Neo’s Chinese girlfriend Mei invited him over to her apartment to celebrate Chinese New Year with a hot pot dinner. Neo eagerly accepted, looking forward to spending the holiday with his girlfriend. When he arrived, the savory aroma of simmering broth greeted him at the door. Mei welcomed him with a kiss on the cheek. “Xin Nian Kuai Le!” Mei said cheerfully, ushering Neo inside. “So glad you could join me.”
Neo grinned as he slipped off his shoes. “Wouldn’t miss it for the world, babe. Something smells amazing!” In the kitchen, a large pot of broth bubbled on a portable gas stove, surrounded by plates piled high with thin-sliced meat, vegetables, tofu, and noodles. Mei gestured for Neo to take a seat at the table.
“You’re in for a treat,” she said with a smile. “This is my family’s secret recipe, passed down for generations. It’s full of special ingredients to bring luck and prosperity in the new year.” Mei handed Neo a pair of chopsticks and they began adding ingredients to the simmering broth. The combination of flavors was incredible – savory, spicy, and complex.
“Wow Mei, this is delicious!” he exclaimed. “What’s your secret?” Mei just smiled mysteriously and took a sip of her tea. As the meal progressed, Neo began to feel a bit strange: warm and tingly all over. He loosened his collar, face flushed. “Is it getting hot in here?” he asked, fanning himself. His voice sounded higher pitched than usual.
Mei set down her chopsticks and regarded Neo with an inscrutable expression. “Actually, there’s something I need to tell you, Neo. I’ve been feeling so homesick lately, missing China and my family. I realized that what I really want…is a Chinese partner to share my culture with. Someone who understands me on a deeper level.”
Neo blinked in confusion, a sinking feeling in his stomach. “Wh-what are you saying, Mei? But I’m your boyfriend…” He trailed off as he glanced down at his hands. The skin was turning a golden hue before his eyes, becoming smoother and more delicate. He touched his face in shock, feeling the bones shifting subtly with a soft crunch crunch sound. Across the table, Mei nodded in satisfaction. Neo opened his mouth to protest but all that came out was a stuttering mix of English and Mandarin. “Mei, what…Ni gan shen me? What you… do to me?”
He gasped as his body began to change more rapidly. Shoulders narrowed and curved inward as his waist crushed inwards. Hips widened and thighs thickened, giving him a decidedly feminine silhouette. Soft boobs swelled from his chest, sensitive nipples pushing against the fabric as they grew into pert handfuls. Further down, his cock and balls shriveled and disappeared with a slurping sound, replaced by a warm, moist cleft: a tight Chinese pussy. Neo whimpered at the foreign sensation, thighs pressing together. “Bu yao, please Mei, stop this…” he begged, voice turning breathy and feminine. “Wo I’m not…nü hai…” (girl)
But Mei just smiled and reached out to stroke Neo’s now smooth cheek. “Shh, don’t fight it mei nü (beautiful girl). This is for the best. Soon you’ll understand.”
Neo shuddered as silky black hair sprouted from his scalp and tumbled down his back with a soft whoosh. Tears pricked at the corners of his eyes, which had reshaped into an almond shape. He shook his head frantically as English was replaced entirely by fluid Mandarin. “Bu yao, bu shi zhe yang de!” (No, not like this!) Neo sobbed, voice now indistinguishable from a native Chinese woman’s. “Wo bu xiang cheng wei nü ren!” (I don’t want to become a woman!)
But even as the words left Neo’s plump, bee-stung lips, he could feel his old identity shifting and changing, but not disappearing. All his memories remained, but now from a new perspective… As if he had always been a woman. Mei’s destined partner. Mei pulled her transformed girlfriend into a comforting embrace, stroking her long hair soothingly. “Mei shi la, qin ai de. Wo ai ni.” (It’s alright, my dear. I love you.) Mei then captured Neo’s lips in a kiss, he found himself responding eagerly, melting into the embrace. It felt so natural, so right. Neo moaned into Mei’s mouth as he felt a gush of wetness from his new pussy, soaking his underwear. He was so turned on, so needy for his girlfriend’s touch.
“Wo ai ni,” Neo whispered when they finally broke apart, gazing at Mei with adoring eyes. (I love you). “Xin Nian Kuai Le, wo de ai ren.” (Happy New Year, my love.)
Mei smiled and locked fingers with Neo. “Wo ye ai ni. Yong yuan.” (I love you too. Always.) Hand in hand, the two women cleared away the hot pot dishes, chatting and giggling in rapid Mandarin. Neo couldn’t imagine being anything other than what she was now: a beautiful Chinese woman deeply in love with her amazing girlfriend. As the night wore on, they curled up together on the couch, feeding each other fruit and watching the CCTV New Year’s Gala. They didn’t watch for long however, as they were soon exploring each other bodies…

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