
Now Streaming in Thailand

Day One

Hello to the three people watching my stream. It’s Carl again. I know that I have been trying hard to get my subscriber count up and so far, haven’t had much luck. However, today is a special day. Today is the day where I am going to start my journey to make it big! A few days ago, I was contacted by a company called ‘New Horizons’ that promised to make me a star and, based on the reviews, it seems to get results. I accepted their offer, and they said today was the day to start. It’s a thirty-day program, so I should be famous in a month, right? If only!

The weird thing is that they sent me audio to listen to when I sleep, that’s right, during my sleep! I also got to take some medicine which seems really strange… but they are the experts, so I think I am just going to do what they say. The company is based in Asia but they sent me this stuff to my home in New York really quick.

Shows medicine to the screen

So, I need to take two of these every day.

Shows MP3 player and headphones to the screen

And there are preloaded tracks I need to listen to every night.

They promise that my audience should grow straight away, so I’m excited to see where it is tomorrow.

Day Four

Wow, so I already have fifty people watching! New Horizon must really know their stuff! To those who don’t know already, I said in yesterday’s stream that I would start taking special pills last night. They seemed fine but I don’t feel anything different than usual, except perhaps a little drowsy.

I also listened to one of those tracks when I went to sleep. Weirdly the tracks aren’t even in English! I’m not sure what language it is. Weird huh? But if my viewers keep going up then I’ll keep doing it. I mean, what’s the worst that can happen?

Day Seven

I can’t believe my subscribers are already at five hundred! That’s an incredible number for someone like me. How does New Horizon do it? I guess I should also thank you guys. It feels great knowing that you all care about what I have to say. It’s weird though, has my hair always been this long? I feel like my face looks a little different also… Maybe the pills are making my skin and hair better? I guess it’s good to look better on camera!

Also, I still don’t know what language I am listening to when I sleep but some of the words keep popping into my head. Words like ‘เพศ‘ and ‘หี‘. Like I’ve got no idea what they or even if I am saying them correctly, but I can’t stop thinking them.

Well, it probably doesn’t matter, especially as those audios are so addicting anyway. No wonder they get stuck is my head. See you next time guys!

Day Nine

โอ้พระเจ้า! I mean… Oh my god! There are over two thousands of you watching now. Hopefully this growth isn’t going to slow down!

The people from New Horizons said that they’d be sending me more pills and other stuff… but look at my face now. What do you guys think? Do I look different? Do I look a little bit like a girl now? I mean it’s not just the hair, right? My face looks different too! I’m not so sure I like it.

Checks screen

You guys are so sweet! ขอบคุณ! I mean thank you! I feel happy that you guys think I look great. But maybe I will contact New Horizon and see what they say. I also don’t like these words in my head, maybe there was a mistake, and they should switch me to English audio while I sleep?

Day Fourteen

Look at me! What’s happened to me? My hair and my eyes have completely changed color! And my hair is long now too. Now I really look like a girl. This isn’t what I wanted. It’s not just my face either! My body is changing too.

I received the new stuff from New Horizon and it’s the same pills plus some clothes. Women’s clothes! Do they really expect me to wear these?

Shows clothes to screen

New Horizon told me that if I stop taking the medicine and stop listening to the audio, then my viewers will immediately revert to what I had before. I am so happy that there are… ten thousand of you! โอ้พระเจ้า! I mean Oh my god!

Checks screen

But all of you are all saying how good I look. I feel so… สับสน. No, that’s not the word. I mean…

Checks screen

Yes, that’s the word! Confused! I mean confused! How did I forget that?

โอ้ เชี่ยเอ้ย! What should I do?

Day Sixteen

ยินดีต้อนรับ! เป็นไง?

My old clothes no fit anymore, so I had to wear one clothes that New Horizon send me. I choose the one that looked like my old clothes. You like? I still feel strange but somehow, I feel calm too. Also, I notice there are fifty thousand of you watching now! Amazing!

Checks screen

You all say I look good. So sweet! I see some want me to wear my girly clothes, I’m not sure…

I try sleep without audio but could not sleep without. After listening I feel better, more calm. New Horizon send me more pills to take and after listen I decide to take them. I start to really enjoy audio and ask if I can listen when not sleep. They say yes!


Day Seventeen

ยินดีต้อนรับ! เป็นไง?

Same clothes today, sorry I no want wear other clothes yet. Do you guys see my new hair? I woke up like it! So dark but I think I like.

Checks screen

ขอบคุณ! I see หนึ่งแสน people watching! I mean… Help me, how say?

Checks screen

ขอบคุณ! One hundred thousand, that what I mean! And I see that many want me change clothes. Well, New Horizon say I need reward viewer more. And for one hundred thousand…

Turns off the camera

Turns on the camera

How do I look?

Checks screen

ขอบคุณ! I not know I can look so good!

Day Twenty

Look at my face! It สวย… I mean beautiful! I feel calm and my mind clear. The pill work!

New Horizon say I need new name. No call Carl anymore. I hear name หยาดทิพย์ in my mind, so I use that now. They also tell me that most viewer are in Thailand. So, I must change focus there.

They also send me this. Do you want me to use this?

Shows makeup to the screen

Okay, looks like many want me use it. Let’s do it on stream now.

Puts on makeup

I so happy! I never feel so beautiful before.


Day Twenty-Five

Hi guys. How are you today? My name is legally Yardthip now. New Horizon sorted that for me! Thank you for watching my stream, all eight hundred thousand of you!

You all say I look good! And I must say I feel good! I am looking forward to growing bigger and bigger! I hope you will continue to watch my stream and follow my journey. Thank you everyone!

Checks screen

Why am I using Thai now? Because English is hard haha! Also, most of my viewers are Thai, so why not?

Day Thirty

Carl? Who’s that? And whaaaat? I’m at one million subscribers? Wow! I’m so happy and proud! I love you guys so much!

Checks screen

Am I American? Ha! No, I’m Thai! How could I be American when I don’t even speak English? I’m only visiting New York for a few weeks. Then I will go back to Thailand. Can’t wait to be home to be honest…

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