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IDTG VITRA: Joint Report 01

Appendix B: Detailed Case Study: British Chef to Indonesian cook


This appendix offers an in-depth analysis of the transformation of a British chef into an Indonesian food seller due to the Virus Transformasi Indonesia (VITRA). This detailed case study, recorded during a food festival in Jakarta, provides significant insights into the physical, mental, and behavioural changes triggered by VITRA.

1. Introduction

The subject of this study, hereafter referred to as Subject B, was a well-known British chef visiting Jakarta for an international food festival. Subject B, 45 years old at the time of transformation, was infected with VITRA during his visit. The infection and subsequent transformation were witnessed by a local delivery driver, thereby providing a unique vantage point for a comprehensive study of VITRA’s effects.

2. Incident & Infection

Subject B was seen interacting with a local Indonesian woman, later identified as a Wanita Pembaruan (WP), at the festival. They later retreated to a secluded area where they were assumed to engage in sexual activities, leading to VITRA transmission. This incident was inadvertently observed by a local delivery driver, whose subsequent cooperation has been secured by the authorities.

3. The Transformation

Following the assumed transmission of VITRA, Subject B’s transformation took place within minutes.

4. Physical Changes

The transformation commenced with alterations to Subject B’s physical appearance, most notably his skeletal and muscular structure. His height reduced, shoulder width narrowed, and overall body shape realigned to match the typical physique of a young Indonesian woman. Simultaneously, racial characteristics such as skin tone and facial features began to change, reflecting typical Indonesian traits.

Sexual characteristics transitioned rapidly, with the emergence of female reproductive organs and breasts. Concurrently, Subject B’s attire, a chef’s uniform, morphed into traditional Indonesian seller’s attire, complete with a batik apron.

5. Mental Changes

Mental transformations occurred alongside the physical changes, with Subject B losing all memories of his previous life and acquiring the identity of an Indonesian woman. His language abilities shifted completely, losing all proficiency in English and other languages, while simultaneously gaining fluency in Indonesian.

Despite the dramatic shift in identity, Subject B retained her culinary skills, demonstrating a remarkable proficiency in traditional Indonesian cooking. This skill retention points towards VITRA’s ability to retain certain abilities from the individual’s previous life, despite eradicating personal memories and identity.

6. Behavioral Changes

Post-transformation, Subject B demonstrated a significantly increased sexual attraction towards bules. This behavioural change is deemed a characteristic feature of VITRA transformations and serves as a critical marker in identifying WP.

7. Post-Transformation

Post-transformation, Subject B has seamlessly assimilated into her new life as an Indonesian food seller, displaying an exceptional talent for traditional Indonesian cooking. Her skill in merging flavors in innovative ways alludes to her past as a renowned chef, providing a unique example of how VITRA transformations can retain and adapt skills from the individual’s former life.

8. Photographic Study

Figure 2: Subject B, post-transformation, preparing food at a local street stand at night.


The transformation of Subject B offers a unique case study of the Virus Transformasi Indonesia (VITRA). The retention of culinary skills post-transformation and the behavioural change towards bules reveal intricate aspects of VITRA’s transformative effects. This case contributes to our understanding of VITRA, shedding light on its multi-dimensional impacts. Continued examination of such transformations is crucial in our ongoing efforts to understand and manage this phenomenon.

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