

Aiya! I can’t stop drinking these things!

It started after I first came to China and was offered a free sample while shopping. I took one sip of the sweet drink, and it hooked me. After that, I couldn’t stop buying them and greedily gulping them down. I know they are bad for me! I know what they are doing to my body! But I just can’t stop!

The changes started slowly at first. So, initially, I thought I was only losing a little weight. Something I thought was due to my body adjusting to my new environment. But then I noticed I was growing tits! The worst thing is that I know the shop owner is aware of what he is doing to me. He smiles sinisterly at me as I enter his shop daily and order the drink; he has even started to call me meinu, or beautiful lady, and seems to enjoy the pained look on my face when I hear him say that.

But is he wrong to say that? Since noticing my growing tits, I have watched my body change rapidly. My skin developed an Asian skin tone, and I developed curves in feminine places as my muscle mass nosedived. My face lost all traces of my family as I developed Asian features. Anyone who saw me today would see a beautiful young Chinese woman, not the foreign man I used to be.

The drink is even affecting my mind. I can’t bear to leave the house without pretty clothes or make-up now, and speaking Chinese with the locals is getting easier and easier. Just yesterday, I found myself thinking in Chinese and had to force myself to go back to English. A language I find harder and harder to use every day.

I’m worried that I will lose myself if I keep this up. Will I forget English completely? Will I forget the man I once was? Am I doomed to become a pretty little Chinese woman? I wish I could stop, but I just can’t. No matter how hard I fight, I always order it again. I always gulp it down. I always change some more…

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