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The Birth of the Empress

Oliver was your regular British guy. He liked his tea with biscuits alongside football and cars. Oliver also enjoyed going out with friends as much as possible to go shopping or chill in the park. Oliver had blond hair and blue eyes and was 5’11” with a toned and tanned body from all the sports he played on the weekends. He worked in sales for a large supplier. His boss often joked that their company would have already been bankrupted at least five times if it weren’t for him.

Oliver lived alone and usually came home late after work, sometimes as late as 2 am. Once he got home, he usually just quickly made himself something to eat and then took a quick shower before sliding into bed. Then, after waking up the next day, he’d go straight to work like usual. Today, however, was different. At first, Oliver came home from work to find his house much the same as usual. It wasn’t until he got into his bedroom after showering that he noticed a strange package on the floor in the center of the room. It definitely wasn’t something Oliver had bought. In fact, he had bought the house fully furnished and not bought a single thing bar food and clothes since he moved in there.

It was a simple cardboard package with no markers bar Oliver’s address printed on the top, and it was fairly large, about the size of a suitcase. It would not have been strange for Oliver to find such a thing outside the front door, but it was inside his bedroom instead. Did the delivery guy decide to waltz inside his property? Or did the person who delivered it think it was too precious to leave outside? Either way, this was very odd behaviour from a delivery driver. Oliver picked it up and felt it in his hands. It was pretty hefty and felt like a solid object inside. As he held it, he began to feel uneasy, like there was something kind of strange aura coming from the package. He shook off this feeling and decided to open it. He grabbed a pen he had lying on his bedside table and used it to pierce the tape around the box. He pulled the package open and peered inside.

Inside was a highly decorative oriental box. It was circular and made of dark ebony that had been engraved with ornate carvings and painted red. It looked ancient while also being in excellent condition. Oliver put this beautiful box down on a couch he had next to his bed, discarding the cardboard box, and thought about what to do next. It was a strange thing to find in your bedroom after work. It was also quite expensive-looking, possibly an antique. He paused for a moment, pondering what to do while staring at the package before finally letting his curiosity overwhelm him. He reached down and tugged at the lid, which began to come away. It required a surprising amount of force to lift the lid all the way off. Oliver peered inside to find a set of black lingerie meant for a slender, elegant woman. The set consisted of a black silk corset and black silk panties. Alongside this was a simple note made from old, thin calligraphy paper. He picked up the message and examined it.

Written on the paper were just four Chinese characters. Oliver only spoke English yet found his eyes pass over these letters with growing comprehension. First, he found the sounds for each character passing out of his lips. “Nin Shi Huanghou.” Then he saw the meaning enter his mind. “You are the Empress.” Finally, the aura he felt from the box earlier seemed to grow in intensity, becoming unbearable before forcing its way inside him. This force took the form of a torrent of powerful energy that saturated his entire body. It washed through him rapidly, and he couldn’t stop it. The characters from the note were going round and round his mind. The note fell to the ground as his arms fell to his sides, limp. He just stood there staring at the lingerie and heard the “Nin Shi Huanghou” echo through him repeatedly. Soon he couldn’t tell if these words were coming from the aura or were his own thoughts as the words got more and more powerful. So powerful that they were exploding like fireworks in his mind.

The torrent filled every inch of Oliver’s body, from the tips of his toes to the edge of his scalp. His body then began to shift and change. First, his skin went from a white-guy-in-the-sun tone to a pale, perfect complexion with a slight yellow hue. This ideal, almost hairless skin then seemed to tighten around him as his body became slenderer. Every part of his body became thinner and more elegant, taking on female proportions. His feet became small and delicate, while his hands became slender and feminine. His arms and legs also became slender and feminine, with his hips becoming more pronounced and his waist narrowing causing him to have a curvy look. At the same time, his shoulders narrowed, and his chest grew larger. Larger in distinctly feminine pattern as his breasts grew and his nipples widened; boobs quickly swelling outwards.

His face then began to change. It became smaller to match his new elegant build as each feature morphed into a distinctly Asian type. His eyes became almond-shaped while his iris changed to a beautiful brown. His nose shrank, and his lips plumped outwards, finishing his sensual and exotic look. His eyelashes also grew thicker and longer. His blonde hair matched this by rapidly turning black and growing in volume and length.

The torrent of energy now seemed to calm down inside of him, but it had changed him from inside and out. His new brown Asian eyes observed his beautiful new form, still stuck in Oliver’s ugly old male clothes. He reached down with her new petite hands and picked up the lingerie, feeling the silk with her fingers. Oliver now knew that it was meant for him. He began to release his body from their ugly male prison: first revealing new smooth and long legs that would draw the eye of any man as he freed them from their male prison and then revealing gorgeous hips and a flat stomach that any man would like to put their arms around. Finally, he revealed his perky perfect breasts, which matched his perky ass. His body did not have massive assets but both sexy and elegant proportions. The yellow hue of her amazing naked Asian body almost glowed in the room’s light, and this hue complemented the black lingerie perfectly as she slipped the corset and panties on.

“Bengong Shi Huanghou!” (I’m the Empress), she said aloud, the four characters and aura having finished merging into Oliver. The new woman thought only in Mandarin, English having been completely replaced. Any valuable part of Oliver had been incorporated into the new Empress, but otherwise, he was gone. The Empress knew her purpose, to show as many men as possible the power of Chinese women. As she thought about this, the panties developed a bulge. The Empress still had one more thing to transform. She lay down on the sofa and imagined non-Chinese faces enslaved to her yellow feet. She stroked Oliver’s old cock to this mental image, and it responded by shrinking into herself. Where his cock disappeared into, Oliver’s balls also followed, with a slit opening up in their place. Labia developed as a full cervix and womb inflated within her. She brought herself to almost having an orgasm but stopped as her elegant form was completed with an elegant pussy. The Empress smiled and thought it was improper for her to pleasure herself. She then thought about how much she needed to find her first slave: it was time for her to get to work…

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