
“I never should have agreed to this!” You think to yourself as you carefully apply nail polish. When you agreed to your company’s feminisation program, you thought it would be an easy way to add an extra 15% to your paycheck. But you never read the small print and didn’t realise that just having a female body wasn’t enough. They told you, you need to ‘perform’ as a woman as well. So first, you had to wear a skirt and show off your legs. Second, they insisted you start wearing heels and show off your ass. Now they are demanding that you wear nail polish and makeup.

You want to tell them to go fuck themselves and get your old body back, but instead, you have to return to the small print again. Ending the program early means you’d have to compensate for 100% of the procedure costs, which sits at a cool 50k. You can’t afford that, especially if they take away your 15% raise.So you accept your fate and continue to paint your nails, hoping their following demands aren’t unreasonable. You’ve seen how your boss stares at you as you walk by his office. You can only imagine what he is thinking. Maybe you should be worried about your thoughts instead; they did tell you that your new body could influence your mind. For example, was your boss starting to look a little more handsome to you? “Oh god!” you say to yourself. You feel a slight flutter down below.

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