark. There is no one else in the room. You look around you and notice that something is wrong. Your clothes are gone! You try to get out of bed, but it feels as if someone has tied you down. You scream. It’s then you hear footsteps coming towards you. They stop outside your door. A female voice says: “Hello Marcus.”

“Who’s there?” You ask nervously.

The voice speaks again, and now you notice it’s in a strong Indonesian accent: “I am not going to hurt you, don’t worry. I just want to talk to you.”

“What do you want with me? Why did you take my clothes?” You shout at her.

She laughs: “No need to be so angry. My name is Jelita, and I work here at the hotel. I saw you when you came into the lobby yesterday. I was curious about you. Do you know what I mean by curiosity?”

She walks around the bed, and you can finally see her face. She is beautiful, with long black hair and big brown eyes. Her body is slim and sexy. She wears a very unmodest set of clothes: a tight pair of jeans and a low-cut top that shows off her cleavage. It’s not how you expect people to dress here in Jakarta.

“Are you sure you won’t hurt me?” You ask again.

“Of course not!” She answers and gives you a big smile. “I’m here to help you!”

“How can you help me?” You ask suspiciously.

Jelita looks at you with pity in her eyes. “You seem like a nice guy, but you’re depressed. I know deep down you are stuck in the wrong body.”

“What are you talking about?” You ask, confused.

“Don’t you feel trapped? Like you should be somewhere else? Don’t you want to escape this life?” She asks.

“No,” you say and shake your head. “I’m happy where I am.”

“But you’re lying to yourself. Deep down, you know you aren’t happy anymore. You’ve lost touch with reality. And I think it’s because you’ve never really felt comfortable with who you are. Maybe you were born in the wrong body. But I will make you forget all of that. I’ll give you a new life, a better life. All you have to do is follow my orders, and everything will be fine. Trust me; I can help you!” She smiles at you seductively.

You feel sick to your stomach. You can’t believe what this crazy woman is saying. How could this happen to you? You feel violated. You want to run away, but you are tied down. What can you do? You feel helpless.

“Please untie me!” You cry.

Jelita giggles: “You are an idiot. If you don’t trust me, why would I let you go? Now shut up and listen to me. I have something special planned for you tonight. You will love it! I promise!”

She walks around the bed again and sits on the edge of the bed. “I have something vital to tell you… about yourself. Are you ready?” She asks you.

“Yes,” you answer nervously.

“Then I will start right now. You are a woman, not just any woman but an Indonesian woman like me. I want you to understand that. I want you to accept who you are and be proud of it. You belong here. You can be whoever you want to be. You can be happy here.

“But I’m White British!” Protested Marcus against this insanity.

“Yes, and this fact is exactly what I will help you with.” Replied Jelita.

“What do you mean?” You asked her.

“I’m going to make you a woman. I will change your body and give you breasts. We will also give you a cute Indonesian name. You will be a beautiful Indonesian girl. Then we will send you back home. You will forget all about your past and live happily ever after.”

“Why me?” You ask, confused.

“I told you because this is what you truly are. You can’t deny it anymore. You are a woman, and you deserve to be treated as one. I’m going to help you become a real woman. You will be free and happy forever.” She smiled at you.

“I don’t want to be a woman! I want to be myself!” You shouted at her.

Jelita sighed: “Oh Marcus, you silly boy. It’s too late for that, and it’s too late for anything else. After all, you can’t escape your fate. Your destiny is for all to see, written in the stars. God has chosen you. They have sent me to guide you on your path. So you must obey me. I will make you a woman. Just relax and enjoy the ride.”

You lay back and close your eyes. Jelita walks around your naked body before suddenly plunging a needle into your thigh. You scream out in pain.

“Relax,” She whispers to you. “It’s okay. The cure will only hurt for a moment.”

She presses the needle deeper into your skin. The pain is unbearable, but you try to hold still. Suddenly you feel a warm liquid flowing through your veins.

“That’s it,” she says. “Now you are ready.”

“What’s happening?” You ask in fear.

“I’m making you a woman. I’m giving you breasts. You will have full female curves soon. I’m also changing your body structure to look more like a woman. But most importantly, I am going to give you a vagina. That is what makes a woman a woman. I will make you a proper woman. I will make you happy and content. All you have to do is obey me. Now please lie down and let me work.”

You feel a cold sensation as she applies a gel to your body. You feel it spreading over your chest and abdomen. Jelita then applies some cream onto your thighs and massages it into your skin.

“You are becoming a woman,” She tells you. “This will take just a few moments to begin. But, once we finish, you will feel like the happiest woman on the planet, I promise.”

You lay there feeling helpless and afraid, both completely naked and vulnerable. Next, Jelita starts to apply the cream onto your nipples and breasts.

“It feels good, doesn’t it?” She asks you. “Your breasts are getting bigger. Soon they will be the perfect size for you. You will love them.”

You whimper in pain as the cream spreads over your sensitive skin. You are screaming inside, but you can’t move or speak. You are bound to the bed, so you can’t even wipe the cream off. You are totally at her mercy.

“Don’t worry, Marcus,” She continues. “You are going to be a very happy woman. You will never be alone again. I will always be there for you. I will always love you. I will protect you from all harm. You will be safe with me.”

You feel weak and powerless in this hopeless situation. After all, you have no way of defending yourself, while Jelita has many ways to harm you. You struggle against your bonds but cannot move much more than an inch.

“No, no, no!” You shout at her. “Let me go! Don’t do this to me! I don’t want to be a woman! Please stop!”

Jelita smiles at you: “You will thank me later. Just relax and let me work my magic.”

The cream hardens, and you feel your nipples and breasts grow. They grow rapidly, and you cry out in pain as they become larger and more sensitive.

“They’re huge!” You cry out in shock.

“Yes, yes, they are getting bigger,” Jelita replies. “Soon you will be able to wear nice bras and sexy clothes. You will be so happy.”

“I’m not happy!” You scream at her. “I want to be myself! I don’t want to be a woman! I hate you!”

“Oh, Marcus,” She says soothingly. “You have been such a naughty boy. You shouldn’t say those things to me. I am your friend. I would never hurt you.”

“I hate you!” You shout at her. “Just leave me alone! Let me go!”

“Shhh,” She coos to you. “You don’t need to be afraid. I won’t hurt you. I just want to help you. I’m doing this for you. I will make you a better person.”

“Stop it!” You scream at her. “Please, just let me go!”

“You will be happier once done,” She replies. “You will see. Now settle down and let me finish.”

You feel your breasts growing larger. They are now the size of melons. Jelita has made your breasts much bigger than you had ever imagined. However, the changes are making it hard to breathe. You struggle with your lungs feeling tight and constricted.

“You can’t move,” She tells you. “You have to trust me. I am going to make you beautiful. You will be the most beautiful woman in the world. I will give you everything you’ve ever wanted. You will be happy with me.”

“I hate you!” You cry out. You panic, rising to a crescendo. “I wish you were dead!”

“Hush,” She tells you. “You will be fine. I will take care of you.”

You feel your breasts growing even larger. You feel them begin to throb. You feel like they are going to explode. You feel something warm and wet dripping down your legs.

“It’s alright,” She whispers to you. “Everything is going to be okay.”

You feel a burning sensation between your legs. It feels like your whole body is on fire. Then, you scream in agony as you feel your vagina opening up. The pain is excruciating.

“I know it hurts,” Jelita tells you. “But it will be over soon. Just hold on a little longer.”

You feel your vagina stretching open. You scream out in pain as your labia separate from each other. You feel your inner lips spread apart. You feel a hot liquid pouring out of you.

“It’s okay,” She whispers to you. “I will take care of you.”

You feel your vagina opening wider and wider. You worry you are going to split in half as your womb expands. A gush of fluid flows out of you.

“It will be over soon,” She whispers to you. “I promise.”

You feel your vagina splitting wide open and your cervix spreading apart. It’s not exactly painful, but instead, a strange sensation as your vaginal walls stretch open, and you feel something squirting out of you as your female sex fully develops.

Your new clitoris lets itself known as it develops, and you feel it pulsating. A desire begins to well up inside of you.

“It’s okay,” She whispers to you. “You’ll be fine.” As your changes slow down, you feel yourself calm down. You have finished changing into a woman.

“You are a woman now,” Jelita tells you. “You are a beautiful young woman. You will be very happy with me.” She grabs a mirror and shows you your new face. You look in the mirror and see a beautiful young girl staring back at you.

“You are a woman now,” Jelita tells you. “But you are still a white woman. That isn’t what you truly are.”

You stare at her as she injects a new needle into your other thigh. You feel a warm sensation running through your body again. You feel a tingling sensation in your breasts and vagina.

“This will make you into an Indonesian woman,” Jelita tells you. “It will change your skin color and make you more attractive. I will make you a beautiful Indonesian woman.”

You see your skin begin to darken, and while you can’t see it, your eyes become more Asian looking. You see the hair around your vision turn black, and your long hair sits on larger and larger breasts.

“That was fast,” Jelita tells you. “You are already turning into a beautiful Indonesian woman.”

You look in the mirror and see that you have become a beautiful Indonesian woman that looks a lot like Jelita. You both have long black hair and a similar skin tone, and your eyes and facial features are almost the same.

“I feel so weird!” You tell Jelita.

“Don’t worry,” She tells you. “You’ll get used to it.”

Jelita strokes your brown cheek. “Now, to fix that mind of yours!”

She puts a needle in your neck and injects a strange liquid straight into your head, a direct passway to your brain. You feel your thoughts begin to clear. You feel like you are starting to remember things.

“I will remove your memories of being a man,” Jelita tells you. “You are going to forget about your life before this. You will never remember who you were or how you got here. I will erase all of those memories.”

“No!” You scream at her. “I don’t want you to do that!”

“You will be happy with me,” She tells you. “You will learn to love me.”

You feel your mind start to clear and create a sense of calm as you forget everything. How can you be upset when you don’t know what upsets you? Your mind, deflated, begins to inflate again. You feel new memories begin to take a concrete form.

“I’m sorry,” Jelita tells you. “But it’s for your good. You will be happier with me.”

She comes very close to you, face to face and states into your eyes. “I’m going to ask you some questions. You must answer them truthfully. You will tell me about your true self. Do you understand?”

“Yes,” You reply to her.

“Do you know where you are right now?” She asks.

You nod your head yes.

“Where are you right now?” She asks.

“In a hotel room.” You reply.

“What is my name? Who am I?” She asks.

“Jelita,” You say.

“What is your name?

“My name is…I can’t remember.” You reply.

“Your name is Dewi,” She tells you.

“What is your name?” She asks.

“My name is Dewi,” You repeat.

“Where are you from?” She asks.

“I’m from Indonesia.” You reply.

“Are you Indonesian? Or are you from somewhere else?” She asks.

“I’m Indonesian,” You reply.

“Do you speak English? What is your native language?” She asks.

“I don’t speak English,” You reply in Indonesian.

“What is your native language? Can you speak any other languages?” She asks.

“I only speak Indonesian,” You tell her.

She kisses you on the lips. “You are a beautiful Indonesian woman,” She says.

“Thank you,” You tell her.

“Tell me about yourself,” She tells you.

“I’m from Indonesia,” You tell her. “I’m 22 years old. I’ve been living in Jakarta since I was a teenager. My name is Dewi.”

She kisses you again, this time passionately. You kiss back, and her tongue slips into your mouth. You moan softly as you taste her.

“I want to make love with you,” She tells you. “Would you like that?”

You nod your head yes. You are getting turned on by the way she kisses you. You are also curious about making love with a woman.

“I want to make love with you,” She repeats.

“Yes,” You say.

“I will teach you everything you need to know,” She tells you. “I will show you how to pleasure me. I will make sure that you are a good lover.”

“I would like that,” You tell her.

“I want to make love with you,” She tells you. “Will you let me?”

You nod your head yes, of course, yes! You want it, and you need it so bad.

She starts licking your body, first at your neck and collar bone and then around your nipples. Finally, she moves in to rub her tongue over your hard nipple. You moan deeply as she does this.

“I want to lick your pussy,” She tells you.

You lift your legs and spread them apart. Finally, you are ready for Jelita to lick you there.

“You have a beautiful pussy,” She tells you. “It looks delicious.”

She begins to lick your pussy. It’s an incredible feeling that you couldn’t have imagined as a man. You moan softly, and you find your back arching backwards as she eats your pussy. You grind your pussy against her face. She takes your clit between her fingers and sucks on it.

“That feels good,” You moan.

She continues to eat your pussy. You feel your orgasm building inside of you. You can feel your juices running down your thighs.

“I’m going to cum,” You tell her.

“Let it out,” She tells you.

“Cum for me,” She says.

You feel your orgasm build inside of you. You cry out as you cum. You shake and tremble as you cum. Any last trace of being a man is gone. You are a woman now. You are Dewi.


The following day, you wake up. You look around the room. There is a knock on the door.

“Dewi,” A voice calls out.

You open the door. It is Jelita. On her body is a white robe.

“Good morning,” She says, still in Indonesian. Only in Indonesian forever more now. “How did you sleep?”

“I slept well,” You tell her.

“I hope you enjoyed yourself,” She tells you. “I wanted to give you breakfast.”

“Thank you,” You say.

You sit down at the table. You see that there is a plate full of food. You begin to eat. You are hungry after having sex all night.

“I’ll be back in a minute,” She tells you.

You finish eating and then go to the bathroom. You wash your face and clean yourself up. When you come out, Jelita is sitting on the bed. She is wearing a blue silk dress. Her long black hair is pulled back.

“I thought we could have some fun today,” She tells you.

“I saw a white man is staying in this hotel. So I say we go visit him.”

You laugh. “I think that sounds like fun,” You reply, feeling playful.

“Come on,” She says. “I’ll show you where this man is.”

Jelita takes you to the lobby, and there, you see a man sitting on a sofa. He is looking at his phone, waiting for something.

“Hello,” Jelita says.

He looks up and sees you. His eyes widen when he sees you.

“Oh my God,” He says. “I didn’t know there were such beautiful women here.”

“This is Dewi,” Jelita tells him. @She doesn’t speak any English, so I must translate for you two.” She is a friend of mine. She is an Indonesian woman. She wants to meet you.”

“I would love to meet her,” The man says.

“Come on,” Jelita tells you.

You walk up to the man and immediately put your arms around his neck. You kiss him.

“Hi,” He says. “My name is Peter.”

“Her name is Dewi,” Jelita tells him. “She is from around here. “Let’s go to our hotel room. We can talk more there.”

“I’d love to,” He tells Jelita.

You take him to your room. You are excited to see what he is like down below. You are curious about making love with a man. You are even more excited to see if he has a big cock.

He immediately strips off below the waist when you get to the hotel room. You can see that he is imposing, with a huge cock. It is thick and long. You gasp when you see it.

“Wow,” You whisper.

“You like my cock,” He asks.

You fall to your knees before him and grip his cock, stroking it slowly. You meet his eyes with lust. You know what to do, like It’s instinctive for you.

“I want to suck it,” You tell him in Indonesian. Of course, he doesn’t understand your Indonesian tongue, but it doesn’t matter. He’ll understand your tongue in a very different way in a moment.

You start sucking his cock. Starting at its tip before moving on to take it deep in your mouth. You gag on it. You gulp down as much of it as you can.

He moans in pleasure while you continue to suck his cock. Next, you pull your lips away and stroke it with your hand, using your tongue to tease the head of his cock.

“That’s it, baby,” He moans. But then Jelita injects him with a large syringe into his back.

“What was that?” He asks.

“It is a drug,” Jelita tells him. “It will make you feel amazing.”

Peter smiles. “Can I really feel better than this? ” He asks her.

You continue to suck his cock. You let him fuck your throat. You gag as you take it deeper and deeper. But you start to feel something extraordinary, as it feels like his cock is getting smaller.

“Is this feeling the drug you gave me?” He asks Jelita.

“Yes,” She tells him. “It going to make you feel better and better.”

You moan in pleasure. You keep sucking Peter’s cock as it shrinks in your mouth. Finally, it becomes so small that it’s impossible to keep sucking it.

“It feels kinda weird down there,” Peter moans.

“Don’t worry,” Jelita tells him. “It will pass.”

You stop trying to suck his cock. Instead, you watch his crotch as his penis and balls start to invert into himself. You watch as he begins to develop a vagina.

“Holy shit!” Peter exclaims.

“What is happening?” He asks.

“The drug is making you a woman,” Jelita tells him.

“A woman? I don’t want to be a woman. I’m a man.”

“It is okay,” Jelita tells him. “Just relax. It will pass.”

You see that Peter is starting to grow breasts. He is becoming more feminine. Soon he will become a full-fledged woman.

“It is fucking weird,” Peter says.

“I told you,” Jelita tells him. “It will pass.”

Peter starts to panic. He is struggling against the transformation.

“Stop fighting it,” Jelita tells him. “Let it happen. Just relax.”

“I don’t want to be a woman,” Peter protests.

“It will pass,” Jelita tells him.

Peter stops resisting, and he lets the transformation take over. His body begins to change rapidly. He becomes a full-blown woman. But a white woman. A blonde woman.

“Oh my God,” Peter says. “Am I a girl now?” He, now she, looks very dazed like she is in a trance

“There,” Jelita tells him. “You are a beautiful woman. Now we can have some fun.”

“I… Don’t know what to do,” Peter says in her confused trance.

“Of course, you can,” Jelita tells her. “Now come here.”

Peter comes to her and lays down on the bed next to her. Jelita gets between her legs and kisses her pussy.

“Mmmmmm,” Peter moans.

Jelita injects her again before beginning to lick his clit. Peter moans in pleasure.

“Oh my god,” Peter moans.

“Do you like that?” Jelita asks him.

“Yeah,” Peter answers.

Jelita continues to lick her clit. As her skin changes color, going from pale white to a golden tan. Her nipples turn dark brown.

“That’s it, baby,” Jelita whispers to him. “Relax. Let me take care of you.”

Jelita continues to lick her clit before moving upwards. Then she strokes her breast and sucks hard on her nipple.

“Oh my god,” Peter moans as his face shifts. Her hair becomes black. Her eyes go from blue to brown.

“You will become a good Indonesian woman’” Jeltia coos.

Peter moans in pleasure. She starts to moan louder and louder.

“Oh my god,” Peter cries out. “I’m cumming.”

Jelita licks her clit faster. Her face becomes entirely Asian as she begins to cum. She cums for several minutes.

“Oh my god,” Peter moans. “That was amazing.”

“You did very well,” Jelita tells him. “But you should now become a perfect Indonesian woman. She quickly jabs the last injection into her neck.

“Goodbye, Peter”, Jelita tells him.

Her mind rapidly begins changing. She forgets her past as her old memories contort and shift into new Indonesian memories.

“Oh my god,” Peter says in Indonesian.

She tries to resist, but it is too late. Her mind is changed to no longer be Peter, as she forgets everything about being a white man, western culture and even English. She is now a good Indonesian woman named Wani

Wani looks around. She sees Jelita standing up beside her.

“Hello,” Jelita says to her in Indonesian. “Are you ready to begin your new life?”

“Yes,” Wani replies.

Jelita then turns to you. “And you are going to help me with her.”

“Me?” You ask.

“Yes,” Jelita tells you. “Remove all of Wani’s remaining clothing. Then remove your clothes as well. I want to see how much you resemble her.”

You get naked before removing Wani’s remaining clothing. You are now both completely nude.

“Very nice,” Jelita tells you. “You two look almost identical. I would say that you are a perfect match.

“Yes, I love her body as much as mine,” you tell her.

“Then go ahead and kiss each other.”

You kiss Wani. She tastes sweet.

“Now touch her body,” Jelita tells you.

You do as she says. She feels soft and warm.

“What do you think?” Jelita asks you.

“She is a wonderful woman,” you tell her.

“Good,” Jelita tells you. “We will have lots of fun together.”

“Of course!” you reply eagerly.

“Now go ahead and fuck her.”

You and Wani begin to make love. You feel her body as you kiss her mouth. You travel down her body, lapping at her tits and kissing her navel, licking up and down her vagina.

“How does she taste?” Jelita asks you.

“She is so fucking delicious,” you tell her.

“Good,” Jelita tells you.“You must keep working until she cums. Make sure that she enjoys herself.”

“Yes,” you answer. “You start working at Wani’s new pussy.”

“Mmmmm,” Wani moans.

You dive into her pussy, eating her out. You grip her breasts while you do this. You are sometimes kissing her neck, or sucking her nipples. Finally, you bring her close to cumming, but it’s not just her. Your pussy feels like it is going to explode. You need to cum so badly.

“Oh my god,” you cry out.

“Keep eating her out,” Jelita orders you.

You continue to eat her out. You continue to stroke her breasts. You continue to kiss her neck. You continue to suck her nipples. You continue to kiss her lips.

“You are doing a great job,” Jelita tells you.

“I can’t wait any longer,” Wani tells her.

“Just a little bit more,” Jelita tells her.

“Please!” Wani begs.

“Just a few seconds,” Jelita tells her.

“I can’t stand it anymore,” Wani cries.

“Then cum!” Jelita commands.

Wani cums. Her pussy floods with her juices. It gushes over your tongue, and you swallow it down, drinking her essence. And then you can’t bear it any longer. Your slender hands shoot down to your pussy. You begin to rub your clit furiously.

“Oh God!” you shout.

“Cum!” Jelita barks at yuo

Your fingers plunge inside your pussy, finding your g-spot. You squeeze it hard. You thrust your hips back while pushing your fingers deep inside yourself. You moan loudly.

“That’s right,” Jelita tells you. “Cum for me. Cum for Wani!”

You shake, tremble and scream out in pleasure. The growing orgasm rips through your body, and you can’t hold back at all as you cry out in ecstasy. You throw your head back, arching your back and curling your toes. Finally, you shudder and quake as you scream. “Oh my fucking God, it feels so good! I’m CUMMING!”

“You were both wonderful,” Jelita tells you. “You are both perfect. Now go wash up. I’ll be waiting for you when you finish.”

You both go to the bathroom to wash off your pussies and put on some fresh clothes. You also admire your brown Indonesian body in the mirror alongside Wani’s fantastic body.

“I’m glad that we came here,” you tell her.

“Me too,” Wani agrees.

“This is what I really want,” you tell her.

“Yes,” Wani answers. “Me too!”

You get dressed into clothes that Jelita left you. Wani wears tight jeans and a t-shirt, alongside some sneakers. You choose to put on a floral pattern dress, some strappy high heels and some accessories.


Jelita comes into the room. “How do you two feel?” she asks you both.

“I feel wonderful,” you tell her.

“I feel so happy!” Wani replies.

“Good,” Jelita tells you. “Then you two are both ready for your new lives!”

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