

Akiko closed her eyes, concentrating with all her might. “Come on, change back,” she thought desperately. “Broad shoulders, stubble, deep voice…” As she concentrated, she felt a tingle throughout her body and a slight twitch here and there but when she opened his eyes, the mirror still showed the same gorgeous Japanese woman staring back at her. A second attempt at concentration was shattered as her phone buzzed with a new message. Reflexively, she glanced down – and felt her cheeks flush hot as she saw the salacious image her co-worker Kenji had sent. Akiko’s breath caught in her throat as she admired Kenji’s toned abs and impressive bulge barely contained by tight boxer briefs.

“No, focus!” Akiko shook her head, trying to banish the lustful thoughts. But it was too late: her traitorous new body was already responding: nipples hardening beneath her bra as a damp warmth spreading between her thighs. How had it come to this? Just yesterday, he’d been Mark Stevens, a powerful American CEO and 6’2” of pure masculine ambition. Now he was… this. A slight 5’3” of soft curves and delicate femininity.

It had started when he’d arrived in Tokyo to close a major deal. Jet-lagged and irritable, he’d been a complete ass to the cute local secretary assigned to assist him. Her name? Akiko. That night, he’d tossed and turned in his hotel room, unable to sleep. Strange visions of that secretary raced through his mind. She was like a goddess in those visions. Powerful and vengeful…

That morning he had woken up in this strange new body. Smooth skin, long silky hair, breasts straining against his now ill-fitting suit. And between his legs… Mark had nearly passed out when he reached down and felt soft, wet folds instead of his familiar equipment. Panicking, he’d called the office to say he was sick. But his new high-pitched voice had given him away. His own secretary had giggled, thinking it was a prank call, and hung up on him.

With horror, Mark realized he now perfectly resembled the secretary he’d been so rude to. Right down to her name tag – “Akiko” – which somehow felt like it belonged to him. The name stuck instantly. Then, trapped in her hotel room, Akiko had spent hours trying to change back. Praying, concentrating, even attempting to will her DNA to revert. The strange thing was that it seemed to work. If she concentrated enough, she felt herself start to change back. But this damn body refused to let her concentrate. Every time she felt the changes begin, something would distract her. The silky glide of now-stockings against her smooth legs. The unfamiliar weight of her chest as she breathed. The way her entire body tingled with sensitivity. How many times had she started to concentrate, but ended up with her fingers plunging into her folds? How many times had she came so far?

Worse, her mind was changing. Memories of board meetings and billion-dollar deals were fading, replaced by knowledge of filing systems and the perfect way to brew tea for her boss… And the perfect way to show her body to that boss and the perfect way to pleasure that boss soon afterwards. Akiko was a slut, she knew that now. And she loved it. It wasn’t just her memory either, as the world seemed to be shifting around her. Her clothes changed, as did the details of the hotel room around her. It didn’t take long for the messages to start coming either. They were from a man named Kenji, her now-colleague. A man that seemed to know her… intimately. Akiko remembered that man fucking her.  She remembered how much she enjoyed it too. Akiko jumped as her phone buzzed again. She lifted her now-pink phone up to see another message from Kenji: “Hey sexy, still on for drinks tonight? Can’t wait to see you in that little black dress ;)” She bit her lip, desire warring with his fading male identity. It would be so easy to give in, to embrace being Akiko. To let Mark Stevens fade away…

No! She had to resist. She had to keep trying concentrate… to change back. Akiko closed her eyes again, summoning every ounce of willpower. She tried to picture her old self but little came to mind. Just blackness, with any flashes of her old self quickly fading away. Like water through her fingers. It didn’t take long until this blackness was filled Kenji’s muscular arms, his chiseled jaw, his big, hard cock… She saw herself get on her knees, her pussy aching as she took that long shaft into her mouth.

Akiko’s eyes flew open with a gasp. It was no use. Her body – and increasingly, her mind – simply wanted this too much. With trembling fingers, she typed out a reply: “Can’t wait, stud. I’ll be there at 8 ;)” As she hit send, the last vestiges of Mark Stevens slipped away. She took another look at reflection, now with no baggage of an old self. There was only herself. And herself was daydreaming about the night ahead. Kenji didn’t stand a chance.

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