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Hail New Korea 01

Below is part one of twelve (so far) of my subscriber exclusive Hail New Korea! caption series. Based on the original series by CuteKathy.

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the citizens of the so-called Republic of Korea, have been too willing to fight honorably, too willing to use both the ideas and political systems of the foreign menace to try and reach our aims. For decades, we have been stuck in a state of conflict with our kinsmen to the north while the imperialist dogs of the United States use Asia as their plaything. It is time for this to end, and we have just the tool to do it.

This tool is not a new kind of gun, nor is it even something as terrible as a nuclear bomb. It is not even a weapon, at least not how we would have previously conceived of one. Instead, it is a technology developed in secret by Korean patriots across South Korea. A technology that is so secret that even our supposed legitimate government in Seoul does not know of its existence. We call it nano, a self-replicating nanite that can transform a person, both body and soul, into a form of our choosing. A nanite that can live in food or water and, once ingested by a person, can spread like a virus.

I am pleased to say that nano passed its final test. A test in which a single bit of nano was placed into a large body of water and monitored. Quickly this single bit, initially representing one part per billion, soon replicated itself to represent one part per million and finally one part per one hundred thousand. From this experiment, we can conclude that the nano, placed in minute quantities in a water supply, would rapidly propagate enough to be able to infect large populations. We filled multiple bottles of water from this test supply and gave them to our operatives, who then travelled to and spread out across the west coast of the USA.

We randomly chose our first victim, with the tainted water bottle placed among others in a hotel in Los Angeles. The bottle in question found itself with James Masters, a recently graduated blonde-hair blue-eyed alpha male. A perfect specimen to see the nano in action. After drinking the water, it only took moments for the transformation to begin. James was barely able to complain about stomach pain before the transformation overtook his senses.

He rapidly lost height, going from six feet to five as his body lost muscle and softened. His skin became hairless and smooth while his ass spread wide. His thighs swelled outward, becoming firm as his swollen ass became heart-shaped. James looked down in shock to see the effect of the nano saturating and affecting his trousers, which pulled upward, showing more and more of his newly curved legs, which were now smooth and slender. His trousers settled as a pair of hot pants that squeezed his thighs and hugged his ass. Below them, a tanned, Asian skin tone rapidly spread up his legs and across his body. Soon, his blue eyes and blonde hair were gone, replaced with rich brown irises and silky black locks, as every part of his face reformed to resemble people from our proud nation. His lips softened and plumped outward as his nose developed a less distinct bridge. Fat pooled into his chest as the nano reformed his shirt into a loose, strappy red vest that revealed his developing cleavage perfectly. Finally, he became a she as his genitals sucked inwards, leaving a glistening sex that was ready for any man.

Our operatives found the new Korean woman shortly after this transformation finished. Of course, you’ll be pleased to hear her first words. Immediately she called out ‘‘Saeloun Hangug Manse!’ Or…


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