
The Cleansing Ritual: Part One

Ayu then walked up to Oliver. “Om Swastyastu!” she said, putting her hands together.

“Om Swastyastu,” replied Oliver, making the same gesture again.

“There are two rituals before you may join. The first is that of being cleansed,” she said softly. She pointed towards the pool and continued, “This is our sacred water, blessed by our deities and elders. Today it purifies your body, ready for what is to come. You must undress and give me all your belongings before you can enter.”

Oliver was taken aback, “give you my stuff? Even my phone!?” He sputtered.

“You phone especially. Now get undressed; you must be completely nude to purify the body.”


Ayu nodded. “The water must touch every part of you. It’s the only way.”

Oliver put his phone into his bag and then handed it over. “I’ll get it back when I leave?” asked Oliver.

“You can have them back after purification,’ replied Ayu. Oliver wondered how easy it would really be to get them back after the ritual.

“Now, your clothes.” Said Ayu sternly.

Summoning his courage and reminding himself of why he was doing this: Oliver slowly began to undress. The woman observed him as he did so and talked to each other in rapid Balinese, making him feel awkward and shy. He carefully covered his genitals with one hand while handing his clothes over with the other. Once Oliver was standing there naked, Ayu gestured to the water’s edge, the cool stone beneath his feet sending shivers up his spine.

“Close your eyes,” Ayu instructed. “Feel the energy around you. And when you’re ready, step into the water. You need to go all the way in and cover your head. Once you are in, count to five and come out again.

Taking a deep breath, Oliver did as instructed As he submerged himself, the water felt unlike any he had experienced before. It was cool and refreshing, but it also felt… alive. As it cascaded over his body, he felt a tingling sensation, as if the water was rejuvenating every cell. He went deeper and deeper until the water was up to his neck. With a deep breath, he then put his head under the water. When under, he counted:

Five. Four.

The tingling sensation grew stronger as he counted, with a calming feeling coming over him as the water filled every one of his senses.

Three. Two.

He now felt remarkably calm. It felt like all was well with the world, and nothing could harm him.


He then emerged, the feeling of extreme calm following him as he stepped out of the water and walked back to Ayu. “The first step is done,” she said, her voice soft and melodic. “You are ready for the ritual.” Oliver didn’t hear her as his body and mind were passive from the water’s effects.

The women now stopped talking, and the courtyard fell into a muted silence as Ayu approached Oliver. Her delicate fingers held a soft, silken blindfold, its deep blue hue contrasting with the sunlit environment. She locked eyes with him for a moment, a reassuring glint in her gaze, before gently wrapping the blindfold around his eyes. The world went dark.

Without sight, Oliver’s awareness of his surroundings became sharply acute. The gentle rustling of leaves, the distant murmur of a flowing stream, and the distant sounds of the women working merged an atmosphere of anticipation. In a normal circumstance, being blindfolded this way would have been a cause for alarm, but the calm of the water lingered on him, and after he felt Ayu’s soft hand take his own, guiding him to the stone platform, he felt utterly passive. As he lay there, the stone feeling cool against his skin, he was more of a passenger than a driver in a mind and body made passive by the water.

As he lay down, he became acutely aware of his heartbeat as all his senses grew even more acute. He could hear the patter of bare feet on stone as the women slowly moved around the courtyard. After a moment of waiting on the stone platform, Oliver’s heightened sense of touch detected the subtle shift in the air as a single woman moved about him. The soft padding of her feet felt close to where he lay, and he could hear the muted rustling of her attire and the gentle clinking of a pot being set down on the platform the same platform he lay. Whatever the pot held, it was now right next to him.


His nostrils flared slightly as the unseen woman opened the oil pot. He took in the intensely fragrant scent of oils that smelt both potent and ancient. A concoction of herbs, flowers, and something intangible wafted into the air, grounding him further into the ritualistic ambiance. The calm from the water kept him completely passive as if a heavy blanket of tranquility had been draped over him.

After the pot was opened, the women in the courtyard began to sing one by one. Their voices melded into a hauntingly beautiful harmony. The tune was unfamiliar, and the words were in Balinese, which he did not understand, yet even Oliver could grasp the beauty of what they were singing on his behalf. Oliver’s heart rate, already low from the calming effect of the water, now slowed further to synchronize with the song’s rhythm.

He then perceived another subtle noise through the mix of sounds: the soft, slick sound of the woman coating her fingers with the aromatic oil. The woman seemed to hover above Oliver after doing this, the smell of the oil was incredibly potent as it was now so close to his body. As he lay there in his calm state, he still couldn’t help but feel a little anticipation for what would happen next.

And then, finally, he felt it in his stomach.

The woman’s oil-laden fingers contacted his stomach. The oil was warm, and it felt nice against Oliver’s skin. Slowly, with deliberate and expert movements, the woman began to rub the oil in, using repetitive circular motions to massage the oil deeper and deeper into the skin. Oliver had had massages before as he traveled Asia, but he had never had one that felt so pleasurable. Everywhere the woman touched seemed to relax, with all tension vanishing instantly.

But then, Oliver’s felt his flesh respond.

First, he felt her hand movements become smoother, as though his skin resisted less against her touch. It felt like his skin was now less rough… like it was suddenly smooth. After this, the woman rubbed harder, and he felt abdominal muscles tighten… and tighten. And tighten again. The muscles tightened so much that it became almost unbearable before suddenly… the tension released, and his muscles relaxed once more: relaxing more deeply than he had ever felt. His muscles seemed so relaxed that he wasn’t even sure they were still there. It felt like they were missing. Or perhaps just smaller or in a new place. Next, he felt the woman’s hands push into the sides of his abdomen: he could tell she was pushing quite hard, yet he felt no pressure, as though his abdomen gave no resistance, and collapsed in as the woman pushed. It was an unusual feeling, but something was satisfying about how the woman’s hand, still on his sides, came closer together. Then, as the hands carefully brushed over his stomach again, Oliver could not help but notice that he felt… softer? Like the woman was pushing against fat where it should have been muscle.

The sensation moved up Oliver’s body as he felt a gentle warmth on his chest as the woman began her work there. As she did, he noticed a rising pressure, like someone slowly inflating a balloon under his skin. But, instead of being painful, it was oddly pleasant, like being enveloped in an increasingly sizeable soft cushion. The sensation expanded outwards, stretching his skin as the same feeling of smoothness came where the woman’s hands made contact. Suddenly, the woman pinched his nipples, pulling at them as he felt a swelling sensation in each nipple. This sensation, which started a little painful, transitioned to pleasant, even if the feeling seemed to be much further from his ribcage than he’d expected.

As the woman left his chest, leaving behind a new weight, she continued upwards, her hands gently guiding over his shoulders. Suddenly the woman pushed hard against each side of his shoulders, but his body didn’t seem to resist once again. Instead, his shoulders just gave away and collapsed inwards, a feeling reinforced by the fact that his arms now felt oddly closer together. The woman then deftly switched position, placing her hands on the top of the shoulders. She pushed, and his body gave in much like before, leaving Oliver’s torso compressed.

Then, the woman’s hands moved to his neck. Oliver’s neck was tense from walking with his bag for so long earlier, and he couldn’t help but let out a sigh of pleasure as the tension instantly left him. As she massaged, he felt her fingers gliding against first rough and then smooth skin. She rubbed hard along the neck, which again obliged by being pushed inwards with no resistance. How she rubbed seemed designed to push the neck inwards and downwards, his body happily accepted the direction of her forceful touch. His collarbone also felt the pressure as she pushed down on his neck, as Oliver felt a satisfying shift as the very bone seemed to move. She then pushed Adam’s apple, which he felt somehow forced into his body, yet he felt no pain.

As the woman’s hands finished their work on his neck, they lingered momentarily as the massager seemed to contemplate what she had done and what to do next. And then, from the silence, Oliver heard Ayu’s voice, soft yet clear, “Even the worst clay, in the hands of a great potter, can be molded to make a beautiful pot.” Oliver, in his calm state, didn’t quite follow what the woman he now knew to be Ayu meant, not that he cared much at that moment of relaxation.

Ayu’s bare feet were heard against the stone again as Oliver felt her walk to the end of the platform. After a moment, he felt Ayu’s touch against his feet. Oliver’s feet were tired from walking and had years of damage from trekking etched into them. Firstly, Ayu applied the oil to every inch of his feet, and he felt his skin once again become smooth as she rubbed her hands over them. Suddenly she squeezed his whole left and right foot in each hand. Like the muscles on his abdomen, his feet seemed to tighten more and more, becoming unbelievably tight before suddenly… releasing. As he felt this release, he felt a satisfying shift causing Ayu’s fingers to get closer and closer to each other, eventually getting almost close enough to touch as his feet seemed crushed inwards by the squeeze. Oliver wiggled his oily toes slightly and felt they were both a different shape and in another place from where they were earlier.

Ayu’s hands then came to Oliver’s ankles. She placed a hand around each of his ankles and squeezed while rubbing up and down both his ankles and calves. He felt the friction decrease as his skin’s texture changed, while he also felt Ayu’s hands tighten and travel less as his legs shifted. Much like what happened with his feet, her fingers got closer and closer, this time eventually touching around his ankles. She then continued to work her way up, her hands working meticulously as she began kneading the flesh and massaging the oil deeply into every pore of his thighs. Once again, he felt his muscles tighten unbearably, more and more… before releasing. As she rubbed his thighs, he felt a softness as she seemed to push more soft material into where hard muscle should be. Ayu then quickly rubbed her hands up and down the entire length of his legs, and as she did so, Oliver felt like his heels were being drawn closer to him, as though his feet were trying to move up the table to meet him.

After a quick break to get more oil and with meticulous precision, Ayu began her movements on Oliver’s pelvis. As her hands made contact with his pelvis, he felt a curious tugging sensation as though a force was pulling at him from within his crotch. Oliver felt the bones move and shift under the skin, bending and flexing in response to her touch. A gentle widening sensation impacted his legs as he felt them move and turn slightly. His knees seemed to be in a different place, and his legs felt almost like they were pointing at different angles.

Ayu paused momentarily before the familiar patter of feet and stone brought her mouth to his ear. She whispered gently: “Your big rough feet brought rough intentions, now let’s see if small smooth feet can make amends.” Once again, Oliver wasn’t quite sure what she meant, but he was starting to get a clue. Or was that the effect of the water wearing off?

He then felt Ayu’s hands meet his. Just like with his feet, she carefully rubbed oil into every inch of his hands: her smooth skin feeling nice against his newly smoothed skin. And much like his feet, she then took a hand in each of her hands and squeezed, with his hands compliantly collapsing from the pressure. His hands, previously much larger than Ayu’s, pushed inwards, feeling smaller than Ayu’s when she finished. Ayu then moved on to his wrists, wrapping her hands around and squeezing inwards as she had done with his ankles. Once again, he felt Ayu’s fingers, previously unable to get around his wrists, meet. From there, she began rubbing up his whole arms. Up and down, up and down. His muscles tightened and relaxed, his skin becoming smooth as his hands, like his feet, slowly moved closer to his head. His arms now touched the stone platform with a peculiar lightness.

Ayu’s touch finally moved to Oliver’s head. She started by taking more oil from the pot and then rubbing it through Oliver’s hair, tugging at the edges. Edges that Oliver felt get further and further and further away from his head. She then rubbed the oil all over his face, except what was covered by a blindfold, and began massaging every part of his face. She rubbed the oil into his temples, his eyes, his cheeks, his nose, his lips, his chin, and everywhere she rubbed felt as though it was being pressed and molded like soft clay. Once again, he felt the feeling of rough skin becoming smooth, as every part of his face was left relaxed and feeling very different from where it was just a moment earlier.

Finally, Ayu gently teased off the blindfold, first blinding Oliver with the bright sky. Eventually, his eyes got used to the light, allowing Oliver to see Ayu’s sweat-covered face and oiled hands. She looked directly into Oliver’s eyes and said: “Eyes that linger on our beauty must join us in that beauty!” She rubbed the oil directly into his eyes, which Oliver snapped shut, expecting to sting. But the oil didn’t sting; he only felt his eye sockets tighten and relax.

“Your eyes are ready to watch as we take what drove you to stare!” Said Ayu as Oliver watched her walk next to the middle of the platform. His eyes moved downwards to follow her as she walked, causing him to catch sight of the brown, soft curves and mounds of his body. The water was wearing off now, and he was beginning to understand what had been happening to him. He opened his mouth to speak but gasped as Ayu’s oiled hands grasped somewhere special.

One oiled hand clasped around his cock, and another slippery hand held his balls. Oliver’s eyes widened as the woman began to stroke, one hand working his cock while the other fondling his balls. The women’s chants picked up pace, their song becoming almost frantic. Oliver’s cock instantly went hard, and he couldn’t help but moan a little as the two hands, working in perfect tandem, slowly milked him toward a climax. As the hands worked, Oliver felt a heat growing inside him, and his newly widened hips began to move without him willing them to do so. It was strange looking down at his new tanned, smooth, and soft body and seeing his cock still standing proud. Or was it standing proud? Oliver saw that his hair had vanished down there, alongside everywhere else on his body, which should make his cock appear longer. But it didn’t. In fact, it looked noticeably shorter than he remembered. The water’s calming effect was wearing thin now, and the impact of what was happening was becoming more apparent to Oliver by the second. He felt like he had just woken up after surgery and wasn’t quite sure where he was.

“No…” Said Oliver, pausing momentarily as he heard his new feminine voice. “Stop… Change me back…” He protested meekly, but Ayu paid him no attention as her hands kept working steadily. Oliver tried to move but couldn’t as his body didn’t respond to his commands. Clearly, the water wore off the mind before it did the body, and he could only watch as his cock, and balls got smaller and smaller in her hands. This shrinking didn’t stop it from feeling fantastic, nor did it stop his climax from approaching. An explosion down there was getting closer and closer and closer until he was almost ready to blow. But then… nothing.

Instead of cumming, he felt his whole crotch tighten more and more. His balls moved closer into his body, and his cock moved towards his stomach, both becoming increasingly hard to see under Ayu’s grasp. Sweat was now beading down Oliver’s face and back; if Oliver was honest with himself, it still felt incredible. It was the best handjob in the world, even if he knew what was happening was wrong. Oliver then felt like he had been cut in half with an invisible knife as the last of his cock disappeared from view, his balls soon following suit. With his view hidden, he couldn’t quite place the sensations. It was as though his cock and balls were increasingly both a different shape and place. Not an entirely new feeling, but one felt in another form. However, his concentration on this sensation suddenly halted as he felt something push inside him.

Oliver gasped aloud as he felt Ayu’s oily fingers enter him, the pitch of his moan shocking him. He fought another gasp but couldn’t stop it as Ayu’s fingers came out and then plunged back in. He felt something new grow inside him: something warm, which seemed to get bigger with every thrust of Ayu’s fingers. His hips started to buck harder than ever as she continued fingering him, each time causing moans and gasps to burst out of Oliver’s mouth. A wet sensation spread through his crotch, but not from the oil, and it had come from somewhere else. Somewhere he had never felt wet before. Once again, he felt a climax approaching. It got closer and closer and closer until he was almost ready to explode. He was so close… he was so fucking close. His heart rate accelerated, his breathing deepened, and his tiny brown toes curled. As he stared down, he saw his new torso sway as he breathed deeply and watched his body twitch. He was just about to explode, and then…

“You are done,” said Ayu, who stopped moving her hand. “The ritual is complete.” She added, slowly pulling her fingers out of Oliver, causing him to grimace at the sensation of something leaving a hole he never had before. She stepped back from Oliver and seemed to be admiring him. He noticed her fingers were covered with something that didn’t look like oil, and it dawned on him exactly what was happening. Now that she had stepped away, he could see his crotch over the mounds on his chest, where his cock and balls were before, now stood a glistening wet pussy. The water left his mind as it came into sharp focus that he now had a body just like the temple women. The singing stopped, leaving silence to hang over the area. His pussy throbbed, desperate for more touch, desperate for release, but the situation allowed Oliver to push this need aside.

“What have you done to me?” He cried, trying to get up. Having left his mind, the effect of the water was wearing off his body at last, and he could lift his neck and meekly shuffle his limbs. Oliver could hear the patter of feet on stone as the other women walked across the courtyard to his platform.

Ayu looked down at him, her expression a mix of sympathy and resolution. “We have given you a gift, Oliver,” she whispered, bending down to his level.

“A gift? You call this a gift?” he stammered, his voice echoing with the soft, feminine tone he barely recognized as his own.

“You came here will ill intent, only seeking to exploit our temple for your selfish gain.” Said Ayu. “Your technology captured us without asking, your gaze soiled our beauty, and your mouth spun lies to deceive us. Your body was rotten to the core.”

Oliver wanted to argue but couldn’t bring himself to. Was it the water holding him back? Or did he feel that she was telling the truth?

She pinched his right big toe, and he felt it, rubbing in that those little brown feet were his. “Your heavy, rough feet trod heavily on our grounds leaving dirt and filth. So we gave you smooth, delicate feet to tread light and serve with.”

She moved up his body and grasped his slender wrists. “These arms once carried tools of deceit and manipulation. Now they’re delicate and graceful, fit for offerings and dances to the gods.”

Ayu then gently touched the mounds on Oliver’s chest, which now bore the soft curves of a woman. “Your chest, which once puffed out with arrogance and pride, is now soft and nurturing, a symbol of life and caring.”

She moved up and placed her hand on his shoulder. “Your broad shoulders, burdened with selfish intent, have become soft and narrow. Only able to carry what is good and faithful.

Ayu then brushed her hand against his face. “This face once looked upon us with greed and lust. Now it’s one of our own, reflecting the serenity and beauty of our temple. A face that will show gratitude and humility.” She then nodded to one of the women standing near Oliver, who moved close and helped him sit up. After doing so, another woman held a mirror to his face.

Staring back at Oliver was not the rugged, weathered face he recognized. It was delicate, with soft almond-shaped brown eyes, high cheekbones, and full lips, framed by long, sleek black hair that cascaded down his back. His skin was flawless, with a deep tan and not a blemish in sight. The reflection showed a beautiful and delicate Balinese woman in her prime, a stark contrast to the traveler he had been.

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