
The Witch: Help Wanted

You drift out of sleep to find yourself in the comfortable room you rented for a single gold piece the previous night. It’s still dark, and the only light comes from the door’s crack on the opposite side of the room. You can hear cheery voices from the tavern outside, so it mustn’t be too late. Did you only sleep for a couple of hours? How is that possible, considering how exhausted you were when you entered the tavern?

You push through the foggy sleep haze and sit on the bed. Your mind feels fuzzy as you try to remember where you are and why. Finally, the memory slowly returns to you: you’re at a crossroads in an unfamiliar city. You remember that you had travelled here to deliver a message and had done so before retiring to this rented bedroom. You peer around the room but find it hard to make anything out in the darkness.

“It’s about time you woke up!” So says a woman’s voice from across the room. “I’ve been waiting for ages.”

“Whose there!? Who said that?” You exclaim with alarm, reaching instinctively for the dagger under your pillow. There is nothing under there, however.

“Hush now,” says the woman’s voice. “Let me make some light so you can see.”

You hear a loud snap followed by a flash of bright yellow lighting up the entire room. The light hovers at the ceiling. You shield your eyes against the sudden brightness and then look back over at the figure who was responsible for the light. It takes several moments for them to come into focus and another moment longer to see the woman sitting on a wooden chair on the other side of the room. She’s wearing a long, flowing black tunic with a thick leather belt wrapped tightly around her waist. Her arms and legs are bare beneath the tunic, giving you a glimpse of slender curves that surely must have attracted plenty of male attention through the years. She has encased her feet in leather boots that match her belt. Her face is beautiful: a perfect heart-shaped face with long, flowing blonde hair and wide doe eyes. They’re looking straight at you, revealing an almost-red brown color. And she has full pouty lips, curled into a seductive smile as if she already knows all your secrets.

“What happened to my dagger?” You ask yourself quietly. “And how did you make that light?”

“Both questions have the same answer, my dear.” She said with a chuckle while pointing at you with one of her long slender fingers. You notice now that her hands bear bejeweled rings with exotic designs. Presumably from a faraway land. “Why magic, of course!” She says, still grinning.

“Magic is just a rumor. A myth!” You reply, getting up off the bed. You wear simple trousers, a simple shirt, socks, and boots while your cloak lays discarded on the floor. You feel strangely vulnerable without your weapons, although you don’t feel particularly threatened by a woman. And, besides, she could have killed you in your sleep and chose not to.

“No, magic is the stuff of legends. But so am I!” The woman replies. Then, turning to gesture toward herself, “I am the Witch.”

“A witch?” You repeat with a feeling somewhere between confusion and amusement.

“No, I am the Witch. The definite article of a witch.” She says with a smile before bowing slightly towards you.

“Okay, Witch. And why are you in my room? And what happened to my dagger?”

“I told you that already. Magic! My magic!” She shrugs nonchalantly, then points back at you with her long index finger. You notice this finger bears a ring with the symbol of a lion. “I’ve come here because you have something that belongs to me.”

You look back at her blankly, then shake your head dismissively. “Sorry, I don’t think I have anything that belongs to you. All I have are my clothes, weapons and the gold pieces given to me for services rendered. Now, if you would please remove your…” You point at the light currently illuminating the room. “Magic.” You finish lamely.

“I’m not leaving without what I came for.” She declares sternly.

“And what is it exactly that you want from me?” You ask with exasperation while making another attempt to hide your fear.

“My assistant. I’ve come for my new assistant. Or rather, I’ve come to make my assistant!” Her eyes twinkle mischievously as she leans forward with a devilish smirk.

“You mean you want me to help you find this… assistant? This servant girl or whatever she is. Am I right?”

“You are not far off the mark, my dear. You definitely are going to help me make this assistant! And do you know who my assistant will be?” She asks excitedly.

“No, but since I think you are giving me a job, I am all ears. Where is this assistant currently?”

The Witch smiled darkly. “Oh, she is in this tavern!” She replies triumphantly.

“In that case, what exactly do you need me for?” You ask curiously.

“My new assistant is in this very room.” She tells you, a dark smile growing wider still. “Standing exactly where you are.”

Your heart skips a beat, and your palms become sweaty. You don’t understand, but an uneasy feeling is causing you to be wary of her strange smile. There’s something sinister about it.

“Do you understand yet? You are my new assistant!” The Witch says gleefully.

You try to stay calm. You shake your head slowly. “I’m sorry, but I don’t intend on becoming your assistant.”

“I’m afraid that isn’t an option.” She responds flatly. Then with a wide grin, she adds, “You will be my assistant.”

You don’t know why, but you are suddenly overwhelmed by an urge to fight. You know you don’t have your dagger, but you think a woman like her must be easy to overpower. You raise your fists. “I’ve had enough of you, woman! It’s time you made your leave! Or else I wi…” Your voice trails off as you notice the intense stare from the Witch’s eyes. Something changes when those eyes lock onto yours, and suddenly, you feel yourself become paralyzed by an unknown power. Your will to fight, in fact, your will to do anything, has just been washed away. Your mind becomes blank as your arms fall limply to your side. You have a sensation of being weightless, drifting into her eyes.

“What were you saying? Did you think you could fight me? Where did you get such silly ideas?” She scoffs, shaking her head with a pout. “I am the Witch, and you are my assistant. An assistant does not fight her master. It would be most unbecoming for an assistant to disobey her mistress’s wishes.”

She slowly walks toward you and places both hands around your shoulders while continuing to look directly into your eyes. “You will not defy what has been given to you by fate.” She says calmly but sternly.

“Yes!” You hear yourself say.

“Yes, what?” She asks firmly.

“Yes Mistress!” You respond energetically. You know somewhere in your being that you don’t want to answer her this way, but such feelings are becoming lost somewhere deep inside you. It feels good to obey. So good that your cock stiffens, straining against your pants.

The Witch smiles widely at hearing this, releasing one of her hands from your shoulder so she can gently stroke your cheek. Her fingers are soft yet firm against your face, making your heart race faster. Finally, she leans close to your ear. “Good girl! Very good.”

You are entirely lost.

“Now, take off your clothes!” The Witch commands you as she runs her fingertips along the edge of your jawline and down your neck. “We have much work to do today.” You obey immediately by pulling off your shirt and continuing until you are completely naked, your clothes discarded on the floor nearby. Your cock is standing to attention and twitching with desire.

“Now stand up straight and look pretty!” The Witch commands you as if you’re some kind of puppet on display for inspection. You can only comply with these demands by letting her lead you where she wants. She glances at your body before pushing you with surprising strength. You fall back onto the bed, and she stands over you, seemingly considering every detail of your body. Then her hand reaches out and touches your chest. She runs her fingers across your skin, and you shiver in delight as they glide over your nipples. They feel sensitive to the touch. Even in your trance, you feel your arousal grow to unbearable levels.

“Yes, I chose well, but I can’t handle having a man for my assistant. That would be quite unbecoming.” The Witch tells you while watching your reaction intently. “So, what do you need to do?”

Your eyes roll upwards to meet hers. You are utterly transfixed by her eyes, unable to form any coherent thoughts. You hear yourself moan and groan as she traces circles around your hardening nipple with her fingers. She giggles softly before moving her hands to hold your cock gently. As her fingers slip around your shaft.

You have no choice. Your cock stiffens even more, and you try to thrust it further into her hand. But her grip is tight enough that you can’t do it. “I asked what do you need to do? You are a man, but I want a woman! What must you do!?” The Witch asks again as you keep trying to grind into her hand.

“I need… to become….” You gasp as she lets your cock move a little in her soft hand.

She laughs lightly. “Become what? What must you become!? Come on, tell me.” She says with an innocent smile.

“A woman!” You cry out loudly, your voice full of excitement. Your whole body is shaking with lust and desire for this beautiful creature dominating your mind and body so thoroughly. It’s almost too much for you, and your eyes flutter closed before suddenly opening up. Her gaze is unwavering and all-consuming. You know now that she will never leave you until you give in to her demands. And once you give in to her needs, she will take whatever she wants from you—all the while commanding you like a dog in heat.

“Very good,” the Witch murmurs happily while switching to gently massaging your cock. “So, let’s begin. Let’s make the change.”

Her fingers slowly work their magic over your throbbing manhood, making your balls tingle with need and your cock grow harder by the moment. The feeling makes you tremble and causes something else within your body to stir awake and wake. Your breaths are quickening, and you can feel your pulse pounding faster through your veins. You then start to feel pressure spread across your body, a pressure kind of like being crushed by a giant boulder, only pleasurable at the same time. Finally, you hear yourself whimper as her delicate hands push against your hips, forcing your erection further into her grasp.

The pleasure builds up inside you quickly, and soon it feels like everything is turning into white-hot fire spreading throughout every part of you. You moan helplessly as you writhe under the Witch’s gentle touch, completely lost in this strange ecstasy. You’re not sure how to describe the feeling because nothing in your experience has felt anything similar before. It doesn’t matter; the more she plays with your cock, the more aroused you become. “Look at your feet!” The Witch suddenly commands with amusement. You look down your body to your toes just in time to catch them shrinking. Your whole feet seem to be deflating as you lose multiple shoe sizes. The new feet also seem to lose all blemishes as they develop clear, smooth-looking fair skin.

“Wonderful,” the Witch sighs with delight. “And it is continuing up your legs!” She says excitedly. “It’s incredible how fast it happens.”

You can only stare at the transformation taking place on your lower half while your crotch continues to push into the hand of the Witch. Your ankles shrink to match your new feet as your calves lose muscle, making them appear longer. Your thighs also change shape, developing fat as your ass pushes into the bed below as it grows significantly. This transformation, coupled with your skin becoming hairless and perfect, leaves you with a pair of incredibly shapely, feminine legs.

“That’s much better!” The Witch states happily, admiring your new lower half. You don’t hear her, though. Instead, you find yourself focusing on her hand wrapped around your cock. She seems to be moving faster and faster as she massages your shaft. You look at her hand and realize that she isn’t getting faster; instead, your cock is getting smaller. Your member is soon so tiny that it disappears into her palm like a little worm. Her grip tightens even further before closing entirely. Finally, she isn’t holding anything anymore. Instead, the Witch smoothly switches to pushing with her finger into your crotch. One finger slips inside easily with no resistance, and soon, quickly, so does another. As it goes deeper, you feel an alien feeling. A feeling of wetness quickly develops where her fingers are probing.

You whimper in delight as she squeezes both digits inside you in the most incredible way imaginable. You have never felt anything quite this pleasurable in all your life. You want more than anything for the Witch to continue this treatment, but you also want something beyond this pleasure—a primal need for more than just the two fingers currently invading you. The Witch keeps teasing your depths, going deeper and making you moan and pant with greater anticipation. You don’t think about her transforming your insides; you can’t really think of anything at all. You can only watch transfixed as her slender fingers plunge in and out of your brand new, wet pussy. The sensation overwhelms your senses as you melt into a pool of desire. As you continue to stare, in your peripheral vision you start to see two mounds appearing on your chest.

“You’re almost there,” The Witch tells you softly while squeezing her fingertips tighter, making you shudder with delight. You gaze down at yourself now, unable to comprehend anything but the feeling down below. You watch her fingers plunging in and out of your new labia while your vision is increasingly obscured by breasts swelling larger under their own volition, and soon they push themselves up from your torso and form firm round globes that rise proudly and unabashedly with two large nipples on top. You feel a rush of heat throughout your body which starts between your thighs and radiates outward through every inch of your skin until it becomes a searing flame of pure lust. It’s burning hotter at the moment. You feel like you are going to explode.

“Oh God!” You cry. The pleasure is so intense that not even your trance can stop you from crying. You feel a pinching sensation around your face while long red hair cascades around your new tits.

“Go on, darling, you are ready! Cum! Cum for me.” She commands as she squeezes your clit with her fingers.

“AAAAHHH! AHHHHHH! UUUUGGGHHHHH!” A woman’s cry leaves your lips as the fiery bliss within reaches its peak. Your whole body shakes and quakes with ecstasy, and you throw your head back and cry out at the ceiling. Every single inch of you resonates with the pleasure. You don’t want to let go of this feeling, but you can’t hold on. With one last scream, your climax passes over you in waves of overwhelming euphoria before finally releasing you. Your body convulses up from the bed before slumping back down, still twitching.

The Witch keeps squeezing tight on your sensitive little button while watching every twitch on your face as the orgasm takes you. Eventually, your spasms slowly fade away after a few minutes, and you regain a bit of your sanity.

“You did great!” The Witch cries happily as her hand slips free from your pussy. “You look amazing now. But I still need more from you, my Assistant.” The Witch states confidently. You nod without speaking and quickly sit up against the pillows on the bed next to her. Her eyes then narrow slightly when she notices how small you have become.

“A little shorter than I’d like, but it’s never an exact science. It should do for now, though,” the Witch says, rubbing her hands together greedily, a mischievous smirk crossing her lips.

You sit there, looking down at yourself, seeing how much you have changed. You are now a tiny woman, albeit a shapely one with a figure that any man would drool over. Your hips are wide while your waist is slender, giving you curves that would make any model jealous. Your breasts are full and firm, capped with large pink nipples. Your legs are feminine and long, while your hands and feet seem almost childlike compared to what you had before. No one would be able to guess you were once a man.

“So tell me, how does it feel?” The Witch asks excitedly while carefully inspecting every detail of your body. She pinches both of your newly formed mounds playfully as if checking for ripeness. She doesn’t say anything else until after she has spent some time examining every part of you. She leans towards you, kisses the tip of each new breast, and then licks along your neck and collarbone before pulling back. “Hmmm…. you taste wonderful too.”

She holds your chin gently in her fingers and stares deeply into your eyes as she speaks again. “I must admit, I’m quite happy with you so far.” You can see a soft smile spread across her face. “But your body is only half of the story! So let’s move on to the other important changes, shall we?” You can only nod silently as she pulls away from you.

“First off,” The Witch says warmly. Her gaze becomes more intense, seemingly lighting up with a strange aura. “What is your name?”

“I’m…” You start to answer, confidently trying to draw out your old name. Instead, nothing comes. “I’m…” A weird sense of loss suddenly strikes you. It feels like your memories are drifting away like smoke carried by the wind. There is nothing there anymore but empty blackness. Yet somehow, you still remember that you used to have a name before all this started happening. Your heart races, and you try desperately to remember, but it slips further and further from reach. But then you feel it get closer. You feel the name rise to the top of your very being. Your entire body tingles and burns with the sudden desire for you to shout out the answer that is now so important.

“Tell me!” The Witch demands, forcing your attention back down to look at her.

Your eyes widen in shock as you finally recognize yourself again.

“I’m the Witch’s Assistant. Or you can just call me the Assistant.” You say confidently.

The Witch nods approvingly. “That’s good. And where are you from?”

“I…” You know exactly what to answer now. The soul searching from earlier is no longer necessary. You know who you are. “I am from nowhere. I am only the Witch’s Assistant.” You stare into the Witch’s eyes with resolve and strength.

“That’s marvelous to hear, my little assistant.” She smiles broadly before asking. “And what are your hobbies?”

“None. I only serve the Witch.” You reply without hesitation.

“And any likes or dislikes?”

“I only like and dislike what the Witch desires me to.” You answer earnestly. This is now truly you.

“Wonderful. Now let me conjure some clothes for, and we can begin our work.” The Witch claps her hands, and clothes appear on your body. First is a long flowing black skirt that comes to mid-thigh length—next, a black shirt with a round neckline and sleeves that come to your wrists. Last, a pair of black high heels that fit perfectly on your feet.

“Now that is more fitting,” the Witch says as she looks over you. “My assistant must always look proper.” You know what she says is true. You must always look perfect while serving her. You nod silently, waiting for her following commands.

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