
The Price of Modesty

Walking down a side street, far from the usual tourist traps, he found himself walking past a young couple. The man was well-dressed and looked influential. He has the aura of a politician about him. On his arm was a woman, presumably his wife. She dressed modestly, her head wrapped in a colorful hijab. Still, even with these modest clothes, Lewis could tell she was beautiful. He wondered about her beauty to himself while she tripped on and caught her clothes on tools that a workman had carelessly left out.

Before Lewis knew what was happening, she fell forward and tore the clothes, revealing much of her beauty. As modest as she was, she didn’t wear undergarments, and her smooth and shapely form was for all to see. The man cursed in Indonesia before taking his shirt off to cover her up. It was while he did this that he noticed Lewis’s gawking.

Lewis didn’t mean to stare but was so shocked about the events that occurred that he couldn’t help but do so. It didn’t help that the woman was stunning. The man moved towards Lewis and started shouting in good English: “You dare stare at my woman? And you dare defile her modesty with your gaze?”

Lewis’s face turned scarlet. He had been caught red-handed: “I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to…”

The man cut him off, “You could have looked away, Bule! But I see you are so desperate to see beautiful women… Let me make it much easier for you!”

“I really am sor…” Lewis started apologizing again, but the man cut him off by blowing a strange powder into his face. “What the fuck did you just do!?” Lewis cried as the powder burnt his skin and forced its way into Lewis’s body. “Oh god! It fucking burns! Did you poison me!?”

“Don’t worry, Bule, it wasn’t poison. And won’t hurt for long…”

“W-What won’t hurt… for lama.” Lewis’s words came out strained as Lewis’s heart began to pound, and his blood seemed to boil.

“Iku, meresa very weirdeh.” His tongue tripped over itself as he formed stranger and stranger words. New words that Lewis has spent long enough in Indonesia to recognize as Indonesian.

“Aku tidak bisa talk word-word lnggris.” New words seemed to settle on Lewis’s tongue, which flowed effortlessly from his lips as a new language assaulted his mind.

“Bapak, please berhenti!” Lewis cried, begging the man to stop this, who laughed in reply.

“Mengapa Saya harus berhenti ini?” The man said with a twisted grin, asking why he should stop.

Lewis couldn’t believe what was happening. He racked his brain for English, but none came. Lewis now thought in Indonesian, just like he had in English a moment ago. Lewis stood there, trying to will English back into his mind, until he felt a powerful vibration spread across his body. Every part of him, from the top of his head to the tip of his toes, was saturated by this vibration.

It was a wave of sudden, powerful changes. Inches fell off his height rapidly while his head was filled with endless crunches and cracks as every part of him changed proportions. His waist pushed inwards while mass collected on his chest and ass. Mass vanished off other parts of Lewis’s body, which, alongside shifting bones, made him look very feminine. Black hair fell down his slender back, and his skin became darker as his face morphed into a form indistinguishable from any of the local girls. Lewis’s male clothes fell loose around his body, revealing his new body to the world. It was entirely female, other than the genitals that sat between his wide hips and round thighs.

“Oh god!” Lewis then cried out in Indonesian, followed by a powerful and feminine moan as his cock suddenly exploded with cum. It wasn’t quite an orgasm; instead, it was like his body was expelling something. The cum kept coming and coming, becoming increasingly painful as more came out than should have been possible. His balls seemed to deflate as he released these fluids, and each explosion caused his cock to suck inwards into his body. Soon his balls had wholly deflated, and his cock had become a tiny nub.

“Fuck!” Lewis cried as he felt the skin on his crotch separate, revealing new lips that glistened with wetness where he had never felt wet before. He felt his new wet pussy become exposed to the air.

The sight of Lewis’s naked female form caused the man to laugh before shouting: “Men can gawk at you now!”

The woman, who had watched Lewis’s transformation in silence up to this point, walked up to her man and whispered something into his ear. Whatever she said made the man grin widely.

“Yes, my wife, you are right. I can’t have your maid flaunt her body this way.” Lewis was embarrassed by his nakedness but flushed much harder at hearing what the man called him. His wife’s maid?

“I am not your wife’s maid!” Lewis shouted at him, but he simply smiled and gestured at his wife, who took this as a cue to speak.

“Mina!” She shouted at Lewis. “Remember who you are, Mina!”

Lewis heard the name, and his eyes opened wide. Suddenly, a new voice started speaking in his mind. It started alongside Lewis’s thoughts but grew louder and louder as Lewis felt himself become quieter and quieter.

Mina’s voice slowly washed his sense of self away.

He was a she. And she was an Indonesian she… An Indonesian she who was a proud Muslim… A proud Muslim named Mina. Memories flooded her. She saw herself growing up near this street. She saw herself struggle at school in Indonesia. She saw herself lusting over boys and repenting for these feelings. She saw herself struggle to get a job… that was until she was given this job as a maid. It was a low-paying job, but the couple treated her well and let her stay on their property. She was happy there, serving her mistress.

“Mina! Follow me! We need to get some new clothes for both of us! Mina snapped out of her thoughts as her mistress’s voice woke her.

“Quick! Before any men see us!” Mina cried as she ran to her mistress and into her new life.

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