
The Curse of the Wereslut: Original Part 01

You have come to your friend George’s house as usual, but there seems something very wrong with him. He lives alone, and you have made a habit of visiting him for beers and games every Saturday. You are an old friend, so he has always welcomed you, but today he is not the same person you know. His face looks pale, and his eyes seem distant, like they don’t see anything around them anymore. When you try to talk to him about it, he just smiles at you in a way that makes you uncomfortable.

George speaks to you in a flat tone, sounding more robotic than natural. You ask him what’s going on because you can tell by looking at him that something is seriously wrong with him. He tells you that everything is fine and nothing needs to be done right now. But you notice that his smile doesn’t reach his eyes. It’s as if he were faking it all along. After a while of you pushing on the topic, he finally relents and says that he hasn’t been feeling very well recently.

“It’s been getting worse and worse since that happened last month. I haven’t felt like quite like myself lately,” George says, putting extra emphasis when he says the word that. “I’ve tried my best to ignore it, but it keeps getting stronger and stronger.”

You’re confused because he had never mentioned any problems before now, even though you have seen him many times this month. “What exactly happened last month then?” You ask him curiously.

“Oh yeah! I guess I never really mentioned that to you!” He replies, almost as if talking to himself. “Well, I was walking down the country roads near our house. You know how I like to wander at night, right? So it must have been past midnight.” He explains, his voice growing louder as he talks.

“We used to do it together when we were kids,” You add nostalgically, trying to encourage him to keep talking.

“Exactly! We would go out into the fields and explore the woods until sunrise. Sometimes we’d even get lost and find ourselves miles away from home without a single clue where we were or how we got there.” He continues excitedly. “But anyway, back to last month. I wandered near the woods past midnight, expecting to see no one and enjoying looking at the stars.”

He pauses here for a moment, seemingly remembering the night vividly. “And it was a full moon that night too, so I remember gazing up at the brilliant glowing moon. The air was still warm, but the breeze blowing through the trees was refreshing and soothing. And then…then I heard a noise behind me.” He adds quietly.

George’s voice becomes low and deep again as he goes on, “I turned around and saw something coming towards me in the distance. I couldn’t tell exactly what it was as it was too dark, but…” He trails off for a moment, collecting his thoughts. “Anyway, I was dead scared, so I shone my torch at the shape and called out, ‘who’s there!’ But nobody answered” He finishes with a sigh.

“So, what was it?” You ask, starting to get into the story. George has always been good at telling stories.

“It was a woman.” He replies simply. “Not just any woman but an Asian woman, the kind you might see in China or somewhere else like that.”

“Did she say anything to you?” You press him.

“No. She didn’t speak a word, only stared at me with those wide, black eyes of hers.” He pauses again before adding. “And she was wearing strange clothes.”

“Strange clothes?” You ask, surprised. “In what way?”

“Half of her clothes were missing, and the half that was there were men’s clothes that looked far too big for her. I could see much of her naked body beneath. Her skin was tanned and smooth, and her breasts were large and round.” He answers, looking down at the table, before adding shyly. “She was pretty hot.”

You look over at George, who has suddenly become quiet and withdrawn. His cheeks flush red as he tries to hide his embarrassment. “Sorry,” He mumbles sheepishly. “That came out a bit weird.”

“So, what happened next?” You prod him.

“She kept coming towards me while not speaking a word. It really scared me, considering how dark it was, but I also felt like I better try to help her. Like maybe she was lost of something.” He replies, looking at you. “So I let her get closer and closer while I asked if she was okay or needed help.”

“How did she react?” You ask, curious.

“She didn’t say a word until she got real close to me.” He replies, shivering slightly. “Then she reached out and grabbed my arm, and then she said…” He trails off like he remembers something painful.

“What did she say?” You ask, growing concerned.

“She said: ‘Fuck me! Fuck me now!” He whispers, staring at the floor.

You gasp at his words, your face flushing bright red as you realize he was about to describe having sex with this mysterious woman. “Wait, wait!” You exclaim, covering your mouth. “Are you sure she said that?!”

“Yes, I’m sure!” He insists. “And then she pushed me to the ground with surprising strength and kissed me. I tried to resist, but I don’t think I lasted more than two seconds before giving in.” He continues, his voice dropping to a whisper in embarrassment. “She was incredibly sexy and beautiful, and I knew I should have kept trying to help her, but I couldn’t stop myself. Then she undid my pants and took out my cock, which was already hard from her kissing me.”

“Holy shit, George!” You exclaim, feeling both aroused and embarrassed by what he was telling you.

“Yeah, sorry.” He mutters shamefully. “It’s just that I’ve never talked about this before. I mean, it’s embarrassing, isn’t it?”

“It’s just weird.” You reply. You know that George has never been successful with women, and this is the first time he mentioned being intimate with someone. “So, what happened next?”

“Well, she didn’t waste time. She sat on my cock and started riding me. But, my god, was she wet…” He says, his voice trailing off as he remembers the experience vividly.

“Oh my god, George!” You exclaim. “Was she good at it? Did you enjoy yourself?”

“She was incredible!” He gasps. “Her pussy was tight and hot, and I could feel her muscles moving against me. She rode me for a few minutes, slowly building up speed until she was bouncing up and down on my cock.”

“Did she moan?” You ask eagerly.

“Mmm, yes. She moaned a lot.” He agrees, his voice getting louder. “And she just kept riding me until I couldn’t take anymore. I came inside her, and we stayed like that for just a moment before she pulled herself off me and disappeared back into the darkness.”

“The woman just disappeared?” You ask, confused.

“Yeah. She vanished right after I came.” He explains. “I waited a minute or two, but no sign of her. So I just dusted myself off and went back home.”

“Wow.” You murmur, impressed. “That’s a crazy hot story!”

“Thanks.” He replies, blushing again.

But then you remember what he said about feeling worse and worse. “So, you felt sick after that?” You ask.

He looked at you. His expression was severe. “I was fine that night.” He admits quietly. “But the next day, I feel a little… off.” He adds.

“Off how?” You ask.

“My stomach hurts, and I feel tired.” He explains. “And the next day, it felt worse. Every day since, I have felt worse.”

“Maybe some kind of STD?” You suggest. “Have you gone to the doctor yet?”

George nods his head. “I’ve had many consultations and tests all this month, but nothing seems wrong.” He sighs. “The doctors say they can’t find anything wrong with me. But I still feel bad.”

“Maybe it’s psychological?” You offer. “Like maybe the whole experience has just scrambled your brains.”

“Could be.” He agrees. “I just hope whatever it is, starts to go away soon.”

“How about you take me to where it happened?” You ask. “Maybe seeing the place again can help put your mind at rest. It could be a good thing if it is psychological.”

“Okay.” He says, nodding his head. “Let’s do it.”

You open the door and walk outside. George follows behind you. You both know the country roads very well and decide to walk to where it happens. But before you even get past his front lawn, you notice something. Up in the sky, glowing bright, is a full moon.

“George, look up there.” You point to the sky. “It’s a full moon, just like the night you described!”

“Really?” He asks, looking up. “I guess it really has been a whole month since…” He trails off, a strange expression forming on his face.

“What’s wrong?” You ask him. He doesn’t reply. Instead, he just stares at the moon, his eyes wide.

“George?” You call out. Still, he does not respond. “George!” You shout, shaking his shoulder. He still doesn’t respond, and you notice his face is pale and sweaty, and his hands are trembling slightly.

“Hey, what’s going on?” You try to keep your voice calm and soothing. “Are you okay?”

Still, he does not answer. Instead, he starts to shake violently. His breathing becomes erratic, and he begins to foam at the mouth.

“George?!” You cry out, alarmed.

His body convulses, and he falls forward onto the lawn, his legs kicking wildly. Before long, he thrashes on the ground, bringing up grass and soil as he does so. You rush over to him and try to hold him down, but he is too strong. He shakes and shakes, but then, suddenly, he stops. His limbs become rigid, and he stops moving altogether.

“Of fuck!” You cry out, looking around the quiet neighborhood. You decide to drag him into the home and then call for help

You drag him inside and lay him on the sofa. You grab a blanket from his closet and wrap it around him—you pull your phone out of your pocket, intent on dialling 911. But before you can dial, you hear George speak.

“I need…!” He shouts. “I need…!”

You stare at him, stunned. George had sat up, and his eyes were wide, looking at you. He is panting heavily and you can see his skin is clammy, and sweat covers his brow.

“George?” You ask, concerned. “What do you need?”

“I need…” His breathing becomes more ragged. “I need…to come!”

Your heart skips a beat. You stare at George in shock. “Come?” You ask. “What the fuck do you mean!?”

“Yes! Come!” He screams, his eyes wild. “I need to come!”

“George, stop it.” You snap. “Stop saying those things!”

But he continues. “Fuck me!” He demands. “Fucking fuck me now!”

You gasp, your face turning red. Then, you pull yourself together and look down at him. “I’m calling 911.” You tell him firmly.

“No!” He cries, getting up from the sofa quickly. “No, don’t call them!” He runs toward you and grabs your phone. “Just fuck me!” He cries, throwing your phone onto the ground and causing it to break into pieces.

“What the fuck!” You cry out, grabbing him by the shoulders. “You’re scaring me!”

He pulls back, his eyes hardening. “I want to be fucked.” He snarls. “Follow me!”

“No!” You protest.

But he ignores you, pulling you towards the stairs leading to his bedroom. Then, when you don’t follow willingly, he suddenly lets go of you and runs up the stairs. You wait, panting, wondering what you should do. Your mind is racing. What the hell is happening?

After a few moments, you realize you have to make sure he is okay. And maybe you can grab his phone and use it to call 911. So you go up the stairs after him. Finally, you reach his bedroom and find him on the bed, naked. He presents himself to you in a doggy style, his ass pointing upwards. He is covered in sweat.

“Please.” He begs. “Fuck my ass.”

You feel sick. You’ve never seen a man naked before, and you certainly don’t know how to handle this situation. But, as you glance at his rock hard and twitching cock, you can’t help but feel revolted.

“You are sick. I need to call for help.” You say, trying to reason with him.

“Don’t call anyone.” He growls. “Just fuck me!”

You notice something strange happening to his body. There is a yellow-ish tone spreading across his body, and you see his hands seem to get smaller before your eyes. It’s almost as if he is shrinking.

“What the hell is going on!?” You cry out, feeling panicked.

The changes you notice seem to pick up the pace. First, the yellow-ish skin tone takes over all of George’s body, and his hair becomes a deep black color, growing down to the bed within seconds. Then, with a loud squelch, his muscles seemed to shrink inwards, and with an equally loud crack, you see his body shorten, and his frame compresses significantly. His shoulders and waist becoming much narrower.

The sounds were disturbing enough, but his body’s changes caused your stomach to churn. You felt unable to look away as you watch his legs become thinner and shorter, his arms and torso becoming narrower. You see his feet and hands now look dainty and petite. The whole of his body looks like it has shrunken down. You see a bubbling across his skin as fat redistributes itself. You hear more strange squelching sounds as his thighs and ass grow much more prominent alongside his chest, growing as fat pools into it. Finally, you watch his nice pair of tits rapidly develop.

“George?” You whisper, scared and confused. His face now changes, the whole shape reforming with many small cracking noises. His nose became smaller while his cheekbones became higher, his jaw reforming to be much more narrow. George now shuts his eyes for a moment and then opens them. You notice the shape has changed significantly. Distinctively Asian-like almond eyes were now looking at you. Every part of his face now has an unmistakably Asian look.

Suddenly, he opens his mouth, and you hear a low gurgling sound. When he finally talks, his voice is unrecognizable. “Fuck me!” He says in a new feminine voice. Then, sounding frustrated, he repeats. “Fuck me!”

“This can’t be happening!” You cry out. “It’s not possible!”

You stand there, staring at him. A beautiful Asian woman was now on the bed, presenting themself to you. The only thing left of the old George was his cock and balls. You see, his cock was still rock hard and twitching. However, it looked much bigger now, thanks to his body being so much smaller.

“Please,” She whimpers. “Fuck me.” Then the cock starts to change also. It starts to shrink rapidly, alongside his balls that suck inwards. Soon, his cock shrinks down to about half its size, and you see his balls begin to retract inside him.

“Oh god!” You cry out.

You can’t believe what you are seeing. George’s balls are long gone now, while his cock shrivels until it becomes a tiny little thing that disappears into a new set of lips. A fresh pussy is completed right before your eyes. The lips are plump and wet. They seem to glisten with arousal.

You stare at her in shock, frozen. Her ass and tits grow out more as she becomes incredibly curvaceous. There is now an incredibly sexy Asian woman where your friend George just was. You now notice her eyes are an unnatural green and seem to want to draw you in. You feel yourself getting aroused as you see her big round breasts jiggle slightly. You can’t help but imagine those tits wrapped around your cock.

A person lying on a bed

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“Fuck me now!” She shouts as she reaches between her legs, and you realize that she is masturbating herself. You feel your arousal rising as you watch her fingers move faster and faster along her slit. Then, you watch her hand move between her legs to play with her large breast.

“I want you to fuck me.” She moans. “Take my ass. Fuck me with your big dick!”

Your heart is racing. You feel dizzy and lightheaded. Your mind goes blank as you take in everything that is happening. You have never felt so horny before in your life. All you can think about is how badly you want to bury your cock in this hot girl. You see the way her pussy juices drip onto her inner thigh. You feel your arousal growing as you imagine sliding your cock into her tight hole. You can’t help but reach down and grab at your cock for a moment before you come to your senses.

“You’re sick, George. You need help!” You shout.

She doesn’t respond. Instead, you see her lift herself off the bed. She walks towards you and grabs you by the arm, pulling you close to her. She kisses you passionately, forcing her tongue into your mouth. You don’t resist, feeling your own tongue responding to hers. Her hands roam over your back and ass as you kiss her deeply. She moans into your mouth, making your cock twitch with excitement. You feel her hands slide under the hem of your shirt, lifting it.

“No stop…” you protest lamely as you feel her slender fingers rub gently against your skin.

“Fuck me now.” She whispers in your ear. “Please.”

Her words make your heart race even harder. You feel her hand squeeze your ass cheek. Suddenly, she pushes you back, and you fall onto the bed. Her weight lands on top of you, pressing down on your body. She slides her leg between yours, grinding her crotch against your throbbing cock. You moan loudly as you feel her soft lips press against your neck. She bites your neck gently and sucks on it, sending shivers through your entire body.

“Oh god…” You whimper.

She lifts her head, kissing you again. You feel her hot breath on your face. You try to push her away, but she keeps coming back for more. Her tongue darts into your mouth, swirling around and teasing you. You groan softly as she continues to tease you with her tongue. Finally, she presses her body tightly against yours, rubbing herself against you.

“Oh god.” You whisper as you feel the wet lips of her pussy against the tip of your cock.

She grinds herself against you, pushing your cock between her folds. You gasp at the sensation, feeling her insides squeezing your cock. She is so incredibly wet that your cock slips into her easily. She moans softly as you sink deeper and deeper inside of her. You can’t believe how good it feels to be inside of her. You look down at her, watching her bounce up and down on your cock. Her big round breasts are bouncing and jiggling with each thrust.

“Oh god.” You moan.

You feel her hips begin to move faster as she rides you. She begins to gyrate her hips and bounce up and down on your cock. You feel her slick walls gripping your cock tightly as you plunge deep inside her. You moan louder as she starts to ride you hard. You reach up and wrap your arms around her waist, holding her tight against you. You hold her as she bounces on your cock, fucking you.

“Fuck me!” She cries out.

You don’t care about anything else anymore. Nothing else matters but prolonging this feeling. You feel her pussy tighten around your cock while she bucks wildly, riding you like a wild animal. Finally, you start to feel your orgasm well up. You try to hold on, but it gets harder and harder. Soon you can’t hold on any longer.

“Oh god! I’m coming!” You cry out.

She screams as she begins to come too, her pussy clamping down on your cock. You feel her muscles spasm as she comes. She shakes violently, her lengthy hair flying everywhere. Her whole body trembles, and you can feel her pussy quiver around your cock. The feeling is incredible. You throw your head back, moaning loudly as you shoot load after load into her.

“Yes!” She cries out.

She collapses on top of you, breathing heavily. You roll over and lay on your side next to her. She lays there quietly, not moving or saying a word. You feel she has drained you of all your energy. You lie there, listening to her breathe before your fatigue takes you. Then, finally, you slowly drift off to sleep.


The sun wakes you up the following day. You open your eyes and find yourself in George’s bed. This isn’t the first time you have fallen asleep around his house. Your head feels like it might split in two. You sit up and look around. There’s no sign of George anywhere. You glance at the clock, seeing it reads 10:30 AM.

“Shit.” You mumble to yourself.

You get dressed quickly and run downstairs. You find George snoring on the sofa. He is naked.

“Jesus Christ!” You say to yourself, throwing a blanket over his body. “I did not need to see that!”

You feel that this isn’t the first time you have seen George naked. You remember a dream of seeing George naked and then having sex with a sexy Asian woman in your mind. But that was just a dream. Right?

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