
Becoming a Cebu Slut

“Come on, man, we’re almost there!” Cried out Chet, leading Lewis deeper down the side streets of Cebu. Chat hadn’t told Lewis where he was leading him, but Lewis had an idea. And this idea didn’t make him happy.

“This better not be what I think it is!” cried Lewis as they turned another corner, the city growing noticeably grimier as they traveled deeper into the city’s underbelly. It was also starting to get dark.

Chet chuckled. “Just trust me, Lewis! It’s part of the adventure, you know? Experiencing everything this place has to offer.”

Chat’s words did nothing to help Lewis’s discomfort, which grew with each step. He knew Chet too well to think he would be above tricking him into going to one of those places.

The sun had now gone down, leaving the city dimly lit, the feeble streetlamps causing deep shadows to spread across the walls of the cramped buildings. The two turned another corner, leaving them on a nondescript street with buildings resembling people’s homes.

However, in front of one of these buildings stood a group of young women, their brown skin between the pieces of cloth they were trying to pass off as clothes. These girls were young and skinny, with each being short at somewhere between four and five feet.

Lewis’s steps came to a halt as reality hit him. “Chet, this really is a brothel, isn’t it?”

“Hey, relax, Lewis. It’s just a different part of the culture here. Don’t knock it till you try it,” Chet replied, his casual demeanor not faltering as he pulled Lewis to the front of the building. The women outside paid no attention.

Before Lewis could protest further, a woman in her late forties stepped out from the doorway with a stern yet welcoming face. She was dressed more conservatively than the girls outside, her stance confident and determined. “Ah, you must be Chet,” she said with a knowing smile, her gaze briefly shifting to Lewis, assessing. “And this must be your friend.”

Chet nodded, a smug look crossing his face. “Yep, that’s us. I called ahead.”

Lewis felt a pang of betrayal. “You did what?”

The woman, who Lewis supposed must be the ‘Auntie’ of the establishment, opened her arms out wide. “Welcome to my establishment,” the Auntie said, her accented voice smooth like silk. “We welcome all. We satisfy all. We can provide for every taste and preference.” She gestured to Chet and said, “I believe you have already made your choice.” To which Chet smiled and nodded. She then turned to Lewis. “And what about you?”

Lewis stepped back, his heart racing. “No, thank you. I… I don’t believe in this.” He said, his words trembling before growing firmer as he felt his convictions bubble to the surface. “In fact, I think this place is immoral. I think it is evil. I’m keeping pure for my future love…” He continued, his voice growing as he spoke before reaching a shout as he finished with. “I don’t want to lose my virginity to some fucking whore!”

The Auntie’s smile faltered momentarily, a flash of annoyance crossing her features at Lewis’s outburst. Her eyes hardened, as did the eyes of all the women in front of the brothel, who all turned to glare at Lewis. “You think you are above us, don’t you? You think you are so much more than us.” she barked, her voice low and tinged with an edge that hadn’t been there before. “Let me tell you that you are not better than us. In fact, you could so easily be one of us. You’ll see soon enough!” She added, not so much as a threat but more like she was just stating a fact. Lewis wasn’t quite sure what she meant or what he was going to see, and before he could reply, she had already turned her back to him and walked inside the brothel.

Chet, who had cringed at Lewis’s words, quickly regained his composure and laughed, shaking his head. “Dude, you’re way too uptight. Lighten up; it’s just a bit of fun.” He slapped Lewis on the arm before following the Auntie inside. Lewis stood frozen as the young women giggled and trailed after Chet and the Auntie, disappearing into the dimly lit interior of the building. The street was suddenly quieter emptier, leaving Lewis alone with his racing thoughts and a sinking feeling in his stomach. He felt a little guilty about his outburst but didn’t blame himself. Chet knew he didn’t like those places but had taken him there anyway.

He turned away, his heart pounding in his chest and his mind a whirlwind of emotions. The Auntie’s words echoed in his head as he began his journey back towards the hotel, the once vibrant streets of Cebu now seeming ominous and unwelcoming. As he walked, he found himself staring at the ground and deep in thought. He cursed Chet for putting him in that situation, felt guilty for his rude outburst, and couldn’t help dwelling on the woman’s words. He could be just like them and would see that soon enough…

“You look stress, brother! Want massage? Only 400 peso!” came a voice somewhere near Lewis.

Lewis was too deep in his thoughts to hear. So, the source of the voice responded by running into Lewis’s path and repeating himself. “Good massage, kill stress. Only 400!” The words cut through Lewis’s ruminations this time, so he stopped walking, blinked, and looked up. In front of him was a small, elderly man who wore a wrinkly blue shirt, khaki shorts, and flip-flops. He was gesturing to a quaint, traditional-looking massage parlor on Lewis’s right.

Lewis peered at the parlor. Unlike the brothel, this place had a serene and authentic vibe, with bamboo decorations and soft, inviting lights. Lewis did feel stressed, so the idea of a calming massage was suddenly appealing amid the chaos swirling in his head. He looked at the old man, who smiled kindly, his eyes crinkling at the corners. “We give good massage. Very relaxing. Very traditional. You will feel like new person,” the man assured him, gesturing again towards the parlor.

The price was reasonable, and Lewis had heard that traditional Filipino massages were worth experiencing. It certainly was better than Chet’s ideas on the local culture. After the night’s events, the prospect of a peaceful escape tempted Lewis to accept. “Okay, sure,” he acquiesced, a little hesitantly. “I could use some relaxation.”

The man smiled widely and led Lewis into the parlor. He was greeted by the soothing scent of essential oils and a gentle, calming ambiance. The interior was tastefully decorated with Philippine cultural artifacts, and soft, traditional music played in the background. He felt his muscles begin to relax just from the surroundings.

The old man showed him to a private room with a massage table. “Take off your clothes and lie on table. I get best masseuse for you. She is very skilled,” he said with a warm smile.

“Take off my clothes?” Replied Lewis, suddenly reluctant.

“Yes! Best, traditional massage must be naked. But don’t worry, we very professional here!” Replied the man, who hadn’t waited for Lewis to reply before leaving him alone in the room.

Lewis wondered if he had somehow gotten himself into another brothel but then thought that a massage place would only give him a happy ending if he asked. And he wouldn’t. Lewis could also stop the massage if any dirty business started during the massage. So, with his worries calmed, he gingerly stripped off before laying down on the table, his mind slowly drifting away from the events of the evening.

Lewis was almost asleep when the door opened softly. A middle-aged woman entered the room, closing the door softly behind her. Lewis opened his eyes and felt awkward, lying exposed on the table. He sat up slightly and instinctively covered his private parts with his hands.

“Don’t worry, sir. You relax,” the masseuse said in a soothing voice, her English accented but clear. She had a calm and motherly presence that put Lewis at ease. He lay flat on the table again, and his hands moved to his sides. “Good. I dim lights for relax. You just enjoy massage.”

As she dimmed the lights, the room became darker and darker, to the point that Lewis could no longer see anything. “Isn’t it too dark for you to see properly?” he asked, trying to make out her silhouette in the dim light.

“Touch is more important than sight for a good massage,” she replied, her voice almost a whisper. “You will feel so much more. Trust in my skill.”

Lewis took a deep breath and waited in the dark for the massage to begin. He heard pots being opened and the sound of hands being rubbed against each other. Eventually, he felt the masseuse’s warm and oily hands touch his skin. It started at the feet.

As the masseuse’s hands touched Lewis’s feet, he felt a warmth spreading from her palms. It was a gentle, almost caressing touch that began to ease the tension in his muscles. Slowly, her hands began to work on his feet, kneading the soles with precision. It felt good but also… odd. His feet were becoming more pliant under her touch, softening like clay heated by her touch. Lewis seemed to feel the arches of his feet stretch, becoming more pronounced, and his toes seemed to pull into themselves, becoming slender and petite. In fact, as she rubbed, he couldn’t help but feel that her feet were being pushed inwards, becoming smaller and more delicate. Lewis also noticed that his rough skin seemed to soften where her hands rubbed and become smooth and silky against her touch.

The masseuse’s hands moved upwards to his ankles, which she gripped tightly. She rubbed up and down carefully, and Lewis felt his bones subtly shifting under her grip as his ankles seemed to narrow. The same thing seemed to happen to his calves, which tightened and narrowed under the grip. The masseuse’s movements were hypnotic, and Lewis was drifting into a serene state of relaxation. The sensations filled him in the darkness of the room.

The masseuse’s hands then ventured to his thighs, where her fingers worked in deep, methodical motions. Lewis felt a peculiar sensation as his thighs’ once firm and bulky muscles seemed to soften, becoming rounder. This reshaping was accompanied by a sensation of his legs gradually shortening, causing his feet to draw closer to his body gently.

Her hands then continued their journey upwards. Lewis felt the contours of his hips begin to shift. It felt like she was pulling his hips outwards, muscles and fat redistributing as his hips widened and curved outwards. As this happened, his legs shifted, and his knees seemed to fall comfortably in a new angle.

As the masseuse’s hands moved up over Lewis’s abdomen, he felt her fingers push into his stomach. For a moment, Lewis’s eyes shut tight as he felt her fingers painfully force themselves into him, the pain growing more and more before… releasing. He felt his muscles contract and a gentle, inward crunching feeling, as though his organs were subtly rearranging themselves. This feeling was peculiar but not painful, more like a deep, internal stretch. As she continued to push, he felt his waist seemed to crunch inwards, creating what felt like an almost hourglass-like curve to develop.

The masseuse then moved her hands upwards towards his neck. Lewis felt a curious tingling sensation as her hands cupped his chest. It was a gentle yet persistent sensation, like a warmth spreading from within. He felt a kind of swelling feeling where her hands were cupped. The skin seemingly stretched and filled out as his nipples became unusually sensitive, tingling as they seemed to push harder and harder against the masseuse’s palm. It felt good, and Lewis felt a stir below.

As the massage continued, Lewis could feel the masseuse working on his shoulders, which seemed to roll inwards as she rubbed them hard towards his neck. As she did this, he felt like his whole torso was compacting. He felt his entire lower body seemingly get closer to his head like his feet before.

Then, her hands moved to his arms. She gripped the top of his arms and then rubbed down to his fingers. After doing this, she returned to the top of his arm and repeated the motion. As her hands went downwards, the muscles seemed to relax. Relax so much that he felt her hands touching increasingly soft flesh. His hands, too, seemed to follow this sensation: feeling smaller and softer, the fingers more delicate under the masseuse’s grip. The feeling of her soft hands against his soft hands caused the stir to intensify and stiffen below.

Finally, the masseuse’s hands lay flat against each side of his neck. A sudden and intense pushing sensation began, and she seemed to use all her strength against his neck. He felt her hands seemingly get closer to each other as his neck seemed to feel like it was stretching and shifting.

Her hands then moved to his face, starting with his chin. Lewis felt a soft, pressing motion as if his chin was gently pinched and rounded. The movements were delicate, pushing into the contours of his jawline alongside an increasingly rounded curve. He felt a similar sensation on his cheeks, where the masseuse’s hands seemed to push into an increasingly fuller and more pronounced shape.

Next, the masseuse’s fingers traced over his lips. Lewis could feel his lips swelling slightly under her touch. The sensation felt good, and his cock now got rock hard from the sensations. Lewis felt embarrassed, but through the feeling of the message, he could only hope she didn’t notice. His mind then returned to the massage as he felt the masseuse’s thumb push into his nose, seemingly flattening it.

As her hands moved to his ears, Lewis felt a similar sensation to his nose as the woman’s thumb pushed into them and crushed them. The masseuse’s thumbs also pushed into Lewis’s eyes, forcing him to shut them and seemingly pushing, pulling, and flattening them.

The masseuse moved her hands to the top of his head, her fingers kneading firmly. Lewis felt a strange tingling on his scalp and then felt a tingling sensation as a smooth, silky, soft material spread down his neck and past his shoulders.

Finally, the massage seemed to come to an end. Every part of Lewis felt relaxed in a way he never thought possible. There was only one place that still felt tense. And Lewis wished it would relax…

“Gasp!” Lewis let out a high-pitched gasp as suddenly she grasped his cock. Lewis felt there was something wrong with the sound of his gasp, but he didn’t have much time to wonder about this as the masseuses’s delicate hands began to expertly knead his cock. Lewis’s body twitched in surprise at the sudden stimulation. Then his muscles went limp as a wave of pleasure flowed through his body.

“No!” Lewis cried out, his voice sounding incredibly strange. He tried to move, but the pleasure rooted him to the table. His hands and arms felt weak, and the best Lewis could do was grip the table with his fingers. As she continued to knead, he couldn’t help but let out a few moans, which were high-pitched and girlish.

“Oh God!” Lewis cried out when he felt her other hand cup his balls. In the dark, this action completely blindsided him. The masseuse squeezed, and a wave of pleasure coursed through him. Her fingers deftly and expertly squeezed and kneaded his balls, causing waves of pleasure to shoot up his spine.

He couldn’t hold it back anymore. “Oh, fuck!” Lewis cried out, his words high-pitched and feminine. His muscles clenched, and his toes curled. Suddenly he felt a pulling sensation on both his cock and balls. The masseuse wasn’t just rubbing but also pushing, and his cock and balls felt like they were being sucked and pulled inwards.

Lewis let out a few more moans as the sensation intensified. “Fuck, fuck, FUCK!” Lewis screamed, his voice even more high-pitched and girlish. A final burst of pleasure shot through him as his cock, and balls lurched inwards, the pressure on them growing as he reached his climax. Soon, he felt the strangest sensation of his life. The masseuse’s hands entered into him. He felt a wetness develop between his legs, and her hands went inwards. “Ahhh!” Lewis cried out, the sensations too much. The feeling grew and grew and grew and grew before…

“And you finish!” Said the masseuse, her hands leaving him. Lewis could hardly hear her over his own high-pitched moans and cries.

“What?” Lewis was panting, his voice still strange. He didn’t want it to end. He wanted to explode.

The masseuse flicked on the lights, and the room was suddenly filled with a soft, warm glow. Blinking against the brightness, Lewis caught glimpses of smooth brown skin, sleek black hair cascading down shoulders, and sensual curves. For a moment, he was disoriented, unable to comprehend the reflection in front of him.

Then it dawned on him.

“What the fuck!?” Lewis cried with a jolt, scrambling to his feet. As he moved, he felt an unfamiliar lightness in his movements.

He rushed to a full-length mirror mounted on the wall, his heart pounding. Staring back at him was a young Filipina woman, standing at no more than four foot six. His eyes widened as he took in the high cheekbones, full lips, and flat nose that had replaced his once familiar face. His hair, now long, black, and lustrous, framed his face in soft waves, giving him an almost ethereal appearance.

His gaze drifted downward, tracing the contours of his new body. His chest now bore modest, well-shaped breasts, rising and falling with his rapid breaths. His waist flowed into an hourglass figure, leading to hips that flared out in a striking curve. Once muscular and hairy, his legs were now slender and smooth, flowing down to petite feet.

He turned slowly, observing himself from every angle, and his hands trembled as they explored his new form, tracing the softness of his skin and the roundness of his hips. He was overwhelmed by a mix of fear and confusion. He took a deep breath as his delicate fingers brushed over his tight new pussy.

The masseuse watched from the doorway, a knowing smile on her face. “Beautiful, yes?”

Lewis turned to her, his eyes filled with horror. “What…” He paused as he explored his new vice. “What have you done to me?” His voice was a soft, melodious tone.

The masseuse’s smile widened. “I give you a perfect new body!”

“Change me back!”

The masseuse’s smile became an evil grin. “Not happy? I get boss!” And with this, she walked out of the room, the grin still on her face.

Lewis stood frozen, still grappling with the shock of his transformation. After a short while, the elderly man returned, his expression unreadable, a bundle of clothes in his hands.

“Here, you need these,” the man said, handing over the clothes.

Still in disbelief, Lewis barely managed to whisper, “Change me back?”

The man chuckled dryly. “It’s not that simple. If you want to change back, you need to beg Auntie. She has power here.”

“You mean that woman at the brothel!? She did this!” Cried Lewis, realizing that he had been trapped by the woman.

“She owns this parlor and basically half the city,” the man replied. “Now, get dressed. You can’t go outside like that.”

Lewis looked down at his old clothes, discarded on the floor. He wondered if he could still wear them but realized he couldn’t have been more than half the size of his old self. Reluctantly then, Lewis accepted the clothes from the man. There wasn’t much to them, and he found them easy to slip onto his body.

The outfit consisted of a short, bright red skirt that barely reached mid-thigh, clinging tightly to his newly curved hips. The top was a cropped halter, exposing much of his smooth, tanned midriff. The fabric felt light and airy against his skin, a stark contrast to the heavier, more familiar clothes he was used to. There was no underwear, and he felt the air still flow around his pussy, as well as the fabric rub against his new nipples.

The man watched him get dressed and then handed him a pair of flip-flops. “You’ll need these too,” he said, nodding towards Lewis’s feet.

Lewis looked down at the flip-flops. They were simple, with thin straps and a floral pattern on the insole. Hesitantly, he slid his feet into them. The sensation was startlingly new; his feet were now small and dainty, the flip-flops fitting snugly.

Lewis decided to return to the brothel and demand that he be changed back. So he left the parlor and immediately made his way back. As he walked, Lewis became acutely aware of how different his body now felt. His feet, once large and sturdy, now felt delicate and light. The sensation of walking in flip-flops was new to him, as he had never willingly worn them as a man. The way his narrow heels lifted off the ground with each step, the slight brush of air against his tiny toes, and the gentle pressure of the straps holding his delicate feet in place all felt so foreign,

The streets of Cebu seemed to take on a new perspective as he walked. The uneven pavement he had barely noticed before now felt different under his sensitive, transformed feet.

As he walked, Lewis heard footsteps approaching. A group of American men, chatting loudly, walked past him. Their eyes lingered on him, their male gazes unsettling.

One of the men whistled. “Hey, gorgeous. Are you looking for some company?”

Lewis quickened his pace, his heart pounding. He didn’t respond, but deep inside, he felt a strange, new sensation. He felt a flutter down below, and a flash of one of the men stretching his new pussy appeared in his mind. It was a sudden thought but also an oddly attractive one.

He kept walking, the feeling growing. He couldn’t stop the images appearing in his mind. He saw himself being stretched and filled by a giant, hard cock. Multiple of them. A line of men taking turns fucking him. He felt himself get wet. He could smell his own arousal, the scent of his new pussy filling the air.

Lewis couldn’t deny that the feeling of the men’s eyes on him felt good. It was a new kind of attention, and it felt good. As he walked, he came across another group of men. This time, they were local men.

One of the men whistled. “Looking for a good time, baby?”

Lewis stopped. The idea of being fucked by a local man filled his mind. He felt his pussy throb. “How much?” the man asked, his voice soft and breathy.

The men looked at each other, a sly smile on their faces. One of them stepped forward. “2000 pesos for one night,” he said.

Lewis had to fight the images in his mind and the urges in his new pussy. This was wrong! This wasn’t him! He needed to get to the brothel… quick.

He finally reached the brothel. The building that once seemed seedy now loomed over him menacingly. The Auntie was smoking at the entrance, so Lewis took a deep breath, trying to muster the courage to confront the Auntie.

“Excuse me,” Lewis said, his voice soft and still unfamiliar to his ears.

The Auntie turned her expression one of mild surprise. “Well, well, look what we have here. I didn’t expect to see you so soon.”

“I need your help,” Lewis stammered. “Please, I’m sorry. I just want to go back to how I was.”

The Auntie threw her cigarette across the street. “Go back? Well, that’s easy!” She smiled widely.

“What?” Said Lewis, stunned and not quite believing he’d be let off so easily.

“You are a virgin, right? You told me so proudly earlier… You were saving yourself, right?” The Auntie grinned, a mischievous glint in her eyes.

“Yes… why?”

“If you are still a virgin in…” She checked her watch dramatically. “About 11 hours. Then you’ll change back.”

“You mean, all I’ve gotta do is not have sex tonight? You promise?” Lewis gasped, his voice full of hope.

“Sure,” said the Auntie, “Just make sure you are still a virgin after 11 hours. Otherwise, you’ll lose more than just your body!”

“Thank God!” Cried Lewis, relieved.

“By the way, your friend is waiting for you inside,” the Auntie said, a sly smile playing on her lips. “He’s a bit… indisposed. Perhaps you should help him get home? He seems to have indulged a little too much.”

Lewis’s eyes widened. The thought of facing Chet in his current state filled him with dread, but he knew he couldn’t leave his friend behind. He built up his confidence and entered the brothel.

The interior was dimly lit, with red and gold hues casting a sultry glow. The air was thick with perfume and the murmur of soft music. As Lewis made his way through the dark hallways, he couldn’t help but feel the weight of the gazes that followed him.

Finally, he found Chet in one of the rooms, sprawled on a lavish bed, a drunken smile on his face. The sight of his friend, so unaware of what had happened, brought a mix of relief and frustration to Lewis.

“Chet,” Lewis called out softly.

Chet’s eyes fluttered open, and he squinted at Lewis. “Whoa, you’re… you’re gorgeous,” he slurred, not recognizing his friend.

“It’s me, Lewis. We need to get out of here,” he urged, trying to keep his voice steady.

Chet laughed, a drunken, disbelieving sound. “Lewis? Nah, you can’t be. Lewis is a guy. But hey, I won’t complain. Come here,” he beckoned, reaching out with a clumsy hand.

Panic surged through Lewis. He took a step back, his mind racing. “Chet, listen to me. You’re drunk. We need to go back to the hotel,” Lewis insisted, his voice firm despite its soft tone.

Still not fully comprehending the situation, Chet attempted to sit up, his movements uncoordinated. “Hotel, huh? Yeah, sounds good,” he mumbled, his gaze still fixed on Lewis in desire.

Lewis cautiously approached Chet, taking a deep breath and helping him to his feet. Chet leaned heavily on Lewis, his hands roaming over the curves of his new body. Lewis tried to ignore the sensations and focus on getting his friend out of the brothel.

“You’re so fucking hot,” Chet slurred, his lips brushing against Lewis’s ear. “I wanna fuck you.”

“Please, just try and focus on getting back to the hotel,” Lewis pleaded, his voice unsteady. Lewis felt his pussy twitch and saw the flashes of sex in his mind’s eye once more.

“Gasp!” Lewis gasped as he felt Chet’s fingers probe at his pussy under his skirt.

“You are wet as fuck! You like that?” Chet groaned, his fingers continuing their exploration.

Lewis couldn’t help but let out a small moan as his body reacted to the stimulation. Chet took this as an invitation, and his lips moved to the sensitive flesh of Lewis’s neck. He started sucking and biting, leaving behind a trail of bruises. Lewis’s head swam with a mix of pleasure and panic. He tried to pull away, but Chet’s grip was firm, his movements becoming more confident.

“Please,” Lewis whimpered, his voice weak. “We have to get out of here.”

Chet didn’t seem to hear him, his lips continuing their exploration of Lewis’s soft, newly tanned flesh. Lewis tried to push him away, but it was like pushing against a brick wall. The more he struggled, the more Chet’s desire grew, his fingers pushing into Lewis’s wetness.

“Fuck, you’re so tight,” Chet grunted, his voice rough and husky.

“Stop this, you idiot!” Lewis begged, fighting the feelings that were pulsing through his tight new body.

Chet’s eyes flashed with a mix of lust and anger. “Stop pretending. I can tell you want it as much as I do! Just give in!”

Lewis’s legs went weak, his resolve failing. He felt a strange urge building inside him. Images of Chet fucking him hard and deep filled his mind, and he let out a small, involuntary moan.

“Come on, you know you want it,” Chet coaxed, his breath hot against Lewis’s ear. “Just give in, and we can have much fun together.”

“I…” Lewis trailed off, his resolve wavering. He felt Chet’s fingers move deeper inside him, and the feeling was overwhelming. He couldn’t stop the images flashing through his mind, and his body responded, growing hot and wet.

Chet pulled his fingers out of Lewis and pushed him roughly onto the bed, his large frame towering over him. Lewis tried to resist but felt powerless in his new, delicate body. He watched helplessly as Chet stripped off his clothes, revealing a rock-hard erection.

Chet grabbed Lewis’s legs and pulled them closer, his fingers digging into the soft flesh. He lined himself up with Lewis’s tight, virgin pussy and plunged in, a grunt escaping his lips.

Lewis cried out, the sudden invasion painful and pleasurable. Chet’s cock was huge, stretching his pussy to the limit. His head was spinning, the conflicting feelings overwhelming.

“Fuck, you’re tight,” Chet grunted, pumping in and out of Lewis. “You like that, don’t you?”

“Oh… oh, God,” Lewis moaned, his body betraying him. The images in his mind grew stronger, and he couldn’t stop the wave of pleasure washing over him.

Chet sped up, his movements rough and powerful. “Say you want it. Say you want my cock deep inside you.”

“I… I want it,” Lewis panted, his voice barely a whisper.

Chet continued his relentless thrusts, his cock slamming into Lewis’s pussy. Lewis’s head was swimming, his body overwhelmed by the sensations.

“I’m gonna fuck you all night,” Chet growled, his voice low and rough. “I’m gonna make you mine.”

“Oh god… Yes, please use me like a whore,” Lewis whimpered, his new body responding to the stimulation.

“Say it again,” Chet demanded, his voice husky and breathless.

“Please use me like whore!” Lewis repeated, his voice shaking and his pronunciation shifting.

“Fuck yeah,” Chet grunted, his words muffled.

Chet’s thrusts became more intense, his movements desperate and wild. He was like an animal, his instincts taking over. Lewis’s body was like a drug to him, and he couldn’t get enough.

The two of them were lost in a frenzy of passion, their bodies moving together in a primal rhythm. Lewis felt more and more images enter his mind. They were no longer images of sex but instead of a life, he had never lived. Then the dam broke, and a flood threatened to wash away everything he once knew about himself.

Each of Chet’s thrusts seemed to drive these new sensations deeper into Lewis’s consciousness. He felt his old self start to erode under a relentless deluge of a new persona forming within him. Once a formidable barrier, Lewis’s resistance was washed away alongside his memories, beliefs, and very identity,

The name Hiraya appeared in Lewis’s head. Hiraya was a person whose presence he felt grew stronger and stronger. Her essence wrapping around his own and squeezing hard. She was a whirlwind of emotions and desires, vibrant and unapologetic in her sexuality. Her thoughts were in a language he once didn’t understand. Yet, now they were crystal clear, resonating with a deep familiarity.

“Please, mister, no stop fuck!” Cried out Lewis… or was it now Hiraya who controlled his voice? Indeed, Lewis’s accent was nearly gone.

Lewis could feel his past slipping away. His childhood memories, family, and friends all began to blur, fading under the light of Hiraya. In their place, new memories emerged: Hiraya’s life, her experiences, her joys, and her struggles. They flooded his mind, and he had no way to stop it. Not that he wanted to anymore. Lewis didn’t want anything anymore. Only Hiraya’s desires mattered.

“Oh fuck yes! Hard! Fuck pussy hard!” Lewis cried, his voice thick with lust and his body writhing with pleasure. “Make me cum! Fuck me hard! Make me cum and become me!”

Chet was more than happy to oblige, his thrusts growing harder and faster. He could feel Lewis’s orgasm building, her body tensing. With a few final, powerful thrusts, Chet sent her over the edge, her pussy clenching around his cock as she came.

The orgasm was so intense, and it blasted the last of Lewis away. All the new memories and sensations of Hiraya’s life replaced them. A final cascade of feelings, knowledge, and thoughts poured into his mind. Lewis closed his eyes for the final time. He was no more. In his place was a young woman. A woman named Hiraya. Hiraya opened her eyes.

She watched the john fucking her and wondered how long he had been at it. Indeed, it was time he came and, more importantly, paid.

“Oh God!” The man screamed as a torrent of hot cum splashed into her pussy.

“Wow!” she cried out. “You cum lots!” She lied; she always told the johns that they were some sort of sex gods when they finished.

“Yes,” the man groaned as his cock spasmed. “That’s felt amazing.”

Hiraya pushed the john off her and got out of the bed. Her body ached from the fucking, and her pussy throbbed with pleasure. She smiled at the john, knowing her night’s work was done.

“How much we say, handsome?” she asked.

“What?” the man said, his eyes glassy.

“You know, how much did you pay to fuck me?”

“Um, I don’t know…” the man said.

“You not sure!?” she said, her voice rising. “You stupid foreigner. Give me 4000 and leave. Or Auntie will rough you up bad!”

The man scrambled for his wallet and handed her some cash. She quickly counted it. It was more than enough, and she was satisfied.

“Thank you, handsome,” she said, smiling. “Now go. I got many more customer to service tonight.”

As the man left, Hiraya looked around the room. The bed was a mess, and the air was heavy with the smell of sex. But she didn’t mind. This was her life, and she wouldn’t trade it for anything.


Chet had stayed a couple weeks to look for Lewis but had never found a trace of him. The police weren’t much help either, as they seemed so reluctant to go near any of Auntie’s businesses. So, with a heavy heart, Chet was forced to return home without his friend.

Hiraya, in the meantime, had quickly proved to be a great asset for Auntie’s brothel. She rose rapidly to be the most requested girl who could ask for the highest price. Hiraya herself never complained about her life and seemed to enjoy it.

Not a day went by where Hiraya didn’t crave cock… and get it.

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