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Jakarta can be described in many ways: it is vibrant, diverse, bustling, and crowded. What it is not is an excellent destination for a vacation. While it holds its unique charms, Indonesia has much better places to spend your hard-earn vacation time.

Because of this, Matthew and his pal James only intended to stay in Jakarta for a night after arriving from America. It had now been three days since they had arrived in the capital and two days since Matthew saw James.

James had said he wanted to enjoy a drink at one of Jakarta’s many jazz bars, while Matthew had decided to stay in the hotel and sleep as their flight had proved too much for him. Matthew now wished he had gone with his friend, so he could know what happened to him and help him if he was in trouble.

Still, at first, Matthew wasn’t worried. James often drank late into the night and stayed on the bar floor or, if he got lucky, in a woman’s bed. It was only after James didn’t turn up after the second night that Matthew started to get worried. Even now, on day three of his absence, Matthew was half expecting James to knock off his door with a stupid grin on his face.


There was a knock! A knock at his door! Matthew quickly looked at the clock, seeing it was almost midnight and so much too late for a staff member to be knocking. He leapt off the armchair he had been glued to for the last couple of hours, heart thumping. Matthew tried to peer through the peephole but saw only blackness. Presumably, the lights were off in the hallway.

“James? Is that you, buddy?” Said Matthew to the door. There was no answer. Matthew turned the door handle slowly, hearing it creak open ever so slightly. His eyes widened as he pulled the door open, revealing… revealing a woman. It wasn’t James, after all.

In the doorway stood a local-looking woman. She was a reveller: wearing a stunning burgundy dress to dazzle and comfortable sneakers to dance. On her ears were large gold-coloured earrings, and on her face was a cute smile. Her skin was incredible, not in terms of tone which dark color was typical of Indonesia, but in terms of flawlessness. In fact, she was flawless in general, an absolute beauty in every respect.

“Who are you? Do you know what happened to James?” Matthew asked the mystery woman.

She just stood there, quietly smiling at him. There was something about the way she stared. It was a look he hadn’t seen many times from women before. Did she want something from him? Matthew caught her eyes momentarily but quickly looked away, their beauty intimidating him.

“Do you understand me? Why are you here? Do you know James?” He demanded.

The woman pushed herself into the room, allowing one of her small delicate hands to brush against Matthew’s arm as she went past him. Her warm, smooth palm felt good against his flesh. As she walked in, she closed the door with her foot.

Matthew couldn’t stop his gaze from becoming firmly fixed upon her perfect breasts, bouncing gently beneath the fabric of her dress, nipples straining under the tight material. His eye moved to her supple thighs and rounded ass as she passed him and walked to the center of the room. She turned around to face Matthew again and looked down at his body, still wearing that sexy smirk on her face. Matthew became intently aware of his manhood beginning to harden.

For a moment, his arousal had allowed him to forget about his friend James, but the seriousness of the matter had allowed the situation to work its way through his growing cloud of lust. Now all that remained inside his mind was a worry for his friend.

“Look, lady, if you don’t know about my friend James, then I’ll need you to leave!” Matthew said sternly.

The woman didn’t react straight away. Instead, she just seemed to be lost in thought. Finally, she said quietly: “Matthew…” Her accent was thick and unsure.

Matthew blinked, taken aback by the sound of his name coming from this strange. He asked her in a voice thick with confusion, “How do you know my name?”

The woman stayed quiet.

“I asked you a question.” Matthew’s voice was harsh in his desperation for answers. But despite his growing worry, something compelling about this woman kept him from simply showing her the door.

She began to move closer to him, her gaze soft yet intense. Matthew was drawn in by her closeness, feeling a warmth radiating off her. Her scent was exotic, alluring and sweet even though she wore no perfume.

Suddenly, her hand reached out, gently touching his cheek. The touch was electric, causing his heart to flutter in his chest. Her eyes were soft as she looked at him, her smile warm and inviting. “Matthew…” she whispered again, her voice barely more than a breath.

Something in Matthew stirred at the sound of his name spoken so intimately by this woman. His eyes never left hers. Once again, he forgot his worry about James.

“Who are you?” Matthew asked, his voice quieter now. He was softening under her gaze.

Her smile widened. “Tari,” she whispered as she moved even closer, her body pressed against his, her allure impossible to resist. “Matthew,” Tari said once more, the syllables flowing from her lips as if his name was sweet. Her soft, slender hand was on his chest now, delicately tracing a path down to his stomach.

Matthew’s heart pounded in his chest. He had wanted to tell her to leave, to let him find James in peace, but he found himself incapable of resisting the magnetic pull she exuded. She was so close that Matthew could feel her breath against his face. Then she started slowly moving closer, her soft lips gently parting as she did so.

Matthew hesitated, his rational mind still buzzing with thoughts about his missing friend, yet he closed the gap, his lips meeting hers in a passionate kiss. It was almost too much for him; the sensation of her hot mouth and the feeling of her supple tongue exploring his own sent an explosion through his senses. Intoxicated by desire, Matthew pulled Tari into a tighter embrace. She moaned softly at the contact. Her hands moved across his back, stroking every inch of skin they touched, causing Matthew’s arousal to grow steadily.

They broke their passionate kiss, both gasping for air. The fire between them wasn’t dampened, however. Instead, it grew stronger. But something else seemed to grow too. A hot flushing sensation spread across Matthew’s body, sweat appearing on his forehead.

“Wha… pa Happe.. ji to me ?” He tried to speak, but his words refused to come out correctly.

The flushed heat intensified, making Matthew’s clothing uncomfortably warm. He stepped back from Tari and noticed something strange: he was getting shorter. His eyes, previously levelling with Tari’s forehead, were now looking directly into hers. Panic rushed to his head as the sensations only seemed to worsen.

“Apa… you do to… aku?” He asked, his words getting stranger and stranger.

Sari just laughed before saying: “Selamat datang di keluarga saudari!” Matthew found himself somehow understanding her words. They meant, “Welcome to the family, sister!”

His heart raced in his chest as he became even shorter, reaching only up to Tari’s lips. His clothing felt increasingly loose and baggy. His shirt hung around him like a tent, and his pants puddled at his feet, revealing slender legs, smooth and hairless. His hands felt his back, feeling different, now sliding along a subtle curve that hadn’t been there before.

The sensations were overwhelming and surreal. Matthew’s eyes widened as he felt a new weight upon his chest. Looking down, he caught sight of breasts, modest but undeniably there, straining against the fabric of his oversized shirt. Meanwhile, his body continued to morph.

Next, he caught his face reflected in a nearby mirror. He watched his strong jawline soften, cheekbones becoming more pronounced while his eyes grew larger and darker. His brown hair lengthened, turning into a black cascade of waves past his shoulders. His transformation was a sight to behold, his masculine features fading away, replaced by feminine beauty.

“I… jadi cewek?” He said, asking if he is becoming a woman: a new language rapidly overtaking him.

Suddenly Matthew felt a snaking feeling up his legs, causing him to look down and see his new slender legs in detail. His skin was brown, hairless and smooth, his thighs were round, and his calves were thin. The snaking feeling was from his pants, which had fallen to the floor when too loose earlier. They were now moving up his legs, changing color and shape as they did.

“Uhhhh!” Matthew screamed as the hot, flushed feeling crashed hard into his crotch. So far, he hadn’t felt pain, only discomfort. But when it came to his crotch, the feeling did become painful: a sharp pain that brought something else.

The feeling became arousal. An unbearable arousal that caused Matthew’s slender brown hands to rush to his crotch. Through the silky fabric that now covered his legs, he felt his cock recede. He felt his balls retract. “O Tuhan!” He shouted, meaning oh god as he felt his pussy develop. A wetness he had never felt before growing from inside of him.

As this happened, his clothes rapidly transitioned, becoming singular as his top merged with his bottoms, rapidly becoming silky and black as a dress formed.

Tari, who was watching this all unfold, continued smiling as she watched her sister being born. “Jangan mikirin terus. Lepasin aja semuanya!” She shouted as Matthew, meaning she should just let it all go.

“Lepasin aja yang itu!?” Replied Matthew, asking what she meant for him to let go, his English gone. But he didn’t need her to answer as a new wave of sensation filled his mind.

Memories. Memories started flooding through him like a tidal wave. Memories of family, memories of home, memories of a whole new way of living. As these surged through his mind, his memories of his old life in America faded. Alongside this came a sudden unbearable sexuality. An attraction to men. To foreign men. This all came so fast that it overwhelmed Matthew had no time to react. He could only stand there in his new body as his self was flushed away.

His clothes finished changing on his body as he stood there. He was now wearing a silky black dress that went down to his ankles so as not to show any skin. But his clothes were not finished. The same black silky material started sliding up his neck, and as it did so, his new long back hair started to tie itself. The material then came to cover his head completely, tightening as it did so.

As this new hijab finished its formation, so did Matthew’s mind. His memories of his old self completely faded. The memories of his new self fully formed.

Tari asked the new girl if she was alright: “Saudariku, kau tak apa?”

“Aku gk papa.” The new girl replied, meaning she was okay.

“Namamu apa, saudariku?” Asked Tari, meaning to ask her name.

“Dewi!” She replied.

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