
The Therapy Session

Lewis was extremely nervous as he waited for his appointment to begin. It wasn’t just that he had never been to therapy before but also the fact that he was just about to have his first therapy in a foreign country with a foreign doctor. Lewis didn’t want to be there, but since he had come to Korea to work, he hadn’t felt so good. However, his body was fine, or at least that was what the doctors told him, so it was decided that he needed therapy. He had resisted this, but his boss said that if he wanted to keep his job, he had to do it. Not that he can’t afford it, his expat salary was good, and he has insurance covering all therapies. It’s just that he hates the idea of therapy and has no desire to have a witch make him talk about his childhood or his parents’ divorce.

He had been waiting almost an hour when the secretary finally shouted his name. Lewis walked slowly as he entered the psychologist’s office, hoping that something would intervene to prevent him from entering, but no such respite came. So instead, he walked inside and closed the door behind him. The psychologist’s office was modern and minimalist: white walls, wooden flooring, and a big window facing the outside. Other than some bookshelves, there were almost no decorations at all, so why would you need decorations with such a beautiful view of the city through the large windows. In the center of the room was a glass coffee table with some flowers on top alongside two comfortable-looking modern armchairs; one was empty and awaiting Lewis, while the other contained what Lewis presumed to be his therapist.

She was absolutely stunning, with tanned skin and brown hair. She was a little older than what Lewis usually went for, but she more than made up for it with her flawless skin and toned legs. Legs that she happily showed off with her short black dress and black high heels. She was well made-up, and her black business blazer gave her a certain power-woman sex appeal. She looked like she knew what she wanted and would always get it. In her hand were an iPad and stylus, presumably to write notes of her patients. When she noticed Lewis walk in, she met his eyes and almost caused Lewis to freeze in the intensity of her gaze. Overall, she cut an impressive figure and one that clearly meant business.

She smiled at him and gestured for him to sit in the other armchair. Lewis did so. His first impulse was to look away from the psychologist and stare out the window, but instead, he found his eyes drawn to her gaze. Her eyes were almost hypnotic. They seemed to pull him in like magnets, drawing him towards them. Her eyes were not the usual brown you found in Asia but were a greyish colour that he had never seen before. As Lewis sat there, he felt like he was being pulled in, falling into a bottomless grey abyss.

“I’m Dr An, and you are Lewis, correct?” She spoke with a Korean accent but not a very strong one; actually, her accent was almost American. Lewis responded by nodding. He didn’t feel like he could talk under the weight of her gaze.

“Welcome, Lewis, to your first and last session with me.”

“Last session?” Lewis asked, confused.

“Oh, you didn’t know? Yes, I only need one session with you. I always cure a patient in just one session.” Dr An spoke deliberately, with careful effort applied to every word she spoke. After she said this, she paused while continuing to meet Lewis’s gaze. Lewis felt like he was falling further and further into her eyes. Lewis had no idea how much time was passing. It felt like forever as he met her beautiful eyes. When this trance seemed to get to the climax of its intensity, An finally did something. She winked at him.

Lewis felt his whole body erupt with feelings of love. It was like he was being hit by a wave of deep and powerful emotion that he couldn’t even describe it. He felt love so strong that he thought he might drown in it. It was the most intense feeling he’d ever had. Yet, all he could do was respond to it with a smile.

“Lewis, I think we are ready to begin. Why don’t you tell me exactly how you feel. I need you to tell the truth, only the deepest truth from inside of you.” She held Lewis’s gaze, not looking away for a moment while giving these instructions. Lewis’s first impulse was to think of lies to tell the doctor, but he found he could not do this under her gaze. Instead, his lips began moving by themselves, and he could not stop himself from telling her everything. While still meeting her gaze, he dug deep into himself, dragging truths out that he wasn’t even fully aware of before now. It was like she was sucking the truth out of him.

“I’m so lost. I’m so alone.” He found himself saying. “I don’t feel like I belong. I feel nothing but pain. I am not my true self.” Dr An smiled at him and winked again. Love exploded throughout his body again, building on top of what was already there. It was like his whole body was saturated with this emotion.

“Good boy, you must have suffered a lot until now. But don’t worry, Dr An knows exactly what you need. You need to find your true self, and I can pull it out of you right now. You would like that, right?”

Lewis felt himself nod in agreement.

“So let’s start with a simple question? What sex are you, Lewis?”

“I’m…” Lewis wanted to say male, but something else forced its way out of his mouth: “I’m female.”

“Good boy, or should I say, girl?” The doctor winked while saying this, causing Lewis to feel the powerful love flow into him again. This time, he felt something else, however. It felt like his body was being pushed into a rubber tube that was much too small, so his body had to be crushed to fit.

Lewis couldn’t look away from An’s eyes and so couldn’t look at what was happening. But he could feel it as his body shifted and transformed. It wasn’t painful for him as his body shrank and he developed curves. It didn’t hurt as his face reformed, and his hair grew to be much longer. Lewis never even came close to breaking eye contact with Dr An as his penis shifted into a tight new pussy.

Dr An nodded approvingly. “You’ve been denying yourself your true nature for far too long. Your body is meant to be female, and it’s great you can finally live that way. Don’t you think so, Lewis?”

Lewis found himself nodding in agreement. He could feel her approval and affection. It was like she was his mother, and he loved her. He felt so secure in her presence, which helped him accept everything she told him. He started to think that, of course, he was female. How could he be anything else? How could she think otherwise?

“But I can tell we are far from finished.” Continued Dr An. “For instance, everyone can see that you are a beautiful woman, so what is with the name Lewis? That seems like a strange name for a woman like you. How about you tell me your name?”

Like all people, Lewis had answered this question millions of times before. And so she responded to this question like she had done those previous millions of times. Without much thought, she answered the question, the name easily leaving her lips: “My name is Ji-woo.”

Dr An awarded this with a wink. “Oh, Ji-woo? That’s a Korean name like mine. So where do you come from, Ji-woo?”

“Yeah, it’s a Korean name. I’m Korean. I’m from Incheon.” Replied Ji-Woo.

“Good girl. Of course, I knew you must be Korean, considering how beautiful you are!” Dr An smiled as she watched Ji-Woo’s body change again. Her skin took on a yellow tone while her whole body became a little more slender. Her facial features were what changed the most as her eyes turned brown and became almond-shaped, while her hair became thinner with a deep-black color. Further minor changes completed a distinctly Asian appearance.

“Thank you, Doctor An. You are magnificent too.”

“Well, like I always say, no women are as beautiful as us Korean women.” Dr An smiled while saying this. “By the way, your English is so good, Ji-Woo! How did it get this good?”

Ji-Woo thought about this for a moment while staring into An’s incredible eyes. As she did this, her thoughts began transforming in her mind. “Actually… I not speak… I… Naneun hal su eobsda speak…” Her language changing as her thoughts changed made it hard to speak but finally, it began settling down. “Naemal-eun… nae mal-eun, naneun yeong-eoleul hal su eobsd! (I mean… I mean, I can’t speak English!)”

Dr An rewarded that answer with a wink and then switched to Korean. “Well, of course, you can’t! Why would a proud Korean like you want to?”

“Exactly!” Replied Ji-Woo in Korean, happy that the doctor understood how she felt.

“I feel like you are almost done, Ji-Woo. Just one more question.”

“Okay,” replied Ji-Woo.

“Do you love your life in Korea?”

“Yes, I’m very happy. I love my life here. This is my home, and I never want to leave!”

“Good girl.” Said Dr An, winking one last time. “And with that, I think you’re cured. Enjoy your new life!”

“But, I feel the same!” So replied Ji-Woo, and as far as she knew, she did. There was nothing left of Lewis.


Lewis’s company didn’t take long to noitce that Lewis never returned from therapy, when they finally decided to call the therapist’s office, they were informed that he had decided to leave Korea. They had no reason not to believe them and so just accepted their loss and searched for a replacement.

In the mean time, the company was very pleased with their new secretary, Ji-Woo. She was a hard worker and good at her job but that wasn’t the real reason that she was popular. All the men of the office were more interested in sleeping with her, a job that she was usually very happy to do.

The only problem with Ji-Woo was that she spoke no English, and so found it near impossible to communicate with the many foriegners of the office. They were offering her lessons to help her with this problem and she was improving fast. This improvement was made even quicker by how much time she spent with the foreign employees, outside of work. Doing extra jobs with them

And who knows, maybe if she can use her talents well, she could go far in the company.

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