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IDTG VITRA: Joint Report 01

Joint Report by the Ministry of Health (Kementerian Kesehatan) and Ministry of Defence (Kementerian Pertahanan) – Republic of Indonesia

Classified – Top Secret

Subject: Virus Transformasi Indonesia (VITRA)

Executive Summary

The Ministry of Health (Kementerian Kesehatan) and Ministry of Defence (Kementerian Pertahanan) have confirmed the existence of a new virus strain, Virus Transformasi Indonesia (VITRA). This virus uniquely impacts non-Indonesian individuals (bules), inciting an extremely rapid transformation into young Indonesian women, hereafter referred to as Wanita Pembaruan (WP). Notably, the new identities often correspond to the roles or professions of the individuals’ previous lives, implying a fascinating linkage between their former and new personas.

1. Physical Transformation

VITRA provokes a rapid, thorough physical transformation within mere minutes. This process entails the metamorphosis of the entire physical appearance of the victim, converting them into a young Indonesian woman. The transformation’s sequence varies between individuals, making each case unique.

During the transformation, the skeletal structure reconfigures to match the typical physique of an Indonesian woman, with alterations in bone density and length. Accompanying this is the redistribution of muscle mass and body fat, further accentuating the feminised form.

The individual’s racial characteristics also shift, with changes in skin tone, hair colour and texture, and facial features to match those typical of Indonesian women. Simultaneously, sexual characteristics adjust accordingly. Male victims witness the retraction of male genitals, followed by the formation of female reproductive organs, while all victims observe the growth of breasts, corresponding to their new body structure.

The attire of the individual also undergoes a transformation, shifting to align with the transformed individual’s new role and identity, further accentuating the profession or role correlation observed in the transformations.

2. Mental Transformation

VITRA prompts a complete mental transformation, which runs parallel to the physical changes. Victims lose all memory of their previous identities and acquire full fluency in the Indonesian language, while losing the ability to understand or communicate in any other language. They form entirely new identities, including Indonesian names, aligned with their new physical form and societal roles.

Despite the total mental transformation, fragments of their past occasionally surface, indicating that aspects of their previous lives may be deeply embedded in their subconscious. The new identities often mirror the professions or societal roles of the victims before the transformation, presenting an intriguing continuity in their lives.

2.1. Sexual Behavioural Change

Alongside the physical and mental transformation, VITRA induces a marked shift in the sexual behaviour of the transformed individuals, now WPs. These individuals develop an uncontrollable sexual attraction towards bules, which significantly differs from the norm among native Indonesian women. This behavioural change is considered the only significant deviation from the behavioural patterns of the average Indonesian woman.

3. Transmission of VITRA

VITRA is primarily transmitted through bodily fluids, particularly during intimate contact such as kissing or sexual activities. The virus has an exceptionally short incubation period, causing immediate transformations upon infection. The newly observed sexual attraction towards bules in WPs makes the potential transmission of VITRA more likely, presenting an additional challenge in controlling the spread of the virus.

4. Secrecy of VITRA

The discovery of VITRA necessitates utmost discretion due to the potential panic it could instigate among the public and the international community. Premature exposure could provoke severe socio-economic repercussions, including the potential international quarantine of Indonesia.

5. Case Studies

The following are brief summaries of observed VITRA transformations. For detailed individual case studies, including photographs of the transformed individuals post-transformation, referred to as Wanita Pembaruan (WP).  please refer to the appendices at the end of this report.

Case 1: Australian Surfer to Balinese Surfer

An Australian professional surfer visiting Bali for a championship witnessed the transformation on the beach. Within minutes, he became a Balinese surfer, effortlessly riding the waves with a familiarity that mirrored his previous life. His surfer’s attire shifted into a locally styled swimsuit. While the surfer maintained no conscious recollection of his past life, his deep-rooted passion for surfing was evident. Furthermore, he displayed an elevated attraction towards bules, which was not characteristic of his previous self.

(Refer to Appendix A for a comprehensive case study.)

Case 2: British Chef to Indonesian Food Seller

A renowned British chef visiting Jakarta for a food festival experienced the transformation and became an Indonesian woman running a food stall in the local market. His chef’s uniform transformed into a traditional Indonesian seller’s attire, complete with a batik apron. Despite no recollection of her past life, she displayed an extraordinary talent for traditional Indonesian cooking. Interestingly, she demonstrated a flair for fusing flavors in innovative ways, hinting at her previous culinary expertise.

(Refer to Appendix B for a comprehensive case study.).

Case 3: American Diplomat to Indonesian Farmer

A prominent American diplomat recently travelled to a remote village in Indonesia for a cultural exchange program. Within hours of his arrival, he underwent the transformation and became an Indonesian woman, adopting the identity of a local farmer. The diplomat’s formal attire transformed into a traditional kebaya blouse and sarong, typically worn by Indonesian women in rural areas. This dramatic change in profession is unusual, as most transformed individuals align more closely with their former roles. Yet, the newly formed WP was found tending to the paddy fields with an inexplicable expertise in farming practices and a profound understanding of the local agricultural ecosystem. While she possessed no memories of her past life, her negotiation skills, possibly a carry-over from her former role, seemed to resurface during trade interactions in the local market.

(Refer to Appendix C for a comprehensive case study.)


The Ministries of Health and Defence are diligently working to understand the origins and potential containment measures for the VITRA virus. Until solutions are found, maintaining the confidentiality of this information is imperative. An expert team is investigating foreign nationals exhibiting unusual behaviours and implementing preventative measures as needed. The primary challenge is identifying transformed individuals (WPs) due to their behaviour and appearance aligning closely with native Indonesian women. Further research is underway to comprehend VITRA better and establish a strategic approach to managing this unprecedented situation.

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