Willing Captives

Chris Harker had been with the DEA for fifteen years. He had led teams to bring the downfall of a dozen drug cartels and more than four thousand dealers. He was one of the best at his job in the agency, but tonight would be different from all other operations because they weren’t simply going after drug lords or small-time dealers; this time, the target was the most powerful drug cartel of them all. The Zetas! They have grown to be an even larger organization than the Sinaloa Cartel in recent years. Their leader, Heriberto Lozano, reached across Mexico and into America as far as South Texas, where they ran hit squads that would kill without mercy on orders given by Lozano himself.

A few days ago, Chris’ team and several other agencies, including the ATF, FBI, and ICE, raided a ranch just outside of Nuevo Leon state, close to the U.S./Mexico border. Chris hated going to Mexico; he hated Mexicans too, but the bust proved to be one of the biggest in Chris’s career, not so much due to the contraband they found, but instead due to the information they managed to acquire. The leader of the Zetas, Lozano himself, was going to meet with various members of his cartel in a lightly-guarded mansion complex not too far away from the ranch. It was the perfect opportunity to take the man down and hopefully put an end to an organization that had terrorized the region over the last decade.

It was a perfect opportunity, not for Chris but for Lozano, who had deliberately allowed the information to fall into Chris’s hand. Chris’s team lay dead, and Chris himself was wounded and captured. The Zetas who had ambushed the group had seemed determined to keep Chris alive. However, being kept alive wasn’t a good thing for Chris, as the Zetas were known for their brutal cruelty. After being dragged out of the ambush site, put into the back of an SUV, and driven away, Chris finally lost consciousness.


Chris awoke in darkness. He didn’t feel like he was moving anymore; he felt a soft bed beneath him and smelled fresh air. It took him a moment before the memories came rushing in: his team dead, the Zetas making sure to execute everyone but him. It also finally dawned on him how badly he must be hurt. He moved his hand across his body and realized he was naked, barring some bandages wrapped around different parts of his body. Next, Chris reached into the dark, feeling for a bedside table and a lamp. Next, he felt for a switch and turned on the lamp next to his head, which lit up the room completely. Their room was spacious and luxurious, with paintings hung on the walls, carpets on the floor, and carefully placed plants. A bathroom was attached to the room, alongside two windows looking out over a beautiful garden with a fountain. On the wall behind his bed, a mirror framed a painting. Chris noticed bars on the windows; he also noticed that they reinforced the exit with a heavy-looking steel door. Overall, he appeared to be in what amounted to a prison cell, but an exceptionally comfortable one. It was like a hotel room that you could never leave.

Chris carefully sat up, leaning against the edge of the bed to support himself. He checked his body and found his bandages to be clean. His body didn’t seem to be in much pain. How long had he been out? People had clearly been caring for him for a while. He found some clothes waiting for him and put them on. Unfortunately, they consisted of just a pair of boxer shorts and a loose t-shirt.

“You have been here for three weeks,” said a female voice. When Chris looked, he saw her standing next to an open doorway. “But you must feel like it’s been a single night,” she asked. This woman was tall and attractive, with shoulder-length brown hair. She wore a tight right silk qipao with a slit on one side, allowing you to see her smooth thigh. Her long legs were bare, with her shape greatly improved by a pair of red high heels. She had something strapped on her thigh that left a clear outline on the silk; it was a handgun. As Chris watched, relief spread across the woman’s face. “I’m glad to see that you are finally awake.”

“Who the fuck are-” Chris began to inquire but paused when he noticed something unusual about the woman, something other than her beauty. Yes, she was beautiful, and yes, she dressed provocatively, but she lacked the confidence Chris had come to expect from Zetas. The way she stood talking to him almost made her appear nervous. Then there were her eyes. Their green color of them was unnatural, deep in hue yet bright enough to sparkle at the same time. They shone like emeralds in the light of the lamps within the room. She walked closer to Chris, smiling nervously now.

“My name is Valentina,” she began, speaking excellent English while smiling. “I am one of Lozano’s many mistresses.” Chris raised an eyebrow at this, “Well, mistress might be a strong term for someone he keeps around his house for pleasure only. But anyway, my job recently has been to make sure you don’t die here. ” She gave Chris an awkward smile and said, “Lozano has plans for you.” Lots of big plans. “

Chris shook his head in disbelief, “Do you know that I work for the DEA?” Do you know how quickly your dumb spic head will roll when they find me? “

“We know all of that,” Valentina said calmly, “and we don’t care. They will never find you away.” A kind of sadness came over her face as well. “They never found me.”

“What do you mean?” Chris asked.

“Maybe you will understand later.” She pulled her gun lightning-fast from its strap. “Now, you must come with me.” Lozano wants to see you. “


Valentina led Chris down a hallway until they came to a door at the end of the hall. Valentina knocked once and then pushed open the door. Inside was a large living room. A long couch with cushions and pillows was in the middle of the room. To the right of the sofa was a coffee table covered in a few books and magazines. Opposite the couch was a massive desk with several computer monitors. Besides the desk was a chair with a man sitting in it. He wore a lab coat and was typing away on a keyboard. As soon as he saw Valentina, he looked up. He said something to Valentina in Spanish. Chris had never picked up much Spanish, even when working in and around Mexico for so many years. He had never wanted to. The two spoke for a while before the man turned back to his work.

“He will monitor you,” Valentina explained. She pointed to a door next to the desk. “You must go through there and wait.” Chris thought about fighting back but realized that he would stand no chance. Even if he did, they would catch him long before he could get away. So he simply nodded and went into the room, closing the door behind him. The room was metallic and empty. Chris heard the door lock behind him. It felt cold and damp in the room, like it was underground. He took a seat on the floor, looking around the room.

“Hello, Mr Harker,” said a voice from behind him. Chris turned to see a man standing in the doorway. He was tall and thin, wearing a suit and tie. His head was bald with tanned skin and a small scar running across his forehead. He smiled warmly at Chris, who glared back. Chris already knew who this man was. He had seen his photo thousands of times.

“I am Lozano, pleased to meet you.” Lozano’s hand played with a gun underneath his jacket. Under his suit, you could see the layers and layers of tattoos that gang members usually have in Mexico.

“DEA Chris Harker,” Chris replied, not bothering to hide his rage.

“Yes, I know exactly who you are,” Lozano said calmly. His Mexican accent was thick, which made Chris angrier still.

So why am I here? Why didn’t you kill me already? “

“Yes, brutal torture and death. That’s the norm for us, Zetas. But I have something much worse for you, Chris Harker, DEA. “Something even more terrible than your death.”

“What the fuck do you mean?” Chris asked, getting to his feet.

“You are going to love me,” Lozano said.

“Yeah, I bet I will,” he remarked sarcastically.

“I am going to tell you a story, Chris. A man called Karl Zucker. You know him? “

“Yes.” Replied Chris. Of course he did. Karl Zucker was an agent like Chris, who had gone missing a year ago—presumed dead, of course.

“You were just with him.”

“What? He is dead. “

“He is not dead. You are just admiring his legs, I am sure. The Chinese dress suits her so well. Don’t you think?”

“What the hell are you talking about?”

“Valentina is Karl Zucker.” Lozano laughed. “The woman I assume you thought about fucking at least once tonight was once one of your colleagues.”

“What the fuck?” Chris replied, trying to maintain composure. “I think you need to study English more, as you are making no sense, you dumb spic!”

“Don’t be rude, Chris.” Lozano said calmly, “It will just make it worse.”

“Fuck off!” Chris spat.

“How about a demonstration from this…” He paused for a moment before smiling broadly. “A demonstration from this stupid spic. Surely, a spic like me must speak Spanish? So let’s switch to using that language.”

“I won’t…” Chris stopped as a kind of loud humming started in the room and quickly got so loud that that was all he could hear. His head started to ache wildly as the noise forced its way into his mind. It was clawing and gnawing at Chris’s consciousness itself.

“What are…” Chris started to speak, but the muscles in his mouth seemed to become numb and wouldn’t move how he wanted them to. Finally, “Qué…” came from his lips as a lifetime of muscle memory was changed and old patterns in his brain were rewritten.

Next the words “Qué estás hacienda?” Escaped Chris’s lips in Spanish while he’d meant to ask what was happening in English.

“Ah, it’s much better to hear Spanish,” Lozano said happily in Spanish. “I have been working on this for a while now. It’s amazing what you can do with the right technology.”

“Oh my god, what did you do to me?” asked Chris in Spanish. He was now thinking in Spanish and could understand Spanish perfectly. It felt like his native language and came effortlessly from his lips. He forced himself to switch to English. “How did you do this?” He asked with a strong accent.

Lozano kept speaking Spanish. “The science behind it is long and boring and not something to share. So now, I’m just thinking if I should keep going or end it here like I did with Valentina and leave you with good English. ” His face broke into an evil grin. “But you called me a dumb spic, so let me strip every word of English.”

“What, no!” Chris replied desperately as the buzzing filled his head again. “I can’t forget…” He tried speaking English, but it became harder and harder. I can’t forget… Inglés. No puedo olvidar el inglés! ” His final words came out as perfect Spanish, finalizing a transition to being monolingual. Chris could now speak nothing but Spanish.

“Good, that should do it,” Lozano said with a smile.

“No, no, no, please, don’t do this,” Chris begged in his new tongue.

“Oh, this is just the beginning. We are going to have fun together, Chris Harker DEA. I am going to enjoy making you mine.

“Stop!” Chris cried out.

“Now, your body.” His eyes travelled down Chris’s body. “With Valentina, we made her a sleek, slender beauty, but for you, I am feeling someone with more assets.” “He said with a laugh.”

“Please, I beg you. Please stop.”

“I will not stop until I get what I want.” So, let me show you. ” Lozano said as the buzzing increased in intensity.

“Please, no!” Chris screamed as the buzzing turned to pain across his body. First, he felt his hair beginning to grow longer. Then he saw black and silky smooth fill his vision as his fringe grew. Next, he watched his skin turn from pale white to brown. His fingers and toes receded as his feet and hands became more petite and slender. He could feel his nipples growing more prominent and darker as his chest expanded, causing his t-shirt to begin tightening at the chest. He also noticed his height declining as his limbs reshaped themselves. Lozano seemed to be much taller than he was a moment ago, with Chris’s arms becoming weak and his legs becoming shapely and toned. He looked down and stared at his changing body. He was hairless, and his skin looked incredibly smooth and supple.

“Oh god, stop this!” He cried.

But the transformation continued at a fast pace. First, Chris’s boxers strained painfully as his hips widened and his stomach shrank. Next, his waist narrowed, and his thighs thickened. Finally, his facial features began to change. He developed an eloquent, sharp nose with wide, kissable lips. His cheeks became rounder while a tingling sensation caused Chris to close his eyes. His eyes grew larger while his irises changed color from blue to brown.

“You are starting to look like a. What did you say, a dirty spic?” Lozano said with his evil grin broader than ever.

Chris then felt his cock get incredibly hard, harder than it had ever been before. He looked down and saw it strain harshly again in his boxers. There was nothing for it. He pulled the pants down to relieve the pain and, in doing so, revealed his sex to Lozano, who just laughed.

“Oh god!” He shouted as he suddenly came loudly without any provocation. His semen hitting the ground in front of him. As this happened, contractions within his groin forced his balls to suck into his body as his penis receded. He felt an intense sensation between his legs. It was half pleasurable and half painful as the skin reformed as the entrance to a new vagina. He felt the wetness between his legs as fresh labia pulled apart, leading to a growing cervix and a swelling womb. He looked down and saw his cock vanish into his new clit, and his balls had long since sucked into himself to form a new pair of ovaries.

“Oh my fucking god!” He then cried out as his new pussy began to burn with lust. Suddenly, new hormones raged, and his body craved sex. He needed to fuck. His new slender fingers found their way down to his new pussy.

“Good, let it all out!” called Lozano, watching with a twisted fascination.

Chris felt embarrassed as he began to masturbate in front of the cartel leader. He imagined a man’s cock inside his vagina, picturing the man’s hands gripping his ass. The buzzing was still there, filling his senses. He was fingering himself furiously, moaning and whimpering as his clit throbbed. He imagined the man who was holding him and who was fucking him. “It was Lozano.” Chris then threw his loose t-shirt off, revealing his brown nipples and big breasts. He began caressing them as he played with himself right there.

Chris started moaning louder and louder, eventually letting out a scream of pleasure as his first womanly orgasm ripped through his body. His eyes rolled back in his head, and he felt a wave of pleasure wash over him. Next, he felt his new cunt spasm, and he gasped as his pussy convulsed.

Oh, fucking God, it feels so fucking good!” He cried out in his perfect Spanish as he climaxed again and again. He felt his body tense up, and his muscles go rigid. His eyes went wide as he felt the orgasm surge through his body. He felt his chest contract around his fingers, and he screamed out loud as his pussy exploded again, falling to the floor as he climaxed. He became she, a wave of orgasmic pleasure. But it wasn’t enough; she wanted a man. She felt herself becoming more and more aroused as she thought about having a cock inside her. She needed to fuck. She felt her body grow hot as her pussy juices start to drip from her pussy. She needed to have it desperately, and she had no thoughts other than sex.

“Please fuck me! “she begged Lozano. “Just fuck me right now!”

“I don’t think so,” Lozano replied. “I don’t fuck men, especially men of the DEA,” said Harker.

“Please, oh God, fuck me!” she begged again.

“Then tell me who you are!” demanded Lozano.

Chris felt her body trembling with lust. She didn’t care who she was anymore. She would give anything for a cock at this moment.

“I am not Chris Harker of the DEA.” She cried. “I am your… I am just your little mistress. Just your little slut. “

“Good, keep going!”

I was wrong to call you a spic, to look down on Mexicans. I am Mexican. I am a dirty spic slut! “

“And your name?” He ordered

“Lula! I am Lula! ” She cried.

“Good, now come here.”

Lula lurched towards Lozano, and he grabbed her arm. He pulled her closer to her and kissed her deeply. She felt her pussy spasm, and she began to grind against his leg. He reached down and undid his pants, and pulled them down. She felt his large, fat cock rub against her thigh as he grabbed her tits and massaged them.

“You are good little chica, eh!” He moaned as his dick grew even harder. He pushed her backwards, and she fell onto the hard floor. Lula was so lustful that she didn’t feel any pain and just waited for the moment to come. Lozano fell on her and thrust herself into her. Lula felt the most extraordinary sensation as his shaft pushed into her new vagina. She felt like he was filling her. Lula’s body shuddered as he started to pump her. She wrapped her arms around his neck and held on tightly as he pounded her again and again. His cock was sliding in and out of her pussy. Lula felt her body begin to shake as he came, again and again, her pussy squeezing his cock as she milked him.

“I am Lula… I am your mistress. I am your whore! ” She screamed as the cartel boss began to climax too. She felt his cock twitch inside her, and she cried out loud as she felt his semen shoot deep into her womb. Finally, he collapsed on top of her as they came down from their sexual high.

“That was incredible. You are such a good little slut,” Lozano whispered.

“O dios mio!” Lula gasped as the buzzing finally started to die down. “I guess I am!”


Lula quickly became Lozano’s favourite mistress, and he visited her the most. She loved the attention he gave her, let alone the gifts. The most recent gift was a pair of red lingerie that the chica currently wore as she sat on the bed waiting for her man. She thought about her old life as Chris Harker for a moment but quickly pushed that idea out of her mind. She was nothing but a good little Mexican slut now. She didn’t need to remember anything else.

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