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Essence Stealers: The Chinese Brothel

Charles had lived in China for almost seven years. When he first arrived in China he found everything in the country exciting. But now, after spending so much time there, he was starting to find it very familiar and boring. After all, there wasn’t anything new or different about the place anymore. So it was now that he decided there was just one kind of place that he wanted to explore.

He had to ask around to find it until someone finally gave him the information he needed. So on the following Friday evening, he made his pilgrimage. First to an unfashionable part of town, then down a darkly lit alleyway and finally through a small karaoke bar. At the back of this place was an unmarked door which looked more like the entrance to some kind of storeroom than a place where people would go to have fun.

But through this door was something incredible. A large foyer, like you’d see in a grand hotel, was decorated with Chinese lanterns, silk rugs and beautiful paintings hanging from the walls. There were also lots of bottles of alcohol on display. There was also a reception desk to check into, much like a hotel. But this was no hotel. 

The woman behind the counter was stunning; she was tall and slim with long black hair. She smiled as Charles entered her reception room. “Good evening. Is it just you tonight?” she asked in perfect English.

“Just me,” he replied.

She smiled again at him. “Excellent, and what kind of service were you looking to enjoy tonight? ” She asked, revealing her English to native-level. She sounded as though she grew up in England.

Charles thought a moment before answering. He didn’t know how to answer this question. “Just, emmm,” he paused awkwardly. “Just a normal service, I guess?” He said.

She continued professionally, seemingly not noticing the awkwardness from Charles. “Male or female?” 

Charles was taken aback by the question and paused for a moment before replying: “female.” He had not expected this question but now realised it was obvious. 

“Local or foreign?” She enquired again.

“Local,” Charles said.

“And any special requirements?” 

“What do you mean?” 

“Fat, old, amputee…”

Charles cut her off, “No, nothing like that.” He assured her.

“Excellent, then we are ready for you immediately. Go up the stairs and turn left. Your door will be the first door on your…” the receptionist abruptly stopped, taking a strong interest in something that had appeared on her screen. ” No, wait. You are getting a different girl tonight. Take a right instead and knock on the door marked VIP.”

“VIP?” Asked Charles.

“Yes. We have selected you for a special service. Good luck.” With that, she turned away and began typing on the computer in front of her.

Charles was confused by this but decided to follow her instructions. He followed the directions, first going up the stairs and then taking a right. Sure enough, he found the door marked VIP. It was a large and heavy mahogany double door. Charles looked around and saw the other doors were not nearly this grand, so he thought they must only use this room for the most important customers. Charles tried the door and found it was locked, so Charles knocked loudly.

After a few moments, a voice called out, “Enter.” At the same time, a click could be heard as the door unlocked itself. 

He opened the door and stepped inside. The room was vast and full of elegant furniture, including an enormous four-poster bed in the middle of the room. There was also a table and chairs in one corner and a bar area in another. There was nobody else here apart from the girl waiting for him.

She was sitting on a chair wearing nothing but a night dress. She was Chinese and young, perhaps in her mid 20’s. Her body was stunning with fantastic curves, a look completed by long black hair cascading down her shoulders. She was also gorgeous, with deep brown eyes. Charles walked towards her and heard another click as the door locked behind him.

“Welcome. You must be my VIP for tonight.” She said this in flawless English, and just like the receptionist, she had a native accent. However, this time it sounded Irish. It was strange to see such a Chinese beauty with that accent, but Charles didn’t consider it too much. Instead, he was amazed by what he saw in front of him.

“My name is Charles,” he said, feeling himself go hard just looking at her. “It’s nice to meet you.”

“Likewise, Charles. Please use the shower in the bathroom over there. You don’t need to bring your clothes when you come back,” she instructed.

Charles did as she had told him. The bathroom was just as incredible as everything else in the building. Charles had heard this was the most luxurious brothel in China, and he found it hard to dispute this.

When he returned to the bedroom, he found that the lights had all been dimmed. The woman lay on the bed, naked, her long black hair covering the bed around her.

Charles stood there momentarily, feeling nervous. He had never been with such a beautiful woman before. Let alone a top-class whore like this one. However, his cock stood erect and ready.

“Come and lie down beside me.” She said softly.

Charles walked across the room and sat down next to the beautiful woman. He felt his heart pounding in his chest, especially after he smelt her perfume. He couldn’t believe he was actually here. She gently pushed him to lay down on the bed; her gentle hand reached out and touched his cock. It twitched under her light grip. She began to stroke lightly. Charles gasped as he felt the sensation of her hands on him. His breathing quickened.

“Do you know why you are a VIP, Charles?” She asked.

He shook his head dumbly, his mind still filled with images of her body in front of him.

“You will come to understand soon. But, first, look at the bedside table to your right.” She said.

Charles did so. It was hard to focus as the pleasure of her delicate hand rippled through him. On the bedside table were three glass bottles, each looking ancient. The cork had been removed on each of them and sat ready on the table. The bottles were almost empty.

“Do you see the bottles, Charles? Do you notice anything strange about them?”

Charles forced himself to look more closely at them. They were not empty after all. Each bottle had a colourful liquid at the bottom; as he stared, he saw they were filling up slowly. Charles felt goosebumps run down his arms. Was this some kind of magic trick? It was impossible, wasn’t it?

“What are…” Charles was about to ask what was in the bottles but was cut off as the woman suddenly moved. She climbed on top of him and straddled his hips.

She leaned forward and kissed him, her lips soft against his own. He felt a jolt of excitement course through him. She then slid herself down onto his throbbing cock, moaning as it slid inside her wet hole.

Their bodies pressed together tightly, Charles’ hands gripped the sheets whilst she ground her hips into his. Her pussy was tight and warm around him, her nipples pressing against his chest. She was making sounds of passion.

Charles couldn’t help himself. He grabbed her waist and began thrusting into her as hard as possible. Her body trembled beneath him. Her hands grasped the sheets as she cried out in pleasure.

“Ahhhhhh, ohhhh, oooohhh.” She moaned loudly as Charles pounded into her. But at the same time, she seemed distracted. Her eyes flicked to the bottles on the bedside table. Charles was in too much pleasure to worry about her looking at the table. Instead, her pussy kept him focused on her as she observed two of the bottles fill up. She also saw that the final one was almost there too.

This sex was the best that Charles had ever had. He wondered how one woman could give him such pleasure? His orgasm was coming closer, and he knew it wouldn’t be long until he climaxed. The woman moaned along too, seemingly getting closer herself. She moaned louder and louder until…

Until suddenly, she stopped, the expression on her face changing from pleasure to malice in an instant. 

“Andyou’re done!” She said, suddenly pulling herself off him. Charles was taken aback by this sudden change. But she moved away before he could react.

The woman crawled over to the bedside table and corked the now-filled bottles. One was full of a pure white liquid, another of a pure blue liquid and the final of a pure red liquid. Then, seemingly forgetting that Charles was there, she carefully placed the bottles in a small metal box and turned a key to lock it. Then she turned back to Charles and smiled again.

“Thanks for giving up your essences, fool. These will get millions on the black market.” She said.

Charles looked at her in amazement, his cock throbbing painfully, begging for release. The come down from the sex-high made him feel slightly dizzy. He was puzzled by what she meant and willed himself to confront what was happening. 

“Essences? What are you talking about?” He asked, feeling confused.

“I stole essences from you. The white was your race, the blue was your language, and the red was your sex. You have given them all to me willingly, as you can see. Now I will sell them on, make millions.” She said.

“What the fuck are you saying?” Charles asked, confused.

“I took these fundamental parts of you and can sell them to people worldwide. Your male essence could turn a daughter into a son, and your language essence could provide an instant native English ability, while your race essence could make a boring Chinese wife look a little more foreign. You’ll be amazed how much people will pay.” As she spoke, Charles thought her Irish accent was getting harder and harder to understand.

She looked Charles in the eyes and smiled wide. “Our business is of no concern to you, however. You should be worried about what will happen to you.”

“What happen to me?” Asked Charles, the English coming out a little wrong.

“Well, your fundamental essence is gone, and so big parts of who you are is missing. That essence will need replacing, or you will die!” She said.

“Die? No, I not want die!” Charles said, horrified. His English getting weirder.

“Your essence will be replaced, don’t worry. It’s just what will replace it that you need to worry about.”

“What mean?” 

“Well, you will draw new essence from the surrounding area…” she smiled even more broadly before finishing with, “and you are in a Chinese whorehouse.”

It took a while for Charles to process this, no less, as it was getting harder and harder to understand her. Then, finally, he asked, “You no mean?”

“Yes, I think you finally get it. I hope you learn to enjoy your life as a Chinese whore, because that’s where it looks like you’re heading.”

“No! No I no want!” Charles said in his strange accent as he felt his head spinning and his vision blurring. He looked down at his body and noticed his cock was no longer hard; in fact, it was no longer there at all. His hands shot down, and he felt a pulse of pleasure as his fingers brushed against a pair of lips where his cock used to be. He also noticed his hands were now tiny, and his skin had was tanned. In fact his skin looked like girls he saw in the deep-south of the country.

As he stared down, he also noticed mounds of flesh growing bigger and bigger on his chest. He could only watch in horror as two boobs developed rapidly while he felt a tickling feeling as long black hair reached his shoulders.

“NO! NO! STOP! PLEASE!!” he screamed, tears streaming down his face.

The woman laughed as she watched him cry. She had done this to thousands of men and many far more potent than Charles. She knew he would eventually accept his fate and become part of the Chinese whorehouse. She watched as the last changes finished and the well-endowed girl appeared on the bed before her. Her eyes wild in fear as she continued to fight her fate.

“I… I… bù yào! Please tíngzhǐ! Wǒ bù yào!” The girl cried, the words falling out of her mouth in Chinese.

The woman laughed, switching to Chinese. “You are a Chinese whore now. Welcome home.” She stood up and started putting on her clothes while Charles lay there. Her mind a wash of desperation and confusion. She felt helpless as the woman left the room, locking the door behind her.


Charles, or Cháěrsī, as she could no longer make the sounds of her old name, lay there paralysed by what had happened. She kept looking at her petite body and willing herself to change back to normal or wake up from this bad dream. But she knew that neither was possible. So all she could do was wait there in the locked room.

Eventually, the door did open once again, and a man entered, the door locking behind him as he approached Cháěrsī. He was a Chinese man with grey hair. His face was stern, and he wore an expensive suit. He looked at her with amusement as he said in Chinese, “So, you are the new girl, eh? Well, you are beautiful. They weren’t lying to me about you being special.”

Cháěrsī didn’t reply. She just sat there, still paralysed by the horror of what was happening.

“I’ve paid good money for first dibs on your little pussy, and they told me I can take as long as I want with you.” He said, taking one step towards her. Cháěrsī snapped out of her daze as she realised what was about to happen.

“No! No! Please don’t touch me…” Cháěrsī begged in her Chinese.

“Yes, they told me you might try to fight, but that makes me harder. You’d better learn to enjoy this, or your life will quickly become a real pity,” He said. Then he suddenly lunged forwards, his large hands grabbing her breasts and squeezing them roughly. Cháěrsī cried out in pain as her nipples were twisted and pulled. However, the pain also brought other feelings as her new pussy stirred into life. This feeling turned her cries into moans of pleasure. He then shoved her back onto the bed and climbed over her.

“Stop! Stop!” Cháěrsī pleaded, wriggling beneath him. But he ignored her pleas and attacked her neck, biting her and sucking at it. Cháěrsī fought back, trying to push him off, but he was much stronger than her, so he pinned her down quickly. “Please! Please stop! I beg you! Don’t do this!” She said, crying as he bit her harder.

But he didn’t listen to her. Instead, he moved further down her neck and licked her collarbone. Cháěrsī squirmed beneath him, twisting her head away from his probing tongue. He then moved lower, kissing her stomach before moving down further. Finally, his tongue slid across her crotch. Cháěrsī sobbed and kicked as his tongue teased her wet folds. She tried desperately to move or kick him off her but couldn’t.

Then he suddenly pushed her legs open and stuck his tongue deep inside her. Cháěrsī shrieked, a combination of fear and pleasure. As he lapped at her pussy, she felt her body tense up, and a burning sensation spread in her loins. The feeling was so intense she felt like she was going to explode. 

“Oh! Oh! Aaah! Ahhhhhhhh!” Cháěrsī cried out in pleasure.

The man looked up from her pussy and smiled. “You really are a tasty girl. I wish my wife tasted half as good.” Then he came back up and kissed her mouth. She could taste her new pussy on his lips. Cháěrsī felt so much pleasure as her hips started moving to match his movement. Her whole body seemed ready for what was happening. Only in a sudden lucid moment did she finally speak out. 

“I’m a man called Cháěrsī! Not a woman! A foreign man from America! Stop this!” She cried, her words still coming out in Chinese.

The man laughed at this. “You are a little Chinese whore from the south called Yu Ying!” Then he plunged his tongue into her mouth, forcing his tongue past hers. Cháěrsī struggled to get free, but the man was too strong, and she was soon lost in his arms, moaning loudly as he sucked on her tongue.

Cháěrsī moaned loudly into his mouth as he pushed his cock between her wet folds and deep inside her. She felt his size filling her. It was huge, and she felt like she would suffocate on it. But the pleasure was too great. She threw her head back into the pillow, screaming in ecstasy as he fucked her. Finally, the pleasure was too intense, and she lost control of her body.

“Ahh! Ahhh! Aaaaaah!” She wailed, crying out as the man fucked her.

He then grabbed her tiny hands, pinning them above her head as he pumped his cock faster and harder into her. Cháěrsī felt powerless under him, her body enslaved to the pleasure. The man was in complete control, his cock driving deep into her tight cunt. She was beyond caring anymore, wholly overcome by the feeling. It was like an incredible orgasm every time he thrust into her.

“You will come to my cock, right, you little whore? You will come for me, won’t you?” He asked, laughing as he spoke.

Cháěrsī nodded as she cried out in pleasure.

“Tell me your name! Tell me your fucking name!” He ordered, still pumping his cock into her.

“Yu Ying. I’m Yu Ying!” She cried out, trying to yell above the noise of pleasure.

“And tell me what you are! Say it!” He demanded.

“I’m a little Chinese whore who loves being fucked!” She screamed, her voice becoming louder and louder with each passing second.

“That’s it! That’s what I want to hear! Come on! Let go! Cum for me, little whore!” He groaned.

“Oh! Oh! Mmmmmmm! Yes! Give it to me! Fuck me! Fill me! Take me!” Yu Ying begged, her body shaking with pleasure.

“Give it all to me, Yu Ying! I know you can do it!” He said.

Yu Ying gasped and wailed, her body spasming uncontrollably. “I’m a fucking little Chinese whore called Yu Ying. I love to be fucked! I must fuck! I must cuuuuum! Ohh! Ohh! Ooooooohhhh!” She screamed out as her body shook beneath him. The orgasm ripping through her.

The man smiled, pulling his cock from her quivering cunt and placing it on her face.

“Now do your job, whore!” He commanded. 

Yu Ying opened her mouth wide and slipped her lips over the shaft of his cock. She immediately started sucking on him, swallowing his entire length before bobbing her head up and down. The man groaned as his balls tightened, and he began cumming. His cock shot thick white ropes of his seed down her throat. Yu Ying gulped down everything he gave her, swallowing as fast as she could. She wanted to make sure she got every drop.

When he stopped cumming, and when the sex high began to fade. Yu Ying suddenly realised what she had done. “Oh god! Why did I do that?”

The man laughed again. “You’ve been absorbing the essence of all the whores of this building. There was no way you could do anything else. Now get cleaned up. You’ve got a busy night ahead.” He said, walking out of the room and leaving her alone.


Two months later, Yu Ying was a popular whore who was well rewarded for her services. It was more than money for her, though, as she could not resist the temptation of indulging in pleasure. She enjoyed sex so much that she could hardly think straight. She was always horny, and when she wasn’t satisfying herself, she was doing it for others. She was a nymphomaniac who needed constant sexual gratification.

Just days after her transformation, her new Chinese whore mind quickly found her old life confusing and out of place. Soon it was just a dream to her. She was Yu Ying. She had only ever been Yu Ying. 

She had no idea about the second business of the whore house. She had no idea about the Chinese man with a brand new American accent or the daughter made into a son. She had little care for the essence stealer’s next victims or that she had been one herself not that long ago. She checked herself out in the mirror and felt her tits, she thought about the men who would lick and suck on these tits later and felt a stir below. She needed to fuck, she always needed to fuck.

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