
K-Pop Made Me a Korean Girlfriend

‘I can’t believe you don’t like K-Pop! It’s so good!’ Shouted Si-ha at Joshua. Si-Ha was a Korean American beauty, while Joshua was the blonde, blue-eyed White American with an athletic body that made many girls drool. You’d think the two would be a natural pairing. However, they had known each other since childhood and had so far managed to keep their friendship unsullied by a romantic connection. Somehow, however, the topic of K-Pop had not come up until now.

‘I just don’t like it, okay? It’s just a beat. There is no heart behind it. It’s all manufactured. They put out some songs for people to sing along and dance around in their living rooms… it has nothing to do with anything real.’

Si-Ha stared at him blankly as she continued playing with her hair, then suddenly said, ‘You’ve been my best friend since childhood, so I will give you another chance!’ before jumping towards the door. As he watched her leave his bedroom and go down the stairs, he thought she had no chance of changing his mind. She took a while to come back, as she must have walked down the street to her own house and come back again. She brought what looked like a CD player. It must have come from Korea, as it was covered in Korean script.

Once inside his room, she placed the CD player on his desk. ‘This is a special edition CD player that I think somehow makes K-Pop sound even better! Even though most people don’t use CDs anymore, I keep using them to listen to my music. I hope its special sound makes you like it too! So anyway, here are a couple of songs I know you will enjoy.’

Si-Ha hit the play button on the machine, and she and Joshua sat on his bed listening to it. The first song started, and instantly he hated it. He sat motionless, watching Si-Ha, who smiled widely. He didn’t want to upset his best friend and so tried hard to act like he was giving it a fair chance.

But then the music seemed to change. The same song kept going, but somehow now it sounded more melodic and far deeper than in the last few moments. It made him feel warm, almost fuzzy, in a good way.

As the first track came to an end, Si-Ha began clapping her hands together and smiling. ‘You like it?!’ She asked excitedly. But Joshua couldn’t reply because he felt something was happening inside his head. A strange sense of calm had begun to consume him. And slowly, this feeling spread throughout his body until everything became soft and floaty.

‘Actually, it made me feel pretty good,’ replied Joshua. ‘Maybe I like this music after all!’

‘Ohhh, really?’ Said Si-Ha with wide eyes and a grin. ‘Do you want to try another one?.’

Josh still felt the calm fuzziness as he replied, ‘Yeah’.

As the next song came on, a simple pop number with a nice rhythm to its tune, the floating sensation intensified as the music saturated every corner of his brain. His mind drifted away into a state of total serenity where nothing else mattered anymore except for this music that seemed to be getting louder and louder. All other thoughts faded into darkness while the music just went on and on in blissful harmony. Finally, the song stopped playing, and Joshua returned to Earth again. But he didn’t return fully: the music gripping the inside of his mind.

‘I knew you would like it,’ cried Si-Ha in triumph. ‘You looked like you really enjoyed that one!’

Joshua could only nod in agreement.

‘So, you want to hear another?’ Asked Si-Ha, who was enjoying herself immensely.

Josh wanted to listen more; it just felt too good not to hear. He went to reply with something like ‘of course’, but instead, something different came from his lips: ‘mulron!’

Si-ha’s eyes widened, and she stared at him open-mouthed. ‘What did you say?’ She asked in confusion. ‘Did you just speak Korean?’

Joshua shook his head in confusion.

‘Josh, that was definitely Korean. How can you speak Korean?!’ Shouted Si-ha in shock.

‘I don’t know, it must have come out when I heard the song…’ Replied Joshua quietly, confused by what he said. At least, that’s what Josh wanted to reply. Instead, he said: ‘naneun moreugesseo, noraereul deuleul ttae naon geot gata..’

Si-ha first gave an even more surprised look now that Josh appeared to speak perfect Korean, but then the expression changed to pure joy. ‘You’re kidding me! You sound fluent!’ She exclaimed. ‘Have you been studying in secret or something? Why didn’t you tell me? I could have helped you!’

Joshua was starting to panic. There was something seriously wrong. ‘No, no, no,’ he stammered. ‘I’ve not studied at all. I shouldn’t be able to speak…’ He stopped as he realized he was still speaking Korean. ‘I can’t stop speaking it!’ He yelled.

‘You mean… you didn’t want to speak Korean just now?’ Asked Si-Ha nervously.

Joshua strained to understand what Si-Ha was saying but found himself missing too much. ‘Neon mweol malhaneunji ihae mot hae! (I don’t understand what you are saying!)’ He shouted.

Si-ha looked panicked, ‘But I’m speaking English! How can’t you…’ She paused when she noticed his confused face and switched to Korean. ‘I was speaking English! How do you not understand that?’ She couldn’t believe she was speaking Korean to Joshua, her all-American friend. ‘Okay, don’t panic, Joshua. It must have something to do with the music I played. I’m sure we can fix this by… What the hell are you doing!?’

Joshua was stripping his clothes off right in front of her. ‘It’s so hot in here!’ he barked. ‘I can’t take it!’

Si-Ha looked horrified, ‘No, stop! Don’t take any more of your clothes… Oh boy…’ She trailed off as he removed his trousers and shirt, leaving him wearing only his underwear. Seeing him strip off this way caused a flutter down below. How could she help it? Sure, Joshua was her best friend, but that didn’t mean she hadn’t thought about his body from time to time. However, It wasn’t what she expected now that she saw it.

Joshua had some muscle, sure, but not nearly as much as she thought. And his body was hairless too, which was odd as she always thought she had seen hints of manly hair before. But what caught her attention more than anything was his pale skin. Joshua was as pale as any of the K-Pop stars she adored. His body transfixed her momentarily before being pulled back to reality as Joshua slid his underwear off. ‘No! Stop!’ she screamed, but it was too late.

Joshua’s cock sprung outwards and pointed directly at Si-Ha. She stared at it for a moment in shock. It was small. Very small.

‘What…’ Joshua moaned in a strangely feminine way while looking down at his pathetic little member. ‘What’s happened to it?’

Si-Ha just stared at him. She couldn’t believe how tiny it was. She shouldn’t be shocked, and she shouldn’t even care. He was her friend, not her boyfriend.

‘Oh god, why do I feel this way?’ He cried out.

‘What way?’ She asked, confused.

‘I feel like I am going to explode!’ He looked down at his cock, and Si-Ha’s eyes followed. Was his cock even smaller than a moment ago?

‘What are you…’ But Si-Ha was silenced as Joshua grabbed her hand and brought it to his tiny cock.

‘Help me cum! Please!’ He pleaded.

Si-Ha’s eyes opened wide with shock as she touched the tip of his dick. She couldn’t believe what she was doing, touching her best friend like this. But she couldn’t help it; the sight of his cock, even if tiny, turned her on. She had even fantasized about it before, even if the proportions were not exactly what she had imagined. She quickly moved her hand over to his shaft and wrapped her fingers around it.

‘Oh god, yes!’ Cried Joshua as she began jerking him off. Her touch felt so good, so pleasurable that he could see how he wouldn’t last long now. ‘Please keep going!’ He begged.

Si-Ha just nodded and continued jerking him off. She couldn’t quite accept what she was doing to her friend and so looked away as she did it. As she did, she felt her hand travel less and less as the cock continued to shrink inwards. Soon she felt something familiar… and wet. It felt like a pussy. She felt her vision go back to his cock, but no cock was to be found. Now there was a pussy, albeit one with a particularly large clit. Joshua now had a pussy that glistened with his new juices: juices that were now on her fingers.

Si-Ha watched as the clit shrunk to a much more normal size.

‘Please don’t stop…’ Moaned Joshua very femininely.

Si-Ha looked up from Joshua’s genitals and cried out: ‘Oh fuck no!’

His body was now slender and thin, almost delicate, like a girl’s. His arms were now feminine and delicate, and his legs slim and shapely. His chest had expanded as well, featuring boobs, albeit small ones. And his hips had become wider and fuller,  alongside feminine legs and ass. This dramatic change to his body was shocking enough, but what she saw in his face shocked her the most.

Asian. That was the only word Si-Ha could use to describe him. With his long black hair, dark brown eyes, and most beautiful Asian features, he could no longer be described as Caucasian. He was now a full-blown Korean. And not exactly a male one, either.

‘You’re a woman! A Korean woman!’ She cried in horror.

‘Whatever! I just need to cum! Go back to my cock!’ Replied Josh, seemingly not hearing her. He grabbed her hand once more, and Si-Ha felt the smooth skin of his delicate fingers as her hand was forced back down to his pussy. Her fingers brushed against his clit. ‘So close! Please!’ He cried.

‘No! We need to stop!’ Screamed Si-Ha.

‘Just give me one more minute! Pleeease!’

‘I can’t!’ She yelled. ‘How can you not see that this is wrong!’

‘Just let me cum!’ He cried, grabbing at Si-Ha’s hand again. She pulled away, and so instead, his fingers began working at his new pussy.

 Si-Ha saw a familiar sight as Josh moaned out: ‘Oh god! Yes! Yes!’ His delicate feet pointed, and his slender toes curled as he pushed harder and harder into himself. He was going to climax at any moment.

‘Stop it now! Stop it!’ Screamed Si-Ha, but it was too late.

‘Oh fuck, yeeeeeeees!’ Joshua screamed in a very feminine way as he climaxed. After a few moments of contractions, he slumped back onto the bed. But he was unrecognizable. Everything about him was now that of a beautiful young Korean woman. He had breasts, a narrow waist, and a full round ass. His hand and feet were petite, and his legs and arms were slender. His skin had a pale complexion with a slight Asian hue, while his face was soft and feminine. With big, beautiful brown Asian eyes and flowing, straight black hair. His new pussy glistened with juices, as did his fingers.

Si-Ha stared in horror at her friend, her best friend, lying naked in front of her: in the afterglow of an orgasm he should never have been able to achieve. ‘Josh? Is that still you?’

‘Yeah… it’s me. I think.’ He said in confusion.

Si-Ha’s heart thumped wildly in her chest. She didn’t know what to do. Part of her wanted to run out of the room, part wanted to scream, and yet another wanted to burst into tears.

‘Are you alright?‘ Asked Joshua softly in his soft Korean voice, rubbing his hands through his new thick hair.

Si-Ha couldn’t answer. All she could do was stare. Was she really still staring at her best friend? She felt a tear roll down her cheek, and she quickly wiped it away. Then she got the courage to speak. ‘I should get you cleaned up in case someone comes to check on the noise we have been making.’ She told him, standing up and walking towards the door.

‘No! It’s your turn!’ Said the new Joshua as he stood up and leaned into Si-ha, pushing his lips into hers.

She gasped at his sudden kiss. She had never kissed anyone before, let alone a guy. But was he still a guy? She felt Joshua’s soft, plump lips against her and couldn’t help but like it. The kiss felt nice. So she returned it. Soon they were kissing passionately, their tongues dancing together. They broke apart for air and stared into each other’s eyes. ‘I want you,’ whispered Josh. ‘I’ve always wanted you…’

The words hit Si-Ha like a bolt of lightning. She had always felt the same. She had always wanted Joshua, even if she had never dreamt of risking their friendship by acting on her feelings. Was now the time? After what had just happened, surely not. She took a deep breath and hugged Josh tightly, feeling his naked breasts press against hers.

‘Maybe I want you too! But not like this… We need to return you to normal, and then we can talk about it.’ She said before walking away and picking up the CD player again. ‘Maybe the effects will wear off if I play more music.’

Joshua smiled at her, a pretty Korean smile, before saying: ‘let’s try it!’ Joshua was sure it wouldn’t work, but he strongly desired to listen to the music again and feel that calming feeling again.

Si-Ha gingerly pressed the play button, launching the next track. It was slower, more harmonious; the gentle strums of a guitar melded with a soulful voice, evoking a distinct feeling of serenity and calm. The resonance of the music flowed into the room, enveloping them both in its sweet melodies. Joshua felt another wave of calm wash over him. He did not transform back, however.

Instead, his memories began to blur at the edges. His mind became blurrier and blurrier before sharpening back into clarity, every thought taking on a new Korean aspect. His past as an American college student named Joshua seemed to dissolve, replaced with a new narrative. He became Ji-Yoo, a Korean woman with a history, a personality, and a life.

Unlike what came before, this metamorphosis was not physical but rather a reorganization of thought, identity, and memory. The music built a new reality brick by brick, each new mental construct representing a new version of himself. Joshua’s past experiences and sense of self began to dissipate, overtaken by a flood of memories that were initially foreign and then very familiar. Moments of Ji-Yoo’s past life flashed before her eyes: giggles shared over bowls of kimchi stew, countless hours singing her heart out in karaoke rooms, and her mother’s tender touch. Ji-Yoo felt a pang of longing for her mother, voice, and smile: a woman she’d never met before today, yet now missed dearly.

She opened her eyes and saw Si-Ha before her. Si-Ha, her best friend? No, she was her girlfriend. The memory of their relationship was clear: their first date at a small café in Seoul, how Si-Ha’s eyes sparkled when she laughed, and their shared kisses. Ji-Yoo reached out to touch Si-Ha’s face, a warm smile blossoming on her face.

‘Si-Ha, my love,’ she said, her Korean now soft and tender.

‘Joshua, no! We’re just friends!’ Si-Ha’s voice was shaky, confused, and desperate. ‘I don’t want you like this! I want Joshua back.’

‘No need to worry, my love. You need help remembering!’ Ji-Yoo replied confidently, gesturing towards the CD player. ‘This will solve everything.’

‘Wait! No!’ Cried Si-Ha, moving to grab the CD player. But Ji-Yoo had already pressed play before she could stop her causing the next track, a dance-pop number, to start. ‘Stop…’ Started Si-Ha, but she trailed off as the beats filled the room, causing a calm to wash over her. Just like with Joshua, memories started reshaping and twisting. Joshua who? Ji-Yoo had always been Ji-Yoo, and had always been her girlfriend. Her panic vanished as a comforting familiarity took over her.

Suddenly Si-Ha pulled Ji-Yoo into a tight hug. ‘Ji-Yoo, what were we doing? Why are you naked? And why do I feel like I am missing something?’

Ji-Yoo kissed her girlfriend passionately. ‘We’re just two girls having fun! Nothing to worry about, my love. You have everything you need right here with me’

‘Well, I’d better get you dressed. What would happen if my parents found out I was dating you?’

Si-Ha grabbed some clothes from her drawers and handed them to Ji-Yoo, who she knew was a similar size to her. After Ji-Yoo put on the clothes, the pair, now girlfriends, lay together on the bed, K-Pop music forming a comforting background to their whispered conversations and laughter.

It wasn’t too long until they found themselves hot and bothered: Ji-Yoo’s clothes coming off once again, alongside Si-Ha’s, as they began to make passionate love. The music that had transformed their world still played in the background, but they ignored it as their tongues met.

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