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Operation Samsara 03

Operation Samsara Field Report

Report #:UK00008
To:Special Operations High Command
From:Indian Operational Command (IOC) UK
Subject:Creation of Field Operatives

We are pleased to present the following report on the successful creation and performance of Operation Samsara’s first field operative. As per your previous instructions, we had explored the feasibility of creating operatives out of the target population itself, eliminating the need for hiring and training in India. The results of this exploration have been promising, as you will see from the following report.

For our first field operative, we started by carefully identifying a suitable candidate. We chose a British woman named Emily Mitchell. Through meticulous analysis, we determined that she had very limited connections and would not be missed.

We employed an anonymous delivery method utilizing a combination of a localized Mass Hypnosis Cultural Adjuster (MHCA) and a localized High-Powered Transformation Field (HPTF), integrated within a Sari. The Sari was delivered to Ms. Mitchell’s residence, and upon receiving it, she experienced an immediate and profound desire to wear it. A desire originating from the MHCA hidden within the garment.

As Ms. Mitchell followed through with her instinct and donned the Sari, she went through a remarkable mental transformation. Her personality completely shifted, adopting Hindi as her native language and developing a deep sense of pride and loyalty towards India and our operation. She emerged as Amaira, a highly skilled operative, equipped with the necessary training and expertise to implement our plans effectively.

One of the key strengths of Amaira, and all other field operatives created this way, is the ability to compartmentalize their identities, seamlessly transitioning between their old selves and their operative persona. This allows them to blend in with the local population effortlessly while maintaining their commitment and dedication to our cause. So, day to day she could be Ms. Mitchell speaking and acting as a regular British woman while when needed she could Amaira, a Hindi-speaking Indian woman loyal to our cause.

Since the creation of Amaira, she has participated in numerous successful operations. She has showcased exceptional skills in intelligence gathering, covert communications, and executing strategic maneuvers. Her adaptability and resourcefulness have proven invaluable in the field, leading to several significant breakthroughs for our operation. However, to maintain the absolute secrecy of Operation Samsara, the usefulness of field operatives must be carefully evaluated over time. As per your advice, once an operative’s mission objectives have been accomplished, or once their cover is compromised, we will need to covertly dispose of them.

For this reason, we have developed a process for the disposal of field operatives. This process occurs in three steps. First, the operative undergoes a complete physical transformation into an Indian woman. Secondly, the old self is completely erased. Thirdly, the operative is recalled to India where they will undergo extensive analysis. After which they are repurposed.

In Amaira’s case, her utility as a field operative has long since reached its conclusion, and so she has already been disposed using the process described above. First, she was transformed physically into an Indian woman. Secondly, the persona of Emily Mitchell was erased from her mind. And thirdly, she was brought to India, analyzed, then married off as a trophy bride to a business magnate in need of a wife. Incidentally, the magnate has nothing but praise for Amaira, who he regards as the perfect wife.

We are pleased to say that step two of her disposal was executed without any complications. The localized MHCA, which played a crucial role in her initial transformation, also played a vital part in this part of her disposal. Activated by a specific remote trigger, the MHCA reawakened the deep desire within Amaira to wear the Sari. As she delicately wrapped the Sari around her body, the localized HPTF surged with potent energy, enveloping her in a vibrant aura. In a dazzling display of light and color, her skin gradually took on a rich, golden hue, while her hair transformed into lustrous, dark locks cascading down her back. Her facial features underwent a mesmerizing metamorphosis, as her eyes deepened in shade and assumed a captivating almond shape, accentuated by gracefully arched eyebrows. Her nose acquired a subtle curve, embodying her new Indian heritage.

Finally, her slender figure took on the graceful contours and curves commonly associated with Indian women, seamlessly blending with her new identity. The profound physical transformation rendered her indistinguishable from a native Indian woman, The MHCA, working in tandem with the HPTF, erased every trace of her former self, ensuring the complete eradication of Emily Mitchell. Finally, the MHCA placed Amaira in a dormant state, enabling swift extraction and transportation for step three of her disposal.

As you can see, the creation and performance of Amaira, our first field operative developed within the target population, has been exceptionally successful. We will continue to refine our techniques and methodologies to ensure optimal results. However, the success of Amaira’s experience will hopefully lead to your approval of the creation of many more field operatives going forward.

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