

The patter of my little Japanese feet still sound unfamiliar as I desperately run over the tatami flooring. Turning suddenly, I jolt down an identical-looking corridor and through yet another similar sliding door.

Then I take another left… Then another right. Then left again…

But I can’t find any sign of an exit.

And this tiny Japanese schoolgirl body already feels so tired. I feel my new soft ass hit the ground as I slump down against one of the unbreakable windows. Panting as the daylight taunts me with how close I am. Yet so far.

After that witch gave me the body of a local schoolgirl, I was told I had thirty minutes to find my way out and reclaim my manhood. Honestly, it didn’t sound too hard. But, little did I know what kind of maze awaited me in this mansion.

How long has it been now? It must be close to thirty minutes. After all, the witch said I would hear her as she got closer to claiming me. The girl I am destined to become. And my God, do I hear her now!

I hear her cute Japanese words screaming through my head. I feel her wishes and desires pulsate through my heart. I sense her urges ripple through my new sensitive body.

As I lay there, trying to will this tired little body to move, I realize it’s too late.

I feel my finger move… No. I feel her finger move. Then I feel her toes wiggle. I feel her heart beat where my heart once was. And I feel her thoughts in a mind that was mine. I feel myself vanish as she begins to live in a body that is now hers… and only hers.

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