
Maid to Order

This was Andrew’s first time in Akihabara, and he intended to make the most of it, so much so that he had made a list of what he wanted to do. He quickly made his way around the tourist areas, ticking off the kinds of shops he wanted to go to or snacks he wanted to try. The sun was starting to set as he got to the last item on his list:

Go to a maid café.

It’s not hard to find a maid café in Akihabara, as plenty of girls in maid costumes advertise them on the streets. Still, Andrew liked to go where tourists don’t usually tread, so he decided to wander away from the main streets. As he walked, the sounds of bustling crowds were replaced by a more serene atmosphere, with the occasional hum of a vending machine or gentle ticking of a bicycle as it passed. Eventually, he walked past a quaint little shop with an illustration of a maid and a teacup hanging from the wall. Just under the illustration was something in Japanese that Andrew could not read. Still, with the sign of a maid and teacup, he was positive that it was a maid café. Andrew decided to try it; after all, what was the worst that could happen? As he pushed open the door, a gentle bell chimed, announcing his entry. The interior was adorned with pastel colors, lace curtains, and Victorian furniture. It perfectly recreated a classic European café but with a distinct Japanese cutesy touch. However, the café seemed entirely devoid of patrons… and maids.

A distinguished-looking Japanese man, probably in his early 40s, approached him as he entered. “Hello,” he said with a thick Japanese accent and a kind smile, “Welcome to the Maiden’s Whisper!”

Andrew, looking around, replied, “It’s a nice place… I think. But it seems I’m a bit early, as I don’t see any customers… or maids.”

The man chuckled, “Ah, they haven’t arrived yet. But stay a while, and you’ll see one soon enough.” He gestured to one of the seats: “Please take a seat!”

Andrew decided to do as he was told. “Might as well. I’m in no rush. What do you have to drink?”

“Ah, I’d recommend our house special: the Growing Beauty Tea for a discerning guest like you. It’s an infusion not found anywhere else in Japan, perhaps even in the world,” the man said with a wink.

Andrew, amused by the man’s showmanship, chuckled. Still, he couldn’t help being intrigued also. “I’ll give it a shot.”

The owner nodded, moving to the counter. Andrew watched him as he began preparing the tea, each motion graceful, deliberate, and elegant. As he prepared leaves and poured hot water, an aroma started wafting toward Andrew. It was intoxicatingly feminine: floral, hinting at something he couldn’t quite place.

As he waited, Andrew took the time to appreciate the café’s ambiance further. The soft glow of the lights, the plush cushions on the Victorian chairs, the gentle tinkling of a wind chime from somewhere in the room—unlike any place he’d been to before.

After a few moments, the owner returned with a beautifully delicate porcelain cup filled with rose-hued tea. “Drink and enjoy,” he said softly, placing the tea before Andrew. “And I promise a maid will be sitting with you soon!” He added with a grin.

Taking a cautious sip, Andrew was amazed by the taste. It was light and refreshing, with a unique flavor profile that was both floral and slightly tangy.

The owner watched him with a curious look. “Good, isn’t it?”

Andrew nodded. “Very. Never tasted anything quite like it.”

The tea had a comforting warmth, and Andrew felt more relaxed with each sip. The room’s ambiance and the tea’s delightful taste lulled him into tranquillity. His eyelids grew heavy, and for a moment, he thought he might drift off to sleep right there. Suddenly though, Andrew felt a jolt as a kind of electric energy began spreading through his body, permeating every inch from scalp to toe. The colors of the café vibrated with intensity. His senses felt heightened; everything around him seemed to amplify and distort. It felt as though he had been drugged.

“What… What did you put in that tea?” Andrew stammered his voice a blend of confusion and fear. “Did you poison me!?”

The owner chuckled softly, “Just a little essence of Japan,” he replied cryptically. Andrew then felt another jolt, more potent than the first, making the whole room appear to shake like an earthquake.

Suddenly, he felt his toes tingle fiercely, toes wriggling on their own accord. Within moments, they seemed to shrink, reshaping inside his shoes, which quickly felt comically oversized. Andrew lifted his legs up and felt his socks and toes easily slipping off what was now a pair of petite and delicate feet.

“Nani is happening!?” Andrew cried in panic, hearing the strange word coming from his lips, “Nani? What is nani? Why did I say that?”

The café owner tilted his head with a smile, “Language is such a fluid thing, isn’t it?”

The sensation moved up from Andrew’s now delicate feet. His legs felt like invisible hands were molding them: muscles and bones shifting, skin lightening, and hairs retreating. As this happened, his pants moved, no longer hugging his form but instead hanging loose and awkward over legs much too small. With a loud popping sound, his knees realigned, followed by a sensation like being on an elevator, the world growing taller as he lost inches in height. His legs were compacting, reshaping into those of a female, half a foot shorter than his original height.

“Stop this! I didn’t ask for… I didn’t ask for… kore ga okotte iru no!?” His English words were starting to sound strange, even to his own ears, while more and more strange words came from his lips. Worse, he was now understanding these new words more and more, as he seemed to understand his English words less and less.

The sensation now rushed upward, sweeping over his body. His hips widened, causing them to push his now baggy pants down his legs. His ass then swelled outwards, adding a cushioned roundness that was both pronounced and feminine. With a series of gurgles and slurping sounds, his whole torso shrunk inwards as his organs reformed alongside the movement of fluid fat and muscle. Next, at his chest, a pressure that was unfamiliar and intimate developed. He looked down in alarm as two prominent mounds began to form, pressing against the fabric of his shirt. Through this fabric, Andrew could watch his nipples grow more prominent as a pair of shapely boobs developed.


Suddenly, his shoulders painfully pinched inwards as his neck became more slender. There was a brief silence punctuated only by Andrew’s labored breathing. Then a sharp pain at his temples caused him to clutch his head, inadvertently pulling at locks of hair that seemed to be growing, silky smooth, first down his head and then down his body.

His forearms thinned out, the rough hairs fading away as the skin took on a soft, porcelain-like texture. His hands, too, began their transformation. His fingers became slender and dainty, cracking and popping as this did so, his nails growing out just a touch.

This acute pain then spread across his face, causing him to shut his eyes as the sensation filled every inch of his face. When he dared to open his eyes again, he noticed that behind the counter was a mirror through which he could see the coming changes.

He watched his rugged face morph before his eyes. High cheekbones, a refined, tapered chin, and plump lips replaced his former features. His green eyes becoming almond-shaped as they deepened to a rich shade of brown. He could only think of two words as he stared at his new face.

Asian. Woman.

He stared at the Japanese face in the mirror, which stared right back at him. He observed its cute feminine features in horror. He also watched his once tight-fitting shirt hang off him, forming a tent where his new boobs pushed into the fabric. He tried to shout, to demand answers, but what came out was a mixture of English and Japanese, a linguistic blend of confusion: “Nani have you done? Watashi wa change iru no?”

The sensation that had washed over his body now concentrated on his pelvic region, a deep warmth enveloping him there. Andrew’s heart raced, a dread-filled realization of the new change taking hold of him. The fabric of his underwear shifted and loosened, feeling suddenly too spacious. He felt a sharp, pulling sensation down below.

“N-Nani… happening… down… there?” he whispered, a raw panic in his voice.


A quick, jarring sensation made him gasp as his male anatomy smashed inwards—the essence of his male identity dissolving as it rearranged into something else entirely. There was a sensation of folding, reshaping, tugging, and tightening. It was a deeply intimate and profoundly unsettling sensation, as a new wetness developed where he had never felt it before. What was outside was now inside, as the lips of his new pussy opened out, revealing his new little Asian clit between his new wet folds.

His voice, now higher in pitch, began to falter. English words became jumbled in his mouth, replaced with phrases and exclamations in Japanese that he had never before spoken but now, inexplicably, understood.

“Why is… naze… naze kore ga?!” Tears welled up in his eyes, spilling over as he felt the finality of his transformation. The last fragments of his English language skills slipped from his mind like sand through his fingers.

His cries echoed in the café, a frantic blend of old identity and new reality: “Eigo… eigo wa doko?!” (Where is English?).

The café owner observed the scene before him with an almost amused curiosity. “It’s almost complete,” he murmured, switching to Japanese, the slightest hint of anticipation lining his voice.

Andrews’s body had calmed down, but he still felt minor adjustments continue all over his body: these new sensations were subtle and slight. There was another cracking sound as his spine compressed slightly, reducing his overall height a little more. Andrew caught the transformation this time as he saw his reflected self fall somewhat in the mirror. He also noticed the world grow slightly bigger around him.

His arms, already slender from the previous changes, felt a tingle as they further slimmed down, bones resizing with tiny cracks. Delicate veins appeared on his arms, emphasizing their fragility. His hands were next; fingers shortened slightly, nails growing out, taking on a manicured appearance even though he’d never had them done. The knuckles refined, giving him a set of elegant hands that were a stark contrast to the rugged ones he once had.

His butt began to feel taut, muscles and fat rearranging. It pushed against the back of his pants, giving it a fuller, rounder shape. With each shift and movement, his pants were pushed down a bit more due to the reduced size of his waist and the increased width of his newly feminized hips. After this, his pants got pushed too low, causing them to abruptly slip down his legs, taking his underwear with them and revealing his perfectly smooth legs and tight Asian pussy, still glistening with brand-new juices.

His breathing was shallow, fast. The emotional and physical strain was enormous, each breath drawing in the scent of the café, the transformative tea, and his changed body. An overwhelming sensation of being trapped in an alien form consumed him, yet there was also a bizarre sense of familiarity. As if somewhere, deep within, there was a part of him that recognized this new body.

Now wholly transformed, Andrew sat there, swamped in his oversized shirt, a look of disbelief on his new, feminine Asian face. His hair, long and straight, cascaded down his back, the ends brushing against the curve of his waist.

The café owner slowly approached a smirk playing on his lips. “You wanted a maid, and now you have one!” He said with a chuckle

Andrew looked up with tear-filled eyes, confusion, fear, and a hint of anger evident in them. Trying to muster words, he finally managed to whisper in Japanese, “Why?”

The café owner leaned in, the smirk still lingering on his face. “You wanted to experience a maid café, didn’t you? Well, here it is,” he gestured to Andrew’s transformed body. “You can’t get a better experience than living if yourself!”

“I don’t want this! Change me back!” Pleaded Andrew in his shrill girly voice, tears welling up around his beautiful Asian eyes. Tears seemed to flow so much easier from his new eyes.

“Don’t worry,” he added, his tone taking a more sinister edge, “your memories of your old life will fade soon. When morning comes, you will only know yourself as Ayako, one of the prized maids of the Maiden’s Whisper.”

Andrew felt a fresh wave of terror. “What?! No, I don’t want this! Please change me back!”

The café owner looked at Andrew, an amused expression on his face. “Okay, I will change you back. No problem.”

Suddenly Andrew perked up, “Really!?”

“If you make it worth my while!” Replied the owner, an evil grin on his face. As he did so, he pointed at his crotch.

“Hah?” Andrew was initially confused, but a sudden realization hit him. He felt her eyes go wide as he understood what the owner meant. “N-no, that’s not fair!”

The café owner replied, “Fair or not, that’s the deal.”

He looked away in anger, his small nose wrinkling, eyes welling with fresh tears. “You are fucking bastard…” he murmured.

The café owner chuckled, “Aww, don’t be like that. Just do it, make me cum quickly, and then you can go home and pretend this never happened.”

Having realized he had no choice, Andrew looked back at the owner, his expression miserable. He didn’t want to give this man what he wanted, but he couldn’t see another way out. No one would believe his story, and even if they did, how could they help him? He sat momentarily, trying to muster the strength to do it and not show any weakness. He steeled himself, closed his eyes, and took a deep breath.

As he opened his eyes again, the café owner noticed a flash of determination on his face. “Okay,” he said, the tears still welling up in his eyes a little. “I’ll do it.”

He stood up, marveling for a moment that the shop owner was so much taller than him now. He kicked the pants and underwear that had pooled around his feet away and stepped towards the man, utterly naked, bar the tent-like t-shirt that hung baggy around his torso. He grinned at him, his face reflecting an eager expectation for her to make good on her word. He gave him a hateful stare, then looked down at the bulge in his pants before his gaze returned to the owner’s eyes. He got on her knees and caressed the front of his pants with his delicate hands, rubbing the bulge through the fabric. He felt the bulge grow and harden as he touched it; he felt disgusting knowing what he was handling.

“Come on,” the owner encouraged. “Don’t stop now. I know you can do more.”

Andrew was disgusted, but he knew he had to continue. He slipped his fingers inside the waistband of the owner’s pants and underwear and pulled both down together. The man’s cock was revealed as it sprang free of the material. He grasped the cock, which now seemed large in her tiny hands, and felt its warmth against his palms. He could not help but grimace at the sight of the penis before him. The owner looked down at him with a leering grin, obviously pleased with himself and his situation.

Andrew moved in and gave the cock a tentative lick. He grimaced at the taste, but knowing he had to continue, he forced himself to open his mouth and allowed the cock to slip into it. His tongue slid over its surface, covering it in saliva. The owner let out a long, drawn-out moan.

“Ahh, that feels so good. Go on, give me your all!” He said with a grin.

Andrew reluctantly continued, wanting the whole ordeal over. He bobbed up and down on his cock, letting it slide into the back of his throat. He gagged and spluttered at the intrusion. But he forced himself to keep going until his nose was pressed against the owner’s groin, his face buried in his pubic hair. He breathed in the man’s aroma and felt sick to his stomach, but he also felt something else…

“Ahh, yes,” the man said with a laugh. “You like it, don’t you? You like sucking cock.”

Andrew tried to protest, but he could barely breathe with the cock in his throat, and his words came out as just a muffled moan.

“I know it’s what you like,” the owner said, “I can see it in your eyes.”

Andrew was disgusted, but the something else he was feeling grew. It was something deep in his groin: he felt a warmth growing there as he felt his new pussy tingling. Andrew tried to fight it. He tried not to feel it but, try as he might, the feeling grew more assertive.

He continued sucking, and the owner groaned. His hand gently caressed Andrew’s head as he said, “You like that, don’t you? You’re starting to get wet.”

Andrew didn’t want it to be true, but he couldn’t deny the moistness in his loins, the tingling in his groin growing increasingly intense. He had to fight back a moan of pleasure as he continued sucking, the owner’s cock becoming harder and harder. Andrew couldn’t stop himself, allowing the head of the cock to push against the back of his throat more and more, his lips touching the base of the man’s shaft again and again. His face was burning up now, his breath coming in ragged gasps.

The pleasure in Andrew’s pussy became too intense now. It was a nagging, pulsating feeling that he could not ignore. One of his hands dropped away from the owner’s cock and slipped between his legs. His fingers first found wetness before moving on to find his clit. He rubbed it as hard and as fast as he could. He felt it getting more sensitive under his touch as it swelled in size. The pleasure spread through him, causing him to moan as she sucked and sucked the man’s cock, the cock growing even more prominent in her mouth: the man’s groans becoming louder.

Andrew was on the verge of an orgasm, her hand moving faster and faster against her clit as her lips pressed against the owner’s groin. She felt her pussy throbbing in anticipation, felt the owner’s cock throbbing against her lips. The pleasure became overwhelming. She felt like she was drowning in pleasure as her body convulsed, and then…

It stopped. The owner pulled his cock out and stepped away from Andrew. Her hands dropped from her crotch as she stared at the man in disbelief. “Why did you stop?” Andrew asked, his voice now a hoarse whisper.

The man laughed, “I don’t want to cum in your mouth! I want that virgin pussy of yours!” Suddenly, the owner pulled Andrew to his delicate feet and bent him over the table. Andrew was so weak compared to this man and powerless to stop him. Was this how women felt near men? He wondered as the man pushed his crotch against Andrew’s ass: the owner’s cock rubbing against his soft skin.

And why was feeling so powerless making his pussy ache even more? Thought Andrew as the man pushed his cock into his pussy. Andrew’s eyes widened in surprise at how easily his pussy took the cock. He felt himself stretching around the cock as the owner pushed in harder and harder, forcing his way deep inside his new sex.

“Ahhhh!” Moaned Andrew as the incredible sensation radiated through his entire body. He had never felt anything like this before. She felt the owner’s cock pushing into him, filling him, and he felt his pussy sucking the cock into him. The feeling was intoxicating and overwhelming, a deep warmth spreading through his entire being. He wanted to reach out to stop the man, but his hands wouldn’t move. He felt his face grow hot as the man’s cock pushed in deeper and deeper until he felt the man’s groin pressed against his ass.

The owner let out a groan of pleasure, “Oh, yeah. Your pussy’s so tight!” Andrew felt the man’s cock throbbing inside her. “So fucking tight!” He grabbed Andrew’s hips and pulled out, then plunged his cock back into him, causing Andrew’s body to jolt in shock. The man’s cock was hitting the deepest part of his pussy now.

“Oh my god! Oh my god! Oh my god!” Moaned Andrew, in his feminine Japanese, unable to hold back anymore. Each thrust sent a wave of pleasure rippling through his body.

“Ahh, your pussy is so tight, so wet,” grunted the owner, his cock sliding in and out of Andrew’s pussy at a faster and faster pace. As it did so, it also rubbed against his clit, causing extreme jolts of pleasure to hit him again and again. “You want this cock, don’t you? You want me to fuck you.”

Andrew could only groan in response as the pleasure became overwhelming, his body pushed against the table, his sensitive tits rubbing against the hardwood.

“Ohhhh!” The man cried out, thrusting into Andrew again and again, whose face flushed as he did so. The owner started pushing faster and faster, the table shaking as the man began to lose control. Andrew felt his pussy throbbing on the owner’s cock, the feeling becoming unbearable.

The man’s cock was so unbelievably hard and hot now. Andrew felt his fingers and toes tingling, a wave of pleasure building inside him. “By the way, I lied to you,” said the owner, between breaths, “Your memories were never going to disappear by morning. That was only going to happen when you came! Now get ready to explode, Ayako!”

“Nooooo! STOOOOP!” Andrew screamed in response to this revelation, but it was too late. He could feel himself going over the edge. His whole body was shaking as he felt the pleasure finally overtaking him. His pussy throbbed as it exploded in orgasm, his voice rising in a shrill cry, “Aaahh aaahh aaahhhhh!”

The pleasure was more than he could handle. His whole body tingled as his pussy contracted, sending shockwaves of ecstasy throughout his entire being. He felt his pussy tightening and then spasmed again and again and again. The owner’s cock throbbed rhythmically with his pussy, matching the same spasms. As this happened, he felt his grip on reality begin to loosen. New memories started to flood in.

He remembered her parents in rural Hokkaido.

He remembered her school in Sapporo.

He remembered her first crush in high school: a boy

He remembered losing her virginity to that boy on their first date.

He remembered her being a slut instead of a student: sucking cocks instead of studying.

He remembered her failing to get into university and deciding to try her luck in Tokyo.

He remembered her signing up to work in a maid café,

He remembered her time at the maid café and her time with its owner.

He remembered her name was Ayako. It had always been Ayako.

The last memories of his former self slowly faded as the new ones took root. Ayako remembered herself and what she was doing.

She remembered it all.

Ayako felt himself growing weak as the orgasm finished washing through her, but she didn’t stop moving. She knew that the man must always cum. His body continued moving against hers, thrusting in and out, his cock incredibly hard. She knew he was close.

She could hear him grunting behind her, moaning with each thrust. He grabbed hold of her hair, pulling it as he fucked her. His thrusts grew harder and harder. Then, with a loud cry, he pushed in deep, holding it there. She could feel his cock twitching inside her, spasming as cum emptied into her. He groaned, pushing in even deeper, filling her pussy with his seed. Ayako moaned at the feeling, his warm cum shooting deep inside her, her pussy twitching with aftershocks.

Then it was done. The owner pulled out of her, leaving Ayako’s feeling empty. Only then did Ayako allow herself to grow weak. So weak that she had to catch herself before she slid off the table.

“We open in twenty minutes!” Said the owner with a smile. “Clean yourself up and get ready to serve.” Ayako stood up and looked down at the mess between her legs. It was truly a mess, her pussy soaking wet and filled with cum. Ayako knew how important it was to be clean for the customers, you might think, because they would tip handsomely and want to come again. But that wasn’t the real reason, as Maiden’s Whisper was not really a maid café at all. Instead, her job was to get men ready to pay for the ‘VIP’ service. A service she loved to provide. She thought of the cocks she would see that day and smiled. Thank God she was a woman. Thank God she was a maid.

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2 responses to “Maid to Order”

  1. This one was fun! Wonder if Ayako will be getting any co-workers in the future?

    1. As Ayako likes the job so much, maybe she can transition to recruitment herself!

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