Sometimes an effeminate man is chosen for an upgrade… and employment with Indo Airways!
What is the state of the USA? What about New Korea? Important and transformational news incoming!
Bite a can hurt… especially when it leaves you completely changed!
Indo Airways deals with a pesky journalist!
David gets a gift, that keeps on giving. Month of the Caption ’24 #30
You stumble upon some lovely clothes in the wood, and find they fit you perfectly. Month of the Caption ’24 #29
You find yourself on the beach. Month of the Caption ’24 #28
A bule drinks from a magic spring and can’t stop coming back. Or changing… Month of the Caption ’24 #27
When watching a Balinese dance, is it possible to not join in? Month of the Caption #26
A bule discovers the danger of insulting Indonesia… Month of the Caption #25.
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