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Operation Samsara 01

Operation Samsara Field Report

Report #:UK00006
To:Special Operations High Command
From:Indian Operational Command (IOC) UK
Subject:Field Test of HPTF

We at Indian Operational Command UK are pleased with your decision to select the UK as our focus for phase one of the operation. The historical arguments may not have been the most practical but we agree with high command that ‘colonizing the colonizers’ would be poetic to say the least.

This report concerns our recent test of our transformation field. For this test we decided to take on a strong anti-Indian element in England. The four women you see in the attached photograph are in fact the leadership of the English Brotherhood, the UK’s largest white nationalist group. Or should I say they were part of that group. This test is the first of use of a HPTF outside of laboratory conditions.

We posed as a media company seeking an interview to get them to premises we controlled. When they arrived we observed they consisted of three men and one woman, all of which were white. We told them to wait for the scheduled interview time and then activated a high-powered transformation field (HPTF) that was directed at the room they were in. This was mixed with Bollywood-style music (Please check this report’s appendix to see the exact details of the HPTF and music used).

First, predictably, the group started demanding we turn of the music, using prerogatives such as ‘paki-music’ to do so. Of course it was already too late for them as the field had completely taken effect. The woman was the first to begin dancing to the music and when queried about why she was doing this by the men, her mind showed strong signs that it was already transitioning. She replied in a thick Indian accent that she liked this music and couldn’t resist dancing to it. The other three members of the group began dancing before they could respond to this.

Unfortunately after this time, all verbal communication ceased and so it’s hard to gauge how quickly the mental changes proceeded. We know from previous tests that after the dancing begins that it it usually only minutes before a complete mental transition.

We had chosen to make them forget their language and previous selves completely for this test and usually this adds only one minute to the mental transition time. We have no reason to believe it was any different during this field test.

The reforming of their bodies also seemed to follow the usual pattern seen in the laboratory. The woman had the quickest transformation, due to there being no need to change sexual characteristics. First the woman’s skin became very dark, while her hair turned black and her eyes became a deep brown. While this happened her facial features reformed into that of a traditional Indian woman.

The three male members were slower as they all had to shift to female forms. They followed the same pattern as the woman while also experiencing changes in their bone structure and in both muscle and fat distributions. It did not take very long for their bodies to be appear as completely female. I can confirm that genital reformation must have occurred alongside the other changes, although this was obscured by the subject’s clothing. We have no reason to believe their genital changes were any different to what we have seen before in the lab however.

Overall the transformation took approximately 5 minutes for the woman and 10 minutes for the men. We have provided the new Indians with clothing and shall send them back to the homeland for a complete analysis. We can confirm immediately that all traces of their previous lives were purged, alongside any knowledge of Britain or English. The test group are now just happy Hindi-speaking women, which a strong love their their country and gods. Based on the results of this test, we are happy to say that we believe the transformation field to be ready for use in the UK and foresee no difficulties in using them for Operation Samsara.

We await the completed test results of our mass-hypnosis cultural adjusters (MHCA). I will report the result of this test in my next report. If you accept the findings of this report and the next report satisfactory, then we are looking forward to enacting Operation Samsara here in the UK within the next few months.

I personally picked out the new Indians’ clothing. I hope you are pleased with my choices.
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