
A Basic Perspective

Narayan Khatri is a 18-year-old boy, a thoroughly middle-class boy from the suburbs of Mumbai. He’s been studying in an elite private school for over six years now and is now at what is supposed to be the most exciting time of this private school’s curriculum. It’s the opportunity to study in the USA for two months as part of a prestigious exchange program. The school has already selected which school he will go to on this trip.

Unlike his friends, however, he isn’t that excited. His lack of excitement is because Narayan Khatri has no interest in the USA. He can’t even stand the thought of going there. It’s his parents who have forced him into this. They are very well off, and they want their son to get a taste of America so that when he goes to college, he will know how things work there. But Narayan would rather stay in India, his homeland.

He loves India. He loves the food, the culture, the people, the language, everything about it. He’s only traveled out of India before, but he doesn’t mind if he never does again. His father once took him to some European country, but Narayan was bored within minutes of stepping outside the airport. All he wanted to do was go back home and eat some good Indian food. He hated all the other stuff that his father insisted he sees and experiences


Narayan Khatri wakes up in the bedroom provided by his exchange family, and it’s now halfway through his exchange program. The exchange family are mostly absentees. Narayan mostly sees their wealthy, pampered daughter, who is left alone with her father’s credit card while her parents are traveling around the world. The daughter doesn’t mind one bit. In fact, she seems to prefer it that way. However, Narayan thinks that she should give her parents more respect. She is called Britney and is very popular. She has blonde hair, blue eyes, and a perfect figure, and she knows it. Everyone loves her.

But not Narayan, as Britney hates Narayan. Why? Because he’s different. He’s from India, and she’s American. He speaks in the accent of the Indian middle-class. She talks in what is best described as a valley girl accent. She’s always talking about how much better America is than India. Narayan mostly sticks to himself and tries to be polite to his host, but she keeps saying mean things about him behind his back. Finally, he had had enough one day, and he told her off, loudly, in front of the whole school. Britney looked mortified, asked him how he could humiliate her in public and swore that she would get revenge.

Today Britney is acting as if nothing happened. She gets ready for school while Narayan stays in bed. Today he feels depressed and doesn’t feel like getting up at all. Narayan has been feeling depressed ever since arriving. He misses his parents, his friends and everything else back home.

Britney gets ready and leaves for school, leaving Narayan alone in the house. He knows his parents would kill him if they knew he was skipping school, but they were thousands of miles away. So he sits on the couch and looks out the window. The view is lovely. It’s sunny outside, and there are lots of trees and greenery. Narayan wasn’t expecting anyone to bother him for hours, so he just wore his boxer shorts and a t-shirt.

A key turns in the lock, and the door opens. Britney arrives back from school, even though It has only been one hour. She is wearing a pink dress while her blonde hair is in a ponytail. Britney is pretty. Even you can see that. She walks towards the couch where Narayan is sitting.

“You came back early! I’m surprised,” says Narayan, looking at her. “I am almost naked. Let me go change,” he adds.

“Don’t sweat about your clothes; I’ve seen it all before.” She replies with a smirk.

She takes a big box from her backpack. “I’ve, like, got a surprise for you.” She says, smiling sweetly.

“What is it?” asks Narayan.

“OMG, just open it!” she says.

Narayan picks up the box and finds it to be very light. He thinks that it could even be empty. Narayan shrugs and opens it. A puff of pink smoke escapes from inside the box, surrounding his head when he does. The smoke burns Narayan’s eyes and causes him to start coughing.

“What…” he coughs again. “What was that?”

“It’s a gift!” She says, still smiling sweetly.

Narayan peers in the box and finds it is empty. Was the pink smoke all there was inside there? What could it mean? Narayan thought about Britney swearing revenge earlier.

“Did you poison me?” He asks.

“Poison you? No, silly, this is a present!”

Narayan looks at her, confused. He can’t understand what she’s trying to say.

“Today is your birthday, silly!” She says.

Narayan’s birthday is not for another six months, so he feels confused by what she is saying. Was this a strange American custom? He didn’t know.

“OMG! It’s totally not! My birthday isn’t until, like, December. So what are you talking about?” Narayan replies, surprised at how quickly his speech had adapted to being around Britney. So, he would need to be careful not to change his accent while in America. Narayan was proud of his Indian accent.

“Don’t worry. Your birthday is definitely today.”

“But…” Narayan begins to protest again but suddenly doubles over in pain. In’s an intense cramping pain in his stomach. He falls off the couch and falls to the ground with a thud, sweating.

“Happy Birthday, Narayan!” Britney shouts happily.

Was it poison, he thought to himself. Was it actually poison? “Why have you done to me!?” He screams, sweat pouring down his face.

“Like, how many times do I need to say it’s a present? Happy Birthday!”

“I don’t want it!” He cries.

Britney laughs. “Silly you, you’re going to love it!”

Narayan is sweating, and his heart is racing. He feels dizzy. He feels hot, so very hot. His whole body feels like it is on fire. Soon he can’t take it anymore. He starts to pull his clothes off, not worrying about a woman being present. He pulls his shirt off first and then his pants. He is on the floor naked, in something like a beginner plank position. His knees touch the ground, as do his forearms. His body is extremely sweaty. He has no idea what is happening to him. He pants heavily as waves of heat and pain strobe through his body.

Britney observes the struggling naked man below her. His body is thin and lanky with dark brown skin. He has an angular and sharp face with a nose that is large and pointed. His eyes are large and brown, while his hair is short and black. He looks up at Britney, who looks back with an evil grin.

“What…what is this?” He asks. “What did you do?”

“Oh, you’ll see! Just wait.”

Narayan doesn’t know what he should do. He’s scared and confused, but he can’t move an inch due to the pain. He feels his whole body straining. His heart is beating so fast now. He can hear it thumping in his ears. He tries to speak, but it hurts too much. He can’t talk easily through his gasps for breath, each gasp causing pain in his lungs. He feels like he is breathing fire, sweat pouring out of him.

“OMG, this is taking so much longer than daddy said it would,” Britney says.

“What… What is taking so long?” Narayan struggles to say. He feels the heat focus on his hands.

“Finally, it’s started.” She says with a surprised expression. “Like, look down at your hands.”

Narayan looks down. He sees his hands have changed color. What was a dark brown was now a pale, pinkish white. His hands were also shrinking alongside his fingernails, were which growing longer. Very quickly, his hands don’t look like his anymore. They look a lot more like Britney’s. He stares at them in disbelief. He has no idea what is happening to him.

“Oh, and look at your feet as well!” Britney says excitedly.

Narayan just manages to turn his neck and peer behind himself. His feet are changing too. Like his hands, they are developing a pale, pinkish-white colour. His feet shrunk and contracted while his toenails grew outwards slightly. He turns back towards Britney.

“What… what did you do to me?” He struggles to think through sentences. “This is… totes no cool, Britney.” A full valley girl accent quickly developing in prominence as he speaks.

“I’m making you like, so much better.” She says.

Narayan looks down at his hands again, and he sees the white color spreading up his arm now. His hands are tiny, with slender fingers and perfectly manicured pink nails. He looks at his feet again. The same is happening down below. His feet are petite, with positively cute toes and pretty pink nail polish. The white color is spreading up his legs, just like his arms. He can’t believe what is happening to him. He looks back up at Britney.

“So, like, you are making my skin look like your skin?” He asks in his valley girl accent.

Britney laughs. “Not just your skin, but your whole body will be as cute as mine. Well, maybe not as totally cute as me, but yeah, kinda sorta. Like, you’ll be way cooler than before.”

Narayan feels the heat and cramping sensation intensify across his legs and arms. He looks down and sees that the white color has reached both his shoulder and belly. His arms are now tiny, delicate and feminine. His legs are slender and well proportioned, with nicely toned calves.

“Ow! Oww! Ow!” Narayan screams. He feels the cramping feeling develop in his belly. He feels a sudden pain in his chest. Narayan desperately tries to move. He needs to get away from Britney, and he needs to get help. All he manages is to collapse flat onto the ground instead.

“Hey, hey, stop moving around so much,” Britney says.

“I… gotta… find… help…” He struggles to say into the floor, his chest flat against the ground. His chest shifts, a pressure building as his chest pushes outwards, painfully pushing against the ground. His nipples grind against the floor as he begins to develop a pair of breasts. His shoulders also collapse inwards as his shoulders and collarbone become feminised. His chest pushes out further and further while his stomach becomes flatter. He lifts his ass upwards, and it grows outwards, his hips and thighs swelling.

“Like, stop moving, you big baby!” Britney yells.

“Like, I can’t stop myself!” Narayan cries out. He feels his breasts pushing out further, his nipples pushing hard against the ground. His hips begin to swell more and more as his waist pinches inwards. Finally, he just about manages to flip onto his back, hitting the ground hard as he does so but also giving him relief against the pressure on his chest. He looks down at his body. He has mounds of white flesh, leading down with flawless and smooth white skin, down to his pretty pink toes. The mounds of flesh on his chest grow even bigger before his eyes, while he notices a fat where there wasn’t fat before. His body now seems to be rounded and curved.

“OMG, look at my boobies!” Narayan exclaims, the heat seemingly filling his head as a wave of confusion smashes through his mind. First, he starts to think how nice his tits look. Then, he begins to appreciate the wonderful pink pedicure he has.

“You totally do, babe!” Britney says. “Now, just lay there and let it finish.”

Narayan lays on his back, staring up at the ceiling. He feels his cock get hard, so very hard. He looks down; it looks much the same as it always has other than the white color skin it now sported. And the absence of pubic hair. Narayan was never particularly hairy, and only now does he notice his body was hairless. He likes this fact.

 He feels another cramping sensation begin, this time in his lower abdomen. “Ahh!” He screams. It’s an intense feeling like his insides are contracting. He sees his cock pull inwards, and his balls deflate as he feels it.

“Aaaaahhhh!” Narayan screams out louder for a second contraction. He sees his cock and balls pull further inwards. It is like someone inside him squeezing a suction pump to pull the mass from his sex.

“Ah… Ahhhh… AHHHHGH.!” Three more contractions make him scream in pain three more times. Each one causing his cock and balls to recede more. After the third contraction, he could not see his genitals anymore. He hears a soft, squelching and popping noise and suddenly feels warm wetness between his legs. He sees two labia pull apart, revealing a slit between them. The skin around them glistens.

“OMG! Is that a pussy!” Narayan asks. She couldn’t believe what is seeing, but her mind’s confusion was dulling her shock.

“Yeah, well, I guess you’re a girl now. You’ve got some pretty awesome tits too.” Britney says.

“Are these mine, like OMG!” Narayan says, looking down at his chest. She groped them and felt how soft they were. They felt terrific in her hands, and she felt her pussy stir

“They sure are,” Britney said,  grinning. “And your nipples are a pretty pink and look sensitive. Like, super sensitive. Can you imagine how much a guy would love to suck on them? Must drive you wild, huh?”

“Yes, I can feel it already!” Said Narayan, imagining some dude sucking her tits. Her pussy felt wetter still.

“Like honestly, girl, you like totes have a modelling career ahead of you. You are absolutely stunning.” Britney says.

“Am I… like, am I really?” Narayan asks.

“Oh yeah. Totally.” Britney says. “Take a look.” She grabs a small makeup mirror out of her bag and holds it towards her. Narayan struggles to her feet, taking the mirror and peering into it, seeing her new face. She has a pair of beautiful blue eyes with long eyelashes. Her face now has full and plump lips alongside a cute, round nose. Her cheeks are soft and smooth. Her hair is a vibrant blonde, and her face seems to rest into a pout naturally. She looks like a total goddess.

“Oh yeah, I am totes hot,” Narayan says, her idea of what her body should be resettling in her mind. “But, like, could I really be a model? “She looks down at herself and sees her body, and she feels a wave of pride. She has an hourglass figure, her hips and thighs are curvy, and her ass is firm. She has a pair of perky breasts, and her nipples are sensitive. She runs her fingers over her thighs, which feel like silk.

“Definitely,” Britney says. “Like, you look like a real-life Barbie doll. But, like, not the plastic kind. We just need to build your confidence a little!”

“Okay, I’m totes game,” Narayan says, her IQ now dropping by the second.

“Awesome. We can start with some questions. Like, imagine you are interviewing for Miss America or something.” Britney says.

“Oh, okay. I would say my biggest strength is my intelligence.” Narayan answers.

Britney laughs. “Maybe we should save that one for last.”

“Okay,” Narayan says, a ditzy expression spreading across her face.

“So, let’s start, like, simple.” She smirks. “How about your name?”

“My name is… My name is…” Narayan thinks. She sees her parents’ faces, and then they fade away. “I’m Tiffany.”

“That’s a good name,” Britney says. “So, what is your favorite food?”

She remembers the spices of India for a moment, and then they fade. “Blueberry muffins, from Starbucks, of course.”

“Wow, that’s totes my fav too. Okay, next question. Where are you from.”

“I’m from…” Images of the bustling streets of Mumbai appear and just as quickly disappear. “I’m from SoCal, of course!”

“So am I!” Britney says excitedly. “What is your favorite movie?”

“Mmm… I don’t know. I guess I’d have to go with Titanic. It’s, like, so sad when Jack dies.”

“Okay, and your favorite song?”

“Anything by Tailor Swift.” Replies Tiffany.

“Okay, and what do you like to do for fun?”

“Well, I love going to the beach and…” Images of well-built tanned surfers enter Tiffany’s mind. “And, checking out the studs.” she giggles.

“Yeah, okay, that’s cool. And, what is your favorite color?”

“Pink, of course!”.

“Like you’re a natural!” Britney laughs, not so much at what Tiffany said but at what Britney had done. The process was exactly as what her daddy described. “But hey, isn’t this too much work?”

“Oh yeah. I’m, like, completely tired out.” Replied Tiffany with a pout.

“Then how about we relax at the beach,” Britney suggests.

“Sounds, like, perfect,” Tiffany replies.

“Cool. I’m so happy I’ve got someone around who totes gets me!” Britney was actually happier about how complete her revenge was. The shy Indian man had become a total basic bitch like her.

“I’m glad I can be, like, with you and stuff too!” Tiffany smiled a warm and total smile. There was no sadness in her empty head, no doubt or worries.

I’ll get my stuff.” Britney says. “And you better shower and change too!”


Tiffany always felt happy. But she felt this way the most with a big cock inside her. On the beach, it never took too long to find one. A total stud surfer dude was quick to respond to her advances; a stroke of the skin here, a whisper in the ear there, and any man could be hers. Today’s cock took her into one of the beach’s changing areas. It wasn’t classy, but she didn’t care, so she immediately presented her ass to him. He effortlessly spread her lips and pushed inside her. Tiffany moaned loudly as his shaft slid deep within her. He lasted a long time, and she enjoyed every second of it. For a moment, Tiffany saw an old face and an old way of life in the form of a brown Indian face staring at her; she brushed it away. She didn’t care about any other country. She had everything she needed here.

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